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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 397x600, hadrian_killing_jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55198641 No.55198641 [Reply] [Original]

>It ALWAYS crashes before it pumps
Expected result on subject:
Goy buys the dip that never stops
>The FED will pause, buy the dip
Expected result on the subject:
Goy buys the dip that never stops
>BINANCE.us sued; short Goy
Expected result in the subject:
Goy shorts and provides short liquidity

You were warned

>> No.55198674

Behaviorism gone wrong. Was kind of obvious

>> No.55198735

Cheap nlp. Who doesn't see right through such a poor attempt at predictive programming.
Like jews could predict the future in multivariate spaces by being jews, lol

>> No.55198771

A nigger is defecating on your wife chest in your bed while you're here in your basement office shilling, glowie

>> No.55198791

Are you kvetching jew? Keep singing the song of your people

>> No.55198802

What the fuck are you even saying? Btc gongo which way nigger?

>> No.55198817

With the Bond market taking a heavy shit and the jews looking to drain liquidity from commodities, equities and crypto, down, hard. Don't use a small margin to short. The liquidity is not to be found

>> No.55198889

Whoever came up with this did a bad job. Likely some grad student in psychology from Tel Aviv

>> No.55198895
File: 60 KB, 900x733, biz jidf fag exposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up, OP is the same anon who posted this: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55193870/#55194060

Picrel. After that post, he switched IP and began posting as L4lLN26U
See L4lLN26U's posts here, Ctrl+F L4lLN26U
See first: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55193870/#55196218
Notice in particular his reply to this post: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55193870/#55197071
And his reply to this post: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55193870/#55197192
As well as his reply to this post: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55193870/#55197244
See how he keeps getting BTFO'd by concise and logical replies, and just ignores that and keeps calling everyone jews (when they expose the jews and tell the truth).

Absolutely bizarre shill behavior, but it pops up every once in a while; sometimes they post that way.

>> No.55198915

>t. jew
trying to play jewish games?
how heavy are your bags?
Mods banned me for exposing the truth, the only ban danger

>> No.55198925
File: 115 KB, 402x398, 1667511841035851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand he's still going, still doing it: >>55198687 in reply to >>55198671 and now in this thread here: >>55198915 -- always switching IPs.

>> No.55198931

That is not a jidf, that is the truth. Something a jew would be very afraid about

>> No.55198949

Léon Degrelle was not a jew. Calling him a jew is lying.

>> No.55199013

Are you using Degrell to defend the jew, that's very jewish

>> No.55199068

Thanks for the warning

>> No.55199446

Fits the the pattern applied during the debt ceiling farce. I believe it

>> No.55199473

only a jew would say using Degrell to defend the jew is jewish, jew

>> No.55199514

Are you trying to jew jew. You are getting beaten at your own game jew

>> No.55199537

there is no game. exterminate the jews or suffer. for joy on earth there can be no jews. Exterminate the jews and the jewish theater of law. kill them all

>> No.55199560

Only that Hitler never tried to kill the jews he wanted to get them back to Israel that's all. Very nice but looking at how jewish history treats him wasted effort.
Like the attempt to make it out that it was the allies that killed the jews. Very jewish game you play here

>> No.55199580

Playing jew mind games, huh rabbi? I'm not falling for your jewish tricks. Exterminating the jews is what they want, so I'll be keeping the jews alive, jew

Send my regards to Tel Aviv

>> No.55199598
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, 1683165817256427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economic Calculation Problem isn't "commies suck" it's "central planning does not can not work", they didn't ban the internet because they can't, they didn't ban cryptography because they can't, they didn't ban crypto because they can't. The State/oligarchs/Jews main means of control stems through Fed funny money, they can't meaningfully control the economy, only influence it through fiat fuckery. Reduce your dependence on fiat, reduce their power. BTC/XMR kills the Fed.

>> No.55199615

What? One of the jew games is to berate those that speak the truth and the attacks on OP are very jewish. Only that OP seems to be able to beat the jew at his own game, making the jew reveal himself.

