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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55228827 No.55228827 [Reply] [Original]

im doomed to work for the rest of my life because i didn't take large enough risks fuck my stupid life also why is it so fucking hard to get laid and/or have group sex? what the fuck.

>> No.55228847

The only risk that would enable to you to ever have to work again is to risk running a successful business and then selling it. Whatever age you are, you’re not too old to do that.

>> No.55228870

>also why is it so fucking hard to get laid and/or have group sex?

You're probably like me, and have a difficult time controlling your lizard coomer brain from constantly thinking about SEXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I feel strongly that if certain men could only control that part of their brain and turn that energy into something productive or intelligent, they'd improve their lives immensely

>> No.55229127

pretty much. i want to have wild group sex with most of my female friends. and think about doing it constantly. its just such a fucking chore to get some girl to come over. and threesomes/foursomes are even rarer

>> No.55229158

women can sense how thirsty you are and it repels them, try focusing on yourself and they'll notice

>> No.55229616
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unironically read this and practice meditation

>> No.55229699


True, i'm like you, i try to use my intense desire to fuck almost all women i come across to earn money. I think of sex like almost all the time, it's insane. Also, i'm so mad that we have millionaires and billionaires that can have all the sex they want and dont use this power, its enfuriating.

>> No.55229718

That’s the reason they’re billionaires, just fucking lol if you think you can achieve anything when you got a girl splitting your attention and sapping your energy.

>> No.55229729

jannies tongue nigger ass

>> No.55230326

The problem is the pussy cartel artifically inflating the value of pussy via price-fixing.

You're trying to solve your lack of pussy problem by competing for pussy individually while women cooperate collectively to deny pussy to men to artificially inflate the value of pussy.

You can't solve a systemic, collective problem as an individual. You need to cooperate with like minded people to strike at the root of the problem and break the power of the pussy cartel once and for all.

The solution is to form a pussy consumers' co-op, owned and managed by pussy consumers aimed at fulfilling the pussy needs and aspirations of its members.

The pussy co-op will arrange bulk pussy purchases through which pussy consumers can collectively purchase pussy at wholesale prices.

The pussy co-op leverages the purchasing power of members to obtain discounts from pussy vendors based on the collective buying power of the members.

By using cooperative purchasing the pussy co-op can get lower prices from pussy suppliers and reduce costs of pussy procurement.

The pussy co-op is funded by fees paid by the pussy vendors, by the pussy buying members, or by a combination of both. These fees can be set as a percentage of the pussy purchase or set as an annual flat rate. For example, fees may be assessed as an annual enrolment fee or a transaction fee such as a levy of 1% or 2% on the value of every pussy purchase.

Profits or surpluses can be paid out as dividends to members.

This can be implemented anonymously as an app with good crypto.

>> No.55230352

i got my dick sucked in a public park yesterday night during my WFH shift by a swedish girl on xanax

>> No.55230376

>why is it so fucking hard to get laid?

Pussy providers know men will go insane without sex, so they collectively deny it to men to artificially inflate the value of pussy. This puts top notch pussy out of reach for the average pussy consumer.

Pussy vendors market their services on Twitter Eros Slixa Tryst Private Delights etc. making it easy to establish contracts to achieve preferred pusy pricing, terms, and service standards.

Pussy suppliers will offer preferred pussy pricing, terms, and service standards because would benefit from lower overall pussy selling expenses and the increased pussy sales volume associated with a single very large customer.

>> No.55230409

>didn't take large enough risks
This is a shitcoin propoganda thread.
Season your posts and let it slide into the >>>/trash/ where it belongs.
You don't need to take risks anons.
Risk management is actually the key to success.

>> No.55230458

Men don’t like working together, they think it’s “beta”. Then they have the gall to complain about the status of society. Stupid morons hahaha

>> No.55230598

Yeah fans here won't do shit to solve their lack of pussy dilemma.

When society faces a problem, retards want government officials to fix the problem but free market solutions to societal problems are always better.

Cucks here only want government funded prostitutes or universal forced monogamy.

>> No.55230710
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I'm 29 and im about to fuck a fat 31 single mother, then an old 35 trailer park White trash smoker afterwards.

Ya, I like being a nasty, dirty little fuck.

>> No.55230717
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>> No.55230752
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In fact, when I was 19 I was fucking 32 - 35 y/o women, now at 29 im still fucking filthy White trash and goth single mothers.

I'm a sick freak. A dirty milf addict. Nothing beats the sound of saggy tits and flabby asses smacking against your thighs while you pound out they gooey slit...

>> No.55230792

>group sex
Probably because you're a fucking coomer and women can smell the stained cum on your hands you fucking idiot. Also taking risks is a meme and only few benefit from doing it. Even if you had a chance to make risks, you'd probably just spend that time looking at porn instead.

>> No.55230793

This. I have a ton of thirsty male coworkers that turn off the female workers because they try so hard to talk and bang them while I just do my work. The women will come to me to hang out and talk because I'm not creepy. Just do you bro and the women will seek you out then easy numbers, etc.

>> No.55230813

Financial innovation in the pussy market is our most powerful weapon to break the power of the pussy cartel.

Motivated individuals voluntarily coordinating in the market place can succeed in ways government never can.

>> No.55230861

Every time I think gee life is hard as a hard working and very busy manager, husband, father, churchgoer, pretty much everything /biz/ seethes against, posts like these remind me what it was like before giving my life away.

Fug, thanks OP. Wish you well but I've got the experience to tell you that lust and greed and sloth are all like meth or coke. There's simply no satisfying them for long. You either become a slave to them seething all your life, or you mortify and break them.

>> No.55230897

This just gave me an idea