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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 794 KB, 1125x1437, 2207F4D6-D9A2-4AC3-B90D-2700682226CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55153791 No.55153791 [Reply] [Original]

Dev is back in a new video, seems like they’re moving to develop a roster of characters, and he’s passing the mantle to his “son”. Seems like it could be an interesting direction, I posted in previous threads about the team avoiding single points of failure.

>inb4 team only makes videos
>it’s literally a self-professed meme project

>> No.55154443
File: 126 KB, 989x1280, IMG_20230424_193633_195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bink thigger

>> No.55155946

Tent schizo her

>> No.55156935

They begged that junkie to do the last video for them, you can even see that he's giving an absolute minimum and isn't happy at all that they took him from his trailer again. It's over.

>> No.55157025

DBI up 25% down 8% after video.
What use are NFT going to be if they retire TheDev. I like TheDev, other characters are not so much fun.

>> No.55157051

I'm not even mad anymore for the blatan scam..
I'm happy knowing i won't rope because thos shitcoin will never moon or make people rich.
I'm just moving forward and forgetting about this.

>> No.55157378

I'll buy 2-3 NFT's as they are cheep. Throwing away ETH for JPEG but I like TheDev and betting on TheDev NFT's gsin some value if The Dev is gone.

>> No.55157991

ah, there it is, our DBI thread. I resisted the urge to make the thread myself, it feels extra sweet now that it's here.

So how are we feeling about the latest video that includes the dev? he's a fuckin GHOST and hands over the floppy drive. Apparently the relationship between thedev and the team wasn't that soured

FUCK CAPTCHA this is the SIXTH time I try

>> No.55158213
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>> No.55159030

How much do you think he got paid?
The guy doesn't want anything to do with DBI anymore..

>> No.55159339

Check the price. You were told threads ago that Dev Fest was such an unmitigated disaster that even the Dev coming back to make videos wouldn't bring the price back to pre Dev Fest dump levels. He did a video, which looks more like a final sendoff, and price is still below Dev Fest levels. So /biz/ is once again correct and Trannygram is wrong. The problem isn't the videos, it's that there's no crypto developments behind them, and the videos with the random trailer trash have nothing to do with crypto at all. Yes, an anonymous animal mascot is better than an unreliable, disheveled, meth mouth boomer with one foot in the grave. Experiment failed, bet lost. You can say DBI is working as much as you like, we can keep checking the price and see that it isn't. /biz/ isn't your tranny hugbox.

>> No.55159378

Judging by the sad amount of posts in this thread /biz/ is done with DBI too. Another dead shit coin, moving on.

>> No.55159412


>> No.55159457
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>> No.55160349

Why did they pick old fag for satoshi?

Why not young man instead of elderly junky chain smoker?

Why did dev quit?

Pillow tranny works in hollywood right? Why didn't they get dev sag card and get dev under contract?

too many questions

No transparency with this rug

>> No.55160490

There are no "connections" everybody knows the dev is an actor and he's as much of a Satoshi as Craig wright so there's is no "waiting for the litle guys" and we can wait 100 more years and still will be too "early" for cz to list this token.

TL:DR if the connections were legit, this shitcoin would be sitting at 500/1bil mc by now.
There's no point on letting time passing by while being poor when you could be rich in a few days

>> No.55160715
File: 127 KB, 1080x767, Screenshot_20230602-073026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did most of you buy the top or why are you so salty? I'm making a nice bit of cash on this

let's check the chart right now

>> No.55160805


>> No.55160865

I think they're decentralizing the characters, so they don't have to rely on one guy, so they could come and go whenever they want.

>> No.55160940
File: 94 KB, 1612x672, down90percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets check the chart right now
ya lets check it down 90% faggot picrel
>did most of you buy the top
dbi crashed and never stopped dipping
>enjoying my 1.3x from absolute bottom
kys tg nigger shill

>> No.55160968

>if the connections were legit, this shitcoin would be sitting at 500/1bil mc by now
This. End of story. Don't forget the NFTs are nearly worthless as well.

>> No.55161097
File: 2.80 MB, 498x277, Fats Destroyed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we mooning
Just ban me another 3 days jannies I can't even check the chart

>> No.55161278
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You will never be tent schizo

>> No.55161299
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>> No.55161326
File: 118 KB, 1462x837, turbofags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is DBI written on a turbo tax floppy disc?

>> No.55161346

Now that I think about it TheDev has a pretty big nose

>> No.55161453
File: 72 KB, 1351x966, Satoshi_Nakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig Wright > The Deva

At least Craig Wright got a pump out of his scam.
Cheap cunts got it at a Goodwill, don't they know Satoshi hid his keys on an AOL free trial disc?

