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55277149 No.55277149 [Reply] [Original]

why do women do this and other influencers? she claims to score 118 on mensa norway and thinks her FSIQ is 118 rofl shes likely <105 since she came from a poor family. her edge is referral link thats about it. norway only correlates .5 with ravens which is another omega lul. why are influencers so retarded today. including ben armstrong and ben armstrong that charges 29-$129/month for subjective analyiss that doesnt yield statistical edge. mind boggling that faggies pay for this

>> No.55277153

>myers briggs

rofl this is peak retardation

>> No.55277154

Damn she looks perfect

>Dark hair
>Dark eyes
>Small subtle but cute tattoos on legs

>> No.55277155

ben armstrong is gross

>> No.55277177

shes a 5 and isnt intelligent

>> No.55277188

>Small subtle tattoos
Yeah, nah.

>> No.55277206

i would have sex with her if you know what I mean

>> No.55277221

>274 replies
>simps like OP marketing her on other sites
Fuck off

>> No.55277263

118 IQ is still midwit tier, not something to advertise.

>> No.55277271

not bad for a woman though

>> No.55277320

Yeah the huge unicorn wrapped around her legs is real subtle

>> No.55277329

>INTP with tattooes
yeah... no

>> No.55277348

She's Jewish with no milkers and she shags with other ct retards

>> No.55277362
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>brown eyes
>PoS shitcoins

>> No.55277370

Someone tell her that she doesn't have anymore eggs and her ovaries are dried up and that's the reason why we don't want her

>> No.55277385

If I was not socially inept I would gladly rug those retards. Simps are worse than women

>> No.55277448

>brown eyes
no thank you.

>> No.55277621

lmao, dumb INFP poser

>> No.55277636

I wifed up a blue eyed woman, but brown eyeds are great for shagging, anon

>> No.55277653

Having tatoos is inversely correlated to IQ.
She's around 100IQ with thoses big ugly fucking tatoos.
Having sleeping issues doesn't mean someone is smart.

>> No.55277657

nobody cares about the iq, personality, or hobbies of the person they're fucking

>> No.55277676


>> No.55277696
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FUCK shes hot tho. My cock forgives her dumbness.

>> No.55277699

incel hands typed all that

>> No.55277708

>118 iq
>thinks myers briggs is legit

>> No.55277713

this, all 130+ iqs have already took the socionicspill

>> No.55277767

Tattoos are a signal to you to run away.

>> No.55277876

socionics are not that much different from mbti. you should study function stack defined by Jung if you think determining your personality type has any merit.

>> No.55277891

socionics is based on the jung's function stack, without messing it up. in my own experience, the latest model G is the closest one to reality


>> No.55277945

you may be right but i haven't studied it too much myself apart from visiting one of those socionics consultants in high school.

>> No.55277954

>118 IQ
Better than everyone in this thread. Yeah, including me, I'm not delusional like you people.

>> No.55278333


>> No.55278345

>u can save me but u don't want to
Refreshing to see the grift THAT obvious, to be honest.

>> No.55278370

i have never done an IQ test and never will, i hate this iq cult shit

>> No.55278386

If you weren't homeschooled, you took a "standardized test" that was an IQ test.

>> No.55278395

No woman actually that smart would get tattoos on herself that will mark her out as trash, and exclude her from marriage with successful men that might amplify her success with cooperation or family.

>> No.55278399

>i have never done an IQ test and never will, i hate this iq cult shit
spotted the IQlet

>> No.55278448

>Leg tat
>Seeks attention on social media
Discarded x2

>> No.55278763

4chan has a lot of 130+ IQ autists

>> No.55278853

Well said

Looks like shes on her way to 40?

>> No.55278898
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>sometimes i yell

no thanks, hard pass

>> No.55278899

Evidence intp and intj is irrelevant for females

>> No.55279065

>I didn’t study the subject I voice my opinions about
>hurr mbti is bad because
clinically narcissistic midwit, if mbti was shit 50% of /pol/ and /biz/ by extension wouldn’t be intp/intj

>> No.55279081

You're that faggot who keeps posting these retarded astroturfed A.I. Dark Brandon images on /pol/.
Total Redditor death now.

>> No.55279091

this is the one where they took a photo of her flat ass right?

>> No.55279100
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>norway only correlates .5 with ravens which is another omega
What the fuck are you saying?

