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55139712 No.55139712 [Reply] [Original]

>27, single
>every family get together get asked when i'll get a gf
>immediately think about the $100k wedding, the $10k annual holiday, the $500k i'll lose in a divorce rape, and the thousands on gifts
i don't want to die alone bros but i can't do it. i can't bring myself to try and get a gf.

>> No.55139728

you literally disgust women, and hold no redeeming qualities. you have gone past the prime years of exploring women and will never experience the best sex of your life.

you have failed. your family is right to be worried about you

>> No.55139731

you don't need to get married, retard. you can also fake the marriage by hiding or obscuring the one document that makes it legally binding (the marriage certificate.)

>> No.55139737

It's really not that expensive, just don't go for a girl who wants those things

>> No.55139747

just tell them to fuck off. like this:
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off

>> No.55139762

don't marry or cohabitate a bitch unless ur state or region got laws stating she will not own all ur shit.

>> No.55139766

i don't need sex, i can just use a fleshlight. dying alone is the issue.

>> No.55139780

>you literally disgust women, and hold no redeeming qualitie

why so many broke ugly loser poorfags seething here on biz? with the amount of losers in the posts i assumed this was r9k

desu only losers need to "cuff a girl" they all belong to the fucking streets

i don't give them no money, don't pay them nothing and i don't give them no lovey dovey talk or cringe manipulation. and they still get upset when i get too busy because they thought i wasnt just fucking them? fuck women desu they always are the victim and im always teh bad guy fuck these whores

>> No.55139788

based poster


>> No.55139790


>> No.55139795

is it too late at 35? able to keep up with savings/mortgage on 280k house. no kids and never been in a serious relationship

>> No.55139798

>thinks only about money
Yea your life is ruined already.

>> No.55139800

>multiple uses of the acronym t b h
>low IQ grammar
>low IQ style
good morning teenage mulattoe zoomer raised by a single mother.

>> No.55139802

Don’t forget about the $30,000 dollar wedding ring that you have to buy and put on her finger after she’s fucked 9 other dudes before you since highschool. And don’t forget about the $800,000 dollar house that she expects you to buy her by the time you are 30. And don’t forget about the hundreds of thousands of dollars you will need to spend on raising children and keeping her from getting bored and fucking some dude follower from one of her 5 different social
Media apps

>> No.55139803

take action instead of asking these faggots on this ponziscam board

you trust your own judgement, right? anon?

>> No.55139809

You will never be happy

>> No.55139817

I’m 32 and fucked a 21 year old from a local college last week. Just because you are broke and don’t have any game doesn’t mean that is the case with everyone. A man’s prime is in his 30’s. No woman wants a 25 year old broke child

>> No.55139821

i have a long term gf, my dear nappy haired bastard niggerbeast.

>> No.55139827

your long term gf fucks niggers and you are probably some spic hybrid mutant

also i cant wait to hear your sob story thread when she takes your home and kids.

>> No.55139828
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>mandatory big fat weddings
>mandatory gifts
I thought this shit is only in Muslim countries.
Also, somehow related story. In Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia, a wedding is the most important thing, even more important than a birth of a child. If you wanna get married, you literally can't avoid expensive, even as a poor guy. So get this - the husband takes a HUGE LOAN for his wedding that will last for a week or two. Then, almost immediately, he goes to Russia, Kazakhstan, or Azerbaijan to work his ass on dead-end jobs for years to pay the wedding loan. Like, 10 years or something. Because there are no paying jobs in his Muslim shithole.

>> No.55139837

*avoid expensive wedding

>> No.55139842
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I want an Asian gf. Not just any Asian. Americanized ones like these

>> No.55139846

good taste anon

>> No.55139849

I want to kill myself.
Ever since my girlfriend broke up with me, i've been a broken man.
I don't really shower often anymore.
I don't clean my clothes, i just buy new packs of t shirts and underwear
My room is filled with trash and dishes, havent cleaned it since she left
I cry nearly every night, and try to drown out my feelings in video games and weed
Eventually the weed started making me paranoid, anxious, and depressed
These video games are just dull now
There's nothing of value in my life left and I know it.
I just want to end it all.
I am a worthless piece of trash.
And im too pussy to just pull the trigger.

>> No.55139855

You avoided divorce rape anon. Shout for joy and give thanks. You avoided financial destruction

>> No.55139856

have you tried not being a fag?