>> No.55199622

Like silver kills the fed? This thread is gold. It's a jew trap. Literally

>> No.55199742

Silver is not a practical currency, the illiquid nature of physical boomer rocks invites fiat fuckery, BTC/XMR is real practical money.

>> No.55199752

Yeah. OPs trap worked. Back to the oven hodl your bag. Fascinating

>> No.55199858
File: 298 KB, 1277x1780, IMG_2569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fucking obsessed man…

>> No.55199884

Do you feel caught? You got tricked by a jew hunter. Somebody versed in the art of jewery that isn't a jew and doesn't use his knowledge to jew but to trap the jew. What a glorious bastard

>> No.55199923

Pilpul doesn't work here Jew. All crypto fudders are Christ killers.
>Verification not required.

>> No.55199961

No no no. This is too perfect. Crypto might be legit but it got hyperinflated with jewish tricks from usdt and stable coins over jewish companies playing games. I suppose the deflation is going to be something else

>> No.55200429
File: 199 KB, 1352x924, 054_ELI0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exposes jewish trickery
>Makes jews seeth and abandon thread

>> No.55200789

Jew's mad

>> No.55200981

Currently only legit thread in the catalog

>> No.55201127

90% of the posters in this thread is a samefag talking with himself. SAD!

>> No.55201156

23 posters

>> No.55202637


>> No.55203560

>If I was a rich man… hoo dreidel dreidel dreidel

>> No.55204683

>Absolutely bizarre shill behavior, but it pops up every once in a while; sometimes they post that way.
Cope for being played?

>> No.55204853 [DELETED] 

OP is genuinly mentally ill nigger. I have been here since 2015 and I havent seen someone as baked at this retard

>> No.55204890 [DELETED] 

Then it's time you go back (((new fag)))

>> No.55204991 [DELETED] 

Please just end your life already. That's the only good thing you can do.

>> No.55205005 [DELETED] 

Keep singing the song of your people.

>> No.55205027 [DELETED] 

End your life.

>> No.55205037 [DELETED] 

Keep singing it's music and you are a trapped animal about to have it's neck snapped

>> No.55205060 [DELETED] 

I am not joking just tie a noose around your neck already it is the only way for you

>> No.55205083 [DELETED] 

Just like a rat in a trap. You are done. Your game is over. Shouldn't have played a game you don't understand and mistaken luck, with skill

>> No.55205086 [DELETED] 

you unironically need to hang yourself

>> No.55205098 [DELETED] 

Keep screeching, jew.
And you think you are white, no you are a jew, behaving like one, and deserve everything that is coming for you

>> No.55205135 [DELETED] 

You aren't white. You are goblin american that needs to fucking unload a shotgun into his ugly ass face

>> No.55205147 [DELETED] 

Nein Jude. Dein Leben ist vorbei

>> No.55205152 [DELETED] 

You need to commit suicide.
You need to do it.

>> No.55205155 [DELETED] 

Keep singing

>> No.55205161 [DELETED] 

Just end your pathetic existence already brokie

>> No.55205181 [DELETED] 

And he keeps kvetching, while being trapped with everyone else front running him. Enjoy the last days of your life. Your neck is going to be snapped

>> No.55205204 [DELETED] 

Not reading all that nigger.
End your life now. Do it. Hang yourself.

>> No.55205391 [DELETED] 

Lol. The mod new fag realized he fucked up. Check the archives. The kvetching by mod-sama is worth reading

>> No.55205835

This is such an effective trap
The jew boy really showed his face

>> No.55206154
File: 173 KB, 1313x1652, meth jew is losing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely glorious

>> No.55206649
File: 1.19 MB, 1354x904, next act.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods are ETH bag holders

>> No.55206974
File: 180 KB, 1399x375, banned for pissing of eth scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to use this thread to archive evidence of mods being criminals and unregistered security promoters

>> No.55207025
File: 32 KB, 466x477, mods getting panicky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is a USA based website, with a moderation team that promoted unregistered securities
Its going to be shutdown

>> No.55207840
File: 29 KB, 882x288, Israel centbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel did a mistake btw. they are going to be punished

>> No.55208590

bump too valuable of a thread to let slide