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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5511993 No.5511993 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5512112
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>> No.5512761

The coin is simply retarded and I have 0 clue why anyone bought it in the first place

>> No.5513106
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Just dump already. I want plenty more time to accumulate.

>> No.5513130

It will be hard to recover if team would not chang their strategy for 180°

>> No.5513299

you really should have got into Bounty0x, you would already be up 2-3x in a day lol

>> No.5513355

You were at the end of the PnD? OBN is shit. So are DAXX and JNT but isn't stopping them from getting pumped this weekend. Get in ahead this time

>> No.5513600


>> No.5513649
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It's in beta. Get in now before it's done.

>> No.5514442

it will be beta for next 6 months

>> No.5514501

its a scam coin rofl did you actually fall for the pajeets and buy this shit

>> No.5514814

>/biz/ fell for a literal Confido-tier scam

*breathes in*

>> No.5515106



>> No.5515140

its not funny

>> No.5515181

30k ODN holder here. I fucking hate this shit, I would love to dump it all right now but the price is so low. I cant believe I put an extra $7k into this a while ago. Good riddance

>> No.5515246

Binance soon

>> No.5515327


They've been saying that for months already. The beta is out and it is awful. I just want to get out of this shit already, nothing like what I pictured it being

>> No.5515382

An its funny that there was 0 (ZERO) articles about ODN since ico

>> No.5515515

I'm a shitty uni student and even I could make a better beta

>> No.5515743



>> No.5515760 [DELETED] 

do u not follow the pump n dumps? just go into the most popular discord.... https://discord.gg/Dgn3fz

>> No.5515831

>open thread
>expect the coin to be dipped below 2k
>nothing changed in a week

>op has 5 posts FUDing like a brainlessretard, just like his threads yesterday, even using the same filenames
someone explian this shit

>> No.5515913

>open thread
>expect the coin to be dipped below 2k
>>nothing changed in a week

fucking this. i was kinda worried.

>> No.5515929

/buy fud sell fomo/

>> No.5516080

Shit barely moves up, and is about to dump again. For fuck’s sake. And as I was writing this, the building I’m working on just caught on fire.
What a great fucking day.

>> No.5516180
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>decided to a literal and known scammer as community manager
>prioritized developing their app (which is a buggy fucking mess) instead of exchange listings, basically giving their investors the finger
>community managers talk about price regurally and some of them even claimed to have sold their stash
>relaunch site is a stinking piece of shit, filled with race mix propaganda and other normie shit, its way harder to navigate than the ico site
>its a fucking app, sure its a platform, but the app is the only thing keep this shit above ico price, and the hype is dead

everyday, i regret not selling at 24k sats when i were 10x my money

never fucking again

>> No.5516218
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>> No.5516240


kek. This - Nothing they advertised comes close to what has been created. Its a fucking piece of shit app that doesn't even work. They dont even have a timeline of integrating payments with ODN coins.

What the fuck? Fucking makes my blood boil that this garbage piece of shit makes up 10% of my portfolio.

Starting to think that OneDev wasnt the problem after all. Shit hes actually doing stuff on PoSW coin. Maybe Blackstone is the shitty developer

>> No.5516251

same here. Holding is a meme

>> No.5516292


Do your fucking job

>> No.5516315


That faggot Sagescam is the marketing director and I havent seen anything from his ass in 2 months. Even blackstone the shitty dev is like wheres the marketing?

I hope he goes to jail. If you think the FUD on biz is bad you have no idea what Ill do if he exits

>> No.5516325

I honestly never advise anyone to sell at a loss, but in Obsidian’s case, doing so might be better. This shit has literally nothing going for it right now, and everyone is itching to dump it. You can basically feel every bagholder’s sweaty hands trembling, while holding the mouse over the sell button. Meanwhile, buy pressure is basically non existent and there’s nothing happening anytime soon to change it.

The moment one or two of them do it (and they will), this shit is going back to sub 2500 sats. Cutting your losses here might be smarter.

>> No.5516367

f r o n t p a g e

>> No.5516462

did they have any plans to argue with our complains?

>> No.5516527
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Sagemark = The biggest scammer in crypto? Associated to exit scamming on multiple coins

1. WorldCoin
2. TakCoin

and now 3. Obsidian - Has not done a damn thing all year to market this coin. No roadmap for 2018 and investors are left in the dark with a broken beta app release.

>> No.5516556

well roadmap is for 90days so till end of january

>> No.5516593

>any plans to argue with our complains?

yes, there are plans to deal with the FUD. they will hire McAfee to take a shit in your mouth.
ODN holders will be able to watch it live, streamed in the messenger.

