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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 110 KB, 347x386, xrppink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55248204 No.55248204 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>55213202

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam and will steal your XRP!


>> No.55248223

archive link is down

>> No.55248229


>> No.55248231
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3 more days!

>> No.55248232


>> No.55248270
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>> No.55248275

What a waste of time the last 6 years have been, should've sold in 2017 and never have looked back. Would have missed precisely fuck all.

>> No.55248293
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We all make mistakes, clet it go and chill bro

>> No.55248311

Its more than just Gary. Shit is getting close now.

>> No.55248351

Call me crazy idiot but regarding binance new security bullshit, if ripple is finally done with SEC security lawsuit, wouldn't it mean it's the first safe crypto on binance you can use as base pair bond to handle exchanging literally ALL of binance dataflow without registering anything else as security? Are they going for it, is this the 4D chess move or am I retarded?

>> No.55248401

Well. If it's true that 99% crypto will die due to regulations, etc. And XRP will be allowed to be exchanged, we can expect a gigantic cash flow towards XRP and other cryptocurrencies that apply to said regulations.

>> No.55248405

June 24th guys, it's just around the corner

>> No.55248432

Boner pilled

>> No.55248460

holy shit you mean that if xrp ripple wins the lawsuit its gonna be the first crypto with regulatory clearance wtf cant believe nobody in /xsg/ ever said this in the past 2000 threads or so

>> No.55248468

ripple/xrp was in said lawsuit for years, it shows how strong and legit it is agains us law, all the other obvious tokenscams will burn out and evaporate in mere days, people will "finally see" I think

>> No.55248515

well, I mean strictly regarding the full binance sec/security from yesterday, it gave me a new lense to view the whole issue, I didn't see it coming for sec to go for whole of binance really, no need to be rude

>> No.55248538

No your dumb ok

you think we dont know?

>> No.55248558


>> No.55248565

aw okay now I feel bad

sorry its okay we all gotta start somewhere

>> No.55248570

Wtf happened? Why did it start dumping?

>> No.55248579

Fucking asians

>> No.55248589

Judge Netburn tweeted "ur gay if u hold xrp lol'

>> No.55248715

Checked for 589.

>> No.55248718

this coin is judend too!

>> No.55248730

isnt that quite interesting

i always have 589 thats a strange coincidence

>> No.55249832

Hello everyone

>> No.55249891

Should I buy some XRP or wait for king shitcoin to drop some more?

>> No.55249927

Frens I made this post and I want to spread the word to the anons in here specifically.

>> No.55249946

Stop trying to derail threads, you microsoft retard

>> No.55249988
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How big a loser are you?
I'm a successful business man relaxing on a saturday before I go birdwatching in my large back yard and then lounge by the pool.

>> No.55249999

So you have literally no money.

>> No.55250023
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However incorrect. And I will have even more money now that I don't have to pay people for what is relatively simple database work.
Birdwatching is a fantastic leisure activity. Observing nature is fun.

>> No.55250092

shills aren't sending their best today

>> No.55250097
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Can someone explain why linkies crashing to zero like luna did make xrp less valuable? Understand the market being down as a whole as a result but xrp should be climbing since all the financial institutions will be switching to it now.

Just the fact that the msm is pushing a sell all your crypto narrative should be signal enough to hodl

>> No.55250122

brb watching is very relaxing

>> No.55250125


not quite yet

>> No.55250143

Everyone ready for the June 13th massive nothingburger? Remember, any memedate that is not at least two weeks away is a larp.

>> No.55250192

I'm ready

whats gonna happen?

>> No.55250199

Can't talk about it, NDAs and all but you'll see

>> No.55250239

The market needs to completely burn and turn into ashes to be perceived as dead before the phoenix can rise.

>> No.55250278

Any XRPeople have some SEC case updates for me? Need a QRD. Lawyer guy been understandably busy posting about general crypto fud and litigation right now.

>> No.55250286

Apparently something big like a settlement is gonna happen somewhere around June 24

>> No.55250300
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do your own research you fucking infant

>> No.55250441
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>> No.55250494

Yes, asking people with knowledge on a subject is part of doing research.

>> No.55250540

i'm so tired

>> No.55250623

Hinman emails are supposed to be public on the 13th. There's a belief that the SEC will settle before then to prevent their publication. This is also against the backdrop of torres' summary judgement ready to be dropped at 'any moment' (realistically she's told counsel to hammer out an agreement). Everybody now has an interest in settling. Ripple wants the SEC to go away, Torres doesn't want to rewrite securities law from the bench, and the SEC wants to focus on wringing CZ's neck.

>> No.55250688

>Everybody now has an interest in settling

Not so fast. Some people, lets call them "them"

they dont want it just right yet

>> No.55250787
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>Everybody now has an interest in settling
Wouldn't it be detrimental to settle? It seems it would be most beneficial to make Gensler, and by extension the SEC, bleed. Gensler himself could not, in front of congress, determine what crypto constitutes a security, with the obvious rule of the issuer saying said "security" would be a certain time after a given time.

Also, can't Torres force Genslers hand to dictate which cryptos are a security and have him be more transparent. Coinbase, of all exchanges have been the most law abiding and did it's due diligence to ask the SEC to dictate the terms and laws; but it seems that the SEC is content keeping the laws vague and punishing exchanges for operating by way of enforcement. Shit, it's like an officer pulling you over for going over the limit despite not having speed limit signs, and you can fight that in court too.

IDK, I'm still in the air about the impact of the Hinman emails, but it seems the SEC is hellbent on trying to keep it sealed or prevent the public from seeing. All I know is that the Hinman emails is Hinman saying which cryptos are a security, or him saying that all cryptos are a commodity. Correct me if I am wrong.

I'm just too tired anons, I need a break.

>> No.55250861

>I'm just too tired anons, I need a break
I feel you

>> No.55250882

Not everyone can afford the fight to bleed the sec of taxpayer money (which can be considered enormous warchests for them). It has cost Ripple over one hundred million dollars to fight. They love dirty tricks in court too, making shit up and asking for the maximum amount of delays to eat up more of your money. They engage in lawfare, not the law, punishing you with the legal system even if you did nothing wrong.
CZ, Armstrong/whomever might be able to pull out a lot of funds too but it is pure kikery from them to do this which is why you see Kraken and others settle. Legally, the settlement shouldn’t make precedent since not an actual ruling, however it has the appearance of a loss to non legal people like the retards in congress and normalfags eat it up too, and the sec act as if it was precedent. Then there are the retards who don’t understand the Howey Test and how it requires all parts to function as well as what an investment contract meant legally when it came out as well as the sec trying to butcher it to mean essentially everything is a security because people bought with expectation of profit, even though that applies to commodities as well like collectors’ items.

It’s absolutely bullshit legalese from a bunch of lowdown, dirty stinking kikes and lawyers.

You can actually try reading and listening to the SEC vs Ripple documents and related material and see how it can apply to other cases and so on, or just keep listening to the sec and fudder’s bullshit. (The threads are now mostly dead due to spammer and namefag retards, unfortunately).

You have been warned for years.

>> No.55250904

Oh oops didn’t mean to be so aggressive in here thought I was in a different thread whining about the new cases and how this totally blindsided them.
Sorry anon.

>> No.55250934

>It’s absolutely bullshit legalese from a bunch of lowdown, dirty stinking kikes and lawyers.
It was made apparent by the sheer amount of delays. Ripple even compromised on a delay last year so that the SEC would act in good faith to cut it out. But here we are, a delay of the Hinman emails under the excuse of "we need time to properly redact".

>> No.55250950

Interdasting, and here i am thinking about picking up flare in decent quantities. Oh well maybe later ill be back with some homebrew esoteric knowledge.

