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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55138014 No.55138014 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine when ccip fees are added to the yield, and they open up all the price feeds, VRF, Automation, Functions ....
this is hilariously too easy, link on the verge to provide the biggest stable APY that doesn't come from inflation and money printing in all of crypto.

yet the market is sleeping on it, i myself have secured my spots in the staking pools, it feels comfy to know i will inherit the earth and you bulgarians fucks won't get shit.

the APY that $link will provide will be the most sought after in all of crypto.

they will beg us to sell our link.

>> No.55138020

what kind of numbers we taking here mr popo

>> No.55138023
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subhuman nastyslob

>> No.55138040

>baggie gets a tripcode to make fellow baggies cope harder

>> No.55138056

there is only one staking pool yeah? any idea if they will open more spots?

>> No.55138070
File: 428 KB, 334x739, noop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they will beg us to sell our link.
they already do

and my answer will be the same then as it is now:

Attention KIKES

I will NEVER, ever sell my Linkies. LINK at $1? Didnt sell.
LINK at $1.10? Didnt sell.
LINK at $0.20? $0.50? $1? $2? $5? $10?... $50? $100? $500?

Not selling.

IF you filthy kikes ever want to see these linkies again, you are going to have to pump the price to AT LEAST $1000 per LINK... At which point, AGAIN, you filthy kikes, I AM NOT SELLING

The richest man in Costco. Praise Sergey

>> No.55138076

>chainlink is giving 5% of literal dog shit right now!
>imagine when vaporware v0.0001 comes out you will have the biggest apy of SHIT!!!
>please pleaaaase pump my dead shitcoin bag
lol. lmao even.

>> No.55138079

basedo holy and pill pilled

>> No.55138105
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btc only sorry boys

>> No.55138115

The 5% apy is paid out by inflation only. Without token emissions and purely based on revenue, what would be the apy right now? Legit question, I'm an on-chain enjoyer so link is important even if I don't hold it.

>> No.55138136

>what would be the apy right now
5.5 - 7.5% per end April 23

>> No.55138137

Yep, this trip is going straight into my filters.

>> No.55138155

>I'm an on-chain enjoyer
tips it

>> No.55138165


More like poo poo

Fucking linkies lmao you never fail to make me laugh

>> No.55138244

bullish and stinky pilled

>> No.55138389

how is this possible when most price feeds are sponsored and almost nobody in their right mind is paying for anything? it's all funded by dumping tokens right now, not sure where your numbers come from

>> No.55138415

Fees for services

>> No.55138455

price feeds are free for users, vrf is at most used once by nft scams for setup. what fees? there are only some sucker chains that pay the sponsorship fee themselves for pr reasons, but that's more like handouts, not a business

>> No.55138487

fees for other services. have you been in a cupboard? there has been much discussion about charges and fee structure lately. stop low effort time wasting

>> No.55138490

My favourite thing about link is are the days of silence

You know the ones I mean, where it pumps against the market or bullish news is released - and all the fudders go back to their discords to figure out what to say

>> No.55138498

Price feed staking is subsidized, they don't generate revenue other than scraps that (((sponsors))) pay.

Stop being dishonest about monetization of chainlink

>> No.55138505

Price feeds don't generate fees for usage. If you hold link, you're expected to know this

>> No.55138575
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>the market is sleeping on it
More like the market keeps getting knocked out cold every time it tries to wake up.

>> No.55138638
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>> No.55138752

>will NEVER, ever sell my Linkies. LINK at $1? Didnt sell.
>LINK at $1.10? Didnt sell.
>LINK at $0.20? $0.50? $1? $2? $5? $10?... $50? $100? $500?
>Not selling.
>IF you filthy kikes ever want to see these linkies again, you are going to have to pump the price to AT LEAST $1000 per LINK... At which point, AGAIN, you filthy kikes, I AM NOT SELLING
Man I have missed this copy pasta. I remember someone made a vocaroo of Jordan Peterson saying it ages ago I need to find it now

>> No.55138758

That music is awful

>> No.55138785

They said the pool will be expanded to 75 million 9-12 months after it launched on Dec 6 th last year

