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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55197430 No.55197430 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the “enlightened” few?

>> No.55197460

This is the most based thing I’ve seen on /biz/ in the past 2 weeks and it’s a Twitter screenshot. Long ADA and BTC wen

>> No.55197498

He's a jew, he doesnt care about what he is saying he just wants to say the right thing to get on top. look up his actions as the ethereum ceo. dude is a sociopath.

>> No.55197502

He is correct and actually based but biz wont have it. He's been forever fudded as s(0)yboy here and his tech as inferior to some pajeet shit, and biz collectively bought it hook, line and sinker.

>> No.55197596
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>He's been forever fudded as s(0)yboy
arguable but he undoubtedly appeals to the masses (reddit bagholders)

>> No.55197678

ADA "staking" is DPOS, no matter how his fan base is trying to pitch it. this makes ADA a security (and cardano a poorly secured blockchain). simple as.

>> No.55197700

He only wrote that because they named ADA, kek what DAPP merchant

>> No.55197742

“Waaaaaa we’re oppressed cause we can’t follow rules, following established rules is a witch hunt waaaaa”. Exchanges are subject to the laws of the land for better or worse.

>> No.55197765
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Every fud about him is true, he's just saying what he knows you want to hear because ADA got named by the jew.
The fact that he's right is just a funny accident

>> No.55197771

Now this is going to sound crazy but... How hard is it to just not sell unregistered securities?

>> No.55197839
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit i love Gensler now!

And "Waaaaa" the gugmint learnt about blockchain tech and how to scam people like meeeeee

Except cbdc's will actually have utility and use cases and don't believe all the conspiracy crap from all these crypto scammers, influencers and maxi pads that the gubmint has a cbdc killswitch. They tried to pull that shit with the Internet, still hasn't been done. Never has crypto felt more like a scam than it has today. I sold everything and put it into tech stocks. It's over

>> No.55197855

But then we can't make money by conning degenerates

>> No.55197942

Thanks for your contribution Rabbi

>> No.55197978

Go back.

>> No.55198237

>binance and all other exchanges except coinbase which is controlled by blackrock will fall
>XRP loses case
>bitcoin dumps to 8k and never recovers
>ETH pumps to 18k and flips BTC but gensler wants ETH for cbdcs
>Coinbase dumps all crypto except CBDCs and other government, regulated foreign currencies which they soon adopt
>Saylor admits defeat, supports cbdcs but has been funnelling AI projects with microstrategy this whole time as a backup plan
>vitalik who has been complying with gensler this whole time will utilize ETH as the cbdc blockchain of choice
Everyone else will leave crypto and invest in more practical things like AI tech, quantum computing, neuralink, real estate, hydrogen fuel cells, etc

[[[[Screencap this]]]]


>> No.55198242

does it matter? cardano has pretty clearly failed, and charles is a great scapegoat having both meddled in ethereum and his own alt.
the walls are closing in on him.

>> No.55198297

bitcoin's already won though, and ethereum won't be highly valued if the sole concept of decentralized value ever fails.

>> No.55198298

LINK holders

>> No.55198423

Everything is retarded and it must be reduced to rubble

>> No.55198480
File: 95 KB, 640x640, 42FB973D-63A5-4948-9409-21745493B5E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a retarded bitnigger and XRP holders have been saying all of this for years except we chose to invest in this instead of trying to pretend we’re winning a fight against them. God I hate all you bitfucks and mETHcels like you would’ve believe. Literally room temperature IQ.
Cuckdano is about to get fucked so hard it’s going to be glorious. After fudding XRP and calling us conspiracy theories he shits this out and you niggers swallow it whole.

>> No.55198484

shalom mr Hoskinson, who are the enlightened few? tell us

>> No.55198501


>> No.55198516

Based schizo
Wagmi eks-are-pee bros

>> No.55198541

Tell me that I’m lying bitnigger, tell me that we never told you this would happen exactly how it’s happening.
I will ask you to tell me that we didn’t warn you that you will be forced to KYC. I will shit on you niggers all day long I’ll retire to remind you every day you’re on the wrong side of everything and you war warned but all you did was push us down. You will not win this, the winner was already chosen almost a decade ago.