>> No.55250981

This 100%. It is blindingly obvious that Torres is trying to respect Congressional authority and doesn't want to create a new library of law based on a single case. Which is the correct approach and speaks to her professionalism and maturity.
Ripple is fine with a settlement along as it includes clarity moving forward.
The only people holding this up are the mouthbreathers at the SEC. Their ludicrous hatred for Ripple is so toxic that they have become the butt of pop culture memes. Who would ever hire someone with SEC experience when they aren't able to read basic signals?
>In a settlement nobody is happy, but its better than nothing.

>> No.55251135

>delay of the Hinman emails under the excuse
I thought Ripple already had them? It is Ripple releasing them on the 13'th, not the SEC, which is why Brad did an interview a couple of weeks ago talking about how he "expects settlement with weeks, not months". Clearly whatever is in those emails is so toxic that releasing them to the general public would be professional suicide for Gensler.... which makes one wonder if he is on a self destruct mission and wants to take the SEC down with him?

>> No.55251141

>This 100%. It is blindingly obvious that Torres is trying to respect Congressional authority and doesn't want to create a new library of law based on a single case. Which is the correct approach and speaks to her professionalism and maturity.
But can't Torres put Gensler in a position to create a new library of law. Isn't that what the SEC is suppose to do?
>Ripple is fine with a settlement along as it includes clarity moving forward.
Is it though? What would be the fallout of Ripple reaching a settlement when they've spent nearly $100million against an adversary that bled your warchest out by putting you in perpetual litigation via extensions and delays.

I still can't tell if the SECs recent actions are that of a animal that's afraid and is lashing out or an animal with a renewed vigor. Binance I can understand because fuck China, but it's mind boggling to go after Coinbase of all exchanges.

>> No.55251166

>I thought Ripple already had them? It is Ripple releasing them on the 13'th, not the SEC
I was under the impression that the SEC got to redact certain information(such as names and addresses, essentially non critical). But of course Ripple could question them if they redacted critical things which could put the SEC in position to say "Oopsie, my bad, let us redo are redactions again, 2 week extension? ;)"

>> No.55251273

The clarity is already there for Ripple with existing laws. Waiting for Congress won't do anything.

>> No.55251289

Only Congress can create law. The SEC is supposed to protect people from criminal business practises. It can interpret the law and create policies (which is reasonable and typical of all government departments) but that interpretation needs to be informed by Congressional authority. In the case of crypto, where it is a novel tech, and there is a giant spectrum on offer which range from clear commodities (BTC) to clear securities (JP Morgan's ETH comes to mind); it the responsibility of Congress to delineate the difference. Pierce's safe harbor is the correct approach to take. Torres must side with Ripple for these reasons. Policy cannot to extrapolated to fill voids within law. Only Congress can fill voids.
Which brings us to your second point regarding funds. Ripple can afford the 100M bill for fighting the SEC because it is running a legitimate, profitable, business. For instance, in Canada ripple tech js used for an instant etransfer payment services between all leaf banks and account holders. You can instantly send money from email to cell number, email to email, or cell to cell, for free. It maxes out at 10K a day for AML purposes. That has been available for years while Fednow's clone has yet to be rolled out and actually integrated. Simply put, Ripple has amazing technology and amazing products, which makes it an amazing investment. Whether you invest directly in their stock or indirectly in their native token (xrp) is up to you. Nothing the SEC does can kill Ripple because they already have an entrenched, profitable, global business model, partnered with dozens of central banks. The efficiency offered by the XRPL makes everyone else uncompetitive instantly... which is why certain bullion banks are so interested in keeping them out of the US market.
>Imagine you have hundreds of carriages to choose from and suddenly your competitor shows up in a diesel cargo van. Unless you adopt the new tech, you are doomed.

>> No.55251326

Didnt that process occur before they delivered them the first time?
Congress is in the process of creating safe harbor legislation specifically because Gensler and Hinman fucked up so badly. The SEC is hoping to win against Ripple before Congress acts, so they can sue against Congress all of the way to the supreme court. This is a type of agency coup d'etat which directly attacks Congressional authority.

>> No.55251399

I do not know what is happening within the SEC but all I know is that we need a clear regulation. Regulation tools like TIDV and SpaceID are ready tp help compliance. Let them fucking bring a regulation.

>> No.55251413

Kek, that's great. Ripple will hold them off barring any blatant jewry, which obviously at this point is totally on the table. Really even if gentler does all of the things you describe it would only deepen the eventual and inevitable backlash against him. I truly do.not know.how he thinks he's gonna get away with some shit like this, but the jews hubris has definitely hit an all time high. This 'securities' shit is such a weak and shaky ruling in its foundation. It can't stand in the long run.

>> No.55251729

Hello all how are you

>> No.55251753

>I truly do.not know.how he thinks he's gonna get away with some shit like this
I think the plan is to twist Torres into giving the SEC a marginally favorable ruling, using that ruling to ignore new Congressional legislation (which is pretty easy to foresee since the last time he was grilled he basically pissed on their shoes and walked away laughing), and then continue suing people until someone finally gets them in front of the SCOTUS, at which point they will throw Torres under the bus and blame her for everything - especially their own misbehaviour. Any slack she gives them, they will use to hang her, and continue running their protection racket in the meantime. After all, would Binance really be in the crosshairs if they had paid his blood money salary as an informal advisor back in 2019?
>This is what institutional capture looks like. The SEC needs to be thoroughly investigated from top to bottom and all of the conflict of interest nepo babies unceremoniously fired. No matter what happens, Torres is going to find herself in the middle of a SCOTUS v. Congress meat grinder with every word she's ever written used against her. She is obviously smart enough to see where this is headed which is why she has spent over a year trying to force them to settle but the SEC isn't working for the American tax payer anymore so they don't care what happens to her or Ripple in the long run.

>> No.55251771
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>> No.55251839

>I think the plan is to twist Torres into giving the SEC a marginally favorable ruling
I really can’t trust her unless she comes out in favor of logic with a ruling. Comments about the sec being hypocrites don’t mean anything, only an actual ruling does. She’s been giving them a ton of leeway so far with all the delays and her not doing anything for months is a functional delay as well in the sec’s favor. Maybe we get lucky and get a smart, common-sense ruling, but she is a judge, a creature that has been fermented in the leftist legal system for a while.
I hate how slow and clunky and anti-average white male it all has become. Just got a hope that this frees me from waging when it’s over and I am still young enough for a wife and kids and a little plot away from the cities and etc. And some chickens.
Not every anon already has a ranch and four horses and berry orchard and more.

>> No.55251870
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>I am still young enough for a wife and kids and a little plot away from the cities and etc. And some chickens.

>> No.55251894

A rabbit hutch looks easy too and

>> No.55251913

*and get some fur out of it, can be used for mittens or accessories.
Coyotes are common pests but they make for a great winter overcoat for bitter north american winters.

>> No.55251914
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Sorry I think I need this image to better get the point across

>> No.55251916
File: 856 KB, 587x836, IsuzuServiceHeight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food Truck Anon here. So I am about to purchase this truck to start the food truck enterprise whilst XRP does nothing and we wait for 2 more weeks (never selling, always holding, always bitching and moaning). I had initially ruled out a box truck for this purpose because I thought the service window/area would be too high up. In the top pic with (planning to purchase this exact style/length of truck) the red line is where a person would be standing to work and serve. See the yellow line in the bottom pic. Similarly, that is where they are standing quite high up. It doesn’t look to bad. Subconsciously I would grow an air of superiority, lording over my customers. Repeat customers would eventually subconsciously feel humbled, giving me money without question. If that doesn’t work out I could convert it into a cock-sucking truck (Settle down faggots) because one’s crotch (unless manlet) is exactly the height at a customer’s head outside the truck. But now that I think about it, most women are short and would never reach a normal heighted crotch in the back of a box truck. Maybe those faggots amongst you were correct, dick suck truck conversion is same as faggot truck. Plan B would have to be Jewish lightning and then move on to next project.

Anyway, what do you guys think about the service height if you were a customer, truck box slave worker, or in general? Can it work?

