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File: 61 KB, 1280x720, brics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55333226 No.55333226 [Reply] [Original]

>BRICS Considers #Bitcoin
As Alternative to US Dollar

>> No.55333235

Great link faggot

>> No.55333255

Literally who.

>> No.55333259

Literally announced last night, slowbro. Didn't help or hurt anything.

>> No.55333282

Official statement or just some twitter faggot?

>> No.55333292

kys shitskin faggot

>> No.55333294

Yeah. Just some twitter faggot click baiting

>> No.55333299

how do i invest in brics

>> No.55333309
File: 977 KB, 1440x1080, Goofy gun point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely important reminder that BRICS isn't any kind of formal alliance or even economic organization, it's just an economic classification that was based on growth trends in the mid-2000s that largely no longer apply.

>> No.55333311

europoors btfo

>> No.55333316

Rosneft, gasprom. Not for Americans or Europeans

>> No.55333350

And now its an organization

>> No.55333360

It is not, in any capacity. Stop spreading this horseshit. You can easily google it yourself.

>> No.55333365

>India and China in the same alliance
Fucking kek

>> No.55333400

so i can't then. fuck

>> No.55333402
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>> No.55333437
File: 931 KB, 1200x1200, vews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not alliance but organization just like g7
Weird cope of you

>> No.55333452
File: 268 KB, 571x715, 1687046401397874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRICS buying up all the gold
>"let's use this 2 tx/s, clogged up blockchain to represent all our wealth!"
Do you idiots really believe this?

>> No.55333464

Hardly an organization. There is one summit without any further meaning same as G7. It's not an institution

>> No.55333468


>> No.55333478

Wrong. Initially it was that but now it's evolving to an economic treaty

>> No.55333483

He made it up

>> No.55333495

Type it into Google all you get is a bunch of click bait shit. The only good article in this regard from the past month is one by coindesk where somebody speculates about dollar alternatives for oil producing countries and a bitcoin-like currency for international oil trade. The rest disgusting uncreative bullshit click bait

>> No.55333519

None of them trust the currencies of the others. Russia is already struggling with excess Indian rupees it cannot find a way to use. Dedollarization will have to happen through a third party medium none of them control. It cannot be Bitcoin for technical reasons already stated ITT. My best bet is a collegially controlled CBDC. I do not see that happening fast though.

>> No.55333537

So your bots are now repeating the narratives I tried to introduce a month ago. Congrats it was bullshit. No sane nation would take a currency for international settlements that is controlled by a bunch of genx fag fail trolls and American private sector jews

>> No.55333556

Yes its bullshit

>> No.55333576

you think actual governments are going to put their wealth into a Bitcoin? Bitcoin glows brighter than the Sun. Only a retard that will eventually be killed by his people would do something so idiotic.

>> No.55333946


>> No.55334258
File: 63 KB, 712x475, USA Cross2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine with me. Always makes me laugh how BRICS think they can dethrone the US by changing currencies and stealing IP, and other pussy ass shit.

US Government Is Now Top Bitcoin Whale.


>> No.55334275

***plus I get rich

>> No.55334296

The US govt is a crony partner with mega corporations. It is one step away from the textbook definition of facism, hiding behind a marxist veneer of woke policies to keep you guessing while they rob you blind. Why would you align yourself with the powered elites who are destroying you instead of defending the bill of rights and trying to take back your country? Are you that weak?

>> No.55334737

>Why would you align yourself with the powered elites who are destroying you instead of defending the bill of rights
1. Thread is about BRICs
2. Look at the picture again

>> No.55334948

The article is good, read it

>> No.55335104

The solution is gold... But in digital form. There needs to be a distributed database (sure that's necessary to prevent mismanagement). But the underlying token needs to be pegged and redeemable for gold.

>> No.55335124

>As Alternative to US Dollar
The bull run we've been waiting for has finally arrived. Already gathered my ADA, XRP, CYMI, ACH and CRO bags waiting for the bull run.
>Fuck the US
>Thanks the BRICS

>> No.55335387

Nice bait