>> No.5516599

That’s what is so amazingly shitty about this shitcoin. Even though the order book looks filled with buy orders, and much less sell ones, every buy wall keeps getting obliterated while the sell orders barely sold anything. The thing is, 95% of people with a significant amount of ODN don’t even bother setting a sell order, they just dump it immediately. This shows absolutely zero faith in its value. I can garantee that almost every shill here is looking to dump their bags on you immediately. And due to that, with every passing day, the order book looks less favorable than it was before. People on the buying side realize this, and resist much more. They KNOW they will be able to buy soon, so they stand their ground.
The worst part is that it doesn’t seem to be the work of whales. Once one of them decide to dump, this thing is done for.

>> No.5516828

Their biggest marketing innovation was 30odn giveout on twitter

>> No.5517011

I'd still advise everyone to hold. Ark got FUDed to oblivion when it was worth 30 cent.

What was the FUD? Oh yeah lead developer fired from lisk, garbage website, garbage presentation at fintech - stuttering potheads etc. Now 6 months later it's worth 7 dollars.

Everything /biz/ tries really hard to FUD eventually moons because /biz/ is full of impatient idiots.

>> No.5517052

well but Its hard to argue with those complains. Its not FUD, its true

>> No.5517082

That was pretty pathetic.

>> No.5517162

Mini whale here. I will be dumping all my bags sometime from 18:00 to 22:00 UTC tonight (it’s around the time I get home), independently of the price. I don’t care about the money anymore, I just want out of this shit project.
Just warning my /biz/bros, because it will probably dump to around 2k sats when I do, and I don’t want you guys ti get caught in the fire.

>> No.5517171


The point is /biz/ is obsessively negative, and while the FUD regarding ark was true, it didn't stop it accumulating in value 20 fold.

The ODN team, while seemingly incompetent, is dedicated to producing updates I.e. app release, ledger integration, website updates (if crap). It just needs a better exchange and better marketing to generate buzz and people will buy it. The high staking rewards also encourage people to hold so when it does eventually moon on a decent exchange, it will moon violently.

>> No.5517226

I also want to point out the status app doesn't work properly either, and that has a market cap of half a million.

>> No.5517421

Are the 1hour change, 24hour change etc a prediction?

>> No.5517623

Held this since the ICO. Dumped at ~5000.

Their progress has been shit, so figured I'd get out during the app release pump.

Fucking 12 year olds can launch android apps. If getting your app on the play store is too hard, you are too retarded to build a good app.

>> No.5517816


>> No.5517837

Just forget about it completely.
Stop making threads about ODN it's over.

>> No.5517986

always sell %25 if your already 10x lol. u can always buy a dip if you fell like its a groundbreaking coin or something.

>> No.5518015

How much do you have?

I dumped 35k the night before the app, mostly over 5k sats. Best decision ever.

>> No.5518132

Seriously what is the Obsidian core team even doing, all these people and the only thing that is being done is a few lines of code and a tweet a day, oh and they downgraded the website and made it uglier. They even forgot to post the official launch for the beta on reddit ("still getting reddit into my non-existent workflow hihi" -manboobpixel). There's what like 10+ people supposedly working on this and they don't do SHIT. Un-fucking-believable. There are people in this world that would do a better job just by themselves. Can't believe I bought into the under the radar meme, it's under the radar because there's nothing for the radar to pick up ffs. Got in at 4k and I'm itching to get out, I still have a very small flicker of hope that it will get listed on a bigger exchange so that I can dump my bags and forget this nightmare.

>> No.5518198
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Reminder that the dev team didn't even obfuscate their beta, you can steal all the code and DLLs. Also they can't even spell class names correctly (look at the last one).

>> No.5518260


Dude you just annihilated my last bit of hope.

>> No.5518268

They hire Third Worlders to develop the products for them. That's why both the website and the app preview had almost incomprehensible "Chinglish" (though these errors have since been corrected after the Discord members complained about them).

Basically, the core team spent the absolute minimum of the millions they received at ICO to develop this high school-tier shit and pocketed the rest. Because they technically are making a product, however, they can get away with it not being investigated as a scam.

>> No.5518406

>same 3 people open the same threads everyday and think you cant identify their writing style

>> No.5518537

Fuck that's depressing if true..

>> No.5518588


They don't even have a roadmap and all future dev is relying on 3rd parties building on the "platform".

