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55170242 No.55170242 [Reply] [Original]

>research taxes and how they work
>no longer want to work or participate in society

holy FUCKING SHIT. This entire thing is a scam. What the fuck !

>> No.55170251

its okay you'll never make enough to pay any meaningful amount of taxes anyways

>> No.55170256

oh fuck, I haven't paid my taxes in like 3 years and was recently laid off my gov job for being a retard FUCK
What if I just stop paying taxes, you think they'll ever figure it out? How do you even file taxes desu

>> No.55170269

this guy gets it, I failed out of cc too.

>> No.55170273

I work a govt job and havnt filed in 3 years or so
Nothing came of it so far

They already fuckin skim 30%+ of my pay every paycheck automatically, what more do they want

>> No.55170306

I can never get over how fucking insane it is that money we earn is taxed before any of it hits our bank accounts. Where I live, if you have an annual income of $85,000, over $22,000 is taken out from income taxes alone. That is a life changing amount of money that is absorbed by the government and spent on stupid bullshit. The government has an infinite supply of the stuff, anyways. What a joke.

>> No.55170612


>> No.55170620

Any system that does not constantly work to remove parasites will be filled to the brim with them.

>> No.55171963


The problem this system at its root is how it defines productivity somewhat objectively. Which is why policies based on any kind of economic theory gives power to the system.
The quantifying stance most economists adhere to need units of measurement, and this is fundamentally corrupted too by removing a material standard like gold.
In a real system you need spring clear principles working as intended known across the people united in spirit.
An authority based on might, or worse, inaccountable institution or organization with rights above a person, firstly need to define rights for persons above others to cement a might based legal system where the end result is that slaves get told what to think and believe - or else.
Is there a solution to the governance dilemma? Well, arguably, humans will not be 'free' and feel free and live as happily they could without evil people constantly wanting power unless we are given as much choice as possible and the ability to avoid conflict, insted of being forced to for instance give up op a life-defining right to reject and defend our selves legally from any corrupted and thus evil authority.
Liberty, which is derived from morality, principle and not technicality is the solution, and if left unchecked evil people will always try to find a way out of retribution. So someone will need to carry out this duty.

>> No.55172069

imagine how shit your life would be if government never built roads in the 40s.

>> No.55172131

The IRS can only pursue 1/9 cases THAT THEY KNOW ABOUT.
Now just imagine the implications of that.

>> No.55172148

Imagine how much better your life would be if the government hadn't set up all the drug cartels and then arrested less than a percent of them coming across the borders.
Your naivette is staggering. Willful ignorance at its best.
Or you're a glowie.

>> No.55172478

They never needed to tax people to afford anything. They literally create money from nothing. The US taxpayer pays taxes so the federal reserve can charge the govt debt and give that to banks. The fed doesn’t even charge banks for creating 90% of the money supply. They charge the taxpayers for the 10% they create. Then let banks create loans without any reserve requirements based solely on the credit worthiness of the bank customer. Determined by the bank of course.
Bankers are literal thieves

>> No.55172794

think of it as the entry fee for all the amenities of modern society you take for granted: functioning roads, sewer system, garbage disposal, water, electricity, police, social safety nets etc. sure, everything could be more efficient, but like stalin said: bureaucracy is the price we pay for impartiality. accuse the government of corruption all you want, but handing the reigns to public goods over to corporations to increase efficiency always ends in failure

>> No.55172838

>sewer system
>garbage disposal
i pay for these, you fucking retard, they are not out of my taxes

>> No.55172913

here is the kick: the services offered by the public servants are shit.
It's amazing that simpletons still believe their propaganda that bureaucrats are not here to have a fixed income and nothing else

>> No.55173146

>This entire thing is a scam
I realized this when I started making more money betting my ass on memecoins like VINU than having 2 part time jobs

>> No.55173563

>the entry fee for all the amenities of modern society you take for granted:
>gibs for single-mom roasties, whose children will also become single-mom roasties who will take more of (you)r tax money
>gibs for "reparashuns"
>gibs for illegal immigrants who will vote for increased welfare which translates to more taxes that (you) will pay
This is where the majority of your taxes go to. Fuck this "entry fee" which has been bloated to the extreme to cater to fuck-ups.

>> No.55173587

Why wouldn't you want to file and get your annual tax refund? You're potentially leaving thousands on the table. Just use TurboTax. It takes 1-3 hours.

>> No.55173752
File: 49 KB, 976x549, Norilsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having "company towns" in the 21st century would be interesting to see, though.

Instead of a shithole like Norilsk, Russia (named after the Norilsk Nickel Company), there could be Apple City, California, or something like that.

Supposedly, Facebook and Amazon are building their own company towns.

>> No.55173780
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>but handing the reigns to public goods over to corporations to increase efficiency always ends in failure
That's wrong though but go off on one I guess.

>> No.55173812

>Garbage disposal

Yeah I literally pay the city and state for all of these. Moron.

>> No.55173875

Shit? It would probably be better!

