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55107257 No.55107257 [Reply] [Original]

I have 30k extra that I'd like to invest in crypto.
I already have decent exposure to BTC and seems stupid to go for more.

Given the fact that I'm still young and have a job I'm not against riskier bets.

So show me how you'd invest this and why.

>> No.55107279


>> No.55107303
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Rebrand. Marketing push. Some very tasty rumors circulating in the inner channels. Huge warchest of eth. Mass hirings.
Rlc will be first utilty token to get utility. Anything less than 10 billion mcap 2024 is fud

>> No.55107322

All in cardano

>> No.55107356
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Dead 2021 project

>> No.55107370

Isn't Cardano dead?
Why would you invest in it? What's the catalyst that will make it go up in 2024?

>> No.55107418

Fuck this gay shit. $SHIB to $1

>> No.55107485

I wouldn't. Crypto is seen as evil by regulators and want it crushed, made illegal, and branded as a scam. Unless the GOP takes an overtly pro-crypto stance and plans on deregulating and encouraging it's use I can only imagine a slow decline back into obscure digital crime money. The bubble we experienced was entirely speculation and people getting into it to cash in on an inflating value and not because it provided much utility to the layperson.

If I had to, I'd just drop it in BTC, ETH, and XMR. There are no magic obscure coins that are going to "moon" in this market, but the major players might slowly stabilize or spike in the event of a genuine economic catastrophe. You missed the bus on this trend by several years.

>> No.55107614

I know I missed the bus big time.
I mean I'm still up by 5figs... Just nothing crazy.

I don't agree that somehow there won't be another bullrun because muh regulations.
So what if the JewSA wants to regulate? Crypto companies are moving out... People want to gamble and they will wether the gov wants it or not.

>> No.55107627

Only bitcoin all 30k

>> No.55107635

clicking BUY
are you retarded?

>> No.55109250

10k in BTC
10k in XMR
10k in case any opportunities come about

>> No.55109384
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All on Blackswan

>> No.55109417

SHIB? you mean that gay project that is just a picture of a dog that already accidently mooned. who the fuck would buy shib, Im serious, its marketcap is already way too big, the coin does NOTHING, then they made $BONE because they needed another token for their crabby uniswap clone?
It's literally the gayest token, the gayest picture

>> No.55110998

Just buy Bags of Privacy tokens and relax for the CBDCs to roll in. People are going to go Apeshit on Privacy projects just to have control over their assets.

>> No.55111016

10k divided into ZEC,RAIL,MINA and AZERO is better than just XMR. Feel me?

>> No.55111037

PoolTogether if you’re looking for a high upside. It’s well known and has a high total user base and value locked, it’s just ridiculously undervalued.

In July they’re launching version 5 that will directly influence price via burnt tokens and market buys to distribute the prize fund. Whatever it is right now, with token mechanics alone, it won’t stay there.

>> No.55111051

This is the obvious answer

>> No.55111290
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TOAD killer, it's being kept a secret but there's solid proof that connects it to Shib(I know I know shib is shit) but it's only 2M market cap and looks like a easy x100

>> No.55111346

id go for the BIG eyes presale. seems like a garaunteed return if you grab the discount price right now.

>> No.55111424

Get some RLC

>> No.55111439

All in on VRA

>> No.55111515

Ignore all the pajeets trying to shill you their dead shitcoins and buy LINK. It's bottomed out and about to start its rise. It's the only real crypto project with a real team with real use cases and not just a worthless memecoin.

>> No.55111584

48% bitcoin, 48% Ethereum, 4% shitcoin gambling. Just to keep it fun

>> No.55111590

I think he wants to make money so ignore this one

>> No.55111982

Yeah and get what? 5x max?

>> No.55112006

No room for altcoins? OMG.

>> No.55112062

>Yeah and get what? 5x max?

just buy shitcoins and lose 95% of your investment bro

>> No.55112108

True but as I said I already have decent exposure to BTC.

Let's be realistic here.
What will BTC do? 100-200k max?
BTC at the moment is my pension scheme, but I'm still in my early 20s and sort of want to spin the roulette with some shitcoins.

Do I believe there's any coin that is actually worth anything besides BTC? no. I'm not retarded.

