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55115301 No.55115301 [Reply] [Original]

Moved here last year and couldn't be happier.

Was getting fucked on taxes (40%) in my home country.
Got their premium Visa and now I have the following:

1. $450 a month house 10min away from one of the best beaches in the world.

2. 15% is the highest tax rate. Banks are super friendly, no capital controls on sending money outside the country.

3. No pollution because literally in the middle of fuckin nowhere.

110-150k a year freelancer.

I get to keep about 10k a month after taxes and living expenses.

Btw, also out of western influence and no woke shit here.
2nd world country, 10k GDP per capita.

>> No.55115313

Also, no capital gains so I invest in the US stock market tax free from here.

>> No.55115330


>> No.55115341

My company used to hire jeets from Mauritius to do IT stuff. Good guys.

>> No.55115406

Hows the job market there? Or do you just freelance for US companies? Time difference must be pretty bad in that scenario..

>> No.55115448

No local.
I freelance for EU and US companies. EU is actually very good in terms of timing.

My US job ends at about 12 midnight so not too bad. Used to staying up early anyway.

Go snorkeling in the morning in warm water before work.

My productivity and energy levels have gone up like 15% ever since I moved here and so have my earnings.

>> No.55115468

How to raise a family there?

>> No.55115505

>Just move next to Somalia bro

>> No.55115525

Best place to raise a family imo. Your kids will spend their time swimming in crystal clear waters or hiking while away from pollution and western culture.
Weather great all year round 22' C in the winter. 28'C in the summer.

If you want to stay long term you can get different resident permits based on what you wanna do. Self employed permit needs 35k transferred to a local bank.

Buying a house for 375k gives you a resident permit which can become a permanent one.

Lots of expat women as well, whites from South Africa, French, Belgians, Germans.

Local women good too, not woke. The country has lots of ethnic groups, Blacks, Browns, Whites, Chinkz. You can pick what you want.

>> No.55115566
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They still don't teach Amerimutts world geography in school?

>> No.55115576

This is probably more relevant to business and finance than anything you have ever posted here.
I am assuming.

>> No.55115591

Even so wouldn't the waters and shoreline be heavily raided by Somalian pirates? There aren't any countries in that area that would patrol for that stuff. I'm not sure how that all works though.

>> No.55115610

You think Somali retards can raid an island 3000km away with their speedboats?

>> No.55115619


anon, how do you start?

I fucking suck at finding jobs. remote jobs are even harder to find.

>> No.55115622

Somali Pirates don't go further than 200km from their shoreline.
Mauritius is 3000km away. You think their shitboats can ever make the journey?

Reunion island which is a French territory is right next door and has a naval base with a couple destroyers.

>> No.55115640

>2nd world country
So communist?

>> No.55115670

Looks nice af except for this deal breaker
>67% Indian

>> No.55115673

Which commie country has 15% highest tax bracket and no capital gains tax?
It's a tax haven like The Caymans, Carribean or Switzerland just not as expensive.

>> No.55115681

>2nd world country
I don't think that phrase means what you think it does, but yes, East Africa has a number of hidden gems. Don't go telling people now.

>> No.55115716

That's what I thought too but they're not like your mainland poojeets.
These are civilized, speak French and don't eat curry. Most of them hate Indian tourists.

I live in a white neighborhood tho so still pretty chill for me.

>> No.55115735

>crystal clear water
You wish, i was there a year ago and went scuba diving, the water was milky, also too warm, nothing compared to the adriatic sea. The people living there are like drones. The capital is a joke, one of those shitholes where everyone is selling something on the street and it smells awful. The weather is too humid, you have no energy, just sweating. I was in a hotel near that big mountain down south, climbing that was awesome. I talked with cabbies and they all comfirmed the economy is shit, they are completely reliant on tourism. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful country, but no way i would live there, let alone raise a family

>> No.55115737

Your kids will also grow up in 2nd world country surrounded by niggers wow great, education is probably non existant there compared to EU or US

It may be a nice thing alone as a freelancer but for a family its utterly shit

>> No.55115752
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>education is probably non existant there compared to EU or US
funny one anon
honk honk

>> No.55115779

its full of pajeets not niggers

>> No.55115782
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Does the high amount of poos bother you at all?

>> No.55115813

Don't have to care about the local economy if you're a Remote WFH chad.
You probably went diving in the wrong spot or after it rained.

HDI is on the same level as Panama,Malaysia, Serbia. Besides my friends send their kids to the British and French schools. The tax saving is more than enough to afford good schools here.

>> No.55115841

Like I said they're not like your pajeetland Poos.

I'd take Mauritian Poos any day over white Libtards. Besides, the poos give you special treatment if ur white.

>> No.55115843

Glad to see another biz bro take the Africa pill. Thoughts on SA? I think I want to retire there part time (always want to keep a foot in my native USA). Thoughts on Seychelles?

>> No.55115878

My friends from SA don't want to go back because of the state of things there. Crime and now multiple power cuts everywhere.

Seychelles is nice but hella expensive, also not as big as Mauritius so you don't get a lot of things there.
It's good if you don't have too many needs and just want a nice place to live in.