>> No.55279203

105 probably beats the average of /biz/
t. 150

>> No.55279222

>small and subtle
Lol fucking retard

>> No.55279332
File: 103 KB, 708x726, 4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondering how much cum she swallowed this couple of years.

>> No.55279541

that's her? from that cringe charles photo? hilarious.

>> No.55279564

In 2005. Now collectively it’s mostly 80-90. Anyone who has been here a long time knows it’s true.

>> No.55279590

Damn she's been around for a long time. That picture is canon in the crypto lore, in my mind. Probably has money but is too old and weird to have anything else.

>> No.55279684

could 80 IQ users even solve a captcha?

>> No.55279727

80-90 iq can probably read, albeit with a poor vocabulary and comprehension. Captcha would be doable, it's just matching symbols for the illiterate anyways. Now about their post quality...........

>> No.55279777

i said i didn't study socionics but i did look into mbti and it's a mockery of Jung's work. go back to stroking your ego on /pol/.

>> No.55279779

She learned how to put makeup on during these 5 years, she looks hotter in pictures now.

>> No.55279803

> boasting about 118 IQ
I'm legitimately tested at 136 and im basically average professional smart

>> No.55280098
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faggies, niggies, normies, roasties,
trannies are the ones I hates the mosties,
glowies meddling coast to coasties,
society will soon be toasties.

>> No.55280181

i dont think she's bragging about her IQ, it is just low enough to be "submissive" but high enough to know what etherscan is. she's a predator and everything she has said is bait, aka mirroring. she must be desperate for validation though or she wouldn't attempt to love-bomb the entire internet.

>> No.55280582

Go look up average iq in third world countries lmao, you are surrounded by 80 iq posters.

>> No.55280615

I'm aware, I've been in the telegram shill threads. Clearly they can solve the captcha kek

>> No.55280699
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just buy blockhotel. io and relax

>> No.55280711
File: 82 KB, 720x1046, IQ meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post'em, lads.

>t. sub 100 IQ

>> No.55280858

I got 130 but it's a composite
Exceptional in logical/verbal
above average in Math and Spatial, Kek
So basically I'm peak wordcel. But with LLMs like ChatGPT blowing shape rotators tf out ("nooooo, it's not really intelligent, it's just putting words together!") I'm feeling very comfy with it

>> No.55280898

118 is barely above the average college grad

>> No.55281006

wordcel cant comprehend encoder/decoder transformer architecture. It really is just guessing the next word. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and it looks like you're hoodwinked.

>> No.55281112

Looks pretty old, and that's with make-up

>> No.55281128

this discussion is fucking retarded, i don’t give a fuck about any of this in a woman.
iq only matters in terms of conversation and chemistry, you want someone in your own ballpark, but most people who try to put a number on it delude themselves.

>> No.55281148

118 isn't really that astronomical of a score, and well within the normal rage for her race. Id suspect lying if she said 130 or something, but 118 is just slightly above average

>> No.55281151

that’s not true anymore and it’s around the 90th percentile.
it’s a good score if it’s any accurate, which isn’t that likely, no matter what self-proclaimed 160iq anons claim.

>> No.55281193

if 118 is 90th percentile now then i must be fucking einstein cause i've always scored in the mid 130s

>> No.55281233

Nah, I know what a transformer is
That was my point, people getting mad and saying 'it's not real intelligence, it just predicts the next word!' Hell I literally heard 'well it's not real intelligence because it has no spatial awareness!!'
That was the funny thing to me, ChatGPT is the wordcel to destroy all wordcels, that's why Hinton called his LLMs idiot savants I would think

>> No.55281286

130s are 99 percentile. But still midwit tier, just smart enough to be better than most people at most tasks but never smart enough as the +140s that are on another level of abstraction that makes them really excel at their fields.

>> No.55281292

average IQ online is 130-160. Funny how that works.

>> No.55281310

>next word
next token. read more

>> No.55281316
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>pointy elbows
no thanks

>> No.55281327

>she's hot
She's all yours anon!

>> No.55281351

She looks like the kind of mousy slut that's good for dumping a load into after an "industry conference" but imagine calling THAT "perfect"

>> No.55281384

INTPs are the niggers of MBTI
> Tattoo sleeve on leg
Hard pass

>> No.55281386

90th percentile among all races*

probably only 60th percentile among all whites/asians

>> No.55281393

My IQ is 130 and I'm basically only good at saying "Well actually..."

