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55271495 No.55271495 [Reply] [Original]

release the Swift confirmation on the day the SEC sued Binance and Coinbase?

>> No.55271517

francisco voy a ir a la smarcon a meterte un navajazo payaso

>> No.55271526
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>> No.55271527

For those not following last week, the Binance news was released on June 5th, whereas all the releases/articles about Link and Swift came out AFTER on the 6th. So CL and Swift could have delayed the news if they wanted to.

Lets say it was done purposely, what is the strategy here?

>> No.55271536

token not needed

>> No.55271557

El comemierdas este se merece una mojaita a la de ya

>> No.55271580

Chainlink, the true cup of coffee store of value.
Fuck you niggers

>> No.55271581
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Cage fight boxing match between chad francisco and cringe chainlinkgod at smartcon. Winner gets 1 million chainlink

>> No.55271583

Based Francisco

>> No.55271646

Of course, just like FTX was collapsed during the project cedar and NYIC announcements last september

They like to release their plans publicly during massive distractions to try to cheat their own perceived Karmic retribution by releasing their plans publicly. It's not their fault you didn't pay attention, obviously!

>> No.55271690

There is 100% a desire to create a paper trail of “look, we told you” but to do it in a context that minimises the likelihood of anyone actually figuring it out and getting excited.
I have no idea why they have chosen this approach.

>> No.55271700

alli os espero maquinas pero no teneis dinero ni para compraros el ticket

>> No.55271709

No vais a hacer nada sois unas maricas

>> No.55271756

Looks like Francisco made a proper idiot of himself. How embarassing. Talk about timing kek

>> No.55271824

I wish I would have sold at $51. I had 11500 link at the time. Celsius and Bancor raped me. I now have 5000 link left and literally no good news will pump link anymore.

>> No.55271840

when chainlink goes parabolic and small fish finally notices and they cant yell 'OH YOU RELEASED THIS TECHNOLOGY AND DIDNT LET ANYONE BUY IN YOU JUST MADE YOURSELF RICH ITS NOT FAIR'. it was all fair, right there

>> No.55271849

I bet you used to smugly post pepes with "didnt read; never selling"
The link cult has been shaming and ridiculing people who talked about selling for years. You made your bed now lay in it linkies

>> No.55271855

Francisco: sendo marico

>> No.55271946

spaniard faggots, you still have a monarchy fags

>> No.55272005

yeah it feels like it's happened several times now so there's a pattern. I just don't understand why though

>> No.55272017

Is this a thing that happens? Like can you point to another example of this in the past

>> No.55272022

It’s honestly like the powers that be absolutely despise retail and want as few of them as possible to make it. Which actually surprised me. The level of malice was surprising.

>> No.55272034

Holy cheese on toast this guy has legit lost it how is he managing to function in daily life

>> No.55272056

Seeing faggots like Francisco and fudders (twitter late buyers) act like this makes me happy that LINK is dumping. Imagine a world where these retards make it.

>> No.55272083

It probably has but its different than in decades past because of the 24/7 news cycle due to internet/social media. So in the past all you had to do was keep something out of mainstream media to keep the public/retail away. Now you have to actively distract and fud, due to alternative sources of information. Not that you didn't have that as well 20-30 years ago, but it wasn't needed anywhere near to the level it is now.

Perfect example, GME. Its a joke now that seasoned traders just make money on, but the initial event actually did catch hedge funds/institutions off guard, due to the way information asymmetry spreads now thanks to the internet. Active measures now have to be taken to fleece the public.

>> No.55272090
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Do you get more followers when you post screenshots of your tweets on /biz/?
Is there some value that you gain from having these followers?

I'm just trying to understand your motivation for doing this. It's something I've never considered doing, and I have no twitter account nor do I care to, but it must be of a great importance to you since you post screenshots here so frequently. Why?

>> No.55272121

Someone get chad francisco to come to /biz/ and do an ama. He is a man who has lost it all and is brave enough to get revenge on scamgey

>> No.55272166

good to see franfran still cant do basic math considering the date

my schizo take would be to signal that link is protected from the securities classification
for 2 years people have been fudding that swift would drop sergey like a brick at the slightest hint of sec action
the day after the biggest regulatory nuke in the west swift itselfs namedrops chainlink, they dont do yolo releases nor unvetted info drops
so really do you need to ask what it means

>> No.55272214

Do you think I'm Francisco lol? I can assure you I'm not, but I do laugh my ass off reading his posts.

yeah I hear that but my question is, is the team in on it? Do they want a lower price for now?

>> No.55272252

That actually makes sense and is pretty damn bullish now that I think about it

>> No.55272256

The team are the ones making the announcement right in the middle of the shitshow.
If the timeline went Chainlink announcement THEN SEC chaos you could argue that link were being attacked.
But the team chose to release that information <24 hours after the SEC shitshow began. There is literally no way they’re not in on it. Why? Who the fuck knows. They all hate us. The team, the regulators, the banks. All of them.