>> No.55139868
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Stop being a simp

>> No.55139884

It doesnt matter.
It's over for me.
I have no redeeming value left.
I live an existence as a fatfuck that eats fast food every day and work in a cage and live at my moms house.
I just want to kill myself

>> No.55139887

Just fuck a dozen escorts and realize she was just a hole.

>> No.55139954
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>> No.55140054

I dont think you get it anon.
I don't trust myself anymore.
I know once i start going to the gym, i will just stop and fall into bad habits.
So why even try?
Now insomnia and anxiety are plaguing me, and it only makes these ventures harder and harder.
I've lost total control over my life. It's only a matter of time before i pull the trigger into my skull.

>> No.55140066

I’m married. We did none of those things. Small wedding, small ring. Can’t even remember how much we spent but not much. We did have a nice honeymoon, I insisted. She didn’t want a big wedding. As for gifts? Sometimes she picks me up a new shirt, and sometimes I’ll take her to the garden centre to buy plants or pick up flowers. Married years. Kids. House (spend your money on a house not a wedding.) She’s very anti divorce and so am I.
You’re doing it wrong.

>> No.55140074
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>I dont think you get it
My bitch ex dumped me 10 years ago and made sure I got hit with fake charges for good measure, spent 5 years depressed like you are now until I did the things in that picture, now I have a gf who's genuinely a good person and a perfect match for me, now we're planning our first child.

It's likely the girl who dumped you did you a favor.

>> No.55140079

> Don’t forget about the $30,000 dollar wedding ring
Our wedding rings are plain gold, think a few hundred each. Engagement ring was something pretty plain as well. She works with her hand a lot and we were skint. Avoid women who want a 30k ring, unless you’ve got that kind of money as change

>> No.55140096

>exploring women
Let's be real, a silicon hot pocket is more enjoyable, more efficient. Sex isn't some mystic novelty; maybe for those guys.

>> No.55140142

Stop living in the past.

>> No.55140153

>let me take a picture of how we are all using our phones
In 30 years this is going to be the MOST cringe period to ever exist.

>> No.55140161

Did you wake up 70+ times every single night when trying to sleep?
Did you have daily brain fog that never ever goes away?
Did you have constant daily fatigue that never went away no matter how many energy drinks you had?
Did you have memory problems so bad that you cant remember the spellings of words or what you had to eat yesterday?

>> No.55140182
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>Did you have constant daily fatigue that never went away no matter how many energy drinks you had?
My bad I took the bait.

>> No.55140193

Its not bait.
I've not had energy for nearly 6 years. Like my body has been drained of all of it's life force.

>> No.55140216
File: 80 KB, 680x453, 1675230639704693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking "energy" drinks then moron. Everything in your post is caused by drinking too much sugar and caffeine. Do some weights and go for a run and you'll sleep better.

>> No.55140225

You imply every women wants this, my gf doesnt want to get married exactly due to these reasons, if for someone reason we do it anyway she insists on only doing it on the paper without wasting money

>> No.55140231

I quit drinking caffeine and sugar for nearly a year and i was fatigued the entire time.
I went on keto a few years before that, lost 100 lbs, and still had no energy then either.

>> No.55140279
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I'm 30 and they've stopped talking about it

>> No.55140319

I’m 39 and not as well off. I think about who I could’ve married from those I dated and it’s probably best it didn’t happen. You can’t make a whore a housewife. You just need to be on point about your life. Stay out debt, keep your shit clean (home and cock), and have things in order that will attract someone to your lifestyle. You will take some losses, but that’s the game. Don’t get corrupted by pussy. It’s superficial. Vet the shit out of any women that you allow in.

>> No.55140362

you need ray peat

>> No.55140406

Unironically take mushrooms.

>> No.55140418

You're a 39 y/o loser who might even be a virgin, single, no kids, no family.
I don't think anyone should be taking life advice from you my dude.

>> No.55140910

at age 27 you already should have made peace with yourself,

im 24 and realizing that it probably never begun for me, after doing that to an extent and learning

your going to need to find that 1/20,000 women that will look past you having no previous relationship experience, and just take you for who you are at face value
if you actually want it to hold for some time she has to be apolitical, which increases the odds to something like 1/50,000. to actually start a family i think its actually not possible
you can blame your parents for your upbringing, or being at pace they dont know better. the sexual marketplace is not the same it was for your parents. the school system lied to you and brought you up in a way that made you believe it is. your parents had their fault of neglecting you in order to meet the current status quo and ingraining that into you

on scale boys are a liability to have now. its better and easier to have girls, they are the more failproof and adaptable gender going forward

>> No.55140925

I have a gf that I have no intentions of ever marrying. Think of it as relationship practice. It's time for you to lose your virginity, anon.

