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55160210 No.55160210 [Reply] [Original]

>El Bagholdoor declares the start of the "War against corruption" by seizing all of ex-president Cristiani's assets
>Announces plans to build "corruption jails" in similar fashion of the "gang jails"
Assuming this doesn't turn into an authoritarian nightmare, would investing in property in El Salvador be a wise idea knowing that the government has precedent to seize assets of political opponents? If they can do that to public servants in the highest offices, what's stopping them from seizing private business assets in the name of fighting corruption? Would you still put your money into this country?

>> No.55160228

>Christinai sells it all for btc and puts it through a mixer

>> No.55160285

the guy is leading a broken nation into the light, sneed glowies

>> No.55160288

He’s the most based leader on the planet, first he fucked over the gangs now he’s going for the corruption I wish all South American countries would follow suit then we’d have a much better world

>> No.55160303

Bukele is absolutely Buk-breaking the libtards and if you aren't here for it then you are not white.

>> No.55160315

Bukele proving that westernfag law systems are shit and modern law is useless and keeping justice from being applied

>> No.55160343

is there anything better than watching CIAniggers seethe

>> No.55160361

>Surely a past president of a nation such as El Salvador, notorious for being a "bastion of democracy" up until Bukele took over, wouldn't be involved in corruption schemes.

Is this psyop carried out by actual glowies or is it just dumb gaymers subbed to KiraTV or worse who just hate crypto? Unironically kill yourselves. As a westerner, you should realize the whole "I will not eat ze bugs" bravado you guys put out is meaningless if you just allow Schwab to force you to eat them anyway. At least Bukele is trying to create something out of that hellhole, not that I believe he will be successful. Every CIA glow in the dark nigger in the world will seethe until he is dead and El Salvador once again down to the level of petty 3rd world dictatorships.

>> No.55160412

After El Slurpadente bought btc these kikes had CIAnigger blackshirts stage fake “protests” (consisting of 4 people) for the media with photos of them breaking open ATMs while covering their faces

They’re mad as fuck and it’s hilarious

>> No.55160437
File: 60 KB, 395x340, 924BF220-5CA9-4DF0-A161-FE13624EDE56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is doing amazing work and I just hope to God the CIA doesn't assassinate him. God speed man.

>> No.55160468

He is the Caesar we have been waiting for

>> No.55160469

Making them waste the limited resources they have and lose money to grifters and scammers that sell them shit draining their budget

>> No.55160491

>born 1947
It's a good thing fuck boomers straight to hell.
>boomer steals all the money
>millennials gain power
>throw boomers in prison
Make being a boomer a crime and jail everyone born 1940-1970 and you fix most societal problems.

>> No.55160512

>what's stopping them from seizing private business assets in the name of fighting corruption? Would you still put your money into this country?
Have you considered suicide? This is a must against corrupt faggots and you're getting salty?

>> No.55160534

Makes me horny tb'h
This. Fuck the CIA

OP likes to see how many cocks he can fit in his mouth. Fuck op. Cum gurgling faggot

>> No.55160582

>if you just lock up or kill all of the criminals there stops being crime
why is this so controversial again? El Salvador has been one of the shittiest countries on Earth for a long time, how could it possibly get worse?

>> No.55160603

>Assuming this doesn't turn into an authoritarian nightmare
>what's stopping them from seizing private business assets
Unfortunately, the danger is real. Bukele has to be strong and never allow the forces of evil to corrupt his soul.

>> No.55160619

bukele is based
seethe more nigger faggot

>> No.55160675

>If you watch the international news, you will see how the most important values for human beings, such as honor, loyalty, bravery, courage, and love for your fellow man, are precisely the values that we are losing with each passing day,” Bukele said. “And that is why you can see how societies that seemed to have won, now are degrading, as they are losing the values that made them great. These values were probably not strong in this land, and were strong in other lands. And that is why those lands grew and became great. But they are losing those values now.”
Are we supposed to hate this guy?

>> No.55160692
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>> No.55160698

strong men
good times
trans men
bad times

>> No.55160773

>Rounds up humans like their animals and sticks them in cages
>Takes everyone’s money and invests it into a shitcoin
>Conducts unwarranted raids on property owners

Believe me I don’t root for the CIA but holy fuck. Can someone please ghadafi this scum bag. Grounds for human rights violations around. Round this fucker up and allow the people to stone him PLEASEEEEEE then stick him in a cage and have everyone laugh at cuck dictator.

>> No.55160788

Blood libel doesn't work and Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.55160806

Death to jews. Get gassed, glowie

>> No.55160854

>assuming the mass arrests on political opponents don't turn into an authoritarian nightmare

>> No.55160875

retard, new liberal fascist retard

>> No.55160939
File: 189 KB, 1200x839, elsalvador_bukele2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes. Corruption is THE original sin that keeps the world impoverished. God bless this nigga.

>> No.55161210

>investing in property in El Salvador
just avoid the volcanoes
or don't and grow the best food
>government has precedent to seize assets of political opponents
>implying this isn't the case for america/west
you're only allowed to vote red or blue OP
besides, private itnerests are more important than political
just don't be political and use your spare cash to start up poors' businesses
women are uniroonically a safer bet in south america for reliabiltiy

>> No.55161217

i has forgotten the name but it's
>emminent domain
that's the legal precedent here for seizing land

>> No.55161252

>invaded iraq in an illegal war that violated un charter
>usa exposed as engaging in a conspiracy by bribing un vooters & blackmailing brit/euro voters
>judges declare the conspiracy unactionable because the government itself was the criminal
And don't forget...
>inb4 le evil terrorists
Oh yeah? Why don't you try prove that in a court of law.
You can't even pretend the west respects peoples rights.

>> No.55161389

Because of innocent people and rights getting trampled

>> No.55161401

>innocent people
Where's the innocents?

>> No.55161421
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>The guy you called bukkake a year ago for slurping buttcoin's bottom is now doing WUHAT?

>> No.55161427
File: 659 KB, 1242x1203, E9FC6E76-04EA-4042-8E55-82FCC1F7BBE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>innocent people and rights getting trampled
You're calling politicians that did corrupt shit like inside trading aka buying a fuckload of property and then switching the currency to the dollar to make homes 1000x or whatever the fuck it was along with creating corrupt laws and participating in money laundering with tax payer money aka the same money they used to buy a shitload of property innocent.

You are wasted semen, big nose

>> No.55161435

the point is even if bukele is the good guy will his succesor be a good guy too? and if not how to prevent shit hitting the fan?

>> No.55161437

You can't escape future political unpredictability anon.
Imagine someone told you all the shit that was going to go on in western politics two decades ago.
You would, and did, call them schizos.

>> No.55161440

Ya, that's an issue. For every one based bukele, you'll have 99999 corrupt faggots that will undo his work. Supposedly the plan is to get people in his family voted in, but that doesn't guarantee things will be as smooth. It's why i wouldn't move to el salvador. The framework for long term success isn't there.

>> No.55161455

Unless El Salvador becomes the go-to place to live for the world's rich, looking to escape their hellholes.
Rich people have to live somewhere, and the more rich the place attracts, the more stable it will become. I'm not saying that will defo happen, but it wouldn't surprise me. Put it this way, why has El Salvador not been taken down already? Perhaps it's being allowed to happen for good reason.

>> No.55161467

Bukele's arc is fucking insane. From meme crypto bro to 21st century Caesar

>> No.55161533
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he is based beyond belief and the CIA is seething