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File: 185 KB, 1080x1540, klnbqb1wcnxa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55132052 No.55132052 [Reply] [Original]

Where's a good small town to buy in that'll have my house appreciate significantly in value?

>> No.55132073 [DELETED] 

The UK and the US are both brown third world shitholes unlike the EU

>> No.55132089

I think a lot more white people will flee to WV in the coming years

>> No.55132093
File: 1.09 MB, 833x458, EU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK is the EU
This is the US not a cherry picked ghost town.

>> No.55132100

I'm buying your mom's house because she appreciates my value significantly

>> No.55132123

Idk probably somewhere oil fracking is a large industry in midwest somewhere like Dakotas

>> No.55132131

ghost town (in autumn)

>> No.55132162

Any midwestern small town is literally God’s country

>> No.55132169


Tennessee is the superior choice. Far more diverse economy, it's had sustained growth every single decade for the past 100 years, similar Appalachian travel appeal, and will always draw in country lovers. Ultimately I'm buying up land in East Tennessee.

>> No.55132179

that looks fake

>> No.55132187
File: 2.44 MB, 1424x1080, Screenshot_20230515-222004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good WV towns you know?

>> No.55132198

>east tenn
show me some properties you like anon. i hope to buy a parcel within the next 2 years. I am at odds of purchasing now even though I have the cash...maybe I am wrong about waiting for a lower price?

>> No.55132218


Something like this


Close to a smaller city, close ish to Knoxville, right next to a popular big lake and in the mountains. You could build some really profitable airbnb cabins here or just use it for your own purposes.

>> No.55132298

Northeast is low risk but high cost, Southeast for low cost but higher risk. Watch Hometown on HGTV and aim for a place like that.
WV needs transit but the mountains make it hard, also the fact that it's basically been owned by industrial robber barons for 200 years means that a lot of that beautiful pristine wilderness is toxic as fuck. Also get ready to be snowed in. Also if you think it's haven for Southern whites like Oregon used to be, you're sorely mistaken. Dem's Appalachians, with a fair share of black rednecks and Native Americans. That said it's better on the industrial issues than Upstate New York, kind of like if you transplanted the area between Albany and Buffalo into an extension of Maryland. >>55132169 is right though if you're expecting what I think you are tho.

>> No.55132726

That's not a "town" it's a farm in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.55133979

That's cherry picked and not a town

>> No.55134165
File: 197 KB, 1200x630, flatten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at tiny limp dick rural UK, could never hold a candle to MAJESTY of the US mountain west. Just lol at these lil guys...

>> No.55134173
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, driftless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the driftless region will appreciate significantly over the next 20+ years. it's a really beautiful area and still affordable. the downside is it's mostly quite rural. i'd love to live in the dubuque/lacrosse area near the mississippi river.

central illinois is affordable and pretty nice IMO, but i'm not so sure about appreciation.

>> No.55134191

and (majority) white people no longer live in either place

>> No.55134200
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And lol at them pathetically scrambling to try to even the score with "rural" photos...
Just as a reminder to all Eurofags, America is the global empire and ur trash. There's more money in square mile of this city than ur entire continent. Hth.

>> No.55134212 [DELETED] 

kill yourself nigger monkey, you're literal animals compared to Evropeans

>> No.55134226

OK, Aaron Rodgers

>> No.55134229



Talk to me when u all can invent one company worth a trillion dollars.... I think we have what? Like 10 now? Lol @ you lil guys.

>> No.55134232

Redpill me on the Driftless area, why is it called "drift less?"

>> No.55134251 [DELETED] 

The entire world hates your dishygenic mutt nigger asses, die you fucking zoo nigger NIGGER

>> No.55134265


Yea everyone hates #1.... Just part of the job of being global kings... Give it another a thousand years Giuseppe maybe you'll be back looool

>> No.55134329

"driftless" refers to the lack of glacial drift which flattened much of the midwest thousands of years ago. instead of flat farmland, the region has lots of elevation changes, uneven ground, rocky soil, lots of little streams and narrow valleys that lead to the Mississippi river. It's quite different from the rest of the Midwest. the biggest down-sides i think are that wisconsin and illinois both have high property taxes, and you live pretty far north so i hope you like snow.

>> No.55134351

up-and-coming cultural/economic center:
Boone, Iowa.

>> No.55134363
File: 489 KB, 1616x846, ameristud vs eurochud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill yourself nigger monkey, you're literal animals compared to Evropeans

>> No.55134763
File: 166 KB, 1280x633, GDP growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. No state income tax. Solid red state. Booming economy. 75% white, but 85% white if you exclude Memphis and Nashville which house 82% of the state's niggers.

Metro Knoxville is the whitest major large metro area (750k+) in the country. Southern Nashville is loaded with money (Williamson County). Tri-Cities area is still cheap (low 200s). Low property tax.

Sales tax is the highest in the country though, so if you're making a major purchase then head to Virginia or Kentucky.

>> No.55134834
File: 402 KB, 2560x1402, street-to-close-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corr fookin lush m8, luv are bri'un I do

>> No.55135945

Seems like buying after the pump

>> No.55136019

Ah yes, the empire of garbage all over the streets, homeless and crackheads all over, and the smell of piss.

Truly the pinnacle of western society.