Also is anything new with XRP? I don't even follow this shit anymore and am happier for it. Still come here to interact on occasion. If XRP makes or doesn't I don't care anymore. I'll just hold. Even if it goes to zero. I invested what I could afford lose anyway.
>t. top 1.5% wallet

>> No.55251923

>better get the point across
That you're a jew?

>> No.55251925

I'm too poor to be a jew

>> No.55251932
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>Wow cant wait to live somewhere in the middle of nowhere with my xrprince and his chickens

>> No.55251933

This is so based. I'm thinking about this too.

>> No.55251947

I'm sorry that you're poor and have a quasi jewish mentality then. That's really rough, anon.

>> No.55251957

get like air suspension up in that bitch so you can change height in front and back

it's like being a white rapper, but look at eminem he was succesful

>> No.55251958

remember when everyone was hysterically laughing at everyone on these threads when SEC sued Ripple

>> No.55251975

Now this is some (fairly) high effort demoralization. Got a good chuckle from this, no one actually thinks this way though, even if you remove the heavily layered irony.

>> No.55251992
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Well this actually probably is pretty accurate in some cases sadly.

>> No.55252001
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>get like air suspension up in that bitch so you can change height in front and back
Holy shit I did not even consider that. That may be a game changer. Will cost though. Thanks bro.

>> No.55252013



>> No.55252055

idk about american trucks tho but the box thingy might already have it in the back by default which may be enough, or you can add front later on easier than doing the entire thing

>> No.55252113

holy shit guys the hinmen emails already leaked did you see the screenshots?

>> No.55252403

It is going to go back up isn't it?

>> No.55252471

Yeah, to $37500

>> No.55252698

This is the man to read. Most of you are writing law and order episodes.

I don't know, the SEC's tactical stupidity is so great, you want to believe there's a cabal telling them to drag this out. I don't know what 11th hour thing they were waiting on. Consynsus? This has been a dead end for years now.

>> No.55252844

where my white claw woo girls at?

>> No.55252863


>> No.55252871

Thanks anon, I am flattered.
There are a couple different types of institutional capture. The most basic is when the institution is converted solely to serve the needs of an internal captor. Hinman's bribes are a great example. The next level is when the institution fulfills the needs of multiple external captors but remains limited to its own sphere of influence (Gensler covering for FTX for instance). Finally there is the profound capture, where an institution becomes a tool to control unrelated industries and is one of many weapons the captors wield to affect constitutional capture.
This logic would look like: Fed reserve -> fiat bullion -> political corruption and MMT -> complete market intelligence from SEC information -> total market control -> complete financial leverage over politicians -> competitive corruption (ie JP Morgan owning ETH) to prevent system resets -> denominated in Fed Reserve fiat.
>XRP interrupts this capture cycle by introducing a finite variable (token limit) and allows for subsequent institutional liberation when any controlling factor is removed from its preceding institution. Absolute top tier, white/black hat, type technological disruption of an infinite feedback loop. Which is why they are willing to burn major players, including entire industries, to prevent it.

>> No.55252872

that's an owl

>> No.55252927
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anyone else think the simelarities are cumming

>> No.55253364

>Get paid yesterday
Ooo XRP at almost 54 cents? Let me wait just a lil bit to do my weekly purchase
>wake up this morning
>XRP down 5 cents
>Yes please. Lemme scoop that up.. Please and thank you.
I fucking love being me.
We are going to fucking make it bros

>> No.55253438

This is the shit the bearish market brings along, man. Unfortunately, we all crave those damn bulls, but we gotta be damn well prepared by scooping up those low prices right now. That's why I spend more time doing some research, so I can make a grand exit when the bulls finally show up. This is my daily grind, rocking the tokenmetrics free basic plan.

>> No.55253529

There'll still be more pamps

>> No.55253546

I'm really rooting for a win in this case, man, because I'm actually invested in Sylo and Ripple which have partnerships with the Root Network multi-token economy. I need decentralization to come out on top, damn it and that's on period!

>> No.55253576

The SEC has fought tooth & nail to prevent these emails from being seen by the public.
They have an interest in not letting Ripple release these to the public.

Let's say Judge Torres decides in favor of Ripple.
The case isn't actually over yet,
because the SEC can appeal the decision.
Which would go to the District Court of Appeals.
Then after that, the SEC could appeal to the Supreme Court.
Imagine how long those two appeals would drag out in court; let alone the time wasted waiting for them to actually hear the case.

If Ripple settles, it will stop the SEC from being able to appeal.

But, you also have to consider that the SEC and specifically Gary Gensler, are shameless liars.
Just look at Gary's behavior when he testified to congress and few weeks ago.
He was asked if Ethereum was a security.
He couldn't answer.
Even though he just got done saying how clear cut the SEC's rules are.
A congressman grilled himon this.
He said ETH is the second largest crypto by market cap, and it's been around for many years.
If you don't know if Eth is a security, how are the average investor supposed to?

Gary's hand was visibly shaking when he responded.
He did not like this line of reasoning.
And yet, he still maintained his lie that the rules are easy to follow and understand.

The SEC may do the same thing on June 13th.
They may just let them emails get released and pretend like nothing has changed.
They won't stop until a judge or act of Congress forces them too.

As far as the contents of the emails go,
They are the internal deliberations between Hinman and the SEC.
This was right before he gave his speech declaring BTC and Eth not to be securities.
It is highly likely that they discussed xrp and other top cryptos.
We'll be able to see what criteria they used and what justifications.
There could be all kinds of conversations in there.
The SEC might have admitted that xrp is not a security.
They might have also advised Hinman to not give his speech.

>> No.55253648

>it's mind boggling to go after Coinbase of all exchanges

They are trying to make crypto as unappealing to normies as possible.
They want to take away people's on and off ramps.
And ideally, to crash the.while crypto market.

The need the majority of Americans to suffer the full brunt of continuing and future inflation.
They can't afford to let people side step it via crypto.
The public must be softened up enough, so that they are desperate for UBI to "save" them.
Additionally, the SEC is doing everything it can to tarnish crypto, so that people don't see any of it as an alternative competitor to the US dollar.

Attacking Coinbase, the largest and most law abiding exchange, creates an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, where no one is safe.
Which is exactly what the SEC wants.

>> No.55253721 [DELETED] 
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I had a psychosis last year because of holding this coin, I'm stil kinda mental

>> No.55254159

I have to pay a loan for a car for 3 more years, how fucked am I? Should I use xerps after first pump to get out of it?

>> No.55254185

Assuming you are an American, the US Dollar has suffered massive inflation recently.
And there will be more inflation coming.
They just raised the he debt ceiling.
In other words, your money will be worth less that it is now, in three years.
So you are better off not paying it off.
Unless you have high interest on the loan
What percentage interest rate is on your loan?

>> No.55254255

why would you ever take out a loan to buy a car???
just buy a used japanese car for $2k

>> No.55254397

I took 5.5k, have to give back 6.5k in 3 years.
Needed a wagon with isofix for the kid

>> No.55254424

all right, I'm not sure what isofix is but it seems reasonable
and a 6.5k loan seems like not much, you should be good right? you work?

>> No.55254665

>not sure what isofix is but it seems reasonable
it's a fastening system for child seats

>> No.55254717

I drive a Kia Rondo, lads

>> No.55254790



>> No.55254827
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Schizos. Outsider here. Is this article lying to me ?
>Can Just 100 XRP Make You A Millionaire? That's What This Insane Ripple Price Forecast Says
>Valhil Capital's recent study indicates that the fair value of XRP would fall within the range of $3,500 and $21,900 per token at some point in the future.
>This astronomical price is derived from results obtained through six different quantitative pricing models.

>> No.55254882

that is all

>> No.55254968

i really, really like this image.
mind is i save it?
i love you.

>> No.55254984

i think tether will die soon and a new digital asset regulatory body/framework will be announced by congress.
hard to judge timelines but i feel like we might see real progress in about 1-3 weeks.