>> No.55138828

keep dreaming, they won't open it for community, they'll prolly open it up for enterprise kek.

high chance you missed out on the only opportunity you had

>> No.55138835

the only way to get direct exposure to staking, will be through node delegation, community had it's share, now your only chance will be for node ops to offer you a share of their revenue.
and delegation is coming up in the next version i guess.
but the difference between direct staking and delegated staking is that nodes will take a share

>> No.55138940

there is already delegation:
>Node Operator Stakers are expected to have a baseline rate of 5% per year in LINK against their committed stake, as well as rewards sourced from the 5% delegation fee derived from Community Staker rewards. Assuming an entirely filled 25M LINK pool, Node Operator Stakers can earn an effective annualized reward rate of ~7%.
i highly doubt that community will get no expansion as nops definitely don't have 50m LINK on hand. but yeah they'll get a lot more than the 2.5m they got last time
>When v0.1 launches, 22.5M LINK will be allotted for Community Stakers on a first-come-first-serve entry, while 2.5M LINK will be allotted and reserved for Node Operator Stakers. Over time, as the space-limited pool expands, the proportional difference between different staking allotments may be adjusted to further enhance the security of the pool.
if they give to much of the 50m expansion to nodes then sdl would have to fill the gap. cll sure as hell aren't going to trust fucking sdl with that job, they haven't even recognized them despite getting a big chunk of the initial sdl supply

>> No.55138978

5% is nothing

>> No.55139030

i know there is already delegation, but i don't think its the same as node delegation, right now they use delegation as a way to justify why community stakes alongside nodes, normally, in real delegation, you don't stake in a generic staking contract, you go specifically into a node operator and you delegate your link directly to the nop.

also to prove my point, right now we are automatically equally delegated to all node operators, which is weird, either when true delegation comes out they will unstake us and ask us to go and stake with specific nodes, or they expand the staking pool, for node ops, and they will use that expansion to offer staking to everybody through direct delegation.

nodes don't have 50M at hand, but that's the thing, they will get delegated link instead, hence why they need the expansion, the difference is in the fees, i guess each node will have different fee % that will depend on the volume they process.

>> No.55139038

kek; the 5% we get right now is only on, the eth/usd price feed.

re-read my OP

>> No.55139059

sorry stinkie, but i'm not buying
and this answer will be the same in the future
LINK at $50? didn't buy
at $10? didn't buy either
LINK at $5? $3? $1? $0.10?

Not buying.

if you normalfags ever want to see that tendie money back, you are going to have to beg on your knees for forgiveness having shat this board for so long
at which point
i still won't buy. but i might stop making fun of you, out of compassion

random anon who made it in 2023 through defi yields on SERIOUS projects
fuck fatties, fuck amerilards, fuck stinkies, and fuck glowies who pretend to be against jews while carrying water for (((sirgay))) the "russian" newyorker who works with (((ari juels)))

>> No.55139060

>they won't open it for community
they literally call it the community pool and stated they would expand it. nice dream though

>> No.55139061

n v0.1, staked LINK from node operators serves as a direct quantifiable commitment to their performance, while community stake adds an additional layer of incentivization to the honest and reliable performance of node operators. All Node Operator Stakers in v0.1 will earn a small percentage of the Community Stakers’ staking rewards—referred to as delegation rewards—given that node operators are providing a service on behalf of Community Stakers (i.e. performing oracle computation for the Data Feed).

The design is similar to existing stake-based delegation designs as the rewards derived from community stake are used to further increase network security through the economic alignment of node operators. Community Stakers in v0.1 will see their stake automatically delegated to Node Operator Stakers, without node operators taking control of community stake. This mechanism is referred to as “Auto-Delegation”.

In a future Staking release, Auto-Delegation may evolve into a dynamic mechanism, a design where community stake is automatically delegated across actively staking node operators in variable amounts based on reputation metrics, such as historical performance, length of time LINK is staked, and amount staked.
so you're saying that the team will provide the delegation and not third-party delegation systems like sdl?
i would be surprised as the community pool already does just what you describe

>> No.55139118

>I won't buy it
>but I will talk about it

>> No.55139149
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the team will provide delegation it's coming in the next version, pic related

where in the roadmap they plan for pool expansion?

