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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55287680 No.55287680 [Reply] [Original]

the inflation is just a prank, bro

>> No.55287704
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It's only a prank if you're not stacking silver.

>> No.55287711

It actually is. When you think about it its kinda funny because its completely self imposed. Like theres nothing requiring you to use the dollar bitcoins been out over a decade. Its like that childs game of stop hitting yourself except the guy isn't even holding your arms.

>> No.55287714
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Prank this.

>> No.55287810
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The absolute worst thing you could do to """protect""" yourself from inflation is to """"""invest"""""" in Silver as it's the exact opposite of a hedge against inflation. Silver was $49 in 2011 and today it's crabbing around $26-$20 and that's WITH inflation having massively increased since 2011 and rising exponentially. But it's EVEN WORSE than that as it was nearly $50 in 1980 and since 1980 inflation has increased even more than since 2011. So over time you actually LOSE wealth by holding Silver. Which is precisely why the jews want you to go all-in on Silver, why they're promoting it so heavily -- while simultaneously attacking crypto which they fear. They want tpeople who want to protect themselves from inflation to make the worst investment choices possible, and Silver is one of the very worst.

>inb4 JlDF gets mad at me for telling the truth and calls me a jew
I denounce the talmud and the torah and israel has no right to exist and "The Holocaust" is fake.
>Countless of times throughout history, jews have said they're being "hoIocausted" and "six million" of them killed:
>The HoIocaust - Made In Russia:
>The HoIocaust - Why We Believed (a part 2 was never made)
>Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Order 14/43:
>Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Special Order 14.02.1944:
>the Hellstorm documentary in high quality:

>> No.55288172

nobody bought the top in 2011 or 1980 you stupid faggot, that's why the price collapsed.

>> No.55289375
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>is unable to deny that fiat-price-of-asset-staying-the-same-during-inflation = value-of-asset-falling, which equals loss of one's funds when holding said asset

>> No.55290310 [DELETED] 

The tranny mod is an abusing schizo deleting threads and banning people for no reason.
Please report this piece of shit at https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.55290455

If you didn’t buy the top you’re fine jew

>> No.55291997

silver is a jewish scam