>> No.55272336

Absolutely 100% certified grade a5 hopium

>> No.55272343

Simplest answer is sergey is utterly incompetent. Thats why his 2.5 billion dollar valued company makes 0 profit

>> No.55272372

well to be honest about it and you cant anymore considering all the fuddies, but link did a premined ico back in the day so that would be enough to call it a security, cant call yourself a utility token without even a mainnet
it would be very hard to justify the ico not being an investment contract with an expectation of profit
however everything since done and how link runs now is trully prefectly tuned to avoid triggering any securities classification even subtle but beautiful stuff like the alert button that makes staking 100% legit
but of course the danger of its start still lingered so that has to be massaged and messaged to the big bois via the usual methods of doing so
in the end we can thank sergey for insisting on an open ico where everyone had a fair share to participate, for if they did a closed ico big boy round it would have simplified things for them

>> No.55272401
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get out of link and stay out it's not what you think

>> No.55272420

>what is the strategy here
Desperately trying to keep the token price from dumping below $5
>but muh hiding strategy
If CLL weren't trying to inflate the token price (and failing), they wouldn't have promised that CCIP would be released in 2022.

>> No.55272446
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>> No.55272767

Stick to Twitter, Toon

>> No.55272802
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>Do you think I'm Francisco lol? I can assure you I'm not, but I do laugh my ass off reading his posts

>> No.55273111

t. francisco

>> No.55273238
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>> No.55273682

No the team is not "in on it", more likely there is an implicit understanding that due to macro, nothing is going to pump the market right now, so the timing on any sort of news or event doesn't matter. To add, if they are confident in the product they are delivering, they don't care about a short term retail pump anyways.

>> No.55273740

espero que aparezcas, de corazón. tu no sabes quien onions yo, pero yo si sé quien eres tú. Si das la nota con toda probabilidad te saquen a la calle tras pisarte la cabeza, y una vez fuera terminarás de tragarte los dientes :)

>> No.55273766

You think it’s a coincidence this marketing blitz kicked off at the absolute nadir of market sentiment and peak regulatory fud?

>> No.55273799

okay Baron von Rotten

>> No.55273858

ccip will enable new innovations and new scams to be built for the next bull market.

>> No.55274011

CLL has been cautious of the SEC since 2016. Everyone else is only just now realizing how stupid they were by referring to "investors", talking about price, and hyping up their project. Never stops amazing how far ahead these guys thought but man I am getting tired of waiting.

>> No.55274056

joder que valiente eres, anonimo, y solo te atreves a 'pegarme' cuando ya otros supuestamente me han pegado, menudo pringado me puedes comer los huevos por debajo del culo

>> No.55274115

Gonzales will never say nigger live at Smartcon cap this

>> No.55274523

What a stupid asshole.

>> No.55274622

If they don’t want us to own CL or at least not nearly as much as we do…why don’t they just give us all a nice town to live in like Jupiter, Florida… occupy the nice mansions… give us as many Asian whores as we want in exchange for giving up 90% of our link. So we still own just enough but not enough to like do any stupid shit to fuck with them. I mean only 3,000 people have more than 10k. 3,000 is a small tiny town.

>> No.55274649

To add to this all you faggots who want to change the world for the better, political fuck you money and what not. Suck a dick. Muuuh saving humanity bullshit. 80% of Americans took the covid vaccine. Fuck them.

>> No.55274790

ching chong bingy bong ching ching ching chong

>> No.55275017

i really dont get this part either, are the glowies really that dumb and think we are all pol
i dgaf about any of that i just want to get enough to dissociated from clown world and never have to show up to a cage ever again
i'll leave political crap to the retards that think that normies can be saved, protip they cant
do these guys really think that at most a 1000 autists fucking of to the bahamas or dubai and live the live of modern day recluse is a threat to them

>> No.55275102

>i really dont get this part either, are the glowies really that dumb and think we are all pol

yes, the link army were always self advertising as cartoon frog maga nazis. things have changed now but they are permanently tainted

>> No.55275175

Associating with nazi pol chud losers is always bearish. See ICP

>> No.55275392

I was always under the impression the ICP stuff was link og's larping to fuck with /pol/ tourists during the bullrun. It was common knowledge on this board that ICP was a scam, there were threads warning people about it, the moonman larp came after all that.

>> No.55276814

ill usually shill xrp and icp personally
sometimes bsv but no one even takes the bait with that anymore

>> No.55276823
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>> No.55276859

yeah i basically just want fuck you money so that i know my kid will be able to skip all the globohomo shit and not die in a pod while eating bugs
i stopped caring about my fellow man the second i saw personal friends and acquaintances nodding their heads to the idea that the experimental clotshot should be forced on people

>> No.55276913
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Amen. I don't give a fuck about this country or the have nots making noise. I just want to fuck off with a pile of money, chill, and fuck sluts. I may sympathize with some chudlet viewpoints, but if I have the means, I give no fucks about the ends. I want INSULATION. I want a well feathered nest. That's all.