>> No.55198597

ADA is a poor product and Charles is very self-important, though what he says is still correct.

>> No.55198667

Listen here you dumb hillbilly. All of these things that you thought you made up were well known back in 2017 and earlier when your shitcoin was still actually worth something. And XRP had nothing to do with any of it. The only purpose of cripple has always been to dump on the inbred bagholders that are too stupid to realize what is going on.

>> No.55198712

>[[[[Screencap this]]]]
Not worth it.

>> No.55198714

Bitnigger libcuck, you never saw any of this coming. Your wings are cut off, you are squandering aimlessly with hope that you are “not a security” when global regulatory bodies are looking to cut you penis off and stick it inside you anus as a public display of what they do to the goyim who think they’re escaping le heckin bankerinos.
I will be taking pictures, I will be sending them off to all your family and long forgotten acquaintances.

>> No.55198812

extremely based.

>> No.55198867


>> No.55198892

Except crypto is valued tech now that banks are gonna push CBDCs up our ass

>> No.55198911
File: 256 KB, 733x591, IMG_7802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chose to invest in this disgusting jew. Shut the fuck up, jew. Get the fuck off this board kike lover

>> No.55198918

Kys zio rat

>> No.55198940

>Who are the “enlightened” few?

The fucking jews, who else?

>> No.55198948

Nigger he created bitcoin. Him an Arthur Britto. Both NSA, used NSA patented technology to create your shitcoin. Schwartz patented the building blocks of DLT, you are a retarded nigger for not knowing this 2023 years after the birth of our lord.

>> No.55198970

All crypto decentralized buyers will be killed.
Japan has the right format, crypto where you pay your taxes at the peak point not any lower points.
Dumps to 0 from 5 million? don't care, pay your 400k tax.

>> No.55198971

That fat faggot finally getting what he deserves. Fuck you charles

>> No.55199004

>xrp had nothing to do with it

Years of trying to warn you idiots, but you just kept whistling past the graveyard. Rip bozo.

>> No.55199077

where's the lie?

two more weeks until your bags pump and you can finally exit at the breakeven point

>> No.55199194

Two more weeks until banks burn down their entire infrastructure and trade in all of their holdings for bitcoin, two more weeks until the IMF and BIS close down and erase their all trace of ever existing as they scurry to buy your bags and buy gorrillions in mining equipment to keep it all alive, so you can win and they lose.

>> No.55199328

The world has really changed.

>> No.55199704

Trying to instigate for something anti-Semitic. Why is /bizpol/ obsessed with Jews? Bruh, fucking cringe actually.

>> No.55199716

So charles is a jew. More old news

>> No.55199747
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I dislike ADA and Charles with a passion since he's all talk and ADA has literally has done ZERO of its promises.
But nevertheless, I like the talking part since he always makes sense in a philosophical and theoretical standpoint when it comes to crypto. His heart and mind is at the right place, his projects though, yuck.
I wouldn't trust that guy to get anything done

>> No.55199778

crypto ignores legislation, just like torrents
you are dead

>> No.55199786

>Japan has the right format
>when they practically killed crypto with their retarded regulation so all the firms in Japan, Binance included, left

>> No.55199798

Crypto companies that operate on usdt and usdc don't. Get a grip

>> No.55199876

To Israel

>> No.55200343

You don’t understand money and banking stupid bitfuck niggerman do you not understand that you are a slave and you owe money the moment you’re born and the USD is a paper IOU that represents abstract value that does not belong to you? Absolutely retarded creatures, all of you. You are dead.

>> No.55201396


>> No.55201405

people who mine monero

>> No.55201418

At total of 1000 dollar have been paid to do tx on xmr in the past 24 hours. That's very little to feed village

>> No.55201434

if you live in a village you're probably not enlightened

>> No.55201451

most money in monero is from attacking the network with decoy transactions and selling your services a la chainalysis.

>> No.55201456

Wut. You don't get the joke. Kyc exchanges, dev mills from south east asia and a little capital to grease the cogs if justice to play metaphorical napalm on their villages

>> No.55201461

The ones who sold dog bat November 2021.

>> No.55202161

>charles hoskinson
I stopped reading there