>> No.55115950

The load shedding sucks but at least it's timely and predictable. I was there last month for about 2.5 weeks and traveled up north and along the garden route. No issues with crime or riots. It was very comfortable.

>> No.55116130
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For personal reasons, I can't really travel until next year, I thought about Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, but I may consider that jeet island too. My rough plan is to AirBnb like 2 weeks at least in each one and see which one I like.

>> No.55116260

>1. $450 a month house 10min away from one of the best beaches in the world.
and twelve hours from acceptable hospital care

>> No.55116272


>> No.55116535

Where do you find a freelance wfh chill gig? I used to have one but got recalled so had to fuck off from thailand where I was literally saving 90% of my income/mo and now living paycheck to paycheck again.

>> No.55116595

Woo hoo sounds like the absolute best way to be a genetic dead end who is never in a position to start a family

>> No.55116610

bumping for this OP.

>> No.55116625

i'm absolutely sure that either global warming is real or there are in fact jewish space lasers that heat the ocean, so there's that. then there's tsunamis. also i'm vegetarian and the next agenda on WEF is a global famine and i'm not about to eat fish to survive or risk leaving the empire for somewhere that doesn't export grain.
also better hope they don't find any natural gas nearby and cause a tsunami drilling for it...
wishing you luck but lmao at the risks.

>> No.55116629

Found both mine through upwork and then moved off platform.

In one of them I handle all their designs and they grind to a halt if I were to leave so pretty secure there. I try to build a big moat so I can't be replaced.

>> No.55116637

What do you do exactly? Is this like a part of a career path you chose or are they basically just generic wfh business jobs?

>> No.55116697


I get stuff shipped to me if I need to test.

>> No.55116738

Like circuit design? So what's your combined income for these two jobs in USD?

>> No.55117205

what about typhoons? didn't the longest enduring typhoon (1 month long) hit madagascar then went back and hit madagascar again?

>> No.55117341

are there any young single white women there?

>> No.55117394

Sounds interesting. Now tell me the worst thing about it.

>> No.55117515

Why the fuck would you do that when you could raise a family in Cleveland or Milwaukee or Leeds.

>> No.55117631

Asking the same

>> No.55117651

I moved to Morocco with my business, never looking back. Altough real estate is very expensive in the good neighbourhoods, life in general is cheap. You can bribe your taxes without a problem, do as much in cash as you want, you can literally buy a house in cash if you want to. The only downside is the huge gap between poor and rich, barely any middleclass. My full time employees with university degrees earn 650-1000$ per month and the full times with no degree earn 300$ per month. It’s a heaven if you have a business that can work remotely for other businesses in the eu or us. Don’t work with native businesses because they won’t pay you or are very very late with payments

>> No.55117714

enjoy being underwater soon

>> No.55117745

Fuck off fed

>> No.55117750

>even mother nature hates niggers
Giga kek if true

>> No.55117752

>dont eat curry

>> No.55117771

Good thread to contain the jeetposters. Maybe they should all move there?

>> No.55117849

>even mother nature hates niggers
Unironically true.
Look up sickle cell.

>> No.55117889

How's the whoring?

>> No.55117984

I was planning on going there before Corona started...

Then I saw the island locked down french style to insanity with a vax requirement, the government giving out free gibs and pushing the debt higher, then creating a social levy tax adding up to 40%, and the inflation creating a higher crime rate.

Did the island recover from that?
How do you pay only 15% of taxes?
There should be a 10% added tax on dividend bringing it up to 25%.

Are you not afraid of getting robbed in your protected neighborhood?

>> No.55118010

>Solidarity levy

>An individual whose leviable income exceeds MUR 3 million in an income year, in addition to one's income tax liability, is liable to pay a solidarity levy of 25% on its leviable income in excess of the MUR 3 million. Leviable income includes dividends from Mauritius resident companies. The solidarity levy is capped at 10% of the individual's net income.

Many people left for Dubai because of how badly everything was managed and the big increase in taxes.

>> No.55118067

Can raid Madagascar niggers too then sail away? what a steal.

>> No.55118096

what are the internet speeds. how much does your phone contract cost and how fast is it?

>> No.55118539

sounds pretty good. beaches get old pretty fast though would hope it has some surrounding nice landscapes for hiking

>> No.55118555

>education is probably non existant there compared to EU or US
Oh no that absolutely cannot do
Kneeling to blacks and worshipping trannies is important to me personally I'm moving back right away

>> No.55118573

>he's such a fat fuck he needs insulin at his command 24/7 and professional splints when his leg bones can't take it anymore and snap under his excessive weight
>he's so unhealthy from his poisoned goyslop he needs anti-biotics and organs at his disposal so he can mix and match his body into functionality

>> No.55118640

You're retarded holy shit. Naive

>> No.55119060

Dubai is tax free and you can min max it down to $1k/mo for all expenses. The only problem is 100:1 men to women ratio, yeah…

>> No.55119122
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Are there a lot of niggers there? I was looking into Réunion or Mayotte because I can get French citizenship through my parents, but I heard horror stories about their feral nigger population.
I have just over 7 figures in assets split with the wife, comfy 200k USD/year remote job, looking for a chill place to live and have kids, preferably with a good climate and no niggers.

