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55204497 No.55204497 [Reply] [Original]

I just got liquidated and now it's pumping. Why am I retarded? How did it go down to my exact liq price before pumping? I thought I was safe at this local bottom..

>> No.55205180

This was the last crypto I had.. actually the last money I had. I have no cash either

>> No.55205221

Because you overleveraged obviously, anything over 2x really isn't safe. Anything over 10x and you are targeted for liquidation. It was a bit different before FTX collapsed and more people were trading, you could get away with overleveraging then, but now? No. Most of the volume is fake, they can wash trade it right down to your liquidation price.

>> No.55205320

>trading leverage when you have no money
You are destined to die a homeless retard. There's no saving people like you.

>> No.55205348

do you have a job?

>> No.55205366

Because chinance has data on all of its customers short/long positions and can move the price to liquidate you for free money.

>> No.55206751

What about dex's? Can people still liq hunt you?

>> No.55206763


>> No.55206811

>he doesnt use stop loss

>> No.55207416

>Liq hunting $300
>Crash an entire perp contract just to get 300 whole dolarinos
Do they really?

>> No.55207445

Why not? They’re just wash trading.
They’re buying and selling to themselves

>> No.55207579

The world is much bigger than one or two people, even on a CEX contract there's dozens if not thousands of people making all kinds of decisions that could affect the price. The only scenario where a CEX would go out of their way to target someone is if they had a huge initial margin. Otherwise it's just the market doing what the market does = connecting buyers and sellers.
Each time you short; you sell, each time you long; you buy, and vice versa when you close your position. Every action has an impact on the orderbooks.
Seeing the chart go green when you're liquidated is likely just you and a few other traders (bots included) closing their orders, therefore fulling the act of selling to buyers or vice versa.
Your liquidation price might be someone else's stop loss threshold, it's all connected.
Just saying
>Urrr CEX bad
Doesn't explain anything.
Also buy LOTTO on BSC.

>> No.55208222
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OP, I'm gonna keep it real for you: you're no trader, and probably never will unless you actually properly educate yourself.
Stick to DCA & hodling, spot sell a fraction (scalping) during crabs if you feel confident enough + have been in the crypto market for long enough.
I've been doing this with AVAX for 2 years and it has been worth it despite the pain, I already have a decent SUI for the next bullrun, and I'm not planning to sell until $400-$500.
Pick a project/platform you actually believe in and stick to DCA & hodl, you're doomed any other way.

>> No.55208625

>he actually believes leverage crypto markets are legit
you must be smoking crack. At one point 95% of the volume was fake. Maybe you should read what the SEC has to say about Binance.

>> No.55209038
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serves you right for shorting bitcoin

>> No.55209401
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Better luck next time

>> No.55210157
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>> No.55210176


Don't gamble at a rigged casino.

>> No.55210415

Die poor coward

>> No.55211364
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BTC is a growing risk. Honestly, if you want my advice I say buy better bags and focus on hold exclusively. Trading right now is too risky.

>> No.55211409

like me when I got liquidated you are gonna have to start all over and get a job, its not so bad if you like what you do, stop being a retard next time and use SL, if the movement doesn't go in your favor very fast its not worth the position

>> No.55212140
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or just stack and you don't have to worry about anything else

>> No.55212160

at what point to you set your stop loss though? -10%?

>> No.55212455

I was long..
Yea this is what I struggle with. It's so hard to get a good entry that won't go opposite direction enough to stop you out. At that point you're just being liquidated but only 10-25% of your portfolio repeatedly

>> No.55212520
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if you have to ask this, here's some simple advice:
Just stop leverage trading. You aren't cut out for it. This isn't an insult, just a fact. Blockchains are by default, publicly documented. liq hunting onchain is very real. There have been threads on /biz/ about liq hunting shorters. Just stop and stick with either DCAing or simple trading (pic related), stop using leverage, you can't handle it.

>> No.55212538

Everyone says this, but I feel like there's leverage is the only way for me to make it right now. I'm poor and need money badly. If I dca and maybe after 5 years have 6 figures that's nothing in the grand scheme of life. I can't deal with life anymore. I can't wait decades to make it.

>> No.55212673

So you're one of Gensler's boys huh? Here to cast some fud on our noble profession?

>> No.55212708

Pick 1 and stack
For me it's CRO


CRO chad and AVAX Chan can have sex with me

>> No.55213862

Banks do it, it's called stop hunting.

You need to trade without stops.