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55097658 No.55097658 [Reply] [Original]

Had ~$2MM at the top, didn't sell. Don't know why I didn't sell, I was blinded by euphoric conviction.. not even greed, I knew it was enough, I just did not foresee the impending dump

Then as it dropped, I fell into the classic "it'll go back up fallacy" and was too stubborn to exit. I blame no one but myself.

My life has gone pretty downhill since. Got laid off because company was crumbling, found another job but about to get laid off because they are also crumbling (I can just feel it happening soon). It's also once of the most humiliating, soul sucking jobs I've ever had if not the most. Been trying to find something else but no luck at all 1 month in, and all my cash is still in crypto.

Every day since going sub $1MM I think about how I've given away my chance at freedom and I'll probably never get it back.

All I want is to spend time with my kids & family and not worry about 50 hrs a week of waging. My life is fleeting and I barely get to spend time with them. By the time I get out of work it's my kids bedtime.

I can't forgive myself for this error and have entered severe depression.

I finally confided in my wife the way I've been feeling because I had an anxiety attack after my kid asked me why I always have to work and can't play, and her response was if I don't seek help she is going to divorce me.

She doesn't work, I gave her that freedom for the last 5 years, and this is how I'm repaid. I kind of want to divorce her just based on this but it feels rash and I couldn't bear being with my kids any less.

Fucking hell.

And of course worse of all, I'm mostly in LINK so coming here is just a punishment dealing with the constant fud all the time.

Do I get a redemption arc? Do any of us?

>> No.55097702


You hold until 2025, though at your discretion, maybe swap out of Sergey's burger fund.

You dont know until 2025.

>> No.55097751

just keep le holdin le stinkies, bro
you'll "mekkit" eventually :}

>> No.55097761


lol you were weak in front of your wife and now she's finding reasons to cuck you

Stop being a cuck and sabotage her. Get a video of her abusing the kid or something. This broad won't play fair and will take you for your crypto wealth too so hide it till you gain custody and switch countries retard. Don't warn her either she'll just set you up or twist your words to paint you as an abuser.

Lawyer up fuck head and good luck.

>> No.55097775

Didn't read it all but crypto is not coming back soon.
At least you learned that investing in scams doesn't pay off.
Now go back to work, retard.

>> No.55097787

You will fucking do it again loser. You are just liquidity for whales on BTC ethereum and more. We will keep prices down until you cannot pay your rent. Not till most ahead of you cannot pay rent. UNTILL ALL OF YOU liquidate to pay your damn rising bills. What did you think? You thought the coins with fees too high to buy pizza were going to moon because you had LN? You really thought your other stock investements would give you a shot? We see everything and when you place an order. Your broker even knows the name of who placed it. Stay sober bitch we need you to perk up every time the prices rise to ATH to make us more money bwahaha/

>> No.55097816
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fuck yo life nigga
niggas dont even have 1/5th of that

>> No.55097835


I'm so mad at wives being like this. Its infuriating. Worse of all sex its bad with wives, few men are happy with sex with their wives.

t. married frustrated and sad man with little sex and dont even feel fullfilled with kids (they are boring and cry all the time)

>> No.55097849
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Fudders tried to warn you but you probably called them paid discord trannies or thought they were trying to steal your bags. Most Linkies are gullible low IQ idiots.

You still have time to convert your Link into Bitcoin and Ethereum.

>> No.55097855

>Do I get a redemption arc? Do any of us?
That is a good question.

>> No.55097864

hi schlomo
still gonna have kids

>> No.55097882

this is an addiction you retard. You should've sold the second it rose to 1 mil.

>> No.55097895

>fell for the wife and kids meme
>too dumb to figure out passive income streams
can't say I feel bad for you

>> No.55097932
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>Lose 2 million on stink
>Still complain about FUD
You're mad that you were outsmarted by Bulgarian realists?

>> No.55097938


Wives are the problem.

Men are not made to wipe kids ass like women want nowadays.

Bye reddit

>> No.55097944

Did my COIN get fucked up while I was out?

>> No.55097956

Cannot show your insecurities in front of your wife or She'll loose respect for You. You must remember she's not your equal, your mother or one of your male buddies.