The whole production is laughably bad for some cunt who claims to be from "Hollywood."

Tommy Wiseau would do a better job. He's a far better director.

>> No.55162262

Lost $25k to this shit. What to do now?

>> No.55162505
File: 150 KB, 300x255, White_Zombie_More_Human_Than_Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all about me i'm the dev of btc
>whoops i'm tired of doing this
>actually it was never about me it was always about you guys
>thx for the rv
more schizo than schizo

>> No.55162525

call gary gensler and show him the skit they made about him

>> No.55162634

You could start with not bumping the thread faggot. But i know youre a discord tranny pajeet shiller

>> No.55163819

Sirs I must redeem page number
>REEE stop buying satoshis hidden tech
Nice try craig

>> No.55163894

what's your buy targets goys?

>> No.55164352
File: 166 KB, 1122x1464, POV - Looking Out The Oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.018, 3 months ago

>> No.55165261

Same. Will never buy this tranny coin again.

>> No.55167532

There is a whale with 3.5% of the supply now. It kept buying all the way down and never sold, any theory ?

>> No.55168179

It’s either Shillman (he already put 15eth in when price was between 0.015 and 0.02, the fucker got lucky during the bull and now squanders his wealth thinking it was all his talent and not pure chance) or PG themselves (pun intended) trying to recreate fomo. It’s dead.

>> No.55168194
File: 84 KB, 1024x832, 16319239601220003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious shill question
>What do?
Painfully obvious that wallet is team trying to resurrect dbi after team oversold dbi to death from dozens of other anonymous wallets.
Greedy idiots didn't even let dbi break 30 million market cap during full blown meme season.
Team fucked up selling too early and left millions on the table.
It's joever now. Here's your you smooth brain.

>> No.55168296

Oh yeah, devs are the next billionaires. Being able to code in any language and earn royalty reward is a huge boost that'll sure get dicks hard.

>> No.55168396
File: 1.96 MB, 2679x2394, The Only Bag I Hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well, another meal that only high IQ march sellers know about

>> No.55168473
File: 2.28 MB, 2208x2555, Would You Like Gas With That Fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*burp* heh, yep. Only real anons will understand. You know. The book reading ones. Heh

>> No.55169138

your so hot i want to fill your hole with my cum

>> No.55169424
File: 119 KB, 1280x897, think smoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not even an actor. probably just a stand-in for sam elliott back in the 80s lol

>> No.55169707

Thanks pillow tranny, but I'm married to Das fuhrer

>> No.55170250

Because it's going to 10 billion marketcap.
It's not him.

>> No.55170512

Did the dev create the hobo son in Honor of schizo?

>> No.55171000

Is this a suicide general now?

>> No.55171021
File: 11 KB, 316x265, JEETED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullish as fuck. The multi millionaires in jeetland have all capitulated

>> No.55171033

We got DBI 2.0 already brewing with TOAD.
>shib.io email
>shib devs in the tg
>muh 3AC bought 12 ETH worth
I’m gonna laugh when they get rekt

>> No.55171064
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>> No.55171278
File: 48 KB, 1024x683, alleged-mosque-shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't do shit nigger

>> No.55171525

>I’m gonna laugh when they get rekt
Every day at launch time we get rekt , anon.
Pump and dump
We have to trust ze plan..

>> No.55171531

>Pillowtranny on the right
Nice find anon

>> No.55172070

tfw not an el creatura mutt gas station employee that puts McGoynalds in his body

>it's over white bros

>> No.55173028

My McDonald's app doesn't have anymore b1g1 deals on quarter pounders/big Macs. It's like $10 for 2 now. Maybe 7 with a coupon. No wonder why he's homeless.

>> No.55173584

I bought 20 chicken mc nuggers and a mc rib (road tripping Europe) and the total price was 16 euros

11 euros for 20 nuggets. that shit used to be 8, and before that I remember paying 4,90 like six years ago.

>> No.55173672

McDoubles were 99 cents. Now they're $4. 17% inflation since precovid my asshole.

>> No.55174453

>be rentfag
>6 gorillion to live next to niggers
>eat foodbank and ramen
>lift apple phone
>read harry potter
>hold dbi
>be vagabondCHAD
>pay 0 to see sunset and squirrels fucking (this makes rangerchud SEETHE)
>eat 2 big macs daily
>walk around
>>the fuck is a gym
>read book from funny mustache man
>sell dex coins early
we. are. not. the. same.