>> No.55139165

are you sure we'll get to v1 immediately? remember that initially this v0.1 period was announced as up to 24 months

>> No.55139206
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I have been accumulating monthly for the past 5 years.
I either make it or I don't. At this point if I was proven wrong about $LINK I don't think I could continue to live.

>> No.55139249

In the middle of it. Read the documents with that table

>> No.55139286

>p-please stop pouring salt on my wounds!
kek, baggies

>> No.55139340

show me where it says community pool will be expanded. hint: you won't find it.
sue they'll expand the pool, but it'll be for nops CLL doesn't deal with communities

>> No.55139341

Yea, this talk of v1 is unrealistic

>> No.55139355

never said anything about the community pool. I just doubt that the next iteration of staking in a couple of months will be v1 staking

>> No.55139372

Love you popo, thanks for the spoonfeeding

>> No.55139378

if so, why in the roadmap they have v0.1 but then straight up v1?

>> No.55139392

if I recall correctly that roadmap was made when v0.1 was intended to last up to 24 months, then later on they changed it to 9-12 months after everyone cried about it, no?

>> No.55139476

"The staking pool will initially be capped at 25M LINK, representing approximately 5% of the current circulating supply and 2.5% of the total supply, with plans to scale up to 75M LINK over time. The staking pool will initially contain only two types of stakers: Node Operator Stakers and Community Stakers, with ADDITIONAL types of stakers being possible in the future. Node operators actively servicing Chainlink Data Feeds will each have an initial 50,000 LINK allotment."


I have capitalised 'ADDITIONAL' so midwits can find this important clue more easily. I hope this helps and you don't feel too stupid. Remember, we're all in this together and we will all make it. Try to be nicer.

>> No.55139478

Serious question
Should I buy chainlink?.

>> No.55139488

Keep talking about us.

>> No.55139494

Are you into public humiliation?

>> No.55139508

It's a dedicated Chainlink thread, not really public.

>> No.55139547

Anon, where do you find the patience to spoonfeed the arrogant & clinically braindead? Kudos to you

>> No.55139553

>chainlink is a stablecoin
>it yields less than treasury bills
why would I fall for this scam?

>> No.55139555

i won't be nice to those that snobbed staking v0.1 if you're a true linky you'd have all inned staking right away, also the ADDITIONAL refers to new types of stakers (enterprise, institutional, DAO?), not expanding current pool to community

>> No.55139579

Checked and ADDITIONAL means the previous categories plus others. If the community pool were excluded from the 75M expansion, the word ADDITIONAL would be replaced with something else like 'different' or 'other', or indeed 'new'. Can't you deconstruct a basic sentence?

>> No.55139601
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>> No.55139620

I don't do it all the time but it's nice to negate the fud now and again. Of course, it really is fud. None of these bozos are being genuine, despite their efforts to appear so.

>> No.55139705

Damn, is there any possibility they’ll add loss protection alongside slashing? I don’t want to have to take out my stack

>> No.55139749

>b-b-but it said so on teh roadmap guise!1
for an alleged OG, you truly are a retard

>> No.55139769

There are so many unclear things about the future of the community pool and staking in general once staking v1.0 is released.
There is also the possibility of a future decentralized oracle network with new nodes outside of the current KYC model using staking for reputation.

A change in the model completely changes the economics and expectations.
We need to get more clarity from the team on what they are aiming to achieve.

Also it's not a good idea to fixate on the % of yield when Chainlink should be compared to a fixed income stream with an exponential adoption curve.
If the token starts to pump the yield will decrease, because the income is fixed in $ for each customer on a yearly basis and depends on their own income.

After years of price suppression it's tiresome how disconnected from reality the market is.

Most crypto investors who are not LINK marines seems to hate Chainlink because of the price action because they only care about the monthly shitcoin flavor of the month of their favorite ponzi.

>> No.55139799

You're assuming there is any money flowing through the system at all. DeFi yield is a meme and everything is speculation and dumping on holders.