Suck it up as we all did. My ath was 1.5-1.6m and i'm down to 100k or 200k depeding if some seed round pays down the long run. Just gotta do it again and don't fuck it up.

Or if you're a weak ass just wage cuck for 40 years more lol

>> No.55097986

I'm down to 250k from 1.5m

the worst part is my hot wallet had 70k in it and got fucking hacked and drained in april

that said I have my gf and I have my Kaspa stack I am happy and not a wagie because I quit wagie life at the top and now it's too late to get back in (muh gap)

Still, I am optimistic and know I will make it from Kaspa alone
still have a 10k LINK staked stack but I've given up hope on LINK going back to 50, I will sell at 20 if I can

>> No.55098489

>just be le heckin vulnerable with the wife anon, she'll understand
>because we are all equal
>just get married anon it will be the best decision you make
There's a thread with a lonely faggot on /biz/ right now, who hasn't read this thread and is complaining about not having a girlfriend lmfao. The contrast is beautiful.

>> No.55098529

It really is uncanny. You think you're building a lifelong partnership and an unbreakable bond and then you get completely stabbed in the back. "Not my problem, you fix it".

Fuck everything.

>> No.55098557

I feel ya man. Down from 3.8mil to barely 100k. Im not gonna bother typing up the long list of bad choices and no choices I made but also my selection of tokens wasnt very strong since most dumped easily. you'll survive fren and divorce that shithole whore of a wife. I would never see her the same again kids or not. oh you wanna bounce when im at my lowest? oh aight cunt

>> No.55098609

>this error
It wasn't an error though. It was premeditated, and a lot more so than most crimes that are called premeditated.
>I'm mostly in LINK
my point exactly
>Do I get a redemption arc?
You could kill yourself and find out.

>> No.55098613

Redemption arc wtf?

Wtf anon...


No refunds, better luck next time.

>> No.55098626

Hopefully you lose the other million too since you still haven't sold like the idiot you are.

>> No.55098641


Get fuxked op

>> No.55098654

Also got down from 500k to 50k, I got over it pretty quick. I started with 5k so still up a lot. I’m also more experienced now and if a next bullrun happens I’ll have a lot more capital to take advantage of. That 50k is enough to sustain me for a few years since I live in ee.

>> No.55098666

Hey man, I feel for you. Sorry to hear that. You certainly have the empathy that you deserve that you dont get from your wife, at least from me.

I am one of those assholes that probably contribute to the LINK FUD, not gonna repeat the usual arguments here, you know token not needed etc. they are actually coming from genuine places.

That being said, I think you will definitely get your redemption arc. Not because LINK is cool but crypto will cycle up violently again and LINK will be brought back up with it.

You can hopefully see your children way more, quit your shitty job and find a better partner in life, in your own terms.

It looks dark right now but it is truly the darkest before the dawn and we are really actually almost there. Don't give up now, you are almost done having to wait with no positive signals. Hardest part is probably behind you.

>> No.55098686

You're either 14 or indian

>> No.55098696

Me too. Im all in chainlink and now ive turned into an unironic cuck sissy to cope with my financial humiliation

>> No.55098734

Sell it all today, you stupid nigger.

>> No.55098735

>>Do I get a redemption arc? Do any of us?
Those of us buying and holding new projects do. I rode to 1.5mil back down to around 200k. Now back mid-high 6 figs cause I’m not stuck in the past. I am buying new projects like WAIT, Unibot, BlockRemit, X7Finance, just to name a few. Spend 20k on a bag of WAIT (Hourglass) and take the east 50x back to 1mil.

>> No.55098737

Damn anon, I didn't expect this kind of kindness here, mostly just anticipated getting dunked on. Thank you for that, and I hope you're right. I don't have plans to sell my bags until I've made it. I don't know what losing everything would do to me, if that would feel like release or further punishment... but I will go down with the ship at this point if that's what happens.

I truly hope it goes the other way and I can escape this living hell. I'm not a bad person, I'm a good person. I know that much. All I can do is try to put good in the world, but I keep getting beat down the last 2 years.

>> No.55098817

Are you a mr. nice guy with your wife? Sounds like you have problems beyond crypto if she threatens divorce with you.

>> No.55098833

You really think the coin constantly being shilled here and the obvious scam that keeps getting dumped by the owner who has made millions is gonna go anywhere?