>> No.55141445

>big family get together
>my NEPHEW arrives with his gf and introduces her to everyone while I'm still a kissless virgin at near 30 years of age
it's so beyond over for me

>> No.55141823

time heals all my friend. You'll look back in 5 years and think "wow, I dodged a fucking bullet on that one". Just start working on yourself. Get some modafinil online and start learning the guitar, drums, jiu jutsu, start hitting the gym, cycling (looks dorky as hell but it's basically freedom therapy), just start making yourself an institution.

>> No.55142358

just date a girl dude jesus fucking christ your autism is showing at full force. Who the fuck goes on ONE DATE and starts thinking about marriage? Either jerk off more or much less, but you're definitely doing SOMETHING wrong

>> No.55142382

>I don't think anyone should be taking life advice from you my dude.

He's literally not wrong about anything he said, though.

>> No.55142383

SAME. I'm stingy with money
This is cope from whore women. You will never get married. You will die alone with your cats

>> No.55142409
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Get the fuck over it, you tremendous faggot. No wonder she left your simp ass.

>> No.55142445
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>spic hybrid mutant.

>> No.55142536

Honestly it sounds like your still in the closet and making up reasons to not date a woman. Getting a girlfriend is not the same things as getting a wife.

>> No.55142550

>you literally disgust women, and hold no redeeming qualities. you have gone past the prime years of exploring women and will never experience the best sex of your life.
So why should he get married then?

>> No.55142571

lmao are you Indian please don’t lie sanjeet

>> No.55142884
File: 403 KB, 825x812, Kujiriaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are scared of women and you are justifying remaining stagnant by scaring yourself with hypothetical negatives.

>$100k wedding
Avg wedding costs $30k and traditionally, the brides family pays for it, so fear is null and void

$10k annual holiday
Avg domestic holiday is less than $600 for 4 nights.
Avg trip abroad is around $3k for 2 weeks
So once again, fear null and void

>The $500k lost in divorce rape
The avg divorce costs are less than $13k
This shows just how fearful you are of women that you assume the worst possible outcome as a certainty should you marry one.

You do not deserve the pleasure of a women, girlfriend or wife, as you are not a man, but a shriveled up creature who refuses to slay the dragon.

Instead of finding all the reasons to make yourself better and live up to your potential, you instead justify your current position by scaring yourself with the worst possible outcomes of the unknown.

You are the definition of a coward.

>> No.55142892

Yeah, it generally is. But we all die alone. And more importantly: we do die.

>> No.55142903

next time can you add 'yo' to 27, so say
> 27 yo
> 27yo
> 27 years old
so that your thread is hidden by my filters?

>> No.55142919

>my dude
you appear to have outed yourself as a tranny
better luck next time

>> No.55142944

its only going to get worse

>> No.55143195

I went through a terrible phase because I went through a breakup and what made it stop was realizing I needed to still my mind and it takes discipline to do so. It doesnt mean stopping all thought because its impossible, but it means not engaging your brain muscles if that makes sense. Same way you cant fall asleep if youre actively moving around but you can toss and turn every once in a while. Also 200mg magenium glycinate twice a day

>> No.55143346

I fucking hate this advice. I was a loner my entire teenage years and 20s because I was socially awkward and couldnt handle rejection (also short and not the best looking) so I thought i was gonna get so good and high value that no woman could ever turn me down. I got a high paying job, I got good as fuck at music, I dark triadmaxxed, etc. Then an actual high quality woman came along: early 20s, only ever had one relationship that lasted 5 years, off the charts intelligent (but all women are retards right HAHAHA), not materialist, and I blew it with her because her intelligence made me feel worthless (we worked together) and all the self improovment was just masking my deep seated feelings of unworthiness and uselessness which I foolishly revealed to her at the absolutely worst time.

