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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 1170x370, 1D093C1A-3A89-4561-B99A-28DC7A1C406C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55082532 No.55082532 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55082558

screencap this
There will be a last minute deal on the debt ceiling (as always)
Rates will be 7% and nothing will happen
Inflation will stay high
Real estate will continue to go up
MSM will continue fearmongering
There will be a new crisis next year (markets will pump)

>> No.55082563
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Is it already Israel -o-clock or what is it with this spam of
>Be afraid goy

>> No.55082608

kys zoomgroid nigger

>> No.55082635

Good, i prefer deflation over fucking inflation

>> No.55082647

He keeps trying to escape the Epstein case but they’re going to make him testify
that’s why Dimon is going so hard after wagies

>> No.55082691

glowies will ignore this or call you schizo but it’s probably the biggest reason why they’re crashing the economy. distracting us from the pedo shit

>> No.55082824

They don't need to distract you, you won't do shit even when it's on full display, even when the only witness is killed in front of your eyes. You just won't do shit, they know this now. They're not afraid of you, they know you're a pussy

>> No.55082843

they’re scared because people like Epstein actually went down
you stick up for pedos all you want but justice will prevail eventually. it might not get all of them, or even in this lifetime but your pedophile bosses are going down. Fuck you glownig, I hope you burn in hell

>> No.55082847
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So true.
Get back to work before we replace you.

>> No.55082855

You glowies love showing up for your billionaire pedophiles but it doesn’t discourage us. Some of us are driven by what’s right. What you guys do to children is unacceptable and you will be held accountable for your support of it. We all have a soul and have to go through a life review after this life.

>> No.55082858

sounds like 10k bitcoin

>Rates will be 7% and nothing will happen
>Real estate will continue to go up
kek, get a load of this retarded boomer

>> No.55083097

>There will be a last minute deal on the debt ceiling (as always)
It literally is the last minute right now and there is no deal. They have one week from today, and the government will need 3-5 days just to write and vote on a finalized deal.

>> No.55083271

Dimon and Pummba wants your cheap coins as always!

>> No.55083277

I am collecting the deflationary internet funny money ether too!

>> No.55083435

The Americuck has solidified.

>> No.55084923
File: 41 KB, 295x640, 62330B7A-2F7E-4BF2-9E0C-CDC7A96AA38C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did the economy mean by this?

>> No.55084943

McCarthy is a moron. He will botch the landing.

>> No.55084950
File: 59 KB, 400x400, headshot_jamiedimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbelievably extreme, leviathan-sized, giga, mega super ultra severe recession coming!

There is no escape for you wagies.

>> No.55084957


>> No.55084963

When rates are 7% everyone will be buying treasuries and bonds instead of stocks

>> No.55085296

bullish. Remember when ((((((Dimon))))))) said there was a hurricane coming this year? Markets went straight up. Its his job to lie to you and spread fear

>> No.55085912

Please God I promise I'll become a twocoiner if you do it.

>> No.55085928

This. 7% is actually quite a nice return for bonds. /biz/ would be foolish to pass it up.

>> No.55085972

You're retarded if you don't think the final "deal" is already written and that the votes are tallied. It's the same thing every time. You're watching political theater.

>> No.55085998

I'll believe it when I see it. Everyone going all "oh it's no big deal everyone's just playing pretend uwu" is how these retarded faggots in the US conservative wing have been allowed to get away with becoming so dangerously unhinged in the first place.

>> No.55086035

The whole notion that deflation is bad is probably the greatest trick played upon the middleclass

>> No.55086043

Is this financial crisis in the room with us now?

>> No.55086410


I agree. They aren't going to default. They going to raise the debt limit again which means money printer go brrrrrrrrrr

>> No.55086424


Dude they are going to print money again. They don't want their real estate to crash. See this guy post.


>> No.55086495
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Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.55086520

Generalization: generalizes the state of the entire US housing market based on their own two properties in two specific locations. does not represent the entire market.y overlook or ignore contradicting data.