Dont be a retard baggie

>> No.55098911

same. had $300k at the top. no down to $11K. im a loser NEET. the only thing to do is keep grinding on this.

>> No.55098953

In a similar situation. Had over 1 mil at the top and didn't sell. I work a shit job and don't make much money so this was shit ton of money for me. Now I'm wondering if I'll ever get to the 7 figures again.

>> No.55099060

I’ve always been very giving to her but also I’m firm about a lot of things. I don’t know. I think I’m a good husband. We have been rocky since having kids which I attribute mostly to not having time to spend together. My life is basically work -> help with house shit and kids -> go to sleep, wake up and do it again the next day. Weekends are errands, taking care of house etc. Not enough money to treat ourselves to dinners out much and no family in town to get a break from the kids anyway.

>> No.55099079

When people show you their true colors believe them.
You entered a slavery contract and put a target on your head and your "wife" is profiting from it at your expense.

Your children will grow up knowing you are a cuck and the real power is in your wife's hands if you continue like this.

You may still get a redemption arc, but the person you will be after making it will be very different from who you were before.
And you need to learn proper investing and diversification in the times we are living in.
The most important quality of an investor to keep their wealth is paranoia to protect it and deep understanding of how the markets work.

>> No.55099080

Are you married? Or single?

>> No.55099096

I'm down 2.7m to 300k, it's actually pretty common. In the last bear market, i only had 40k to buy LINK. At least this time I have almost 10x as much starting capital going into the next bull run.

Basically stop being a fag. They are just numbers.

>> No.55099227

Are you still accumulating? Sometimes I think if I had enough income to still be accumulating maybe I’d feel better about my bags but I’m in purgatory

>> No.55099666

that's every western family in the world right now fren
it's deliberate, they're killing us. I knew it from when I was 20 and saw it happen to my own parents

they've bribed us and promised us freedom and technology for all when such a thing is impossible, just so we would build out their System for them. Now that AI and robots are arriving to run it for them they are getting rid of us.

Sauron is running the world, he's just a lot more devious than Tolkien ever imagined.

>> No.55099696

Single, no kids. In my current portfolio I have BTC, ETH, LINK and a couple shit memecoins for around 300K so I hope it's enough.

>> No.55099763

Still 90% in cash, but I'm pretty close to deploying all of it.
You are sub 1mm which I hope is at least 100k of investible funds. Just deploy that and sell next time.

Don't buy LINK. It's an irrelevant 2017 ICO now.

>> No.55099783

Try settling for less faggot.
That's still enough money to do what you want.
Jesus Christ.
But oh boo hoo your house won't have 15 bedrooms.

>> No.55099805

It's all voluntary.
Opt out is all you have to do. Simple as.

>> No.55099810

>She doesn't work, I gave her that freedom for the last 5 years, and this is how I'm repaid
anon you might consider divorce while she considers you to be broke. i guarantee if you make it this cycle, she cash out immediately.

>> No.55099819

anyone that uses "MM" for millions is ngmi

>> No.55099830

>leave the kids fatherless because YOU made a bad decision

>> No.55099849

I think some anons got the wrong idea, I'm down to $300k. It's not nothing, but I can't do what I want in any capacity. If I was at $1MM still I would have absolutely sold.

What are you looking at moving into?

I'd rather make it and just give her half if that's what it comes down to, being able to see my kids is the single most important thing to me in this world. If she takes that away from me I won't be surprised but I'll hold onto it as long as I can, I won't be the one to prompt that. And if I never make it then she can take half of nothing and I'll just fucking live as a homeless person I don't even care anymore.

>> No.55099867

not selling the top in 2021 had like the effect of escaping as a POV from russian gulag after WW2 on me

just a little more moderate, i dont think something else will outpace that

>> No.55099868

Well, you probably married wrong and will just have to deal with it.
300k is enough to buy a house outright that is nice enough for 90% of the country and figure something out in the meantime.

You would likely be happier. I have a big house, lots of shit, a business I have to run, and it's barely worth it I am recognizing.

>> No.55099879
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>> No.55099898

>i will sell at 20 if I can
Yes… go ahead, sell the bottom loser

>> No.55099906

Where do you find out about those kind of projects?