Its about unconditional inner peace. Dont think you have to become a he -man, or make millions of dollars, or become an ecelebrity. The right woman wont care about these things. What they'll care about is that youre ok with what you are and you can share your contentness with them. I royally fucked this up because I became a raging narcissist from all the red pill self improovment mgtow ideology. Dont make the same mistake I did

>> No.55143416

unironically go check your thyroid levels. this relationship might be hitting with having peak major imbalances with your hormones and it's all coming together exhausting you and worrying you. Go see a doctor.

>> No.55143449

Buddy she's already moved on and is probably sucking a BIC (Big Indian Cock) as I type this.

>> No.55143520


>> No.55143577

ugly fags with no chance at getting women, come to /biz/ thinking if they make it they can buy access to a womans love.

>> No.55143581
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Demoralization thread? I'm all about demoralization threads!

This is probably the best of the best:
>attractive, fit, highly educated Utah women all competing for the attention and dick of a 38 yeard old unemployed black pedofile
>white mom of victim apologizing to the 37 year old pedophile for him murdering her Straight A athlete daughter (sigh)
>dirty spic campus cop tasked with protecting this girl was too busy showing off the revenge porn nudes of the girl who was murdered to his buddies to protect her from some troglodyte 38 year old black sociopath on the whitest campus on planet earth (lol)
>the stupid bitch parents sued the University for the death even though they apologized to the murder. Hoping for a Ibram Kendi merit badge from the Nytimes?? I don't know guys.
>the cops were rightfully fired for this shitshow and are suing the University for wrongful termination. Because reasons.
>but the real *chefs kiss* of the whole story is the friends of the victim who were fucking the murderer right AFTER he killed her and dumped her body. Guarantee those cunts are suing the university too because "how can this be happening to ME narcissist shit?
>rich Jewish lawyers making bank on all the carnage at the expense of the normal Uni students rising tuition.

I mean, you have to give credit to the Jews here. I couldn't even imagine a more socially deleterious single event in American history in this. Countless ruined lives all because of dumb white Utah college girls getting dicked up by a sociopathic black dude in Utah.

>> No.55144185
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None of you have any real sense of perspective for what is actually about to happen to you.

We sit at the base of a mountain that every one of you must now climb and it's impossible to know exactly what is at the top, but one of the following is going to be true:

1) AI will find a cure for aging and you'll have as much time as you need for dating or starting a family or whatever. This will happen vastly faster than you can ever imagine because solving aging is a computational problem which will be optimised by orders of magnitude by the next generation of AI. It's already discovering new antibiotics in an hour, where do you think this will be in thirty fucking years? Society won't be able to handle an aging demographic, nations will FORCE people to stay young to stay competitive economically.

2) AI kills us all. You're worrying about passing on your genes under conditions where those genes will be annihilated in the future. If you do have children, they are destined to suffer and die in an AI apocalypse.

3) There's an outside chance of total technological failure and return to monke. Those who successfully passed on their genes might survive in the new shitty libertarian hell hole existence until eventually everybody dies in a mass extinction event as you won't be able to retechnologise in time to save or escape the planet. This won't happen so I'm not interested in it.

Bigger things are happening than your gay ideas about fulfilling the life template in your head that already doesn't exist.

>> No.55144216
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didnt read, but I know I should remind you to take your meds.

>> No.55144296

Not only did I miss the prime years of exploring women and the best sex of my life, I also ruined my sexual capability. I basically can't get an erection without hearing moans, and I also got used to be stimulated for at least an hour, and very few women can take a pounding for an hour, every other day.
I don't care though. We are all gonna die anyway.

>> No.55144334


>> No.55144487

ok now find 10 more examples of this.
literal nothingburger. I've seen literally 1 black male white female couple in public in my life.
2% of women are gay, 1% are trans. Do I get demoralized by that? 20% of women are obese. 20% have personality disorders. 50% won't even date me because I'm short
again, don't care. I don't need a million wives just one and I have enough time left to find one.

>> No.55144557
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You seem like a guy who'd greatly benefit from dog ownership.

>> No.55144580

I live in a >95% white area and see BMWF couples walking past my house all the time.
On some real "bury your head in the sand" shit if you think it isn't a soaring epidemic.
>inb4 dating site stats from 2008

>> No.55144593
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We can be together

>> No.55144620

Yo take it easy man. Have confidence in your decision and try to frame things as they are what you want not what you are given. You got this shit ombre.

>> No.55144625
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>I live in a >95% white area and see BMWF couples walking past my house all the time.