>> No.55112130
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1 bitcoin
1 eth
$350-ish each in DOGE, SHIB, and PEPE.
Don't be a fucking moron.

>> No.55112141


Screencapped for after I make my 50x while you cope and seethe

>> No.55112156
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There can be only one.

>> No.55112158

The USA is the largest liquidity mine in the world. By a lot. Getting banned by the SEC will guarantee your crypto either dies or remains mostly unused.
Bitcoin, luckily, is well liked by the SEC and is treated as a commodity under the CFTC

>> No.55112167

Why would VRA get any traction at this point let's hear it

>> No.55112171
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He sniffed.

>> No.55112175

>ill guarantee your crypto either dies or remains mostly unused.
>Bitcoin, luckily, is well liked by the SEC and is treated as a commodity under the CFTC
True the US is unfortunately where most crypto money comes from. That hasn't stopped coins not traded on US exchanges from mooning though.

Also the SEC isn't going to regulate shit anytime soon. To do that they'd need to establish regulatory clarity, and from what I've seen with the Coinbase debacle that isn't going to happen soon.

>> No.55112196
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Can anyone suggest any actual non irrelevant coins? AI?

>> No.55112229
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>memecoin and dead shitcoin shill thread
This board is dead, you are better off not coming here again OP.

Real advice? Accumulate an undervalued and legitimately useful DeFi protocol token that is Ethereum L2 native, wait two years, sell for 10-100x. My bet is Premia, not spoonfeeding you the details, but you have about three months to buy before the long anticipated protocol upgrade and massively improved token incentives.

>> No.55112275


It’s lumped in with AI tokens, the most well known of which are going to pump for no reason. VRA is still a low cap so it has a higher chance of pumping higher. Once you realise all of crypto is a scam so long as you find something with a strong community that has a decent looking chart (it did a 5x from January and took out the previous local high) it doesn’t take much to see what will pump. It’s not rocket science. The team puts themselves out there frequently enough and their patented tech (that uses AI btw their token was used as an example in binances recent article on AI.. if it’s going to pump for any reason it will probably be that. All the tokens on that report will pump because of the narrative) is already being used and they are generating actual revenue from their product. Not many crypto projects can say that

>> No.55112318


Oh yeah it’s probably a good idea for a short term 1-2x due because of their patent in Hong Kong

>> No.55112320

gonna look into it

>> No.55112477

Do not buy any of the commonly shilled coins on biz like link and rose and such. Dead projects that are astroturfed by mindbroken baggies.

>> No.55112518

ORE is worth the while

>> No.55112542

Cryptos built for decentralized identities and rights are a great option

>> No.55112554

Indeed, projects that connect web2 IDs with web3 are taking the lead

>> No.55112603

My play is mostly ETH along with some stuff that might pump a little more than ETH (GRT, ANKR, ARB). Couple hundred bucks in some shitcoins (zkDoge is my pick) because why not at this point.

>> No.55112687

IMM is the real deal, you can DYOR

>> No.55112692

LINK - Chainlink Oracles Power Everything (The majority percentage of ALL oracles in use) The only viable oracle solution, other oracles use chainlink to run their oracles lamfo, mETH bent the knee
HBAR - Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerence (only viable solution to the blockchain trilemma as far aas i can tell) 6.5% apy native staking, daily rewards, no lockup
LTC - One of most used for retail payments, 50% in small-average retail hands, One of the most used currencies in zimbabwe, only competitor there being CBDC's topkek
DOGE - It WILL pump again and you WILL like it
These are all longer term investments. Not shitcoins. None of them pull funny moves just to pump. They do what they say they do, they are developing what they said they are developing, and their current value, mostly, reflects current utility usage and not moonboi speculation.
Ignore all fud
Watch leemons harvard lecture. (Years old but still relevant)
Watch any of sergeys podcasts/interviews.