>> No.55099930

Sorry about your family by the way, I was focused on the investing part

With 300k we are in the same boat but different mentality all together. Everyone has a period of hopelessness (this has happened three times to me in major ways), but you always end up making more. It's like a law, you have to be able to lose a certain amount to get more of it back (Book of Job). Many people in business & markets know what I mean.

Just reinvest your 300k and be smart about it.

I'm searching for the best businesses in crypto period. Exchanges/Casinos, Infrastructure (Modular, Optimistic Rollups, and ZKEVMs).

I wouldn't play sub 50m tokens, you have too much capital for that. Pick the winners from pajeet-tier ranks when they get a little bigger (100m+) and only focus on new stuff, forget about everything released from 2017-2020

>> No.55099961

You didn't sell the top because if you had that mentality you could never make up to 2MM. You would have sold much lower at 100K or 200 etc.

>> No.55099970


You sound smarter than most on here.

My biggest bag is still Link. But I'm looking to diversify some more. Have you heard about AGIX and NTX? Do you think they're any good?

>> No.55100019
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Mostly telegram and Twitter.
Good advice but you should all be looking to have a certain part of your bags in new stuff under 50mil. If you have a 300k folio like op the it’s easy to throw 10% (30k) into some newer projects.
For me it’s
>X7Finance 5mil
>WAIT 33mil
>Unibot 12mil
>BlockRemit 3.4mil
>WAS 4.7mil
>PRQ 17mil

I have accumulated large enough bags in these thag it only takes one of them to hit 1bil mcap for me to make over a million.

>> No.55100022

decentralized compute, those can do well like RNDR for example. Business model is hard to actually get to work but maybe someone comes up with an innovation. I suspect that hasn't actually happened yet.
AGIX is an ambitious project, don't know if it's possible, but AI tokens could be hype for this cycle. I may take a look at picking some of the better ones myself.

>> No.55100058

Which telegrams and people on twitter though? I looked and unibot and blockremit seem legit

>> No.55100106

This entire thread is full of stupid fucking fudders attacking a man while he's down. Every single one of your worthless fucking shit coins rely on the future that Link is bringing. Screenshot this and go fuck yourselves when Link hits $100 in the coming bull run.

As for you OP don't let these teenage, virgin, incel, racist, fucking twat-faces bring you down any further. You've worked hard for your life and you made 1 mistake. You're still sitting on more money than most people can ever hope to achieve. If your wife can't handle the bad times then she doesn't deserve the good times. With that said you've got to let go of the past. Make today day 1 of building that 300k into something more instead of day 746 of pain. I've been exactly where you are. At some point you have to just let the past go and start living again. Don't waste another day beating yourself up. You can choose to look at the positive things in life and end your depression today. It's your choice.

>> No.55100129

Sick 15x bro

>> No.55100149

Our greed has twisted us and forced us on dark paths fren

>> No.55100190
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You are not the only one Anon, the difference is that I still use my cryptos to generate passive income and survive in this gay ass bear market

>> No.55100245

>sub 1MM.
lol if you have mid-high 6 figures gtfo ungrateful nigger

>> No.55100246


Thanks. Yeah the AI hype has alrady been going on for a while of course, but just looking at what happened with NVDA earnings the other day gives me the impression it isn't over yet (+ all the job automation that still needs to happen IMO).

>> No.55100289
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We havent still reached the top yet, put your big boy pants up and hodl faggot

>> No.55100296

>j-just numbers

>> No.55100343
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>Buy avax sirs!!! Our chain is so good that we need to employ a team to shill 24/7! If you don't buy i will call you a nigger and if you expose us i will call you an Indian

>> No.55100352

>oh no he didn't praise children as being a wonderful gift from Lord Jesus! must be a psyop!

>> No.55100371

bro regardless she is planning to leave you and take the kids as well. nobody says to not see your kids but you're delusional if you think the courts wont side with her.

>> No.55100387


You think buying LINK ruined your life but not buying LINK is about to ruin everyone else's life

and fuck your wife too jesus christ some of you guys are pussy whipped.

>> No.55100412

Just act manly again.
Women need manliness.