>> No.55174585
File: 170 KB, 1080x1567, We Crab Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also someone from trannygram explain this chart. I'm just a simple wagie enjoyer but this looks like 1 faggot buying massive and then selling small amounts every time someone else buys

>> No.55175103

The 3rd top wallet never sold and is still buying. The sells are from smaller wallets and I'm too lazy to track.

>> No.55175248

It's the team. They've been doing it with every dip for a while. They're trying to bait in buyers and create fake volume. Usual pnd

>> No.55177027
File: 1.80 MB, 2208x2379, Burger Hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the chart look like bros I'm very busy

>> No.55177290

im looking at the website and the devs twitter and this shit looks great. this is no run of the mill scam. they worked hard on this shit. did bizlets get rekt on it?

>> No.55177379
File: 3.37 MB, 2969x3291, Tfw 500lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm much better. Now, let's check out that ol' chart together shall we?

>> No.55177384

>it dumps immediately after this post
Post nose lmao

>> No.55177687

There’s a new scam brewing with TOAD killer. Based shib team devs, 3AC wallet already boughted, big wig shib nigs in the tg. Hop in if you guys aren’t too demoralized yet.

>> No.55178280

lol baggies dbi is never going to do another video with cz or jesse powell, wen exchange listing baggies? you got scammed by a cheap bitconnect nigger

>> No.55178592

That's a found ashtray cigarette.

>> No.55178610

>TOAD killer
Yea, let me just hop from ONE DUMB NIGGER COIN TO ANOTHER.

>> No.55178739
File: 2.42 MB, 3000x2999, DBI bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55179693

Uhh woosh?

>> No.55180037

>pay 0 to see sunset and squirrels fucking
Made me kek. The only thing that is legendary about DBi is these schizo posts. The only thing that will be remembered about DBi is schizo.

>> No.55180080
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>> No.55180145

I can see the Telegram now:
>Bu..but cz did a vid with our estranged methhead grandpa
Yeah and your "family" robbed you niggas blind! Even meth gramps dipped on you cringe jeets! Crypto is about money not family and you fags got played! Binance with 100 mill wallet over a cz vid all day

>> No.55180186

Can you guys stop shifting up the board with your jeet scam

>> No.55180194
File: 1.27 MB, 1606x2677, Welcome To ChudMart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we slide a chainlink thread off (((your))) board?

>> No.55180350

The team made at least 70 something eth on royalties from nfts and the nft price action looks worse than the icp chart.

>so they could come and go whenever they want

Right that's what ppl are looking for when they want to make a ten thousand dollar investment.

>> No.55180381

pls do not make another one of these threads until they rug the unlocked liquidity
>ib4 multi sig
a multi sig is not locked liquidity

>> No.55181210

Wtf are you talking about. DBI generals are containment threads by itself and we make fun of this token so take your meds

>> No.55181303
File: 490 KB, 449x401, You Know This One.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ordinals craze over.
>Still no Dev ordinals.
>Dev left DBI
>Still no Dev ordinals
>Only stupid mother fuckers (we're talking bottom of the barrel scum of the Earth) left in the TG. >Hours go by without a post.
>Buy bot never goes off unless it's a team buy.
Funny how buy bots work against the PNDers once they really kill the price by highlighting how almost no new new buys are coming in.
Team has reverted to doing zero since Dev Fest.
>They bought a dog eith our ETH.
What I just said. Zero.
Congratulations you paid 20k for a cheap kegger

>> No.55181363
File: 9 KB, 878x82, HEAVY-BAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55181641

It’s literally over. Even fags in tg start to realize nobody gives a shit about their fake “universe”.

>> No.55181940

Selling (even at a loss) and watching the price dropping further feels relieving, like you won even if you didn't.

>> No.55182930

Since it’s became clear there is no connection to exchanges and the owners were just tricked into the videos, the team is taking new narrative of shitting on CZ and crypto exchanges, accusing them of “dumping on little guys”, AFTER THEIR OWN COIN GOT DUMPED ON BY INNER CIRCLE AND BITCONNECT BONOBO BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T LIST ON ANY EXCHANGE IN TIME!!! This is completely insane.

>> No.55182973

>>Ordinals craze over.
>>Still no Dev ordinals.
Imagine spending $1k to burn 5 Boomer NFT's just to get rugged(again) twice. Another project that went in the darkness, like the treasure chest

>>Only stupid mother fuckers (we're talking bottom of the barrel scum of the Earth) left in the TG. >Hours go by without a post.

Because 2300 out ot 2500 members are bots

>>Buy bot never goes off unless it's a team buy.
How much money/longer do you think they got left to make fake pumps before quitting and saying "we got hacked, move to the next project" ?