>> No.55112708

While you're at it, check out cryptos that allow users to control their healthcare data, a decentralized healthcare data platform

>> No.55112718
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100% into Bitcoin, DCA'd daily over the rest of this year

>I already have decent exposure to BTC and seems stupid to go for more
nevermind, buy whatever shitcoin you want, you're too retarded to make it

>> No.55112726

Of course, there is, especially with blockchain evolving the world of logistics and health while users make incentives from controlling their data

>> No.55112730

RAIL and AZERO aren't bad

>> No.55112737

ZK-Snark privacy cryptos are worth the research too

>> No.55112742

Yea, privacy tokens that shields transactions and assets from outside view and public ledgers, cool, RAIL is a good example

>> No.55113289

>While you're at it, check out cryptos that allow users to control their healthcare data, a decentralized healthcare data platform
I'm never going to make it with BTC anyway, at least not in this decade unless something cataclysmic happens.

>> No.55114123

>My play is mostly ETH along with some stuff that might pump a little more than ETH (GRT, ANKR, ARB).
Similar to mine, eth sol arb fet while getting an early entry in altcoinistdao altt via whitelist

>> No.55114432

How would *I* invest 30k in crypto right now? I'd build my protocol, pay numerous code monkeys 10k to build the application suites, create some NFTs, get more funding, make everything look legit with tons of marketing.
My protocol is actual revolutionary tech, but at this point you could just throw a dart at some random words, tell the code monkeys to build that and people would still buy, it's insufferable .

>> No.55114521
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>> No.55115442

>I'm never going to make it
Not with that attitude you won't.
There are ways of generating income now, without crypto, to invest in whatever.
Here's some to look into. Will probably be delete but i'll post anyway.
>Plant cuttings, low effort, low risk, small-mid space requirement, min research, min intital, quick return depending on specie, low-mid intital return depending on plants sold and target customers, possible to undertable it (bamboo was hyped, still is but i think it's oversaturated as i see many on sale now)
>Clearance/Liquidation/Proceed Auctions = mid effort, high research, storage needed (if large items), mid-large initial(depending on items), higher risk(variable inventories), trackable for tax purposes
>Housesitting, pet-keeping/grooming/walking might be viable (low initial, zero risk, slow returns while building rep, more competitive i would think but haven't looked/tried) if i was a customer of such services i would desire colateral of some sort which can be arranged easy enough

>> No.55115474

All in PoolTogether.

>> No.55115789

i'd put 3k in link and the rest towards enjoyment

>> No.55115873
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20k RNDR
3K get some physical gold

>> No.55116054
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Not all in but definitely throw something in kart bsc

>> No.55116099

OP asked for riskier bet, LINK marketcap is high atm better to pick up some lowcap alts.

>> No.55116135

Dead pump and dump scam. Who cares if SHIB team is in on it? Shib is another dead pump and dump scam

>> No.55116161 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1080x814, rrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out "Refund" launched by blurr.eth biggest crypto whale who made NFT History


and having even PRANKSY sending him ETH + Genesis


>> No.55116178

Link pulling a 10X definitely has to have the same odds as a thread entering a needle from the sky, i agree with you in picking up low caps.

>> No.55116281
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10k BTC
10k XMR
Look it up on nonkyc dex tradeogre
Ghost is like XMR but better though
Privacy oriented crypto will boom once CBDC hits

Oh and Ghost has its own blockchain and you can choose between full anon or public aaand you can pay with ivendpay through qr codes irl like a charm
You can stake Ghost with SHELTR app through every device that has a web browser - even your smart fridge lol

>> No.55116307

There are tons of other lowcaps options like NXRA, TRIAS and CREDI all with good chances of pulling insane numbers since they all boast of top partnerships within the crypto space.

>> No.55116318

Just ape it into private crypto like XMR Monero or GHOST - Ghost has more ringct sigs that Monero has and it is a sleeping giant rn with active development

>> No.55116352

Buy BTC or BNB.
Binance range bound 30 days with min/max outside the graph ranges
Enjoy like 20% APR

>> No.55116943

Mate I have a job, I'm just looking for ways to gamble some extra moneys and stop working hopefully.

>> No.55119067
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Kek. Must hate your capital. Web3 alts sound better to me. Gets better when there's wallet protection and NexeraID involved.

>> No.55119076

Pleb. Say no to dead stable shit tokens. BrillionFi is where attention should be. From dua Pay to web3. That's based.

>> No.55119142

Quite literally yes. 5x is amazing. We were just blessed earlier. The odds of finding the next 100x are slim these days.

>> No.55119147
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I'd take that 30k and buy GME.

