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55085260 No.55085260 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX dumps faster than you can say double spend.

It's called avalanche because all it does is go down

>> No.55085293
File: 123 KB, 1446x384, BURN1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHNONONO roaches said that avax tokenomics are superior to eth!

>> No.55085373

you really comparing a "store of value" chain like Ethereum to a utility chain like Avalanche? anon, please

>> No.55085410
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Cardano killed AVAX

>> No.55085473
File: 26 KB, 758x280, hypedano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can ada kill anything?

>> No.55085491


>> No.55085499

Cardano has the largest social following on Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, etc.

Cardano has more reach than most crypto currencies, which is why it always pumps in the bull market.

Not only does it have a wide social reach, but the tech is just superior in every way.

>> No.55085723

Come on jeet, you could have waited a little longer to support the OP, this fud looks so organic btw

>> No.55086019

this sounds like a shitcoin tg jeet trying to get one last pump to unload his bags

>> No.55086066
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It is over

>> No.55086238

They call it Fantom because POOF your money is gone.

They call it Bitcoin because it's for those with an itty bitty peepee.

They call it Solana because it's like trusting hairdressers with your money - they always take time off.

I mean come on biz, can't we all just get along? Why does crypto have to be so tribal?

>> No.55086783
File: 24 KB, 483x470, 1680018069432344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And once again we will find within a month that this was another massive fake news made up by low IQ jeets like OP.

>> No.55086867
File: 162 KB, 678x822, 1653395137985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if I gave a fuck, I'm desensitized anon, my butthole got obliterated too many times by this market and my only actual holding is pond rn, step up your game

>> No.55086881

How many niggers have you slept with?

>> No.55086885

This isn't a jeet thread, AVAX shills are jeet threads faggot

>> No.55086889

Unfathomably based if true

>> No.55086892

Ngl I fucking despise your kind

>> No.55086898

You deserve it all and you know it you absolute fucking idiot

>> No.55086924

Just shows how shit of an investment it is in the first place when all there's to be considered is float. Just a few tokens being opened to the market is enough to scrap your investment in an otherwise ''promising project''.
Pure dogshit.

>> No.55086932

I am glad i never bought that scam. All those avax threads sound fishy.

>> No.55088865

Oh no no no, very bad look for Avax cucks.

>> No.55088911

Based OP

>> No.55089256
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>> No.55089430

How much is ADA right now?

>> No.55089621

there are like 12 billion eth.

>> No.55089639

Cardano holders are delusional. The chain is not working and its development is slow AF

>> No.55090849

>Cardano has the largest social following on Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, etc
if you weren't a brainlet, you'd realize that this is extremely bearish. you are supposed to buy coins before they become popular, not after.
>tech is just superior
what tech? Cardano has released nothing useable? no TVL, no DeFi volume. the only thing going for ADA is that it's decentralized.

>> No.55090891

>Author: Ruholamin Haqshanas
gm sers

>> No.55091822
File: 5 KB, 228x221, 1682648832378172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX dumps faster than you can say double spend.
>It's called avalanche because all it does is go down

>> No.55092243

Cardano is still at 2 bucks.
It has greater value than avax if you suicide stack it now.

>> No.55093070

holy shiit this is THE Link killer.

>> No.55093108

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.55093245

Some alts are meant to be sold at ATH and bought back at ATL. Currently I can only hodl BTC,ETH and few privacy tokens such XMR,ZEC,RAIL.

>> No.55093415

The truth hurts, its not FUD. I'd rather just earn some based crypto submittimg my health data on the immunify platform than to have any faith in AVAX.

>> No.55093439

Scams have short life span, Avax is just not getting anywhere. Dumped 50% of my bags for privacy projects earlier in the year.

>> No.55093464

PoS scam project

>> No.55093730

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ahahahahaha what a clown

>> No.55093887

Which coin at ATH right now all of them dumps of course AVAX will dump too

>> No.55094199

ironically none of these unlocks dumped the price at the time of their release. Autistically ironic.

>> No.55094774

kek, I think this must be unlock number 7 or 8. Every single time pajeets fud and every single time nothing happens. Unlocks have been priced in since the ICO.

>> No.55095938
File: 6 KB, 405x60, Another forgotten alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55096047
File: 173 KB, 1155x1200, C6AD14FC-DACA-445F-ABE2-A0A47C929A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche is getting Mainstream adoption. it will be back at ATH in no time while ICPoors continue to live out of a dumpster jerking niggers off for a cheeseburger.