There is no serious liquidity flowing at this time, and everyone is bitter toward crypto, that goes without mentioning that everyone is ignoring link out of spite for the insufferable shills.

>> No.55139801

The 5% we get now is from token inflation from the existing supply.
It can't be used as a reference for the real staking v1.0 economics.

The yields may initially drop to 1% if staking is open for everyone and there is not sufficient demand or the token price is too high.
What really matters is adoption.
CCIP may be significant to drive it, but even that could take a year or more to fully realize.

>> No.55139843

Hey popo bro, will I make it with 7k links staked early? I'm living in poverty now.

>> No.55139872

I was in thailand and couldn't stake
im so mad im missing out on build token rewards

>> No.55139937

Why didn't you take your hardware wallet with you?

>> No.55140052

anon i need you to be honest we us. Did you sell LINK to fund that vacation? At what point in the process (buying the plane ticket, actually leaving your house, etc) did you actually realize you would miss the opportunity to stake your link?

>> No.55140068

>over 80% market share
>powered 7 trillinon in transactions
COPE fuddie (Chainlink Oracles Power Everything)
Chainlink GOOD (Great Oracle Owns Defi)
The only thing that is insufferable is for you, for having missed out and buying the top of the speculative bubble before it returned to the FUNDAMENTAL price.

>> No.55140118

Incels like Sassal have made good points about the role of the token.

This discussion about the community pool is a complete red herring

>> No.55140120

COPE (Chainlink Oracles Power Everything)

>> No.55140128

>Why didn't you take your hardware wallet with you?
He thought Thailand didn't have internet

>> No.55140164

kys you fucking bagholders

>> No.55140186
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>> No.55140303


>> No.55140386

Those are cumulative transactions idiot. That includes both paid and PROVISIONED calls across link nodes. I bought in 2017 you absolute dimwit. There is no serious volume or usage in the system right now

>> No.55140396


>> No.55140421

That’s literally lower than the overnight rate. You can buy a money market fund and make more than that. Holy kek, linkies aren’t just retarded they’re financially incompetent too

>> No.55140509

I pointed this out a month ago and one of the cultists demanded a source hahahaha. Fucking retards

>> No.55140595

You are legitimately low IQ and a poorfag and it pleases me to no end that you're holding my bags.

That's right idiot, ethdelta, idex, Binance before US integration, McAfee coins, I was here for it all and each of my 10k link tokens were purchased under .30c on decentralized exchanges.

Now go have fun being retarded seeing as how you have zero insight or technical awareness to contribute to any meaningful conversation.

>> No.55140632

I mean they held from 50 to 6

>> No.55141117

Isn't loss protection about insurance rather than protecting stakers?

>> No.55141132

Retard here. What exactly is slashing going to mean for the average /biz/let passive staker? What will it look like from our perspective?

>> No.55141144

Linkies are deranged incels who married their bags. They will claim staking a depreciating asset is a smart move while Sergey keeps dumping on their asses for the rest of the decade

>> No.55141155

We will still be getting 5% + some tiny airdrops, the rest will be appropriated by Chainlink Labs

>> No.55141160

shut the fuck up little faggot

>> No.55141191
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someone get this guy his meds he's a goddamn maniac

>> No.55141281
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checked and great posts, pads. always appreciate your insight.

>> No.55141313

The fact that it's cumulative transactions has no bearing on the point it contradicts in your post which i replied to.
>assuming there is any money flowing through the system at all.
Imagine making a claim, then pretending you didn't when it is proved wrong and making yet more claims while still expecting people to believe anything you say.
>it pleases me
You don't seem to be pleases at all fren.
Not one bit.
>meanignful conversation
The problem is not that others do not want meaningful conversation fren, it is that you are incapable or unwilling to yourself. You move goalposts and pilpul when the current line of discussion does not suit you. You have no real interest in discussion, you have a singular purpose that you feel must be fulfilled at all cost.
This cost being any meaningful and insightful conversation.
This purpose being to get me to sell.
I will never.
So, if you truly desire meaningful conversation(kek) then cease your attempts to persuade me to sell. My finances are not your concern. I do not seek advice from you. If you wish to discuss the technology, do not lie. If you wish to discuss the future development and potential, do not base this discussion on false premises which must needs be immediately argued against in order to establish the verifiable truth and have any meaningful conversation.
>tl;dr never selling

>> No.55141390

>the APY that $link will provide will be the most sought after in all of crypto.
Still not gonna fall victim to this Sergey scambox. Not even up to 5% cashbacks given by CryptMi app for shopping. Until you raise it to 100% APY, LINK will never be an option again.