>> No.55254997

>IF ripple is finally done with SEC security lawsuit, THEN...
i am eating this fuuuuckin White Cheddar Chex Mix and To Be Quite Honest With You Senpai, i am not sure how i feel about the aftertaste from the synthetic white cheddar flavor powder. it's got this sort of funk that is almost like asiago but more chemical.

>> No.55255023

flash 6 cent crash is pretty impressive, i wonder what happened behind the scenes
it had to be some kind of market maker algorithms getting triggered or something. but why? killing longs?

>> No.55255062

thanks bud i have been looking for ways to address holes in my tech competency recently and this is a good suggestion

>> No.55255104

watching birds is cool (like IRL pokemon) but even more fun for me is watching dedicated birdwatchers watch birds. idk what the annual bird census days are called but that's one of my favorite mass events to witness, when all the bird autists in a given area congregate and go absolutely hognuts wild spotting all the species passing through over a few day period

if you are ever bored and looking for a good time, i highly recommend looking at the calendar of free events at your local state/national parks and finding out when and where the birders gather, and show up as an amateur. truly amazing human specimens. similar story for amateur astronomers but the barrier to entry is slightly higher, but if you show up where they congregate (again, usually your local state/national park) during a meteor shower or some other event you can do some great amateur ethnography (ie fun conversations with warm-hearted weirdos who are subject matter experts excited to share about their passion), it's like stumbling into an IRL Christopher Guest movie

>> No.55255142


>> No.55255161
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i saw on Twitter that apparently main defendants Chris Larsen and Brad Garlinghouse were seen in front of SEC headquarters wearing the Triple H costumes doing the "suck it" gesture repeatedly and popping multiple champagne bottles, not sure if it means anything but seems like a good sign to me idk tho

>> No.55255200

Many cryptocurrencies may initially be issued as part of a securities contract, but, once the project is fully developed and decentralized, the token could fall under a different classification, such as a commodity.

Without a distinction between the asset and the securities contract, token projects that must raise capital to fund development in the early stages will not be able to move out of the securities framework once the project is decentralized, preventing these tokens from being used for their utility, which will only harm token holders.









(From June 2022)

>A digital asset can be a virtual currency, an investment
opportunity, or traded on an exchange, and the novel nature of
these assets, the complexity of them, and how investors and
consumers use them should say a lot and will say a lot about
how they should be regulated.

spoiler alert this is what will be implemented

probably very similar to Singapore's regulatory sandbox for fintech/digital assets

>> No.55255224

>IDK, I'm still in the air about the impact of the Hinman emails, but it seems the SEC is hellbent on trying to keep it sealed or prevent the public from seeing. All I know is that the Hinman emails is Hinman saying which cryptos are a security, or him saying that all cryptos are a commodity. Correct me if I am wrong.

idk what's in the Hinman emails but i really really hope Joe Lubin's name appears in them at least once telling Hinman what to say that Lubin goes to jail or at least is made to wander the land wearing sackcloth and ashes/donkey costume and subsisting on alms, getting rotten fruit thrown at him, mocked by children in town squares, urinated on by town drunks and fools, etc

>> No.55255253

>The only people holding this up are the mouthbreathers at the SEC. Their ludicrous hatred for Ripple is so toxic that they have become the butt of pop culture memes
plot twist, the people seeding pop culture with Gensler memes are the same ones running /xsg//the XRP ARG, just like the Stellar/LOBSTR wallet Quantum Financial System BS and the Pepe/Wojak/Genslr memecoins and the stuff about Schwartz, Lagarde, Carstens going to Antarctica to meet reptilians and whatnot. this ARG is much bigger than just 4chan

i am also thinking about buying more Flare and SGB while it's cheap. and algorand. it would sure be nice if about $50k just fell on my head out of the sky

>> No.55255263

holy shit i hate the sec

>> No.55255320

dozens of central banks you say

>> No.55255347

>anon builds the Magical Glory Hole Mobile
it's important to have dreams anon, thank you for sharing yours

>> No.55255386

>the captors wield to affect constitutional capture
i think you mean "effect" not "affect"
>Confusion over the correct use of the verb effect shows up frequently in discourse about “effecting change.” Effect, rather than affect, is correct because the phrase refers to creating, not influencing, change.
normally i wouldn't be so pedantic but just on the off-chance that you're David Schwartz I wanted to correct you on that. if you're not David Schwartz I'm sorry.

>> No.55255444
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>> No.55255927

Definitely not DS but I would certainly buy him a beer if we ever met. I think he is probably 3-4 standard deviations to the right of me iq-wise and my idiocy would probably be painful for him to endure sober.
According to Merriam-Webster:
"Affect also has a sense meaning “to put on a false appearance of (something).
>"he affected a French accent"
As the Constitution is owned by the people, derives its legitimacy from the peope, and is only alive when working with/for the people, only its expressive organs (ie. SEC) can be captured as its innate authority is strictly owned by the American people.
>Hence, those who seek to usurp the citizenry's sovereignty are affecting constitutional capture.
>Next time spend more effort on understanding the argument being made rather than parsing its syntax to appear intelligent.

>> No.55256080

did i make a thing?

>> No.55256224
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>> No.55256316
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Who said anything about jews in the first place? lmao....

>> No.55256392

I can't wait to get rich so I can birdwatch

>> No.55256406
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>> No.55256428

we truly are supporting satan's token aren't we

>> No.55256449
File: 115 KB, 592x600, 1686447033141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your giving this shit ARG too much credit. Enjoy your disappointment, even after we moon and become gods (of a dead world).

>> No.55256463

this entire realm is the dream of a sleep God
when God is alive and awake there is only God
When God willingly restarts the amnesiac cycle then this world comes into being
this world, in its essence, is a dead world
for when there is life and consciousness this world does not exist
when consciousness is dead and in the dream of the afterlife then this world does exist

>> No.55256509
File: 788 KB, 1080x1884, 1686447670374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ARG actors are some of the cringiest fucking FAGGOTS in existence.
Look at fucking xSPECTAR. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT??? Its less than vaporware and these soc media TWITTERSHITTER FAGGOTS are all SUCKING EACHOTHER OFF.
Everything feels like MGS2 Trueman show shit. The only people I know who are real for sure are the braindead NPCs at work and my own personal contacts, who are also NPCs. Just let me buy fucking brainchipped sex slaves so I can drown in pleasure and forget this shit world exists.

>> No.55256677

Imagine going on twitter and getting ass mad about a nft project, touch grass and have sex loser

>> No.55256689

I shouldn't have said anything, dream people hate hearing it

>> No.55256690
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Keep replying to me bitch

>> No.55256704
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Typing up a bunch of nothing in the style of your own homemade religious text isn't particularly threatening to anyone you /x/file dickhead.

>> No.55256724


>> No.55256825

okayyy but you seem upset
why even think about what I said?

>> No.55256862
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What's up with all the wallets that just randomly dust 1 or 2 or 100 drops en masse to random accounts?

>> No.55257152

Always have been
That's how you know it's THE coin. Despicable world. I shall be fighting fire with their own fire though, so take that.
In this world, not of this world.

>> No.55257188

I'm 90% GME 10% XRP and plan to roll GME profits into XRP. Surely I didn't fuck up the order of operations on this plan, right?

>> No.55257224

its not looking like there will be time to roll one into another. xrp, meme stocks, trumps indictment, q all seem to be approaching a singular event. its all connected.

I planned to go bed bath -> gme/iep -> xrp, gold and silver.

>> No.55257289

Sorry about bed bath. I won't comment on the other stuff for fear of jannies, but my thinking is that stocks will go up first due to the influx of normie cash that would bring the system. I really am treating my XUMM wallet like ym savings account, so i want to put as much capital into that as I can.
I don't even feel like I'm trying to "make it." Sure, I want a nice country home and whatever else poeple talk about, but really I feel like this is my only option, and even then, no matter how much I am trying to prepare, it's going to take a mircale for me to see the other side all in one piece.
Not trying to doompost. Frightening times, we live in. I wish you all well in your investments. I may not have much XRP, but maybe I can get more sometime, and if not, that's fine. I'll figure it out.

