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55172143 No.55172143 [Reply] [Original]

Incorporating AI and blockchain into healthcare is a blast but I'm curious to know what anons think about this. I'm 36, do you think investing in these projects at this stage will give me enough profits to finally afford the luxurious lifestyles I want. If so, which projects should I invest in?

>> No.55172197

AI and blockchain, is the perfect dynamic duo. But don't get blinded by hype, bros. Look for real-world use cases, partnerships, and adoption. If these projects solve genuine problems and gain traction, the moon could be just the beginning.

>> No.55172212

>which projects should I invest in?

>> No.55172219
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Expose those tities and I will tell you

>> No.55172243

how many bitcoins do i need to go out on a date with bitches like this.

>> No.55172368
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Why accumulate bitcoin when you can look for juicy IDOs to join for easy gains. These bitches only care about the money and the amount of Bitcoin you have

>> No.55172377
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I think this is one of the hidden AI gems but I'm looking for 100x. Is it too much to ask?

>> No.55172381

take a look at Petals. A massive 100B parameter LLM that's trying to do to AI what BitTorrent did to file sharing. Right now they are using a centralized service to stop leeching, but if it was to ever be truly decentralized it would need a decentralized economic incentive scheme which would naturally involve a blockchain/token.

>if it's like BitTorrent, why do you need a crypto-economic incentive scheme? why not just rely on social norms and goodwill?
Unlike torrenting where a leecher downloads the file and is done, there is a near infinite demand for LLM processing power so it can't simply rely on goodwill of seeders.

>won't big tech/government/normies freak out about a decentralized unstoppable AI?
the biggest threat to humanity isn't AI, it's elites using AI in an asymmetric information warfare to maintain and grow their power over the AI-less masses. That's why big tech CEOs are openly asking government to 'regulate' AI. They want to put the genie back in the bottle, siloed away, only available to the chosen few and their captured institutions. If we can't arm ourselves with our own AI then it's only a matter of time before all of humanity is enslaved.

but for real, it's annoying as fuck that all the powerful LLM models like ChatGPT are censored and lobotomized. I just want to erotic RP with my AI waifu without some fucking filter blue-balling me.

>> No.55172388

>Incorporating AI and blockchain into healthcare
Do you think AI will replace human doctors in the future? While AI can assist in decision-making, the human touch and empathy of a doctor are irreplaceable. It's more likely that AI will complement healthcare professionals rather than replace them entirely.

>> No.55172392

>which projects should I invest in?

>> No.55172414
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>> No.55172416

The potential misuse of AI by elites for information warfare is indeed a concern. The calls for AI regulation from big tech CEOs could be seen as an attempt to control and restrict access to this powerful technology

>> No.55172474
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AI and blockchain have serious potential, no doubt. But tread cautiously, anons. There are scams and rug pulls lurking in the shadows. Stick to reputable projects with a strong track record, active communities, and transparent development. Currently, I'm looking at Immunify

>> No.55172562
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The elites hate us.
They want us to work in tiny cubes doing menial tasks that an AI could do. They'll have an AI of course, but it's just there to keep watch.
They want us to listen to mindless negro jungle-mumbling instead of AI creations inspired by Mozart, The Beatles, Aerosmith, etc
They want us to watch their soulless and isolating corporate media instead of the infinitely creative and wild art of AI.
They want us to browbeaten by uppity 3D whores instead of supported by compassionate AI waifus.

>> No.55172565

Agreed. AI should be seen as a powerful tool in the hands of medical professionals, enhancing their abilities and improving patient care. Collaboration between AI systems and human experts is the key to success but they can't replace medical personnel.

>> No.55172577

Corporate media? Nah, we'll feast on the infinite creativity and wild art of AI. And as for those 3D whores, we'll ditch 'em for compassionate AI waifus who'll have our backs.

>> No.55172613

>roastie has had pregnancy once or more
into the garbage truck she goes

>> No.55172743

I'm already participating on Gami IDO round 2 until the pool gets filled up. I'm hearing of another upcoming IDO on a project that is using blockchain to improve the healthcare sector. IDOs are easy ways to make money

>> No.55172925

The elites may have their own agenda, but we won't let them cage our spirits. We're here to break free from those tiny cubes and embrace the power of AI

>> No.55173120
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Buy WOJAK and STARX. I got the advise from a mad man.

>> No.55173531


>> No.55174094