>> No.55141415

it literally says the word "types" right after ADDITIONAL, you low IQ midwit. hint: your average pleb is not going to be an additional type of staker

>> No.55141441

>Imagine making a claim, then pretending you didn't when it is proved wrong and making yet more claims while still expecting people to believe anything you say.
I never pretended I didn't make that claim and it wasn't proven wrong. You're literally having a mental breakdown, what you're doing is the equivalent of talking to yourself because you have a low reading comprehension and an extreme bias, I would say it is sad if it weren't hilarious.
>You don't seem to be pleases at all fren.
Do you not speak English? That would explain a lot of this behavior.
>You move goalposts
Mentally ill

Do you seriously think I care if you sell your pitiful stack of tokens? Everything you do is completely futile and you will never contribute to anything meaningful, neither this conversation nor actual technical progress. You're just a mentally ill poorfag on the sideline who doesn't understand the difference between volume and cumulative transactions. You are a fucking goldfish.

>> No.55141479

Yep. From now on in order to stake from a non-whitelisted wallet (early access stakers are hyper-whitelisted), people will actually have to build something using the LINK network like a node or other service to get into staking. Or hope that nodes allow for community staking soon.

>> No.55141495

Could all namefags killthemselves and leave this board pls

>> No.55141502

lol ok go dump all your money into treasury bills m8.

>> No.55141552

>it wasn't proven wrong.
It was proven wrong. Objectively.
You claim there is no money flowing through, but it is.
You now pilpul, move goalposts and throw ad hominems around.
Absolutely kvetching.

>> No.55141657

>there is no money at all flowing
>there is no serious money flowing

When you move the goalposts in the same post lmao.
Talk about frontrunning.

>> No.55141663
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>There is no serious volume or usage in the system right now
Thankfully there's enough data out there now that this can easily be debunked but don't let that stop you from continuing to make things up.

>> No.55141719

Imagine caring about a company that only made you lose money. Linkies are some low-form of goyim I swear

>> No.55141726

>that only made you lose money
lmao telling on your own damn selves

>> No.55141732

Imagine caring about people who care about a company.
Fuddies are some lower-than-low form of goyim I swear.

>> No.55141772

chill gentiles, I only browse biz for the pm general but figured i should drop you some insights once in a while because I genuinely think you guys are wasting your time sucking some russian scammer's cock. I hope you kys tho

>> No.55141813

>Losing money on LINK
Lmao couldn't be me

>> No.55141820
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>I-I don't care

Yeah, you mad

>> No.55141873

I'm right, and you're ESL

>> No.55141912

>Ad hominem
My country was speaking english before yours existed. We invented it. Try again.
>no money flowing through
>7 billion in transactions

>> No.55143272
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>umm i don't care
>but uh also uhhh kys
pic related
just not gonna sell sorry kekfuddie

>> No.55143393

It doesnt yield anything brainlet.
The 4.75% staking is inflationary. Its literally just sergey sending this link from his premine bag and further inflating the circulating supply.
So while you gain 5% the supply also increases by 5% and any gains is cancelled out by a lower price due to the higher supply.
Your holdings percentage of the total circulating supply is literally the exact same.

Its okay though, I wouldn't expect a retard baggie to understand math and finance.

>> No.55143420

you're the one coping. Everything is still being paid out by sergey

>> No.55143423
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Keep holding marine! ;)

>> No.55143441

>posts more pictures of black people

>> No.55143470
File: 87 KB, 720x1394, 1685556148775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts more pictures of black people
This dont judge the based blacks!! am I right fellow link marines?!