Assumption about depreciation and de-dollarization: assumption that depreciating cash and de-dollarization will lead to increased real estate investment is speculative. Other factors such as interest rates, lending standards, and economic stability also play roles in influencing the real estate market.

Assumption about investor expectations: The author assumes that 90% of investors are expecting a crash simply because they have not experienced the inflationary recessions of the 1970s. investors consider multiple factors when assessing market conditions, not just historical patterns.

>> No.55086572


I'm not expecting a crash. Location location sure. But housing market will go the moon either way.

>> No.55086581

>Some literally who's blog
Meanwhile, the chair of the republican party went on Fox News and bragged about how she thinks the US defaulting on it's debt would help the Republicans in 2024.
Your conservative party has spent the last 15 years ironically pretending to be retarded, and it's been so long that the voters have forgotten about the "pretending" part, and now have elected so many genuine nutcases who've drunk the kool-aid that the party itself has lost its mind to appeal to them. These retards are not rational, and their threats are to be taken seriously.

>> No.55086588

Nothing ever happens

>> No.55086807

How are credit unions any different? Are they any safer at all? If the worst case happens are they any better off?

>> No.55086897

>the great depression wasn't bad, guys

>> No.55086916

holy zogged merica

>> No.55086923

how do I profit from this

>> No.55089017

Great Depression #2 is on the way.

>> No.55089115

>fighting hate for good
What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.55089144

Default would be good for the working class, prove me wrong

>> No.55089580

Stage 3 of grief: bargaining

>> No.55089604

Yes once enough of you retards are complacent that "nothing will happen" is when they let it happen and make most of the money. It's just a giant game of chicken where they finally let it go when you give in.

>> No.55089619
File: 52 KB, 2000x1455, Pride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol remember when people really thought we'd stay at 0% rate forever.

>> No.55089656


/biz/ retards don't have cash, it's all tied up in crypto at 90% losses

>> No.55090411

what are the best yielding investments in a mega recession?
just bonds and high yield CDs?

>> No.55090510

Real hylic hours in here

>> No.55090516
File: 419 KB, 771x790, 1684503969648154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are free to buy Argentina bonds giving you 90% retard

>> No.55090570

False. When rates are at 7%, inflation will be at 15%. The yield curve will stay inverted, stocks will continue to rise and banks will continue to be nationalized.

>> No.55090624

Bullshit. Dimon and Powell are going hard against Davos so of course this story emerges. Epstein had a JPM bank account, wow big news you got there

>> No.55090733

>Epstein actually went down
Probably only because he got too big for his britches and tried to blackmail his handlers or something. Remember they tried to prosecute him once before and it all got dropped. So why'd they flip and finally nail him for shit they could have a decade earlier? He probably pissed them off somehow.

>> No.55090768

It started a long time ago.

>> No.55090806
File: 40 KB, 905x565, eYour-Search-History-Will-Determine-Your-Financial-Credit-Score-In-Future-Says-IMF-905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epstein was replaced with google.
You don't need kompromat when you've got search history

>> No.55090867
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bobros. im thinkin we're back

>> No.55090978

>dimon and Powell are going hard against Davos
Holy shit no one believes that. Did they pay you to say that.
>imagine sticking up for pedophile bankers
Fucking cuck. I bet your computer is filled with CP
Because he got too much publicity. His 2008 charges only got more notoriety as the years passed. Are you guys fucking retarded

>> No.55091173
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guns, ammo, pms, and farm land

>> No.55091194

I'm from the future (not really I'm just 35)

Both sides come together at the last minute and solve the fake problem they made up

>> No.55092433
File: 872 KB, 200x200, brr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Surprise! Markets will go up on the news. Dum fuckers will still be waiting for the recession with their flaccid-as dicks in their hand.

Then turn that fucking printer on until my nigga Joe B gets re-elected.

>> No.55092751

lol this is fake right

It might be real though since it completely got the use case wrong.