>> No.55281436

I was confirmed 136 and I've only found it means I never really have the ability to mentally grasp something exist as a limit, but it hasn't given me any preternatural drive or speed of learning. I actually only got tested as in school a teacher told my parents she thought I might be retarded.

>> No.55281822

Bunch of 80 IQ niggers theorizing about this 118 brainlet half jew.

>> No.55281831

Thats called autism.

>> No.55281931
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>> No.55282226

That tattoo is not subtle in any meaning of the word and you have low functioning autism

>> No.55282314

have w*men really resorted to begging for commitment now?

tell me about the cryptohoes

>> No.55282351

>post wall tattooed roastoid
No thanks kek

>> No.55282420

> tattoo
yeah sure fellow INTP, very legit
into the trash it goes

>> No.55282503
File: 138 KB, 827x1024, 1669521176956216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just what I want. A woman that has extroverted feeling as her inferior function. No thanks. I want ENFJ, ESFJ, or INFJ girlfriend.

>> No.55282557

here's a tip: leave social media

>> No.55282587
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The only CT thot I care about is Dasha. None of them have any interesting takes anyway.

>> No.55282597

>>Dark eyes
into the trash it goes.

>> No.55282773


fucking DROPPED

>> No.55282837

people get intp and intj because they are insecure with anxiety, they want to do extroverted things but have some cringe complexes that hold them back so they cope with introversion memes to protect their ego.

>> No.55282869

This, 118 is a "wow he's so bright and get all A's"-midwit-normie tier who has a nice girlfriend and do normie stuff all the time. 130 is barely the new standard, just a little above mental retardation. If you're not a lonely NEET pseudonazi schizo who daydreams all day about getting cartoon pussy and thinks the earth is flat you're still a normie
t. 133 iqlet

>> No.55282888

dumb people don't spend all day on 20 year old image board

>> No.55282931

>Better than everyone in this thread
Where do you think you are? I'm a mensa member with a well above necessary for membership 157, but... a complete loser in every way. This is probably quite common here.

>> No.55283062
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#1. Unless you line up a bunch of people and have them take the same IQ test at the same time, it's basically a fool's errand to compare IQ results. Most online results give people 15 - 20 points higher than where they actually are. Also, MENSA will pass anyone as long as they pay the price, just like scientology.

#2. Myers Briggs is an interesting way to study the way humans use different cognitive functions, but it has nothing to do with your personality, or ethics/morals. Carl Jung didn't even approve of the stupid "16 personalities" shit, because the questions that determine the results completely lack context. Most retards think "Extroverted" means outgoing and "Introverted" means shy, when they have nothing to do with those personality traits. You can be Extroverted and shy, you can also be Introverted and a party animal. At least it's better than Astrology...

>> No.55283247
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>Damn she looks perfect

>> No.55284963

The tranny mod is an abusing schizo deleting threads and banning people for no reason.
Please report this piece of shit at https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.55285166

and yet here you are

>> No.55285219

congrats anon, you found one of the few cryptohoes that is worse than rachel across the board
>also a jew
>TERRIBLE peronality
>below 0 character
>skeleton with saggy tits
>Thinks she's hot bc the thirsty virgins at ct simp over her
>Thinks she's hot shit bc she's smart
Her being somewhat smart is her only redeeming quality since she is already a millionaire but that is still doubtful since ct virgins simp for anything with a vagina in various ways (whitelists, bag donations or early access)

>> No.55285250

That's a man

>> No.55285274

> people get intp and intj because they are insecure with anxiety
> they want to do extroverted things
Hell naw, I'd rather get vaxxed
> but have some cringe complexes
> that hold them back
> so they cope with introversion memes to protect their ego.
> t. INTP

>> No.55285318

that means "crypto twitter" right? doesn't she run a communist podcast?

>> No.55285325

It is so clear that she is pretending to be innocent and cute. You can tell the used up broken girl inside.

>> No.55285464

>sometimes I yell but certain men like that
Ack, I've been found out!

I would say mean things about her, but maybe it's just all women are this irritating with the internet.

>> No.55286432
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Im in love with this CT girl bros, but our love cant never be...

>> No.55286540

Didnt she also bang Chico Crypto? I remember seeing her in one of his "party video vlogs"