>> No.55143510

>switch ids
>open my chainlink x nigger folder
>pick one
>ah, that'll show them
>attach it to my well thought out bait comment (I mimick Redditors and act like I am a fellow Chainlink holder, so in fact I am associating them with Redditors xd)
>almost hit Post
>remember I need to change the filename or risk to get made fun of again for my obsession
>enter some random digits
>attach image
>hit post
Heh, another marine owned ;)

>> No.55143575
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>only 1 person fuds chainlink

>> No.55143614

>Multiple anons are actively saving and posting niggers while fudding LINK
I somehow doubt it, anon. Even in this place.

>> No.55143674
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>Multiple anons are actively saving and posting frogs while shilling LINK
>I somehow doubt it, anon. Even in this place.

>> No.55143698
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Save a nigger, post a nigger.

>> No.55143751

I stake ORE for more than this shit rewards.

>> No.55143753
File: 504 KB, 739x578, 1685557725449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My familys been breakin' link nigger bucks for generations. Whenever I catch a link nigger getting uppity round here I just give my uncle at the BTC headquarters a call

>> No.55143840

not sure why i should cheer on the company, the token does not represent ownership. maybe they will dump less, that would be nice, but i wouldn't bet on it

>> No.55143845

I'm of the opinion that saving and posting frogs has less to do with cuckoldry than obsessing over black people and chastity cages.

Torpedo tits, good choice

>> No.55143909
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>posting "black people"
I think you mean posting "chainlink content"
It seems to be you shills that are focusing primarily on the black people, for fudders the black people come secondary to the many chainlink logos found in these pictures. Any longtime user of this site will find it hilarious how /biz/s favorite coin seems to have a suspiciously large amount of black people in their pictures.

>> No.55144598

>There are so many unclear things about the future of the community pool and staking in general once staking v1.0
agreed, and i belkieve they will need the community for scaling, i mean you can't have an oracle network powering all of crypto with a hundred nodes, u'd prolly need tens of thousands, and u'd want competition.

>A change in the model completely changes the economics and expectations.
We need to get more clarity from the team on what they are aiming to achieve.

i think their goals are aligned with us, and they will involve us at some point, (even though they already did through community staking and the alerting system)

>lso it's not a good idea to fixate on the % of yield when Chainlink should be compared to a fixed income stream with an exponential adoption curve
wrong, yield is what matters and what will bring even more liquidity to chainlink, every single defi project relies on yields to capture liquidity, and it won't be different with chainlink, also since 99.99% of yields in defi are done through inflation, every single whale will need to diversify that yield into oracle fees yields.

>fter years of price suppression it's tiresome how disconnected from reality the market is.
who cares? more linkies for me srsly,i mean if i believed hard in 2017 when we had nothing, i am even more convinced than ever now that ccip is going live and i'm already staked, even linkies are retarded in that regard.
>Most crypto investors who are not LINK marines seems to hate Chainlink
it's just the mood of the moment and it'll change on a whim when narratives change, that's why i'm accumulating in the end, fundamentals DO MATTER, fudders can cry all they want.

>> No.55144629

>since 99.99% of yields in defi are done through inflation, every single whale will need to diversify that yield into oracle fees yields.
that's a good point

>> No.55144711

>and u'd want competition
why? it's likely to be a standard, and the nodes will be 'competing' with one another. Would you want competition for TCP/IP? It's the same argument, except with Chainlink it's monetised. Sergey even alluded to this.

>> No.55144854

competition is always healthy, it brings excellence, in node operation it'd mean better reputation nodes and less delegation fees, it'd profit us stakers and the end users nodes wouldn't abuse fees and would take minimal fees to satisfy everybody, also node operators would start bringing better quality of service AND faster response times.

>> No.55145046

I agree. Your initial comment read as though you meant competition to Chainlink eg Pyth etc
Or maybe it didn't. I read it that way though. Meh.