Nobody cared about it..
"DBI season 1" who the heck wants to watch boomer sketchs?
The team learned a valuable lesson.. crypto moves fast and if there's no price action, your project is doomed.
That's a golden rule for shitcoins.
It's over

>> No.55183467

dbi will be one of the alts /biz/ writes off as dead then does a 1000x in the bull

>> No.55184728

dbi will suck my nuts, the latest video is just more "2 more weeks" shit

>> No.55185139
File: 2.72 MB, 2965x3210, Fuhrer Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning marines. Is anon that made frugal thread here by chance? I want you to know I will deliver even though jannies cleaned up thread

>> No.55185152

And this is on topic silly jannies. This is the locked liquidity that was hidden in the basement

>> No.55185743

>no replies
It's actually over

>> No.55185863

>the team is taking new narrative of shitting on CZ and crypto exchanges, accusing them of “dumping on little guys”

Are you kidding me?
Fucking lmao..
How can normie bahgies think this is ok?

>> No.55185905

memes aside, while i love to call you jeets because it triggers you, those insights into the minds of low iq american whites are fascinating
we're here sharing the same space on 4channel.org and roughly operating in the same ecosystem, yet your world is so remote from mine you might as well be aliens
goes to show you truly cannot get most poor people out of the ghetto. poor people are the ghetto

>> No.55186066
File: 201 KB, 446x559, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hose insights into the minds of low iq american whites are fascinating
Brown hands typed this. Work on your English Rajeesh. You stick out like a sore thumb here, ESL nigger.

>> No.55186175
File: 433 KB, 2880x1800, Was-Never-Said-Will-Never-Be-Said.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has high IQ.
What a way for DBI to repay CZ and Jesse Powell for doing vids with Meth Satoshi for their no name shit coin. PG is one malicious tranny, as expected. How soon until CZ unfollows?

It is insane that they are trying to frame exchanges as the bad guy when DBI was never on an exchange, and probably never will be now, thanks to schizo tranny PG. DBI is down 91% purely from team dumping it all on the little guys.

And as usual, there is a scam pump coincidentally right after a video when DBI gets no engagement on Twitter and there's mainly bots in the Telegram. If you're dumb enough to still be holding, use the pumps to get out before DBI goes to zero.

No dumbass. it will die long before the bull. This series of "Greatest Story Ever Told" is the exit scam in progress. The end of it is PG handing DBI off to the "community" and running off to Jamaica to spend your money with his nigger boyfriend Craig.

The series of ridiculously horrible decisions that have been made by DBI in such short time confirm that it is 100% run by a nigger monkey Craig.

What a malicious scam ring. Gary Gensler needs to send these guys to prison.

>> No.55186655

I showed you my penis excrement pls respond

>> No.55187017
File: 197 KB, 1080x1674, 20230604_181323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just call them out on their bs and they won't even try to defend themselves (pic related some trannygram admin)
I tweeted him about no cex, scam pumping every dip and then dumping again , no more treasure chest reward(1mil wallet) the basement fiasco being just more NFT's, no more ordinals etc..

Curious.. he was complaining about people not having "honor" because some jeets made a "Honor' token(rugged) with the same DBI floppy disk image (we all know DBI made the scam)

I'm just comfy waiting for this shitcoin to go below 0008 just to watch how much damage control the team does.

the scam pumps can't long forever, they gotta run out of money at some point

>> No.55188025


>> No.55188197

Took out what I had in DBI( which was a -10x from my initial investment) and put it into a different coin a couple days ago. Now I have triple what I put into DBI. This shitcoin is way beyond over

>> No.55189150
File: 117 KB, 980x1239, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks big
>comes up short

>> No.55189991

I’m down 10x on 3kUSD, posted in previous threads with my address. what was this other coin?

>> No.55190036

It’s too late for the other coin.

>> No.55190780

Some one with a Twatter should let CZ know that an account he follows is making videos with an actor impersonating him; to insinuate he is a scammer, his exchange s a scam, and he only lists shit coins to dump on the little guy.

I'm sure he'd like to be made aware of that.

>> No.55190825

Do you have any twatter link/ telegram cap or something? I could do it.

Btw DBI is in full damage control... somehow all the Coinmarketcap bad and even obvious jeet "bullish" comments were deleted..
They only left two lame "bullish" comments there lmao.

Btw i don't know what' happening with that shitty website. I tried to post comments like 483848 times and never see them. Am i shadowbanned or what? Piece of shit token and website

>> No.55190828
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x3000, 1685345829602176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55190859

It's in the video in this tweet anon.


My posts never show up on CMC either. No idea why.

>> No.55190969
File: 81 KB, 500x680, Pillowtrannytocz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55191119

Now make this with the dev or dbi logo on his face and i'll upload it