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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55175451 No.55175451 [Reply] [Original]

Lets stop the hate abd mend relationships. Our true enemys are busines majors..

>> No.55175468

No... the real enemy is HR and recruiting...
I will not rest until each and every single one of them has their head on a pike outside their cushy buildings.

>> No.55175477


>> No.55175493 [DELETED] 

https://watchdominion.org/ https://watchdominion.org/























>> No.55176095

Electrician here, I deviate from engineered drawings every single day at work, I follow them as best as I can but honestly you can't account for most of what happens on every job. I appreciate you stem bros.

>> No.55176595

Based. Fuck roasties

>> No.55176607

Engineer here, I despise tradies. Low IQ, trashy (often covered in tattoos), refuse to read or learn.

>> No.55176807

Here here, women dont belong in the workforce.
We love u to spark bro
Not all of them.. just yhe ones doing mechanical stuff. Electronic techs are happy and greatful and know their place

>> No.55176939
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Tradie here, I give everyone a chance, but in general have had worse experiences with engineers thinking they know everything due to reading a few books at uni. Turns out spending your life reading the thoughts and feelings of other men stunts your own ability to think critically.

>know their place
My place is above you niggers cause if you all disappear tomorrow I will just build shit without needing your dumb opinion on what materials I need to use.

>> No.55177141

I take it back, fuck u tradies. Some engineer didnt know what drill sieze to use off the top of his head and u monkeys starting chimping out beacuse u have been doing the same repetative task. The fact u think our degrees or classes had anything yo do with feelings shpws thw sentiment. Fuck tradies. I regret making this post.

U really think we cant learn how to operate a screwdriver? We just dont need to cuz we arent pesants. U gonna time travel and tell dsvinci hes a cuck for not being a farmer? Fuck off loser

>> No.55177217

>t. ass mad overly emotional limp dick nerd

Da Vinci is a great example of what engineers today should be, but never will, because they are low T genetic dead ends with no creativity. If engineers were required to help build what they design that should fix the problem, but you won’t, cause you can’t hahahhhaa.

>> No.55177246

Most engineer i know w9rk out. We have more muscle than u cuz we dony expend calories doing our bidding. Back to the cage monkey, ill be working from home if u need me

>> No.55177256

Love you bro, sorry some drawings are fucked and I just want to get them away from me.

>> No.55177336

This. Trade cucks and stemcels would still worship at some fat HR cunt's feet. Disgusting.

>> No.55177345

>look at my puffy useless gym muscles

Wouldn’t last a week with me. Humans are meant to be almost constantly moving all day, your body is weak despite the muscles because supportive and connective tissue only move in controlled directions in the gym. Not to mention stamina. You live and work in a mental cage as well as a physical one far more than I do. I work for myself and design projects with the client, at a new location almost everyday.

Don’t forget your job can and will be replaced with ai, any competent tradie can literally just prompt an ai and get well drawn plans and specs hahahaha most of you cucks are resting on the laurels of boomer engineers just copy pasting.

>> No.55177356

well i know for a fact chatgpt sucks at electronics for now

>> No.55177382
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based imagine how much money is wasted by those parasitic flamboyants and women sitting in AC offices writing emails all day. How did anything get done before 10 step interviews and personality assessments? We went to the fucking moon and built hoover dam and New York city before any of that

>> No.55177420

>for now

For now :)

>> No.55177463

Robots that do mechanical movement already exist, u rrally think engineers are gonna go before trades?

I have actutal strength unlike u. I actually reserched about mucles and hytopothy. In am arm wrestling contest i would win in a heart beat again ANYONE yhay does work out, even a 6'5 soman(did it before).

My cage is my house, i dony have to wak up early and sit in traffic to get to my cage like u. Also u dont design shit, u stand thetr and watch the smart peoppe design and sometimes give input. Allbe it helpful inputs but u should know more about ur repetative task that u have been doing for 20 years than an engineer who has it as 1 of 5 projects a month

So much fucking delusion

>> No.55177490

your only enemy should be non-whites and non-white sympathizers
anything else and they've already owned you.

>> No.55177571

May replace factory workers but will never design something that can replace us onsite. I’ve been doing my trade for 8 years and running my own business for 3, and regularly do associated trades work like plumbing and earthmoving. I do private residential work so it’s literally just me and the client, stop making assumptions nerd.

>waking up early
I achieve more and burn more calories by 9am than you do in a week. Humans are meant to be up with the sun, doing yoga and breath work.

