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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 720 KB, 1786x1065, 1684300866482021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55078703 No.55078703 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the new normal? Did the car industry just say fuck you to anyone wanting a 20k car?

>> No.55078714

>new normal
you cant meme for shit, like all collectivists

>> No.55078719

are internal combustion engines and cars without onboard globohomo computers the next bitcoin?

>> No.55078753

how many years must i wait until this is 20k?

>> No.55078762

it's cheaper to buy new from a dealership. somehow the low IQ nigger retard market has determined that labor and material costs from a few years ago, on top of depreciation, are somehow worth as much or more than a new car with a warranty.

>> No.55078768

Never. Stop listening to Jerome Powell's gaslighting "muh 2% target" delusional unrealistic expectations.

>> No.55078775

What are you talking about? The prices are high because they can't make cars because of the chip shortage

>> No.55078794

Just rope already

>> No.55078816

If you don't own a car now. You are never going to own one HAHAHAHAHAH. Not my problem poors enjoy getting bed bugs on the bus!

>> No.55078821

the chip shortage has been resolved. mcus are back in stock, even for retail purchase on websites like digikey and mouser.

>> No.55078835

You are cattle. Do LSD and release yourself.

>> No.55078854

so the dealerships are lying when they say that some buyers have only been getting one set of keys with their cars and have to wait 6-8 months for the second one?

>> No.55078864

TFW comfy 2015 Honda Civic for the rest of my days

>> No.55078877

i drive a late 80s shitbox that i bought for 700 dollars

>> No.55078920

I bought a brand new 2023 hybrid Corolla for 25k. Why would you buy a used for more money?

>> No.55078937

2025 is around the corner, which is the deadline by which all new cars have to have "anti drunk-driving freatures" AKA built-in surveillance and vehicle disabling measures in every fucking car. This alone is going to drive the used car market through the roof for the forseeable future.

>> No.55078941

sorry i'm not gay

>> No.55078942


Fake news.

Any Corolla hybrid is going to have at least 200 Arabs bidding for it to use it for Uber.

>> No.55078952

prove it. hybrid toyotas have been unobtanium for a whole year that ive been looking.

>> No.55079068

you wish, but torturing collectivists and making people aware is what I live for. You should kys, because when sovereign man wake up, collectivists heads end on pikes

>> No.55079081

Don't come bitching to me when gas is $5 a gallon again. I've filled up 5 times since January and taken several road trips.
Not sure why. I got on a waiting list back in December and they had one for me in January.

>> No.55079093
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There must be laws preventing it, because someone would totally fill the "cheap but with basically no features" niche otherwise.

>> No.55079104

Look up the meaning of oligopoly and how they operate.

>> No.55079167

Exactly how the fuck am i supposed to buy a car...

>New car 2023 35k
>Old used car with 20,000 miles from 2021 same model... 34k

Wtf anons, how am i supposed to get a car without being financially ruined

>> No.55079203

By not being poor. $30k is literally nothing holy shit.

>> No.55079207

>flood tens of millions of illegal immigrants into a country where a car is a prerequisite for life
>duurrrrr somehow the used car market is fucked how did dis happen dhuuuuuurrrr???

>> No.55079255

Here's a spoiler for you:
Cars are a global market
All those migrants had cars in their home country

>> No.55079269

Where? The 2023 Corolla starts at 21k MSRP and the hybrid is only 23k. You don't need the extra bullshit and you don't have a huge family and you don't drive construction. Just get a gas efficient sedan.

>> No.55079277

>All those migrants had cars in their home country
They didn't. Their home country was made up of hundreds of "15 minute cities" where having a car was reserved for the wealthy.

>> No.55079284

you're retarded. fuck immigrants too.

>> No.55079325

But this is the Xtra Large Expense version, anon! You don't want to look like a poor in a base model do you?!
t. driver who's "good" car is 20 years old and worth maybe 6k.

>> No.55079341

If you can't afford to even drive a 30k car.... how do you think other people are going to view you LMFAO. Good luck getting hired in to a company driving a 20k car. They'll see you pull up day 1 and immediately strike you during your probation (poors don't understand this)

>> No.55079386

i dont believe this. even the smallest market toyota dealership has a 1 year waitlist for corolla hybrid.

>> No.55079405
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Its ridiculous. Luckily I found out how to get a new one at MSRP. Shooting for a 2023 Toyota SE.

>> No.55079422
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Also considering the 2023 Prius. Makes my dick so hard.

>> No.55079427

not true. you're just retarded. stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.55079428

Third world countries have a lot of motorbikes and even motorbike taxis
t. Traveller

>> No.55079464

My suggestion is to stop wage-slaving for other people, especially for other people who are so petty that they will judge you based on your car's price tag. I can understand keeping a nice looking, clean, reliable car to keep up appearances, but you don't need to spend a bunch of cash to do that. Most people who aren't gearheads won't know the difference.

>> No.55079480

*Laughs in bought my car in cash like a decade ago and WFH so I only put like 3-4k miles on it each year*

>> No.55079494

Based noticer

>> No.55079550

the people who can afford to migrate to the west have cars

>> No.55079590


>> No.55079611


Nissan Versa manual is 19k new.

>> No.55079619

ive only ever seen shit tier ppl drive nissans.

>> No.55079637

I got a brand new 22 Hyundai last year for 20k, wtf is this clown market where used cars are more expensive than new ones?
Is my car more valuable now that it has 10k on the clock?

>> No.55079644


Do you think anyone you talk to takes you seriously?

>No no, you're wrong. Humans aren't t-tribal.