>> No.55100649

You gotta dyor. I caught blockremit and Unibot at launch with a call bot. Just spend time searching around Twitter and look for decent projects. Can join tg groups and lounges. I actually got one of my best holds from a dead inu tg lol. Come to fuzzy inu tg and ask around.

>> No.55100687

Devil trips damn

Idk anything about Sauron but I get what you mean

>> No.55100706

Man I fucking hate kids. I don't get the family bullshit

>> No.55100707

Next time you should sell the top kek

>> No.55100711

Sell half fucking retard. No wonder your wife wants a divorce

>> No.55100789

yeah sell half when you're down 90%. lmao. just man up and relax. the hard part is over

>> No.55100850

Imagine doing this with 8 figures.
It's so strong that even the soul takes a hit from the absurd shock.
You take 5-6 memories with you after your death recorded permamently into your soul.
Imagine making this your defining moment.
Being remembered for eternity as a clown even if this gave the ability to conquer greed at the end.
This is how you won against your greed: by bag holding through a bear market.

>> No.55100983

You can stay focus or better fuck off. Retards are busy slurping sylo as the team is launching a staking event soon with their incentivization happening on The Root Network. I've got my fingers crossed.

>> No.55100993

Thanks anon I will

>> No.55102112

IMO we’ll see AGI in 5-7 years, this is just the beginning. AGI was basically bitcoin 2009 level in 2018-2019. Now it’s 2017 level. Will go to 2021 level next.

>> No.55102125

After tax maybe 1.5m. If you wanna be a poorfag landlord for $3k net a month on that be my guest. I didn’t lose shit

>> No.55102190

in two years time you could have 10 million its amazing what kinds of mind games people play with themselves

>> No.55102909

hello hersh why so bearish

>> No.55102920

There's no fucking way you had 12 figures. Calling bullshit

>> No.55102933

You know what ruined my life? Russia. The worst part is they don't even care. Tragic really.

>> No.55102965
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kind regards: Rajesh

>> No.55103005

>I finally confided in my wife the way I've been feeling because I had an anxiety attack after my kid asked me why I always have to work and can't play, and her response was if I don't seek help she is going to divorce me.

Bro... that's why you never confide in women; if you can't provide for them you lose most of your usefulness. Openly admitting you are a failure to them will not inspire confidence in your relationship

>> No.55103065

was about to post that lol

>> No.55103131

>Im all in chainlink
this is simply a retard move
i'm well diversified into Eth, Bitcoin, Tezos which are sitting comfy in the sylo wallet
i hope you'd be able to deal with the loss
Oh i have a nice Link bag stored on metamask

>> No.55103137

whats with the wallet shill

>> No.55103158

You can live off 5-10% yield off of 300k if you weren't cucked to your scam country and your scam wife

>> No.55103162

I went from 22 million to 13.5 million and my wife also threatened divorce. Women are a fucking menace

>> No.55103251

>Just live off of $1000/month in a slum in Thailand bro

>> No.55103252

you should've divorced her on the spot if your larp was true retard

>> No.55103258

goddamn imagine making 13 million and having to take shit from your wife or her being unhappy

you could literally get thousands of better wives

do millionaires really? Just thinking about this larp makes me angry. Please tell me you're baiting and not actually this fucking c.u.c.k.e.d

>> No.55103268


Imagine getting your first million and your "wife" gets angry it isn't 2 million kek

Or getting to 4 million and they are upset it isn't 8 million

or having 10 million and she gets angry it isnt 20 million

I just fail to believe this is real life. If you had any balls on you you would've divorced her right then and there. Imagine getting c.u.c.k.e.d. by a fucking gold digger like that.

Should've left her right then and there pal and get someone that isn't an absolute retard

>> No.55103289

you're all broke ass bitches, otherwise you wouldn't be on a fucking frog board like a fucking loser. the end

>> No.55103297
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cheer up bucko

>> No.55103329

1.4m to 100k here. Hurts I could have solved all my issues. I made bad decisions since I thought I was gonna lose my job over the vax and so I went "just need a bit more"

>> No.55103345

>losing your job because you are low IQ /pol/fag


>> No.55103353
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You still have time to recover by slurping the dip, anon.

>> No.55103386

Retard get your shit together. Most of us have been there and are still doing better now. I recovered from that using TM traders grade to pick trending assets which has always been profiting. The best part is you'll also know when to exit.