>> No.55119232

Phone i pay about 26 bucks for 3 months.

There's fiber internet. Undersea links straight to SA and Singapore.

As for the solidarity levy, you only get fucked on that it you're an employee.
I don't remit amounts over 3 mil Mur to my accounts there and deduct half in business expenses.

As for the cyclone, we had a one day stay indoors alert. Cyclone passed over the top of the island. Barely any damage.

Madagascar does get fucked every time it happens though

As for going underwater. The town i live in is higher than New York so not going underwater anytime soon.

The central plateau is at a 1500ft elevation

To the anon who wants to go to Réunion

Reunion is nice and developed but high taxes and cost of living (Eurozone). Don't go to Mayotte though.

>> No.55119247

>he couldn't cut it in the west

Oh no no no no

>> No.55119285

>he can't cope with new cultures


>> No.55119349

> tropical island
> are there a lot of niggers?
What do you think lol. Remember this is the kind of climate that bred niggers in the first place. If you can survive just by eating fruits from the trees or catching fish with your bare hands and women are just bending over and letting you fuck them, there’s no point wasting energy to maintain a functional brain. Even europeans who move to these kind of places end up sleeping, eating and fornicating their life away, but that’s probably what OP aspires to.

Case in point. Just another expat who couldn’t get laid in the west chasing after exotic pussy. Might as well go to Brazil or El Salvador and not waste money on a “premium visa” if you failed this badly at life. There’s a reason people die trying to get to the US or western Europe, but you retards would rather throw it all away and go to some third world shithole.

>> No.55119354

>Get killed by wild niggers for being white

no thanks

>> No.55119778

I've said this before.
Also it's an ex British colony as of recently, so everyone drives in the correct side of the road and plug sockets are British.

However, you're still in africa: people are awful drivers, there is petty crime and theft, there is corruption at every level of government from border control to ministers. Their drug laws are obscenely harsh. Drought is a yearly occurrence, and you need a home that can withstand cyclones yearly at minimum.
Lastly, because Mauritius has no indigenous population, and the majority of people arriving there are jeets, the government is exclusively jeet. You cannot start a business without the support of the jeet, you will be blockaded at every opportunity. There is an economic war between whites and jeets on Mauritius.

t. stayed in Mauritius for a month

>> No.55119793

I would say go if you can remote work and AirBnB it for a couple months.
You'll know after that.

Vehicle import tax is 100% btw, so everyone drives total beaters that spew smoke (including public buses, which get into lethal crashes every couple weeks)

>> No.55119857

Post a timestamp picture then op. It’s too good to be true is it.

>> No.55119938

LMAO, it's literally hell on earth, it would be comfy without niggers though, both have french infinite taxes and the worst people you can imagine from any race. Mayotte has illiterate muslim majority population.
Réunion is more chill, less niggered and mountaineous though, maybe you can find a nice place around rich whites in the mountains and get cozy if you have enough money but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.55119961

>be roastie
>desire gifts
>sell yourself to highest bidder
>wonder why no love
>blame men for bidding in first place
>angry at men who are leaving your 'luxury' whoredom leaving less bidders
>call every other country 'whoredoms' because they do not bid, require less consumer items and provide services beyond what you are capable of (ability to reproduce, ability to provide, ability to act outside of self-interest)
>blame men for your lack of bidders instead of the wall you just hit
>blame men for not fertilizing the eggs you kept sterilizing
>try and inhibit everyone, including females, ability to reproduce because of saltiness
>try and sabotage other peoples children because of saltiness
>post about it on 4chan
You were kicked out of reddit for a reason. Because you are wrong.
People are leaving for a reason. Because you are wrong.
You are alone for a reason. Because you are wrong.
Even the non-roastie females are leaving. Because you are wrong..
You have no children for a reason. Because you were always wrong.
>inb4 incel
This was entirely voluntary on my part.
You do not have the ability to deny me sex because i do not desire sex with you.
You do not have the ability to deny me children because i do not want children with you.
You do not have the ability to deny me love because i do not wish to receive it from you.
You have vastly over-estimated your ability and desirabilty. I never even placed a single bid. Because you were worthless to me to begin with.
This is not something i am capable of feeling sorry about because i have done nothing wrong by denying you sex with me, love from me and children with me.
At most i will feel a little pity at your fate.
Then i do not care and leave you to your self-imposed lonliness.
Do you understand?

>> No.55119987

>I don't know how this works but here's my dumb assumption???
Why are you like this?

>> No.55120099

>he thinks he wont have some condition that requires surgery because he's healthy
Guess what retard, even if you exercise and eat healthy there are tons of things and emergencies you can get that require a good experienced surgeon to prevent post op complications. Good luck finding that in a shithole

>> No.55121697

Sounds dope fren

Good to see the surf is good for half the year

>> No.55121704
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>> No.55121749

This is a redeeming quality, because?