>> No.55173890

Nigger I already pay for all of those with itemized bills except the police, firefighters, and roads and THOSE COME OUT OF MY PROPERTY TAXES

My income tax literally goes directly to niggers, Ukrainians, Israelis, and army trannies that crash cars into walls for fun to write them off to keep their budget going parabolic

>> No.55173927
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>> No.55173939

That was funded by rich families retard.
The gov is useless except for being greedy violent cartels.
What's needed is the same violence against then, stalk and kill them all.

>> No.55173988

Honestly we need to change some of the income tax rates and work on balancing the budget. The lower middle class is taxed way too much and the wealthy not enough.
Don’t get me started on our actual government spending habits.

>> No.55174006

roads come out of your car registration, police and firefighters are an externalized cost that the bottom .001% of the population incur on the rest of society

>> No.55174016

Society is a literal shitcoin and the devs are kikes

>> No.55174029

>be ameriburger
>have to pay taxes wherever you are
>try to revoke your citizenship
>get imprisoned for tax evasion

>> No.55174114
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>company sells product
>tax the sale
>company makes profit
>tax the profit
>company pays worker
>tax the worker
>worker buys product
>tax the brought product
>still have to print money to balance budget

>> No.55174174

I reiterate. What the fuck is income tax good for?

>> No.55174263

It's a protection racket, mostly.

>> No.55175189
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post findings retard

>> No.55175344

>can't ferry shitskins to every corner of the country
That sounds awful!

>> No.55175604

Here’s my proposed income tax brackets
>repeal the 16th amendment and replace it with a blanket ban on any taxes that aren’t the result of a sale or import/export of goods
If that’s a problem maybe they should reduce their spending until they can make it work

>> No.55176151

You forgot the donations to the isreal onlyfans.

>> No.55176260
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, 1683165817256427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The State is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per OG Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, the State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Economy is different, Economy is an emergent property of people. Economy is positive sum. Economy always wins because Economy is self-organizing and self-correcting, and positive sum. History is not driven by politics, history is driven by Economy & Technology. Disregard politics and focus on the Real. Revolution is not martial, it is memetic.

>> No.55176329

Americans pay less taxes than most of the world
The fed would say, income taxes exist as a deflationary pressure.
Translation: we tax poor workers to offset fractional reserve banking inflation

>> No.55176341

Roads provide value to property owners and will be built and maintained to give access to property. Thoroughfares provide value both to it's users and adjacent property and will be built and maintained either by the property owners or supported by tolls. Roads are already primary built by private parties

>> No.55176364

He’s right
None of this accurate
In a fiat system, income tax is unnecessary
The banks only use it to offset inflation they’ve caused

>> No.55176457
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>> No.55176623

Bullshit. The state AND federal taxes add up quickly, plus all sorts of other fees and sales tax, some taxes on specific products, toll roads in some areas and more.
I get fucked every day by this fucking system while some nigger buys a cartload of steaks and lobsters because their ebt card was refilled.
My country was stolen from me before I was born, and many members of my nation were traitors encouraging the invasion and selling out one way or another so they can still live an easy life even though the later generations get fucked. Oh and look, it’s fag month again where those governments and government-funded organizations push to have kids chop their genitals off, sexualizing them while sterilizing them.

I fucking hate this country.

>> No.55176834
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You are blinded by political theater. Socal welfare spending is a supply-side labor subsidy that serves only to enrich the oligarchs by suppressing the market price of labor while pumping asset prices. Without central banking the grift falls apart. BTC/XMR kills the Fed.

>> No.55176936

Yes, I know the federal reserve are a bunch of evil kikes. They’re in all positions of power or have a puppet, so close enough. The other problems won’t just vanish getting rid of them; it’s a multiayered problem where all of those layers need to be attacked, not just top or bottom.

>> No.55176971

If you think taxes are bad wait til you learn how the Fed works.

>> No.55176985

The fed is the root of it all you retard. You clearly don't have a clue.

>> No.55177004
File: 561 KB, 860x758, pepe-bobo-face-split.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still owe nearly 10k in taxes
>decide to stop paying because taxation without representation is theft
im not larping

>> No.55177005

same. Government is evil and billions of retards want it.

>> No.55177017

>what is an electric bill
>what is a water bill
Are you fucking serious, nigger?

>> No.55177226
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False. Look at the wage/productivity divergence since the end of hard money, look at the 50% or more of State spending (all counterfeit, all printed) going to supply side labor subsidizes. Look at the 10,000 years of lockstep wage/productivity growth before fake money. "Gee gosh wilikers it's a mystery why wages have diverged from productivity!" He says while while pumping trillions of counterfeit dollars into supply side labor subsidizes. Fuck you. The State is not Real, Economy is. Disregard memeshit and aquire currency (BTC/XMR).

>> No.55177376

Its the exact opposite

>> No.55177488

>be Europoor
>make 60k
>take home 31.5k after taxes, social security and TV license (I don't have a TV)
>also pay 20% sales tax on everything bought

If it weren't for taxes I could work Monday and Tuesday only and live the exact same lifestyle. Meanwhile half the people here have no job and it's all financed. Can't wait for this system to crash.

