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55227275 No.55227275 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55227279

more ramen!

>> No.55227280

I think I will do exactly what pic suggests

>> No.55227281

>cooks champagne

>> No.55227283
File: 20 KB, 220x322, The_Libertine_film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing: a hooker is just some slut who is giving you syphilis. How do you live with yourself?

>> No.55227287

Vaginas are full of yeast. When girls go dancing that’s why the dance floor stinks. Their yeast starts to ferment when they sweat and their body temperature rises. Women are the spreaders of disease ultimately.

>> No.55227288
File: 191 KB, 800x371, 096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's the thing: a hooker is just some slut who is giving you syphilis. How do you live with yourself?

>> No.55227295

Inaccurate. How do you deal with this?

>> No.55227304


>> No.55227309

This is fucking disgusting

>> No.55227311

Plebbit. How do you go back to it?

>> No.55227317

A lab, a factory, and a team of scientists to develop a small yield nuclear missile with OP tracking capabilities.
I will find and kill every OP and all that will be left of them are the silhouettes they leave behind which will indicate their endless addiction to fellating.

>> No.55227319

spotted the chainlink holder

>> No.55227324

Oh no reddit!!!!
Back to 2014
How are you still alive. Rhetorical questions

>> No.55227340


>> No.55227346

Disgusting faggots

>> No.55227358

>disgsuted by champussy
>calls others faggots
you literally are the faggot

>> No.55227359


>> No.55227363

degenerate coomers are essentially faggots
you're both like little housewives saying you tuna bake is better than the other's
it's fucking disgusting and you should be banned from the kitchen

>> No.55227365

Imagine her queef as he’s pouring the champagne

>> No.55227366


>> No.55227392

you're pathetic

>> No.55227394

You are disgusting