>> No.5518689

Ouch. But this is the risk with buying shitcoins. It's hard to research and know these things beforehand. People should never go all in on these projects

>> No.5518703
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The whole thing stinks. They have 4 developers listed on their team, and yet they cant even release a working beta app.

I believe >>5518268 is correct, they are hiring cheap labor and outsourcing most of the project. It kind of makes sense, because if you were really into Privacy (what ODN is about) I would expect a fully anonymous hardcore team to release the next XMR/PIVX with 100% unhackable and secure messaging.

Red flags were immediately up when Blackstone was asking about "keeping the price high" and where they should apply for exchange, immediately after ICO. Thats a big red flag. Good devs are not concerned with price, they are concerned with developing a good product, period.

And then we have the huge pump and dump from the anonymous "pump and dump" group, they just happen to target ODN. Combine that with the sharp dumps and its fishy as fuck.

it saddens me because I put alot of money into this, and its basically been squandered. The funny thing is that I've had more success with coins that were built from the ground up, rather than ICO's. Let this be a lesson.

>> No.5518744

Please sell all I will buy more.

I love this FUD. Don't buy it.

>> No.5518746

their main developer is a german, so his english skills is on par with a fourth grader

wouldn't surprise me the code is buggy because he didn't know how to spell the commands properly

>> No.5518818

77k. It’s less than 2.4 BTC, but considering how thin the order book is, it’s going to cause quite an impact.

>> No.5518860

I regret as well. Their main dev might be German, but who knows what the hell he's doing? The whole thing screams amateur. The website is a total mess. Utter mess. I dont understand how anyone could design a piece of shit like that.Like, what the fuck is this color scheme? Are you kidding me with this shit? Even total shitcoins have better websites than this dogshit. Fucking seriously - they outsourced this? They even admitted to outsourcing website creation. You gotta be kidding me.

When you find yourself giving obvious suggestions in the chat room you know its time to get out.

>> No.5519021

This will answer all your retarded questions and FUD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1hQL9Ie-TY&feature=youtu.be

>> No.5519028

and what makes me angry is every complain you making, fanboys and team put into "FUD" box. Shilling is ok but fudding is bad and you will be banned. Pathetic

>> No.5519148

do you have subtitles for this?

>> No.5519209

>interview literally proves that the German dev can speak fluent English

So much for helping to explain the Chinglish.

>> No.5519230

>prioritized developing their app (which is a buggy fucking mess) instead of exchange listings

>This is a con in /biz/'s mind

>> No.5519235

PUBG was in beta and had millions of users. Also the 'get in now' bit reaks of desperation. I have held ODN for ages but shit like this makes me want to dump. You stink of pajeet. I will not blame ODN for your faults though.

>> No.5519299

>I would love to dump it all right now but the price is so low.
>Good riddance
Pick one? You sound like Pajeet FUD.

ITT a load of FUD and FOMO by Pajeets to cause confusion.
ODN is a solid 12-month hold like ETH was this time last year. It is really that simple. No overnight P&D gains, just a solid LONG term hold. This will either be the privacy coins version of ETH or it will fail. That is the risk.

>> No.5519302

Yeah and every programmer in the west programs in English so this is a bullshit excuse.

>> No.5519322

The problem is that the """"beta"""" is actually more of a proof of concept. It's devoid of any features you would expect out of messaging app.

The core tech behind the ugly UI of the app is actually quite interesting and having any kind of working product is better than most shitcoins. But looks and features matter when it comes to marketing.

>> No.5519332

Quickly! Evacuate tot he nearest shitting street.

>> No.5519404

Haha ya wow you are so right.
*high five!

Shut the fuck up pajeet

>> No.5519502

I listened to part of the interview. Half the time he talked about masternodes. Not much talk on longterm vision, why they are doing it, what the product might look like 6 months from now.

You know what - I dont think Claus himself knows. I dont think they really have a roadmap right now, which is why its not posted. It looks like Claus is in over his head, which explains the buggy beta release.

>> No.5519540

roadmap was published for 90 days so they have time till end of the january

>> No.5519576

they should make AMA but imo they are afraid of all uncomfortable questions

>> No.5519616

This. I don't think the team knows what they are doing. Claus displays some technical knowledge, but spent very little time talking on the long term vision of the project. It kind of seems like they are just winging it, lol. The problem is that the crypto market likes vision and likes roadmaps. This will be reflected in the price. He also doesn't come off as a real lead developer....I mean he's honest and shows technical knowledge but he doesn't seem to have the grand drive and vision that good lead devs have.

>> No.5519702

Milestones on 31:00 listen and don't skip muppet