>> No.55119205

Well said anon. Wonder when people will learn. Seems so one is paying attention to self custody and secure ID anymore. Easy way to get rekt.

>> No.55119215

>i agree with you in picking up low caps.
Lowcaps give all the good gains. DUA is still early with brillionfi and billions of users. Send is confirmed.

>> No.55119217

DCA Every month in Bitcoin and eth

>> No.55119266

>privacy; Railgun
>AI projects; Imgnai
>Oracles; GRT

>> No.55119739
File: 98 KB, 875x1250, gns_april.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about something that actually earns money? Look up Gains Network (ticker: GNS). $150M market cap, 4% dividend yield paid from people actually using the product, NOT from inflation. The protocol made $2.8 million last month. I'll let you do the math. 20k GNS stack reporting here, I'm literally betting all my life savings on Seb (the CEO).

Perp dexes are huge. Crypto is perfect as a settlement layer for bets on the price action of stocks, commodities etc. It's literally the first real-world use case of crypto that makes sense and that could actually replace a lot of TradFi. But if not GNS, at least look up its competitors like GMX, INJ etc. Don't fade perp dexes anon.

>> No.55119760

Its always nice to see someone post about GNS here

>> No.55119996

Is privacy even a thing anymore? If XMR's price has shown anything is that nobody cares. People are too Jewed

>> No.55120093

>2021 project
sweet summer child

>> No.55120691

>So show me how you'd invest this and why.
a multichain decentralized ID project.

>> No.55121761

Half in BTC half in LINK.

>> No.55121831

perp dexes are a dime a dozen and the only ones "using" them are jews trying to bait suckers

>> No.55121898

So what you're saying is we're making money off the jews? Great.

>perp dexes are a dime a dozen
Perhaps. But ones that offer stocks, commodities, forex AND crypto in one place with insane leverages? Not too many my friend.

>> No.55122520

I'll route half through SpoolFi for yield farming and diversify
remaining in ACOIN, RDNT, ID, and other projects I've worked on through the bear market.

>> No.55122539

Pooltogether. I may have already said it in this thread. But it’s going to explode.

>> No.55122739
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Split it equally in
The rest is either unnecessary or technologically inferior.

>> No.55124162
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saw what he did there, he really tried to kiss that ass

>> No.55124190

I'll have a third if I were you, and it will be RAIL

>> No.55124207

Cool, that's an interesting one, I also find ZK-Snark privacy cryptos cool too

>> No.55124225

Anons moving to cryptos that shield transactions from public view isn't talked about enough

>> No.55124427
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Just staking on avax

>> No.55124741
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All in on AVAX

>> No.55125018

Chia (XCH)

Massive stable blockchain.
Least likely to be regulated; they work closely with SEC.
Their company just announced IPO.
Price has bottomed and stabilized.

With DeSantis being pro-crypto, Trump will have to be.
Unless Dems cheat better, Repubs will win.

>> No.55125021
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AVAX is at an excellent price right now so you can start investing in a solid coin with a good tech structure and pretty nice stake returns. There you have a great option.

>> No.55126009
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so in Fortnite terms, you're talking about stacking?

>> No.55126600

30k can only get you one BTC and I do not think you can get a hundred X. It is better to get into something like SPOOL and RDNT.

>> No.55128192

For long term, yes
>10k in BTC
>10k in XMR
those are my bets, based on their bullish signals on tokenmetrics
>10k in case any opportunities come about
without hesitation, i would put this in rndr that has been at the top of the chats in recent weeks

>> No.55128460

It's privacy tokens for me. ROSE and RAIL

>> No.55128658
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AI+NFTs+China shitcoin? Count me in.

>> No.55128664

just put everything on pepe

>> No.55128768

So far the best call I've seen here.
The amount of dead projects bagholders is off the charts.

>> No.55128780

BTC and RNDR yeah but XMR?
It barely fucking moves

>> No.55129578

The only presale I'm waiting for Is immunify. I don't do shitcoins.

>> No.55131386

>So show me how you'd invest this and why
Regardless of what you get here, still do your research, there are some Al sites that gives vital info on over 6000 tokens that are available in the market
good luck on whatever you pick.

>> No.55132283

Hold cash and but btc when it drops.

>> No.55132864

I read on here Seb isn't in it anymore? That true?