>> No.55257628

We live in the best times for human civilization to live in history bro

>> No.55257653

Thats where you're wrong kiddo.

>> No.55257658

Doing KYC for an ewallet, there is demand currently for this. Have a feeling in a few years bots will take over, but they can only process digital Ids, as people suck at taking pictures of documents.
If hyperinflation sets in, its gonna be harder to pay the loan, as everything else gets more expensive as well, and wages never catch up to inflation.

>> No.55257699


>> No.55257707

I would become Jewish in a heartbeat if it meant XRP was gonna go to $xxxx

as long as I can still eat pork and drink bear or was that the other religion with the swords and towels I forgot

>> No.55257730


Walk me through it guys, what's gonna happen. Tuesday we get the Hinmen emails or are they gonna frontrun it and put out the fire on Monday?

>> No.55257857

>hyperinflation sets in
>my mortgage only has 50k left on it
>I start making 500 an hour since our dollar is worthless

>> No.55257881

i never really took gamestop, AMC, bed bath and beyond seriously. to me they looked like ARGs being run for a different audience by interests based in wall street/silicon valley financial complexes seeking to manipulate the asset prices using 21st century psywar/corporate 5th gen warfare tactics similar to the ones outlined in these articles

cambridge analytica famously did the same thing in elections around the country, these viral investment campaigns basically using rerarted retail investors as botnets/signal-cloaking devices for financial manipulation looked to me like the same tactics just applied to markets. i could be wrong

>> No.55257886

>and wages never catch up to inflation.

>> No.55257921

I look forward to the fires you and other anons may bring.

>> No.55258081

They do if you work for the gubment
I hope

>> No.55258126

uncharacteristically weak argument from Schwartz here.
after years on 4chan i feel like i'm pretty well versed in all types of antisemitism but i can't remember too many people saying jewish children are condemned to hell, is that a thing people say? i see a lot more people talking about how jewish people are overrepresented in congress and executive positions in media companies or whatever. i could be wrong though, i'm sure there are whole swathes of the antisemitic world that i haven't been exposed to

also he seems like he is deliberately missing the point of the post he is responding to, which i think is alluding to performing irreversible surgeries on minors or at least giving them hormone treatments that will change the course of their growth, which even in the medical literature is a topic of some controversy (see: tavistock clinic in london shut down)
In March 2022, an independent report commissioned by Britain's National Health Service found that the type of care provided at Tavistock was, quote, 'Not safe or viable as a long-term option for the care of young people with gender related distress.' It also found that the center had not used customary control measures that are typically in place when new treatments are introduced. Nor had the center collected consistent data on its patients and treatments.

>> No.55258141


>> No.55258147

*statistically overrepresented

i feel like i should add the caveat that i think antisemitism is a red herring designed to drive dissenters down blind alleyways and render dissident movements toxic and easily dismissed and also that i have a great deal of respect for the jewish people, culture, for example their respect for scholarship, cohesiveness in family units, emphasis on helping the next generation thrive, all of these things are healthy and good, as well as their deep tradition of mystical spirituality and investigations into the mechanics of metaphysics. even if you are a full on nazi who things jews are the devil or whatever, if you are interested in the part of reality that isn't visible or sensible with the 5 normal senses you should really at least develop a passing familiarity with the kabbalah.

for the record, Jews are A-OK in my book and i'm not just saying that because my posts are attached to my IP address and real world identity. zionists, on the other hand, not so much, and bankers and elite bloodlines, definitely not, but most of them aren't jewish so it doesn't make sense to blame all their misdeeds and twisted architecture of the world on the jews. why don't people talk more about papal bloodlines and holy roman empire nobility or jesuits? I mean the Rockefellers, who are pretty much the top of the visible part of the pyramid in today's world (eg they built and paid for the UN headquarters as well as the land it stands on, and started the CFR, ran Kissinger, who mentored Klaus Schwab and set up the WEF) are Huguenot or Basque or something

>> No.55258161


>> No.55258179

>most of them aren't jewish

>> No.55258192
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This thread is fucking golden, it shows not only how poor "xrp army" are, but how stupid they're.

>> No.55258199

>how stupid they're
Thankings to you sirs
now please if you could do the needful

>> No.55258304

You're right, using "they're" at the end of the sentence is incorrect. English is my third language, but that's a stupid mistake nevertheless.

>> No.55258412



>> No.55258427

Lol You're back? You got fucking OWNED and left for like 6 threads and now you are back saying the same stupid ARG shit. Why? Do you do it makes you feel cheaply meaningful the way people who pretend to be spies do? Why commit yourself to something so objectively meaningless and retarded?

>> No.55258430

I'm going to wage on a sunday and its fucking hot outside

wish me luck bros love you all

>> No.55258438

People act like wanting the cultural norm of 50 years ago is vying for the platonic ideal unicorn. Women are the ones who are projecting and will hit the wall for sake of choosing bad heteronomous values. Honestly is sad and have no happiness seeing it happen whatsoever.

>> No.55258529


it has shock value, it's polarizing, and its utterly irrelevant to the interests of most of humanity. it's filler media, promoted for no other reason than to occupy the attention of the viewer who might otherwise involve themselves in more productive discourse.

>for the record, Jews are A-OK in my book and i'm not just saying that because my posts are attached to my IP address and real world identity. zionists, on the other hand, not so much, and bankers and elite bloodlines, definitely not, but most of them aren't jewish so it doesn't make sense to blame all their misdeeds and twisted architecture of the world on the jews.

and yet there seems to be a double standard. white supremacy, white privelage, and other such phrases are part of the media's rhetorical bread and butter. doesn't it require a certain contempt for the ideals of economic independence, self-determination and freedom of association in order for one to conform to the stereotype of a "rootless international"?

>> No.55258625

>and yet there seems to be a double standard. white supremacy, white privelage, and other such phrases are part of the media's rhetorical bread and butter. doesn't it require a certain contempt for the ideals of economic independence, self-determination and freedom of association in order for one to conform to the stereotype of a "rootless international"?

absent the influence of mass media, most people would have quite a strong partiality toward their own, and that certainly includes jews. i believe that the "international jewish conspiracy" is more often presented as a strawman than as a serious allegation. would you agree that it's not unreasonable to discuss the cultural and social influence of jews or certain jewish populations as a whole?

>> No.55258683


simply put, one's never accused of paranoia or otherwise being mentally defunct merely for discussing a given aggregate of whites or blacks or asians or whoever else.

>> No.55258762

>Variable rate blocks your path

>> No.55258784


>> No.55258789

SS Officer masturbates furiously to homosexuals being flogged
>The SS considered it great sport to taunt and torture the homosexuals. The camp commander at Flossenburg often ordered them flogged; as the victims were screaming, he was panting with excitement, and masturbated wildly in his trousers until he came,' unperturbed by the hundreds of onlookers
Source: Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team (https://archive.is/RyEN6))

Jews would be blown up like a balloon via air valves plugged into their anus
>Perhaps the most ghastly torture of all is that of the air-pump. A special air valve is inserted into the prisoner's anus, and the guard them pumps air into his victim. How much air he pumps depends upon his whim; this treatment often results in burst intestines.
Source: The Nazi New Order In Poland by Jon Evans

Nazis constructed pools that electrocuted people, drained, and electrocuted them again
>The Belzec camp is built underground. It is an electric crematorium. There are two halls in the underground buildings. People were taken out of the railway cars into the first hall. Then they were led naked to the second hall. Here the floor resembled an enormous plate. When the crowd of men stood on it, the floor sank deep into a pool of water. The moment the men sank up to their necks, a powerful electric current of millions of volts was passed through, killing them all at once. The floor rose again, and a second electric current was passed through the bodies, burning them until nothing was left of the victims save a few ashes
Source: The Black Book of Polish Jewry, 1946 (English-language edition), page 313

>> No.55258790
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>Ripple and the SEC might settle
What would be the pros and cons of such an event? My assumption is if that were to happen, it would be ICOs of XRP would be considered a security while secondary sales are not, with the overarching status being that XRP is not a security. Ripple pays a fine, and the SEC walks away without looking like a bitch.