>> No.55145100

>I think you mean posting "chainlink content"
Kek, nice save. Yes anon, Chainlink content only consists of black people. You tried your hardest to find non black people Chainlink content, but could only find black people. Very suspicious indeed!
>community event in African shithole
>only Africans from African shithole show up
>Anon: this is suspicious!
Lmao. Then again, it was only a few days ago you fuddies got your panties in a bunch because a Chainlink event in Singapore showed only Asians. Trying your hardest to appeal to /pol/ it seems, though I don't think it's working that well. /pol/acks generally don't care about non-whites that stay in their own country and try to better it.

>> No.55145101

Literally completely unsustainable
This whole thing reeks but /biz/ will still fall for it

>> No.55145212


>> No.55145459

The only thing that's sustainable is your desperation for me to sell my Links but you can suck my cheesy cock because i'm not going to.
PS Try a piece of apple first the sweetness balances it out well

>> No.55145789

t. based

>> No.55145811
File: 144 KB, 1078x1125, 1685571080284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/
I bet /pol/ doesnt like WEF globohomo agents shilling for jews either.
Now go continue to shill for the enslavement of humanity for a few shekels linknigger

>> No.55145893

lol baggies paid for this.

>> No.55146106

We all paid for your mom too.
She held every one of our bags as we dumped on her in succession.
We didn't pay in LINk though. She wasn't worth it.

>> No.55146296

Chainlink is gay

>> No.55146419

thought on the 4 of 9 multisig?

>> No.55146576

all multisigs are shit, it can 90 of 90 and it could still be 90 ledger keys the faggot CEO owns.
it's all smoke and mirrors, nopthing is truly decentralized, not even bitcoin, bitcoin hash is owned by like 5 companies in the US and china,

the key idea is to have a trust worthy team that isn't motivated by greed and backed by VCS which describes 99% of all of crypto right now.

no matter what the multisig distribution is, multisig doesn't mean shit as long as it's unclear who owns the keys, and i believe no project gives out real proofs of opwnership.

the only real solution would be to just burn the keys, but then how would the team upgrade the smart contracts?

the difference between chainlink all the faggoty defi projects out there, is that all node operators are well know enterprise entities, and if they try anything shady we know where to knock.

>> No.55146608

>I bet /pol/ doesnt like WEF globohomo agents shilling for jews either.
Yes exactly, that's why it's so obvious that you are desperately trying to appeal to /pol/ so you can recruit more stooges to share your inane ramblings about LINK.
>Muh WEF globohomo + Chainlink
>Muh jews + Chainlink
>Look! Black people doing things + Chainlink! Despicable, am I right fellow based nazi frogs??
Extremely cringe.

>> No.55146800
File: 556 KB, 1346x1980, 1685578545084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude lets shill for jewish NWO enslavement cause it might give me a slight short term profit. Who cares about everyone living in a tech dystopia as long as I have a few extra cbdcs!
Notice I never fud btc or monero because that is real crypto which grants liberty. Smart contract cbdc globohomo shitcoins like link on the other hand is everything against crypto. Its like youre forgetting WEF themselves endorsed link.
Even link gains wont save you from globohomo 100% tax rate for the rich. Chainlink even openly shills kyc garbage and has deco.
Non kyc cant even participate in the chainlink "truth machine". If the nodes run by globohomo say trans women are real women then all your link will get slashed for disagreeing with the "truth". Anyone with a brain can see where this is heading. Thats why I will keep fudding against your saturn cult black cube nwo zog coin

>> No.55146827

>Anyone with a brain can see where this is heading.
So why wouldn't you be all in?

>> No.55146847

You sound unhinged anon

>> No.55147394

You're receiving 5% because that's what Chainlink is paying out to the folks who were lucky enough to get into the closed staking pools.

Not that the 5% is coming from a profitable staking system.

Dumbfuck namefag retard

>> No.55147405

So where does saving and posting images of black people come into this? Or do you just enjoy looking at them while you think about schizo stuff?

>> No.55147612

so when is all this china money gonna show up?
its june in china now?