>> No.55177500

I think what OP was getting at is that they're not actually spent on anything. It's taking for taking's sake.

>> No.55177512

>They already fuckin skim 30%+ of my pay every paycheck automatically

what the fuck retard, you FILE TAXES TO GET THAT MONEY RETURNED



anyways 3 years isnt' too late, the government might owe you 10's of thousands

>> No.55177570

>Can't wait for this system to crash.
The world is produced not given, bottom up, not top down. Want to stop being robbed? Stop using counterfeit money.

>> No.55177598
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>> No.55177633
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>Tax is X
>'Withhold' (steal an interest free loan) X+Y
>Return Y
>Goynigger "I'm getting my taxes back!"

>> No.55177657

The tax rate in ancient rome the tax rate was 1-3%, somehow they still had roads and infrastructure! They even gave people free grain EVERY month.

>> No.55178862

>poor fag detected
Not everyone gets money back

>> No.55178888

free goy slop? sign me up

>> No.55178981

The roads and services budget is tiny compared to Social Security

>> No.55179028

Not to mention a large ammount of the Police budget is now used to spy on and harass regular citizens

>> No.55179089

>aquire currency (BTC/XMR).
Most of the people here are degenerate, low-IQ retards who are lured by the gov into believing sh*t. The gov understands the basis and need for privacy and that it will sabotage their plans and efforts to exercise censorship. Nevertheless, the space is not losing effort in providing compliance solutions that maintain privacy and self-sovereignty, just like BillionFi smart wallet and other compliance friendly solutions like magic wallet. The quicker wasp understands this, the better for them.

>> No.55179115

I've been seeing videos about this but never believed it until I was harassed and accused of no crime. This is a complete abuse of power. I hate the gov. The world is turning into a complete mess.

>> No.55179136

Imagine how much better it'd be if they were building roads NOW.

>> No.55179178

It's honestly the lower class, the 50% of the country that pays no taxes that I have a problem with. The middle-class suffers the most from taxes and the rich pay most taxes. Meanwhile half the country pays nothing; they're net-recipients. People get mad when you ask them to pay their fair share, but those same people don't seem to mind when the lower class votes to raise taxes on the middle-class to collect more welfare.

>> No.55179217

The government is you
The government is me
The government is us

You get the government you deserve. Demand the government help you

>> No.55179238

Yeah but social security is self funded
I have tons of issues with taxes but the vast majority goes to bombs and guns. Even our foreign aid is mostly bombs

>> No.55179247

I don’t think you understand voting and politics
No one votes to raise taxes, it usually gets people out of office. Politicians raise taxes despite what voters do
>in b4 one party raises taxes
They both do
>read my lips: no new taxes

>> No.55179276

>in the 40s
Couldn't think of anything useful they did in the last 80 years?

>> No.55179376

>1 post by this id
i'd love to hear how you think they work and why you think it's so bad

>> No.55179396

>No one votes to raise taxes
They literally do. They openly talk about "eating the rich" and they had a huge chimpout when Trump cut taxes. What's with this gaslighting? You know full well that a large chunk of the population, primarily the political left, actively and vocally desires to raise taxes.

>> No.55179625

>but social security is self funded
11/10 bait, there’s no way anybody with a functioning neuron to their name believes this

>> No.55179791

it was, until it was raided by war mongers

>> No.55179857
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yeah i remember being 16 too

>> No.55179903

Statist smoothbrain. Social welfare spending is entirely counterfeit BR
RRRRRR, that acts as a supply-side labor subsidy that serves only to enrich the oligarchs by suppressing the market price of labor while pumping asset prices. Want to stop being robbed? Stop using counterfeit money.

>> No.55179922

Imagine how shit your life IS now knowing they DID that when we could have had walkable cities and trains instead.

>> No.55179928
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maybe abolish taxes instead of people you friggin nazi

>> No.55179939

there haven't been any returns since you elected sleepy joe, kike
not tricking me into filing that way that's for sure

>> No.55180394

retards who don't know how to calculate their tax return without filing are here discussing business and finance

>> No.55180726

>Americans pay less taxes than most of the world


Lmao even

>> No.55181058

Less % of income or gdp would be more accurate but he has a point. Have you seen the rates Europe and Asia pay?

>> No.55181555

i would rather pay taxes to a 2nd world country knowing my taxes are not going to ZOG, shitskins and subhumans

>> No.55181651
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>The establishment prints money and gives it to themselves to fund their government works and increase their personal wealth
>The increasing money supply causes inflation *after* they spend it (Cantillon effect)
>To reduce inflation the government claws back the money supply via taxing YOU of well over half of your earnings (income, sales tax, vice taxes etc.)
The reason that taxation exists are as follows
1. It helps to reduce inflation caused by reckless credit issuance and government spending - the fact you rarely benefit from that spending doesn't matter.
2. It forces you to use the currency they control which is the basis of their power
3. It keeps you poor and prevents you threatening them.
The whole thing is a scam. If you're here you should know who they are.

>> No.55182359

One of them died from a heart attack and the chick got cancer.