>> No.55258795

Nazis throw woman into a pit of Zombies
>I heard a shot, but I continued to stand and then he turned my head again and he aimed the revolver at me and ordered me to watch and then turned my head around and shot at me. Then I fell to the ground into the pit amongst the bodies; but I felt nothing. [...] I heard the shots and I was praying for another bullet to put an end to my suffering, but I continued to move about. I felt that I was choking, strangling, but I tried to save myself, to find some air to breathe, and then I felt that I was climbing towards the top of the grave above the bodies. I rose, and I felt bodies pulling at me with their hands, biting at my legs, pulling me down, down.
Source: The Holocaust: The Human Tragedy By Martin Gilbert (https://archive.is/44EIf))

"Kremawurst", sausages made of human flesh
>What can we say about former Krematorium III Sonderkommando member David Olère coolly telling me in 1981 that the SS made sausages of human flesh [“ Kremawurst”]
Source: AUSCHWITZ: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers (https://archive.is/LLW1D))

Jews thrown into cages with bears and eagles
>Later, Mr. Hubert was sent to Buchenwald. ''In the camp there was a cage with a bear and an eagle,'' he said. ''Every day, they would throw a Jew in there. The bear would tear him apart and the eagle would pick at his bones.'' ''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.''
Source: The New Youk Times, "Time 'Too Painful' to Remember" By ARI L. GOLDMANNOV. 10, 1988 (https://archive.is/7DuXO))

>> No.55258802

Nazis used atomic weapons to kill Jews
>The purpose of the experiment was to find a quick and complete way of destroying people without delay and trouble of shooting and gassing and burning, as it had been carried out, and this is the experiment, as I am advised. A village, a small village was provisionally erected, with temporary structures, and in it approximately 20,000 Jews were put. By means of this newly invented weapon of destruction, these 20,000 people were eradicated almost instantaneously, and in such a way that there was no trace of them left
Source: Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend By Joseph P. Farrell (https://archive.is/dpWNN))

Prince of Persia knife floor and ponds of acid
>Treblinka near Warsaw. The extermination camp for Jews. There was a chamber with moving knives, it was in a basement, under a banya. The bodies were cut into pieces and then burned. There were mountains of ashes, twenty to twenty-five metres high. In one place Jews had been chased into a pond full of acid. Their screams were so terrible that local peasants abandoned their homes.
Source: A Writer at War: Vasily Grossman with the Red Army By Vasily Grossman (https://archive.is/vrU3W))

Spanking Machines
>One of the most usual punishments was 50 blows with a stick on the loins. They were administered with a machine which I saw, a swinging apparatus manipulated by an SS
Source: Testimony of Holocaust survivor Marie-Claude Vaillant-Couturier (https://archive.is/axeYK))

>> No.55258808

Nazis trained dogs to sexually violate women for sport
>The Jewish physician Olga Lengyel was the first survivor to have her testimony published in English (Lengyel 1947). She narrates the particularly chilling story of a mother who told her ‘that she was forced to undress her daughter and to look on while the girl was violated by dogs whom the Nazis had specially trained for this sport’. Apparently, this was a ‘favourite form of amusement’ in Auschwitz (Lengyel 1995: 193)
Source: Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives by Sorcha Gunne, Zoe Brigley Thompson (short url.at/txyD6)

Rollarcoasters used to dump Jews into ovens at high speeds
>800 to 900 yards from the place where the ovens were, the prisoners were squeezed into little cars that ran on rails. In Auschwitz these cars had various dimensions and could hold up to 15 people. As soon as a car was loaded, it would be set in motion on an inclined plane that traveled at full speed down a corridor. At the end of the corridor there was a wall, and in the wall was the door to the oven. As soon as the car hit the wall, the door opened automatically, and the car would dip forward and pitch its cargo of living people into the oven. Right behind it came another car with another load, and so on
Source: Inside the Concentration Camps: Eyewitness Accounts of Life in Hitler's Death Camps (short url.at/eDWZ5)

>> No.55258810

>I shall be fighting fire with their own fire though
just make sure you dont feel too comfortable with the warmth of that fire. It will either consume you or light everything around you.

>> No.55258815

Jews forced to 'run the gauntlet' between Ukrainians with whips, then forced to drink urine
>Sergeant Paul Groth made up little games. He'd order four Jews to carry him around the yard like a king while he'd drop burning paper on their heads. Or he'd make prisoners jump from roofs with umbrellas, or scale roof beams until they fell to the floor. Those who sprained ankles and broke legs were shot in Camp III. Or he'd organize a flogging party, forcing Jews to run the gauntlet past Ukrainians with whips. Or he'd order a thin prisoner to gulp vodka and eat two pounds of sausage within minutes. They he'd force open the Jew's mouth and urinate in it, roaring with laughter as the prisoner retched in the snow.
Source: Escape from Sobibor By Richard Rashke (short url.at/bfh07)

>> No.55258824
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which one are yall funding when 1xrp=$37500

>> No.55258856

Honestly it blows me away that Jews can work collectively and become a powerful unified force but cannot look introspectively and criticize the behaviors they are doing now and in the past. You can hate me for being anti-semitic but you can't hate me for being wrong.

>> No.55258861
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whats the make it stack right now?

>> No.55258879

3rd world fag here
I only have 200 xrp ?
What's next firsties ?

>> No.55258956

>I only have 200 xrp ?
>What's next firsties ?

>> No.55258974

Marketing stunt for their pump and shitcoins

>> No.55259152

I want your honest opinions.

Is there a chance Ripple wins the lawsuit?
When will it finally end?
Should I buy now?

>> No.55259362

Two more weeks
Makes no difference, unless you are buying millions

>> No.55259415

Okay, then another questions.

What will happen to XRP once Ripple loses the lawsuit?

>> No.55259429

We'll come up wih new lore why it was always supposed to be like this and a whole new set of memedates to wait for.

>> No.55259465

You should be gardening and birdwatching.

>> No.55259485

I have a third kid so close to coming my wife just said she is thinking about running around the yard to get it out.
We are unvaxxed and she is an unvaxxed MD.
Seethe harder you absolute incel neet with no computer skills.
My pleasure. I was quite surprised how much I got from such a little time investment.

>> No.55259498

I thought that too. I was like, jewish children arent condemned to hell? They haven't turned into greedy kike monsters by their parents yet. What the fuck is he talking about?

>> No.55259788

Reminder that David Schwartz is a typical NPC normie that just happens to be a great mathematician and cryptographer.
A certain anon used to post a photo of DS wearing a "pretty fly for a white guy" shirt harkening back to when the "fly" "landed" on Mike Pence's head during the debate.

This was a CGI fly and was done because of the absolute years long seething these satanists had over real flies repeatedly landing on Obama and Hillary given their putrid stink of sulfur and evil.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JStCPkOBCM
Watching in .25x speed shows the fly appears out of nowhere. It even materializes out of thin air slowly and goes from a blur to a picture.
DS gobbled this down like all NPC normies that "hate Trump".

Watch this at .25x speed at seconds 8-10 and see how easily fooled a man like DS is as long as you play to his sensibilities. He is not to be trusted and like all NPC normies will sell you down the river if he hears a good story that relates to his predetermined world view.

>> No.55259881


Holy fuck, longest lawsuit lasted for over 12 years.

>> No.55260082
File: 74 KB, 482x427, d90[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

>> No.55260090

Only 9 more to go. WAGMI!

>> No.55260176

>tfw no vril society gf

>> No.55260232

when the fuck do the hinman emails get released

>> No.55260266

2 weeks

>> No.55260318


>> No.55260404

13th 2pm some burger time.