>> No.55276925

Disgusting. You're all demons.

>> No.55276939
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>> No.55277255

If they don't want us to own it all they have to do is pump the price to $81k and I'd consider selling part of my stack I guess

>> No.55277661

>release the Swift confirmation on the day the SEC sued Binance and Coinbase?
Or did the SEC go after binanace/coinbase the day Swift posted about link?

>> No.55277686

only redditors like you fell for sams fud

>> No.55277717
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Many such cases

>> No.55277750

Tú y cuántos más como tú, qué eres la putita del estafador de sergey?

>> No.55278093

Haber comprao a buen precio, comepollas sujetabolsas.

>> No.55279744

thats the one that did it to me too, the fast majority of the normies demanded that the clotshot be enforced, after that they can all live in the pod and be happy
the coof really showed to me why the elite treat them as cattle they simply are
and after the whole thing you found out how life carried on as usually in third world vacation destinations with almost no restrictions really makes you think
i already can see it coming all the normie scum can go and get drafted to die in the donbas, while i am pretty sure life on any of the islands will still be a nonstop party

>> No.55280037

based thread

>> No.55280120

they are just protecting token holders from LINK being deemed a security because no one would expect a return from buying LINK when the team is actively sabotaging the price

>> No.55280155

>Speaking Spanish means you are from Spain.
I'm an urufag and I say kill em all

>> No.55280235

nah it was clear the SEC news came first. Read up in the thread some more.

I don't know that things are permanently tainted but those memes definitely do us any favors a few years ago. Similar to others I don't care about any political bs I just want to take a few million and carve out a peaceful life for myself.

>> No.55280247

Checked. The sentiment has changed over the years. You think the elite don't realise this? That they don't realise link marines think the same way as they do now after the last 4 years? In their mind you are a variable they cannot control, and what they cannot control they remove. In there mind you are not meant to make it. And they will do everything in their power to ensure as many people sell as possible. You know it to be true.

>> No.55280276

Binance was sued the day before, and Coinbase got sued literally like two minutes before the Swift news.

>> No.55280341

Just think. If they were so sure they are winning we wouldn't have so much propaganda against us. I'm not saying*it's afraid* meme but they are at least concerned.
Tin foil hat poorfag hobos autistic screeching. Calm
Somewhat adjusted high IQ anons discussing how to fight the globohomo with a nice chunk of money. Panik

>> No.55280947

>against us
but its not, its against pol
how many threads do you see here discussing fighting against globohomo, we just want to fuck of with our fuck you money
this is the fundamental difference between us and poorfag wagies on pol, at the end of it we need wagies to clean up or our making it doesnt matter
pols vision is everyone working for the glory of the nation/people
no thank you i am not dumb enough to fall for that again

>> No.55281208

>the coof really showed to me why the elite treat them as cattle they simply are
So much this

>> No.55281835

Fool, why are you busy clarifying shit that's happened already instead of coping on how to max out with next opportunity. If you like study every LINK news, you'll are never gonna be rich with it. I regret ever accumulating LINK when I should have stacked more QNT or NXRA. Ridiculous attention thread.

>> No.55282395

Assassination Smart Contracts are like an opposite nuke. A nuke will kill everything but not just anything. ASC's can kill anything but not everything. It only makes sense for them to not want too many having this power, since it changes the power balance similarly to the invention of steel at the end of the bronze age.

>> No.55282485 [DELETED] 
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I wish biz had flags so we could see that you're a stinky poojeet

>> No.55282612
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It'd be funnier if the timing was always accidental and Sergey is like man I just can't catch a break.

>> No.55282666

based francisco
hope he gets his revenge and sergey gets what he deserves

>> No.55282689
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That man is nowhere near fat enough.
I made a small change.

>> No.55282780

ironic considering ICP was the reddit bait to keep faggots like you out of the bullrun. Nobody that has ever bought ICP is in green.

>> No.55283580

>Nobody that has ever bought ICP is in green.
Of course ICP us for static beings who don't have foresight to chase fame on BTC, ETH, NXRA, EGLD or other gems flying around.

>> No.55285355

You're an original Bizraeli. That was the sentiment years ago. While pol is busy screaming into the void, Biz is plotting their escape. pol likes to take credit for our works, claiming we are the financial arm of pol. They can think what they like. Bizrael has always been her own nationstate, with her own goals, and her own ideals. And pol will be unpleasantly surprised when it begs for aid.

>> No.55286499
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>> No.55287644
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>> No.55287849

Today was the first time I've considered selling my stack to buy a car. I've been out of the loop for months. Why are we feeling good about link right now bros? What have I missed?

>> No.55287937

Oooh linkies

>> No.55287960

link labs biggest achievement is creating the ultimate braindead bagholder

>> No.55288123

las vagas mole people are accumulating

>> No.55289350

Compré a $0.14 subnormal, pero llevo 6 años siendo el rehén del gordo de mierda anormal