>> No.55103393

better than eternal wageslavery in some rundown suburb in muttmerica

>> No.55103401

Op sry you're gay.
Even with sub 1m you put it on KO it's already 40k / year net divivends & this can still make a safe 3x over the next 3 years.
->get rid of your wife & kids fuck off
->say you lost it all & fuck it you look like a degen gambler
->put it all in ko
->work 20-30h per week and live a comfy life and get your shit together
->start fresh in 5 years

You'll be unrecognizable you'll even wonder why you put yourself in such a mess in the beginning

>> No.55103547

All these lessons are all a part of gaining wisdom and becoming your self.

Having to raise children with another person can and should be life changing. We live for the betterment of all of us.
Sometimes unwise desicions and the fact you need to let go of everything eventually makes up a point of finding the right moment to do so next time, and if not, perhaps any given moment..

I hope you understood, anon. Just follow your heart and everything is all right.

>> No.55103585

>At least you learned that investing in scams doesn't pay off.
He learned that by earning 2 million in an easy way? Wow that sure showed him!

>> No.55103592
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>We see everything and when you place an order

>> No.55103634

KO as in coca cola? lol

>> No.55103637

>coke will tripple in price in 3 years
you're legit delusional

>> No.55103816

>Do I get a redemption arc? Do any of us?

Maybe if you could write a few words about how much money you have now and what your plans are to make it this time around? Instead of just BITCHING AND CRYING like a pathetic fucking faggot about what you "should" have done (genius: sell the exact top, bro!).

It sounds like you have no idea what you're doing still or why. "I should have sold what later turned out to be the top" is not useful investing awareness, anon.

As for redemption arcs, yes many people have lost EVERYTHING in this space, maybe multiple times, and come back to riches. In any field of investing, in fact - read histories of investors/trading and you find that everyone gets rekt, repeatedly, and improving over years is the only way you will Make It.

Why don't you grab your balls and tell us your financial situation right now today and we can work out a way back to ATH and beyond? Since you said you're "sub 1mil" I'm guessing you still have high 6 figures, or at least mid 6 figures? If you can't find a 10x in the next two years you're an actual brainlet, I could give you five off the top of my head right now.

Stop panicking and thinking short term, you will not make the money back this week, maybe not even this year, but you CAN get a big multiplier across the next few years, and isn't that good enough?

>> No.55103874

Please prove you're not a brainlet yourself and lost those 5 x10s

>> No.55104035
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I've already ditched the weak hands and converted my stash into UTK and METIS. Man, I'm stoked I made that move without paying attention to those braindead Linkies.

>> No.55104042
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>> No.55104043

>he works 50 hours a week
Ahahahahaha lmao at your life I work 40 and it's soul crushing. I can only imagine your pain.

>> No.55104059

Keeping your funds in a non-custodial wallet is safer and the best. I have my assets stored on Exodus and Hold wallet as I don't trust those retarded CEXs.

>> No.55104072

Ngmi. Slurp up PYR, NAKA, and GOB instead as gaming tokens are going to moon hard. The buy-and-burn mechanism of the latter makes it a no-brainer.

>> No.55104079

>get married in a cucked feminist no fault divorce country
>experience misfortune
>wife leaves and financially rapes you in a feminist kangoroo court with a female judge
Bwa hahahahahaha well deserved

>> No.55104115

This mf is confused.

>> No.55104204

It's juicy holding DiD ànd ZK-Snark privacy tokens. My best choices.

>> No.55104246
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No need to be confused anymore, right now I'm waiting to get a green light from TM. Using its AI powered analytic tool if fun and now I can to stay ahead of the curve.

>> No.55104412

NEVER EVER show wakeness and vulnerability in front of a woman. You made the mistake of thinking she's your friend or a family member and cares about you. No women only care about what you can do for them, what you can bring to the table. You broke a leg? don't expect her to love you any more by showing that it affected you. your parents died in a car crash? you better suck it up because even tho she might seem supportive in the moment she absolutely WILL remember vividly few years down the road how you cried like a BITCH (in her eyes), and she will compare every single time how you handle stress and trauma compared to other men she knows, if your mom dies you better get a grip quickly because Stacy's boyfriend didn't even cry during the funeral.
You went for the easy way out, you wanted to confess your feelings to get things off your chest but that was your huge mistake. Women don't care for you your mother does, it's all contractual/ quid pro quo. You think when a caveman sat down and cired like a bitch any females wanted to give him pussy? no, they wanted to be with the grug that crushed other caveman's skull to still his food

>> No.55104431

imagine being such a cucked faggot that you get a vaccine because your boss tells you.