>> No.55261080


I missed y'all so much

what did I miss

>> No.55261101

you’re not going to be any happier rich. better yourself now and find a reason to be

>> No.55261136

Doubt it's gonna be released. I'm waiting for the inevitable jewish trick in the last minute to turn things around. Corrupt fucks like the ones in the SEC don't go down without a fight. When has anything in the last 50 years went the way of the people?

>> No.55261203

That would be true if the people were the ones involved. This is dueling elites and you and I are in the peanut gallery. This isn't Erin brokovich

>> No.55261208

Guys guys guys look it look it

$0.52 soon


>> No.55261256

Anyone wanna cyber?

>be me
>sitting in front of computer
>on main monitor is /xsg/
>monitor next to it is the current xrp price
>i'm wearing nothing but boxers


>> No.55261263

I don't get why people don't understand this.
You've been given this time to fix things before you get rich so money doesn't exacerbate your problems.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule, some people really only need a giant wad of money to complete their comfiness but I don't think that's the majority of anons here.

>> No.55261276

>spend all your time and energy trying to 'fix' things
>xrp goes to zero anyway and you stay poor your entire life
>it was all for nothing

many such cases

>> No.55261330
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>> No.55261383
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At least it will kill the hope of beign rich with this piece of shit niggercoin and we'll try another way.

>> No.55261414

Ripple are the ones releasing them.
The SEC has not asked for an appeal to overturn Judge Torres' decision to let Ripple release them.
The SEC no longer has the ability to stop them from being released.
That window for them to object, has passed.

I think they are going to be released.
There will be damning information in the emails.
This is part of why the SEC chose now to sue Binance, and Coinbase earlier.
They need some positive news (from their perspective) to distract from the bad news they are going to get.

Unfortunately, the SEC's lawsuits against Binance and Coinbase, along with naming so many cryptos as securities, has put a serious damper on the whole crypto market.
Couple that with the massive inflation we have had the last few years.
The middle class doesn't have as much money as they used to, for investing.
Many are struggling to survive.
And most people won't feel confident investing in crypto, with these massive lawsuits going on.
There is a cloud of uncertainty and volatility around the whole industry right now.

But, you'll say, xrp and Ripple won't be under that cloud.
They'll be the one shinning light that people will want to buy.
But they can't.
Because most of them are broke and in debt.
And of the few that can afford to invest, many of them will be stupid.
They won't understand the full implications of what the Hinman emails means.
And they will let the general cloud of fear around crypto, prevent them from buying xrp.
Yes, people are that dumb.
They won't do any research either.
If the news media doesn't spell it out for them, we will only see a small bump from the Hinman email release.

Also, I don't think Judge Torres is going to deliver her Summary Judgement on June 13th.
As Jeremy Hogan has pointed out, Torrres has taken 9 weeks between every major decision she renders.
On May 23rd, Torres ordered the Hinman emails released to the public.
Her decision will come, at the earliest, on July 18th.

>> No.55261437

Is this from a song

>> No.55261471
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Baba cucks is a manlet who will spend 1/2 his xrp stack on surgery to make his shins longer

>> No.55261495

Still cant get get over how perfect my timing was buying that dip after looking at the chart this morning

>> No.55261507

Yes I believe the original composition to be from Lil Jon, it seems anon removed a few key pieces of information involving skeet skeet and strippers.

>> No.55261511

The wait between June 13th and July 18th is going to be awful.
Now imagine if Torres decides to take longer than 9 weeks to make her decision.
Because its the most important decision of the entire case, she may well take longer that her typical 9 weeks.
And that 9 weeks average, is just taken from Jeremy Hogan looking at the time between her major judgements on this lawsuit.
We should actually look at the last couple unrelated cases she worked on.
Then look at how much time passed between her final Summary Judgement and the last major decision she renders for each separate case.
Then we could see if the 9 weeks pattern holds true.
But that would be a lot of work.
And I'm too lazy for that.

If this goes past July 18th, that's where the real torment will begin.
If it gets to that point, I'll probably dig into her past decisions to find that pattern.
But for now, I'm going to pin my hopes on July 18th.
So that way, I won't be disappointed by June 13th.
I'll be pleasantly surprised if we see significant positive price movement on the 13th.
I think it'll be great news wise for Ripple and xrp.
But I expect that may will be very disappointed and bitter towards how little or nonexistent the price movement will be on that day.

>> No.55261528

Why would you think it was?

>> No.55261565
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2 more weeks?

>> No.55261577

Like poverty and menial work never exacerbated anyone's problems. Fuck off.

>> No.55261590

Does Judge Torres have a twitter just ask him/her on there if they can tell /xsg/ already

>> No.55261700

Based upon your posts in this thread and previous ones, it feels like something has snapped inside of you.
Almost all of your posts are either bitter, sarcastic, or mocking.
We all have days or even weeks like that.
Especially with how this case has dragged on for years.
But you seem to be permanently in this mode.
I nominate you for the most burned out anon on XSG, that still posts regularly.
There are probably more burned out anons, but they don't post here anymore.

>> No.55261709

Thanks dude I appreciate it

>> No.55261715


Fun fact is: i'm only doing this because i'm tired of waiting. Once XRP moons my real life can finally start! So sounds to me you guys only have about two weeks left with me here then we'll part our ways. Also checked

>> No.55261787

Seethe more, nihilistic doomer
You are WEAK

>> No.55261797


>> No.55261812

I'm OK with waiting, I hate work as much as the next guy but my life isn't hard. Hope is the thing that keeps you going but also kills you, I look forward to the meme dates to see what happens but i know we wont get major price increase for a while longer even if the case settles in July.

>> No.55261954
File: 23 KB, 348x307, Casd123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. read some bullshit bestseller about True Happiness™ and enjoying the gift of material misery.

>> No.55262174


get a load of this fag

>> No.55262376

Oooooh $.52 breached we are so back right now

>> No.55262444
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we stable coin now

>> No.55262571


>> No.55262579

always have been

>> No.55262584

i dont know i forget alot

>> No.55262611

Exciting times guys

cant believe you are all gone and its just me sharing this moment with myself

look at the strength

this is what we've been waiting for

at the moment of truth you fail /xsg/

>> No.55262698

Always will be, Just at a higher price.

>> No.55262703

imagine the xsg when XRP hits $10

>> No.55262715

then the entire /biz/ will be /xsg/ and we will lose our safe space which im in charge of and nobody knows who is who anymore and we will lose eachother in the crowds

>> No.55262770

Good, no one will miss you anyway, as you, with your spamming and IP hopping made these threads unreadable.

>> No.55262783

> cant believe you are all gone and its just me sharing this moment with myself
Not at all anon. I'm here. Just bought 333 XRP.

>> No.55262802

i dont even hop ip im always on the same one and one time I didnt even post for a month or two

oooh why 333

>> No.55262812
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> oooh why 333
Good luck.

>> No.55262825

yes thanks you too but why did you pick 333

>> No.55262837

Nice number, All my coins are repeating numbers.

>> No.55262954

Night all

may XRP be well in the $0.50s or $0.60s tomorrow

>> No.55262983
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Tfw crypto millionaire

>> No.55263087

What's supposed to happen in 3 days?

>> No.55263129
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henlo old fren

>> No.55263746


>> No.55264290

>Suddenly 69.6969 xrp appears in your wallet

>> No.55264554

>Suddenly a tomahawk missile obliterates your house, killing you instantly. somewhere an 18 year old missile systems operator mimics MostCritical and shouts "Misinput".