>> No.55147625

lmao, some anon thought i was fudding because of hong kong the other day. Shizo will always going to be shizo

>> No.55147952

winning at capitalism leading to the actual apocalypse has always been the inevitable endgame. at least we are gonna be riding on the tidal wave

>> No.55147983
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>> No.55148250

>Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's not real staking it's not real staking this is so unfair you are all cheating reeeeeee link baaaadddd

>> No.55148348
File: 2 KB, 125x118, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh paradigm is the only investor in code4rena. thank god for actual honest white hats like this guy
call me schizo but maybe this was the reason that disgraced former development with an irish sounding name and probably an accent to match had to move down the street.

imagine my shock when I surmised that Paradigm probably bribe (((white hats))) to give them advanced information on project defects so that Paradigm can hodl them to ransom for priority access to tokens at a discount LMAO peak clown world as this is the investment thesis of most VCs
this is kinda like when sam bankman fried bought out blockfolio and retards were sending them their personal trade data
fly too close to the sun you get burned in clown world

>> No.55148705

aye poopoo cardano and ergo will replace chainlink

>> No.55148806

Is 1000 staked enough? Please its all I could afford and still be comfortable not touching that for 3-5yrs.

Need some hopium anon. I’m so tired.

>> No.55148837

>call me schizo but maybe this was the reason that disgraced former development with an irish sounding name and probably an accent to match had to move down the street.
any source on that?
auditors are some of the highest paid people in the space, looks to me like he just went for the money and took a couple of cll employees with him on the way out

>> No.55148863

Shut up, Patrick.

>> No.55149176

>tfw KEk id

We are not gonna make it are we?

>> No.55149915

No amount of link is enough

>> No.55149933
File: 163 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stake demon.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to impale them all.

>> No.55150006

Stop being gay

>> No.55150023
File: 48 KB, 604x338, E7F6A310-7DE0-41EB-ADA0-B3CAADAE7DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for all the lurkers viewing this thread. Many of you lurking might not be on 4chan. Which means you took the vaccine.

>> No.55150024


>> No.55150039
File: 116 KB, 900x1200, 280627925_329315902606993_1744953439873820587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-bills pay at least that much, and you don't have to buy stupid crypto

>> No.55150159


>> No.55150279

>2 more weeks until the vaccine kill everyone
>2 more weeks until link hit 1k eoy so i can have sex

>> No.55151074

Always laugh when I hear some anon use the term in relationship to their schizobags and some absurd global conspiracy to suppress prices or whatever.
I remember when rubic retards used to accuse me of "pilpul". Shit never changes... kek

>> No.55151357

based. nolinkers on sui watch

>> No.55151562

All-cause mortality excess deaths her in UK has been going over 2000/week here in UK since the vaccinations began. Experts are 'baffled' and of course it's not important enough to merit mainstream news coverage. You're right though, it hasn't killed everyone.

>> No.55152386
File: 76 KB, 1078x786, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 10.41.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice """"""pump"""""" you got there

>> No.55152527

Thank you. I don't know why other anons don't understand this..

>> No.55152551

Sounds like a great opportunity for node pools like SDL... I'm glad i haven't sold mine yet. not sure if i want to buy more just in case

>> No.55152565

It means don't stake all your link so you don't get justed.

>> No.55153491

5% more stinky every year, imagine

>> No.55153521

Of course you want to buy more SDL.

>> No.55154988

>3 shades of yellow
give me the address of the idiot who made that chart

>> No.55155163
File: 389 KB, 411x451, king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55155222

looks like it is on average down, sir stinks a lot

>> No.55155589

With how stable LINK has become, I'd rather stake stablecoins on yield aggregators like Beefyfinance and SpoolFi where I will get 10% APR and above

>> No.55156848

It's not volatile which makes it safer
You can earn above 20% APR on the second yield aggregator with the right yield strategies

>> No.55157102


>> No.55157773

yeah, the team is out of control

>> No.55157976

wow that's based kek

>> No.55157992

yeah until your funds go pooof and you made 5% on a stack that got stolen

>> No.55158487

Eh i already have 10+k of sdl. I would rather buy more link. Plus gas fees suck buying sdl

>> No.55158521

ngl dear the sdl tokens almost bankruptcy my village but what can we do but wait,,,,

>> No.55158726