Might as well clean his asshole too, atleast you're sure you won't get a random myocarditis in your 30s with that

>> No.55104477

What happened with the hot wallet

>> No.55104523

no clue but it was an insecure "experiment" wallet and I put more funds over time since it never got hacked
yeah I'm a moron

there's an investigation running on it since it's all on chain and the guy connected to cexes with other wallets so who knows man, but I've given up hope desu

>> No.55105067

Kek our ports are super similar. Made a post on Unibot yday but I think biz is too dumb to get it.

OP I also whiffed out on taking profit on life changing money (7 figures) last bull. Married for 1.5 yrs, no kids yet. But the one thing I do know - your wife is NOT your buddy and it’s not an equal partnership. Women are weak and emotional, don’t let her start looking down on you. Keep the marriage and family intact and get into the NEW scams (LINK is 2017 ico shit, it’ll go back up 2024/2025 but diversify a little and get in Twitter and telegram to get the alpha).

GL fren, wgmi

>> No.55105176

I'm hovering between $300-400k

>> No.55105204

>the hard part is over
you don't know that, retards like you deserve to lose everything

>> No.55105261

So what are you whinging aboot? You still made out like a bandit. Count your blessings. I lost everything. Everything I accumulated from 2016.

>> No.55105299

Anon it wasn't this event that ruined your life. You did this to yourself. Now only you can reverse this.

>> No.55105325

>Hold wallet
And you think this shit can be trusted?

>> No.55105364

holy fuck, the cope is insane

>> No.55105494

Sergay ruins another life. Take as old as time

>> No.55105719

probably used common phrasing in seed construction
>mary had a little lamb...

>> No.55105750
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>had 1.5MM at the top
>didnt sell
>then Celsius went bankrupt and I lost 25,000 LINK and 60,000 USDC
>still have $400k in ETH thats staking

Every day I want to kms for not withdrawing out of Celsius scam

>> No.55105949

I'm rooting for a Defi gem that also supports supports NFTs. Now Partners with flufworld and has its own NFT collection, seekers. I really anticipate a juicy experience when the NFT season begins.

>> No.55106104

Almost all those centralized staking services turned out to be scams. I had a few BTC on blockfi and Celsius but was lucky/smart enough to withdraw a few months before they went kapoot. On chain is honestly safer and where the real money’s made anyway.

>> No.55106142

I fucking can understand your pain here anons. Holding my LINK , AVAX and NXRA till All time high.

>> No.55106742

Damn. Story?

>> No.55106767

>I finally confided in my wife the way I've been feeling because I had an anxiety attack after my kid asked me why I always have to work and can't play, and her response was if I don't seek help she is going to divorce me.
Bad news, OP: she's 100% cheating on you. She's been looking for an out for a while now because she's getting bigger, thicker deep dickings by a stronger man. Consult a divorce lawyer asap and be sure to protect your assets, hide them away if need be.

>> No.55106789
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>> No.55106972

god damn that stings, sorry anon. 400k in ETH though has to feel at least somewhat comfy for you.

>> No.55108805

>I finally confided in my wife the way I've been feeling because I had an anxiety attack after my kid asked me why I always have to work and can't play, and her response was if I don't seek help she is going to divorce me.
Much love to you brother from Kazakhstan

>> No.55108931

Man how will you feel when ETH will crash to zero lol hbar ftw

>> No.55109039


>> No.55109168

Of course there’s fucking losers get pissed off at the wife first for initiating divorce. Divorce is one of the most evil institutions out there, but this guy is a brain dead retard for basically admitting he has a gambling problem and NOT trying to find helo for it.

Fucking linkie, your wife wants you to get help or get divorced because she knows you’re going to lose every fucking penny no matter how “solid” you think your “investments” are. She’s a bitch but offering you a way out.