>> No.55144653

Document doesn't matter. Google "common law marriage".

>> No.55144673
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>A man’s prime is in his 30’s

This is cope.

>> No.55144687

The current global technocracy is a fail-safe to ensure option 1 is chosen. BRICS will fall into line eventually. China just doesn't want to be a team player, and Russia's a tradcon nation for the most part. Starting a war over land that was once theirs, like it's the 1800s.

>> No.55145036

Chudbros… our response?

>> No.55145077
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>OP isn't investing all of his money into the BSC casino even tho everyone knows it's ripe for making money
>shitcoins like no$thing make more money being worth nothing than your average job

>> No.55145085

Its going to be 2.. Read Nick Land.

>> No.55145189
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the best relationships aren't forced, work on yourself, get some hobbies, take a walk in the woods and think about your life instead of posting about it on a transgender synth wave review forum

>> No.55145245

stop jacking off faggot

>> No.55145279

its literally not a cope if you are a chad and stay fit. Im in the best shape of my life in my 30's and have the most money ive ever had and the most attention from women ive ever had. Take care of yourself and have funny money and its great. Being a shut in incel chudlet in your 30's is pure hell but those guys peaked when they were 18.

>> No.55145289

women don't want to only get fucked so you're either a retard (an actual retard with iq 90 or under, not a meme retard) or a bad guy

>> No.55145299

i had this realisation at age 16
i'm 37 now
you have to live life eventually, no matter what the future brings

>> No.55145305


>> No.55145767

I impregnated a married woman twice. Her entire family died in a tsunami and her husband died in an accidebt. Now she is stuck with me. She bought a house and takes care of me now and we aren't married. I am the father of my kids and she doesn't mess with me.

>> No.55145936

That's intense and should be made into a movie. I can't think of a movie plot like this.

>> No.55146042

I've changed my diet several times to no effect
Weed already fucked me up bad.
I maybe shouldn't have prefaced my post with my ex-girlfriend, as i've long gotten over her.
The breakup is just when things began to spiral out of control.
I'm just a worthless piece of trash now. I don't know why people still care for me.
They are holding me back from killing myself, but i don't know how long that will last. I keep spiraling. I have no control over anything anymore. Eventually I will become broke and homeless, probably be a heroin addict.
I read that helium asphyxiation is the least painful suicide method, so i think i'm going to opt for that.
I just want to die.

>> No.55146327

>100k wedding
>10k annual holiday

>> No.55146339

Married and spent $50 on both our rings, kek

>> No.55146597

>>27, single
You are still young enough to get a ~20 year old. Tick tock. Straight up tell them you are not funding a 100k wedding.

>> No.55146763

>The avg divorce costs are less than $13k
thats not including all the assets she'll take

>> No.55146768

I can literally fuck 9/10 escorts for $500 a pop. Probably 1/5th that price in a developing country. For 50 grand (basically nothing) I can get to Chad tier numbers of sleeping with a hundred women.
Now lets move on to you.
You will never have a husband.
And you will never have a family.
Or kids. You know, things no man gives a fuck about but women do.
Your eggs will run out soon. Far sooner than my sperm stops working.
You will end up like the tens of 30+ women in my chat, constantly whining about not having anyone.
That's my response.
Want to know why? Cuz i fucking hate you, thats why. You had everything set up for you. And you still fucked up.

>> No.55146770

>I live in a >95% white area and see BMWF couples walking past my house all the time.
i dont believe you. post area.

>> No.55146830

>white women
>mattering at all
>actually thinking of them as human to warrant caring about muh niggas dicking them
Lmao. They have always been the fuck cum n dump species of woman. For thousands of years since neanderthals got fucked out of existence by proto indo europeans or whichever tribe at the time decided to migrate northwest. The only thing that matters in this world is numbers in your bank account (representation of power), not some shit ass muh demoralization of negros and whores.

>> No.55148258

Correction. The only thing that matters in this world is how close you are with Allah in all the prescribed ways that has been ordained for us in the Quran

>> No.55148488

Sure that’s probably your fate if your some Eugene software developer that women know they can play like a fiddle. If you aren’t a basement dwelling incel.

>> No.55148656

Weddings don’t have to cost $100k and typically the brides family pays for most of it. Don’t be an idiot and let anxiety put in your head from Internet forums convince you to lead a miserable life.

>> No.55148668

bride's father pays for wedding
non negotiable