>> No.55134140

List some pls
I already use a lot of tools but AI sites?

>> No.55134179

where did you heard that from?

>> No.55134995

some thread

>> No.55135018

what processes or whatever do you use to buy btc? Robin Hood is shit right?
>t. newfag too impatient to lurk

>> No.55135463

>List some pls
>CoinDesk, A leading source of news and information about the crypto market.
>Tokenmetrics, a ata analysis investment research sites that utilise Al and Ml to provide investors up-to-date data on over 6,000 crypto and NFT projects.
>Messari also provides data and analysis on the crypto market.
They've really helped me to make informed decisions in the past few months

>> No.55135483

Sdao and Agix
Some id project like Kilt
Some eth sidechain

>> No.55135511

BTC, rndr, plus a low cap like magic or sylo. You can even earn passive income on them.
And yes, add xmr that's warming up for a big rally

>> No.55136303


>> No.55136315


>> No.55136389


Primarily ETH, then switch over to altcoins gradually as the bull market approaches.

>> No.55136981

go back faggot

>> No.55137485

Start exploring into post quantum cryptography based projects that has EVM comptability. You will have good security and consistent development.

>> No.55137878

I have added QANX, QRDO and HAP to the list you shared anon. Security is crucial.

>> No.55138480

wtf seb was literally in telegram this morning

>> No.55138514

coinGecko is more detail retard

>> No.55138556

I'd prefer to add something like Ride, metaverse/NFTs with some lowkey incar entertainment game.

>> No.55138663
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I never said coinGecko isn't good, i just listed what i use, and some of those offers webinar where you get the latest trend and network with other crypto enthusiasts to share ideas, your IQ seems to be lower than room temperature

>> No.55139045

Diversify OP. I would do 5k in btc, 5 in eth. then 15 more in top L1 coins and remaining 5 spray on memecoins that might do good.
My personal favorite at the moment is MELON

>> No.55139324

I might have to buy into GNS again then

>> No.55139348

Asianfags are swarming back into the metaverse, fucking waiting for Altcoinistdao alpha pick to go all in

>> No.55139471

Double down, spend your free time working or gaining skills

>> No.55139664

Are these Tessa fowlers boobs

>> No.55140594


>> No.55140630

Saw an update on Twitter about CYMI being endorsed in UAE. I'm fucking bullish on it.

>> No.55140974

Buy $1250 worth of Bitcoin every month over the next 2 years.

>> No.55141351

Is this really all it takes? Why this number specifically

>> No.55141854

30k divided by 24 months

>> No.55142704

Ah so you just mean 1 btc to make it? And were breaking it down to own 1. My bad

>> No.55142874

No, OP asked how to invest 30k specifically. Quit jerking it to porn.

>> No.55143068

which ones? I'm optimistic about LAKE

>> No.55143250

I'd use it to hire devs to program my framework. It's a play-and-earn crypto framework for games like CS:GO that rewards registered players 0.93 of a token per minute, and 0.07 of the token is commission.

0.03 tokens per player-minute go to me, and 0.04 go to the tournament system. I see this eventually paying into low-four-figure a day tournament kitties that can charge up the e-sports community around a niche.

>> No.55143446

Whada ya mean I wasn't jerking it. I was just cleaning it

>> No.55143725


>> No.55143801

ACH and CYMI are good ones to consider since crypto payment is now growing

>> No.55143939

YNGMI. Privacy is where the money at, get in the program anon.

>> No.55144577

Bunch of stucK shitcoins, I'd rather wait for the Immunify IDO.

>> No.55144828

You know you can just earn the IMM token from the platform right?, look it up.

>> No.55144928

I prefer CryptMi because I use its card for payment, and transactions on it are free

>> No.55145831

Anon, the most likely thing for me is to add to my BTC bag, irrespective, and some utility tokens in Metaverse projects with solid fundamentals like Ride and Gods.

>> No.55146428

You're right about Link, but I wouldn't even bother shilling anything here anymore.
The only people who are gonna make it in the next run will be those who accumulated their stacks before 2021.
The returns aren't going to be as big going forward, and it'll take 10+ years before that 30k is worth enough to even buy a house.
Trying to pick a shitcoin from here on is going to be worse than mega millions odds