>t. Options “investor” that lost ~30K

>> No.55109377
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I put $5.5k into D0B0 in October 2021 and a month later it was worth $2.6m. I sold a little bit here and there, but in the end I sold it all for 11k after it dumped to nothing. A year later I have around $200 left and no job. Could be worse I suppose. Didn't take any pics of my wallet at ATH but you can do the math and see my stack was worth $2.6m at one point.

>> No.55109388

>750k ath
>trying to sort out rent for next month

you guys that keep crying while having 6 figures after everything don't realize how good you have it

>> No.55109394
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>> No.55109411

Such faggots it’s unbelievable how weak and pussified my generation is

>oh no! i might have to work a little bit to set myself up to literally never do anything again in my life aside from what I enjoy

4chins so much better than redit but are our users really this weak and have life this easy? I’m so confused by these niggers. It’s probably just glowies fucking with us to radicalize us.

>> No.55109426

They’re pissed over an “abundance” that they think was promised from a previous generation but was kept from them. It’s sheer envy over nothing.

>> No.55109429

You’re a fucking moron jesus fucking christ you deserve your poverty

>> No.55109438

OP you have enough to put 4 years living expenses aside. That way worse case you wait til next halving. You'll be fine.

>> No.55109446

You know, even if you received the “good life” handed to boomers, you’d become a stereotypical boomer yourself, wouldn’t you? A miserable, insufferable, ungrateful, retarded boomer. Is that what you people want to be?

>> No.55109447

Go back you brokefaggot miserable cunt. Reddit is 100% where you belong.

>> No.55109454

It’s fucking pathetic. I couldn’t imagine seeing life changing money and not selling at least 75% of it. You’re not gonna get another chance like that. I think I need to take a break from /biz/ I really cant even listen to all the retardation anymore. It’s like a bunch of incel Warren Buffets only even more retarded and even bigger faggots somehow.

>> No.55109457

Listen to your vitriol you jealous faggot. And you act high and mighty.

>> No.55109460

I will fight you in real life you faggot nigger you have no fucking idea

>> No.55109469

How fucking far from reality are you? You're larping what you would do.. you're a poorfag with no clue what the fuck it takes to make that money let alone sell the top. Yet you think now you're a fucking expert trader now? How long have you been here and what do you have to show for it? What made you think you have any right to even talk on this?

>> No.55109481

Go back retard

>> No.55109491

Shut your fucking mouth. Yeah I’m from straight povetty you fucking faggot. I would fucking dismantle your skull you silver spoon fed normie fucking nigger. I hate you fucking easy street trust fund faggots so much. Ive been here two years and got off the streets from severe poverty holy fuck. You have no idea you fat retarded faggot. Go suck your daddys dick some more for shitcoin money.

>> No.55109504

>got off the streets from severe poverty
kek, any more financial advice?

>> No.55109505

Anyone bitching about being broke and having over 30k can seriously get fucked. If you can’t survive on that you’re a retarded genetic retard and you need to fucking neck.

>> No.55109509

Come on, don’t threaten to fight retards over the internet, it’s unseemly

I’m convinced there’s no such thing as an expert trader anymore. There’s only gamblers and the “house”. Everyone wants to be the house but all they can do is yell at others to take their bags.

These bastards fooled us into thinking we could make it if we played hard enough by their rules and now they’re laughing off to the bank while some of us are getting divorced and others have never even been into a relationship

>> No.55109512

Yeah try not being a pussy faggot

>> No.55109547

There are winning plays but it requires effort from you. You can follow the herd. You can read incel stories here all day. Or you can put some effort it and ensure your future is secure, not worry about who has what or why someone has more than you. Than line of thinking will ensure your failure.
If youre that lost just stick to DCA BTC/ETH long term and tune out the noise.

>> No.55109566

You’re a fucking moron.

>> No.55109575

Vax is for faggots period. I would never compromise my diginity for money. You need to go back. Oh and fuck niggers.

>> No.55109632

I’m just sick of crypto, there’s got to be something better

>> No.55109637

At least you have frogposting.

>> No.55109646

The vaxxed and the unvaxxed deserve their respective fates. I will not elaborate beyond “you get what you fucking deserve.” How you interpret that is up to you.