>> No.55264646

More comprehensive list:
-Binance US is stopping all US dollar transactions
-US House Committee on Financial Services (drafting a new stablecoin bill) is having a hearing titled The Future of Digital Assets: Providing Clarity for the Digital Asset Ecosystem
-The unredacted Hinman emails are set to be released June 13
-Google's automated search Alexa, if you ask it the price of XRP, preempts giving it with, "just so you know, XRP's price won't be available starting June 13"
-Trump court begins
-Financial Services Committee Secretary Yellen hearing
-SEC exchange definition comment period deadline
-SEC TRO on Binance assets gets decided
-CPI print
-FOMC meeting following CPI which balls at tail end of Fed blackout period
-Deadline for SEC response to Coinbase's mandamus action is June 13
--Crypto.com suspending exchange for institutional clients June 21
-Same relative timeframe (June 19) CHAPS and the Bank of England's real time gross settlement migrates to ISO 20022, same with Monetary Authority of Singapore and others
-Dozens of other major banks and financial institutions and government web services (like pacer.gov) have scheduled system outages/updates to their banking and mobile banking
-Coincides with quarterly bank liquidity bottleneck for banks (last was SVB/First Republic etc. in March) which happens to fall within scheduled Fed blackout period (June 3-15)
-***majorly significant*** 9 Asian central banks forming the "Asian Clearing Union (ACU)" are adopting a SWIFT alternative for financial messaging in June
-Russia's largest bank Sberbank launches crypto trading services for its customers in June
-Fednow launches July 1
-***majorly significant, literally most significant monetary pivot in 50 years*** LIBOR switch to SOFR begins (LIBOR ends) June 30
-Specified date of interest for coinciding events (June 13) falls in Fed blackout window (June 3-15) which itself hangs over and through the mentioned quarterly bank bottleneck

>> No.55264744

Music to my ears anon. Well done, that is an excellent post.

>> No.55264865

You regain consciousness.
You appear to be lying down in a bed.
You look around at your surroundings.
You are in a small house.
The only lighting appears to be from candles on the wall sconces and one candle on the table.
The cabin is empty.
You stumble out of bed.
Your body feels different somehow.
There is a mirror nearby.
Looking in the mirror, you see a face you don't recognize.
You're taller now.
Your nose angles upwards slightly.
Your chin as chiseled.
Your hair is dark brown.
You seem to be quite in shape.
You are quite muscular.
The name Chad comes to mind.
You are wearing an undyed light tan colored rustic looking tunic,
and pants made of the same material; probably cotton.
You step outside.
A cold blast of wind immediately greats you.
You appear to be in a small medieval village.
Several small houses are nearby.
Suddenly, you hear a loud shriek from above.
Looking up towards the sound, what looks like a large green dragon flies above you.
There can be no doubt now.
You have reincarnated into a new world.
You are happier than you have ever been.
No more Globo Homo.
No more fags and trannies.
There are dragons here.
An entirely unknown world.
Full of excitement and mystery.
What do you do know?

>> No.55264885

Thank you for the effort post anon.
Very informative.

>> No.55264937

probably save a damsel in distress, tame a dragon and become king of some kingdom

>> No.55264947

If you want more in an unapproachably formatted post to feel jacked, read the copypasta in the OP under "schizo rambling."

>> No.55265008
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Post your price predictions after Hinman documents are revealed.

>> No.55265041

I was going to say a lower number, like $0.76, or something.
But it was the very first number that popped into my head; so I'll stick with $2.33
Yes, yes, yes, it will go much higher later.
But not until Torres renders her Summary Judgement,
5+ weeks later on July 18th.

>> No.55265210

No change really, small pump then back to crab until the case settles. But it another piece of the puzzle in place.

>> No.55265242

0.996 dollars.

>> No.55265269

I might be going crazy, but, I got my hopes up for Tuesday for something to happen. Maybe even summary judgement soon after like by the end of the month. Once the emails are out there, what reason is there to delay anything anymore? They're not able to hide that or at least prevent it any longer. The only reason is if she is working with the sec to prevent this from being referenced in anything else coming up. They were far too stupid to settle all this time before Tues; they had years.
Fuck them.
Fuck torres for taking so long.
WAGMI sooner or later.
G'luck anons.

>> No.55265275

They're putting a lot effort into the demoralization as if Plan A isn't still 100% on track.

>> No.55265476


>> No.55265504

>But not until Torres renders her Summary Judgement,
>5+ weeks later on July 18th.
where'd you get that information?

Anyone think Coinbase is going to relist XRP next week in an act of defiance against the SEC after the Hinman documents get's released?

I think it depends on what Hinman says in those documents.

>> No.55265533

>might be going crazy
>thinks something will happen
I have bad news mate.

>> No.55265558

>I think it depends on what Hinman says in those documents.
There would need to a fuck load of fomo.
Real money comes in when after clarity and Ripple and banks can use XRP freely.

>> No.55265581

>where'd you get that information?


As Jeremy Hogan has pointed out, Torres has taken 9 weeks between every major judgement she makes.

On May 23rd, Torres ordered the Hinman emails released to the public.
So her Summary Judgement will come, at the earliest, on July 18th.
9 weeks later

Also, read this:

>> No.55265582

Frens is 1200 Xrpees a suicide stack?

>> No.55265586

What's Plan A?

>> No.55265646

>Anyone think Coinbase is going to relist XRP next week in an act of defiance against the SEC after the Hinman documents get's released?

Honestly, a majority of the Crypto community needs to come together, if they want to survive.
(Ripple and xrp are going to survive without them)
But if the others want to survive, they should band together into some sort of combined legal defense.
It would be bold and wise of them to relist xrp.
But I doubt they'll do it.
They are probably overly cautious now; considering their position.
I think they will wait until after Summary Judgement.
When it is 100% safe.

Also, I don't remember if it's been discussed already, but it was kind of shocking to see Algo accused of being a security by the SEC.
It makes me think that whole infographic of xrp, xdc, xlm, Algo, and IOTA being ISO20022 was just made up fiction.
If it's true, it did absolutely nothing to protect Algo.
I mean, don't get me wrong, Ripple is on the board helping develop the ISO20022 standard.
But I don't think the designation of ISO20022 exists yet, carries any meaning yet, nor offers any sort of protection yet.

>> No.55265665

too late

>> No.55265688

Algo itself hasn't been sued yet, surely if they thought it was Gary would sue his friend. Until then I think it's safe, probably just to cause more drama.

>> No.55266008

If you don't sell before it hits at least 1k, it could be, and even then I wouldn't sell all because it can go higher than that. If I were you, I would focus on getting a few hundred more to sell at targeted price intervals
Etc. At least you can claim some profits before the big wagmi.

>> No.55266036

>man has a hidden agenda
>is called hidd'n man
Can't make this shit up

>> No.55266054

xrp will be go to 2200, but not for another 8 years. we are still sooo early, gonna see over $1.00 late next year then crash all the way down to ~.25 mid 2024 while crabbing for the final 7 years

>> No.55266066

If you buy 400xrp more and sell a hundred each at those prices, you would have extra 90k profit without touching your 1200xrp stack. In short, think of how much xrp you need for you to be happy with (assuming xrp only goes to 1k) and then buy a bit more. Anything more than 1k per xrp (which can realistically happen) can be considered a bonus.

>> No.55266267

Thats good. More time for xrp to rumour pump before the news. If june 13th really was the date id be disappointed since price couldbt break 54c. Now it has time to do it so it can pump past 54c hopefully then dump on news back to 54c.

>> No.55266291

about 30 minutes till its XrpMAS Eve on the US East coast!!!

>> No.55266512

It's such a slimy thing that Gary did.
If he were to directly sue Algo, and all the other crypto companies,
then they would have a chance to defend themselves in court.
Instead, he does this roundabout bullshit of suing Coinbase and Binance for selling unregistered securities.

>> No.55266528

Its Zerpmas Eve!!!

>> No.55266705

hot take, it crashes with the whole market cuz of other macro habbenings that day, and the impact of news of hinman emails is totally overshadowed.

>> No.55266727
File: 1.28 MB, 498x498, krimmus!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a black swan for Zerpmas

>> No.55266753

tomorrow is the day guys

also new bake >>55266745