>> No.55136038
File: 66 KB, 391x1152, migration by state 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep migrating south. They're tired of the shit weather and politics.

>> No.55136424

There is no "rural" Europe, it's all urban areas.
Europe is known for having zero undeveloped nature remaining since it got destroyed for the jew's profit

>> No.55136435


Basically yea

>> No.55136455

Wow the whole thing looks like a giant car parking

>> No.55136712

Unironically midwest

Omaha and Oklahoma City are both very nice midsized cities that are affordable

There’s trash areas, but places like knoxville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis aren’t bad either

Also look to nicer college towns. Madison, Ann Arbor, Lexington Ky. You heard it here first

>> No.55136760

Find somewhere that gets very cold. The third worlders dislike this and it prevents the homeless from thriving. Those are going to become much bigger problems that people will pay to avoid.

>> No.55136984
File: 624 KB, 960x788, migration by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oklahoma City and Knoxville are not Midwest.

All the Midwest cities you mentioned are bleeding population.

People are sick of living around Liberals.

>> No.55137019
File: 74 KB, 828x984, collapse2345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost like fascists would let the capitalists do the same to America. How long do you really think it will be before the last old growth forests in Alaska are logged? Before the last free wolves are killed to protect 0.1% of the cattle lobbies profit? Before Appalachia is clear cut again once they run out of lumber in the west and north? Before more highway lanes are added even though they don't solve traffic because troglodytes just buy more cars and the auto lobby loves it. This country is sick, it's not just the EU and it's not just the jew.

>> No.55137044
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>> No.55137066

>How long do you really think it will be before the last old growth forests in Alaska are logged?
Capitalist privatization has resulted in a massive increase in the amount of trees on planet earth in the past 50 years.

You leftists literally can not stop lying.
Kill yourself.

>> No.55137072

Capitalism isn't based on "infinite growth" either, you easily brainwashed shit eating moron

>> No.55137125
File: 440 KB, 838x512, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you mistake for a "leftist" is nothing more than the humble and heavenly father's desired form of government. What horrid things have happened to his children that they would turn their backs on the mandate of heaven.
let it be known that an old growth forest cut bare into desert carries not the life our father created. Such a place cannot recover in the lifetime of one man. Not all forests are made equal.

>> No.55137139

>What you mistake for a "leftist"
You're repeating debunked leftist talking points. You are a leftist.
>let it be known that an old growth forest cut bare into desert carries not the life our father created.
LMAO I don't give a shit about your anti-human christcuck ideology.
I would burn every forest down to save one human life.

>> No.55137183
File: 75 KB, 370x450, grace235234534344444777777777777777777777772222222234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What foolishness to not be able to recognize truth for truth's sake. So what if leftists also despise an enemy I see? Does that make them any less my enemy? Does that make you any less my enemy as you currently present yourself? How you can't understand that if there were no forests there would not even be a single man to save is a travesty of our people. You are meant to act as a good steward, not whatever vile thing you are now.
The Wangchuck Dynasty's results speak for themselves. The existence of The land of the Thunder Dragon shows the world a better path than the turmoil of mob rule of all kinds.

>> No.55137202

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself IMMEDIATELY, you schizoid faggots.

>> No.55137224

>How you can't understand that if there were no forests there would not even be a single man to save is a travesty of our people.
I only care about trees for the sake of human survival and enjoyment. I don't give a single fuck about them otherwise.
Humans need to produce to survive and thrive and it's you leftists(yes you're a left wing christian) always stand in the way of human progress.
We need massive industrial factories and mines.

>> No.55137239

fleeing is all white people ever do. soon ther won't any places to hide left.

>> No.55137270

>human progress
progressivism is the pinnacle of leftism you dunce. i seriously hope some day a real virus is going to wipe out all americans because you guys are so fucking retarded.

>> No.55137309

>progressivism is the pinnacle of leftism you dunce
You're really stupid and don't know what homonyms mean.
I'm talking about increasing living standards, life expectancy, human enjoyment etc. through technology and production.
I'm not talking about whatever leftists foolishly think progress is.

>> No.55137327

What no one mentions is that Muslim refugees are in most of those homes, as per their white hating governments laws.

>> No.55137337

Look up the price of any rocky mountain town's real estate. A 2br condo is still like 700k. No thanks. I wish, but that ship has sailed

>> No.55137349

Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland are all mostly empty. There's not that many more people in Europe than in the US.

>> No.55137367
File: 61 KB, 500x500, grace4534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm advocating for monarchy you clearly don't understand what leftism or monarchism are.
Humans lived pastorally for millennia, we don't have need for grand industrial pursuits of the kind we have now, at least not with such horrible priorities. No, a factory is not evil within a vacuum, but a factory at the cost of the entirety of God's kingdom including us to produce trillions upon trillions of useless trinkets for us to rot our brains with is not a worthy pursuit.
You would turn the entire Earth into a uniform lifeless parking lot if you had your way.

>> No.55137673

>There is no "rural" Europe, it's all urban areas

>> No.55137693

monarchists are socialists

>> No.55137743

>just stay in California even though you go days without seeing another white person
Sometimes it's necessary

>> No.55138193
File: 12 KB, 156x205, 1605861398149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are patently insane. The Romanov's were not murdered by monarchists.