Engineers are stereotypical midwits, no creativity or ambition. Go on, try design something and build it you utter cuck.. are you Asian btw? Gross

Also this

>> No.55177602

I am a construction worker. STEM nerds all have god complexes and think they are God's gift to the world. ESPECIALLY IT. If you work in IT I assume you are a massive prick by default

>> No.55177620

I did a job for an Indian poof and he got so offended when we guessed he was in IT, “it could have been anything why did you say IT” yeah nigger you COULD have studied anything but you’re a dumb brown cunt who couldn’t do a days work to save his life.

>> No.55177654

not wrong
>No... the real enemy is HR and recruiting...
where do you think business majors pivot to

>> No.55177845

Remind me why we need hospitals

>> No.55177855

To fuel big cancer caused by seed oil consumption

>> No.55177911

This thread is hilarious. No wonder none of you numbwits ever make it to positions of power.

>> No.55177961

What position are you in? Politics and corpos are soul sucking and not merit based, I choose lifestyle over power, when the time comes I’ll be ready

>> No.55178208

>low IQ


>high IQ

Simple as

>> No.55178606

Is this the glowies' new way of saying ((()))?

>> No.55178629

This is the most underage thread.
>muh college major

>> No.55178653

>thinks that business degree are still worth anything.
You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.55178678

Anon, have you *met* business people. They're literally spouting bullshit they've heard but don't understand, they're the very definition of midwits.

>> No.55178682

Seems like you guys have communication problems and need some sort of managerial middlemen negotiate between stems and tradies. just hypothetically, if there was such a job description, what would it be called and how much money would they extract from a business employing stems and tradies who hate each other so much?

>> No.55178690

I'm a mailman. I bring you your bills.

>> No.55178702

A dedicated stem-tradie team could probably come up with some sort of tube-mail-system to replace you.
I think it's called email.

>> No.55178706

Make more money than college bros, ?



>> No.55178728
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>tfw mow lawns for a living

I am the lowest of the low aren't I? I like it since

>No skills required
>Can work alone all day
>Decent pay when you are working for yourself
>Can listen to anime music while working.

>> No.55178745

I fucking hate cutting the grass and would gladly pay you to do it. I legitimately don't think lesser of anyone for whatever their job is unless they hate it and aren't well compensated but refuse to seek better.

>> No.55178754

What’s needed is dual skilling, mechanical engineers learn to weld, civil learn to lay concrete, electrical learn to run wire. Less specialisation and NO middlemen

>> No.55178769

STEM here, smart people should go into business, politics and LAW, not stem. If smart people got into politics, we would not have this shit mess in our government. Stop falling for the Low pay, hard work STEM meme, its jew propaganda. Politicians didn't lose a single paycheck and every single one of them turned into a multi millionaire in a few years...

>> No.55178788

I did this in college with one other guy. Best job I ever had. We chainsmoked and talked about philosophy. Now I work in corpo and don't like it

>> No.55178795

>politicians got there because of qualifications
Underage b8

>> No.55178816

Accounting and finance unless they're women.

>> No.55178825

Actual 85 IQ floormopper

>> No.55178955

Managemnt doesnt mediate shit. What needs to happen is the tradies learn their place. I spent the prime of my youth in a room with sweaty nerds, for free, in fsct i paid them when i could have lesrend thay shit by myself. I deserve to have power over u

>> No.55180067
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this fuckin outfit

>> No.55180154

Heh, based

>> No.55180158

$800 smackaroos? Big ones?

>> No.55180325

Fuck yeah. And add in investment advisers. When you put profits ahead of the workers, everyone suffers. Workers make the profits: care for the workers and profits follow.

>> No.55180375

Yes. They are fucking trash.

Everytime I talk to engineers, they love me. When I get HR or recruiters, they treat me like I'm a retarded child out of my depth when they dont know shit about the industry.

>> No.55181466

Marine engineer reporting in. STEM AND trade in one. I have never had to work with a woman.

>> No.55181852

Apprentice sparky I dont know shit but I considered engineering before I dropped out so no hate from me and I see the vision at the very least engineers want to do and ill probably learn it on my own anyway. I just csnt fucking stand school im a zoomer I have autism I have ADHD im retarded blahblah blah I know. Im sorry but school is just a slog at the trades let me fuck around with power tools and makes me value hard work.
>Turns out spending your life reading the thoughts and feelings of other men stunts your own ability to think critically.
I wish more people understood this, it sounds dumb and maybe Im biased because I enjoy making things but you can get valuable in reading what others have written but until you put it into action Im sorry it means fucking nothing. You can call it materialist all you want I used to believe that too but the fact of the matter is that for men our highest duty is to create something, schools are abhorrant because they increasingly take that away or put you in a highly regulated sandbox where you can "create"

>> No.55182745
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engineers would run through a whorehouse just to fuck a tech

>> No.55182764
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Finally, a political platform I can really get behind.