>> No.55079648
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anyone else hate how all new cars look the same/have the same colors?

>> No.55079689

>all demoralization shitposts

>> No.55079721

its a shame how many of these were lost in cash4clunkers. I have two backup shitboxes that I keep maintained though in addition to my daily driver with 500k miles. While I don't want to expend a precious resource I make it well known to tesla driving fagoids that I don't tolerate their antics and my sub-$1k shitbox can total their $60,000 kitchen appliance without a problem.

>> No.55079754
File: 141 KB, 1096x480, Screenshot 2023-05-24 195642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New corollas at my local dealership in the low 20s. Maybe a few weeks of waiting? Idk, basically no inventory is moving here. Pic related is allegedly in stock on the lot, others say in transit.
They made small cars bloated and underpowered so everyone around here wants gas guzzling condos on wheels instead.

>> No.55079755




OP asked about a sub-20k car. Keep in mind inflation and that Corollas and Civics used to be "lower-tier" car. A Civic is now the size of an old Accord.

>> No.55079769


You expend the precious resource that is your time. And don't give me the usual /o/ shit about how nothing breaks - generator, starter, A/C compressor, calipers, exhaust (in the rust belt), battery clamps, random O2/MAF/MAP sensors, random relays, ignition coil, injectors, etc will all go, especially if you drive your car even remotely hard.

The price of garaging your shit, toggling insurance on and off, storing tires so they don't sit, and otherwise maintaining your shitboxes is a huge drain.

>> No.55079778
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checked, also why the fuck are economical civics/corollas now coming with turbos and shit, I just want a simple sedan that's fuel efficient, none of this wannabe sports car SHIT

>> No.55079804

which aren't cars, and they wreck them all the time

>> No.55079808

just get a motorcycle, $2500 gets you a fantastic used bike, $5000 gets you extremely low mileage recent year amazing bike, and not a motorcycle in existence is actually worth five figures

>> No.55079809

you used to be able to get a <5 year old 4x4 Grand Cherokee with under 80,000 miles for like 16K

people are adjusting to the new prices and imagining it's not as bad as it is. it's worse than you think. cheap, low mile, used cars basically don't exist.

>> No.55079810
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Unironically super happy with my shitbox 2008 Honda fit. Naturally a new car would be better, but it brings me much joy knowing I have a serviceable car paid off in full, while retards are spending what, $400 a month, for the ability to save face? Fuck that.

Pic not mine.

>> No.55079829

Typing in all caps only makes me pity your brainwashed wage-and-debt-slave worker-bee mentality even more. Nobody cares about you or what you drive as much as you think they do. Get over it.

>> No.55079837

he's at least partially right. you can't import populations larger than your medium sized states every month and then wonder why critical resources and housing become more and more scarce/expensive

>> No.55079852
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>> No.55079962

Driving an expensive car is the biggest sign of being a low class retard. Cars are for getting around. Nobody is going to fuck you because you bought the extra trim for your f150.
t. 230k and driving the base model car

>> No.55079980

Go in person to your dealership and ask. I'm telling you the waiting list was only a month for me. But maybe you live in a faggot state like California in which case it probably is that long. Consider buying out of state.

>> No.55080036

It's all a shit show. You get fucked no mater which way you go. Back in 2003/4? I bought a 2000 Ford Ranger XLT reg cab w/25k miles for under 12k. You can't do that anymore. Go cheap, get shafted by high mileage and most likely needing serious repair work done soon (plus ragged out on the inside if the owners didn't give a shit). Go newer; pony up the dollars and higher insurance costs/tax costs. Buying brand new is a suckers game; second its off the lot wham, it's value gets the ax, so you've lost the second its gone.

>> No.55080074

seething tesloid detected
New cars end up with the same maintenance issues and they end up being even more expensive to fix.

riding a motorcycle in this SUV soccer mom infested gehenna is basically a death wish. No matter how good you are you can't avoid some retarded whore killing you forever. Even an economy shitbox offers much more protection than a motorcycle.

>> No.55080086

>bought a ford focus for 10k new
>10 years later i can sell it for more than i bought it for and it still runs great

>> No.55080127

>No matter how good you are you can't avoid some retarded whore killing you forever.
This is true. The only people I know that drive motorcycle are either literally mentally ill or in a wheelchair for life because of a motorcycle accident that wasn't their fault. Ironically the ones that drive like retards are not the disabled ones.

>> No.55080157

But sorry, no need to be mean. Somebody probably cares about YOU, but anybody who cares about your income, wealth, or what you paid for your car is probably trying to take advantage of you.
You do make a good point about not driving a total shitbox too. Driving something that is very dirty or has significant cosmetic damage, or makes weird noises will be very bad for business, especially if your business involves driving to locations or giving rides to customers, like being a real estate agent or something.
Yep, yep. I know several doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists etc. who drive cars that cost less than $10k. They keep them well maintained and looking good though. I also regularly see obviously lower class people driving cars that definitely cost much more than that. I notice these things because I am a huge gearhead and work in the auto industry.

>> No.55080179

Im driving a 2010 reliable as fuck car right now but im switching to an suv (mazda) for my family

Shits so dumb when used 2021 cars cost the same as new 2023 cars. Im probably gonna buy the '23 new fulll in cash but its pretty fucking dumb this market

>> No.55080210

>Did the car industry just say fuck you to anyone wanting a 20k car?
Yes. Until JIT goes away (it never will), automotive production will be hampered which will mean fewer cars which will mean higher prices.

>> No.55080246

Have fun when they recall it because of a faulty steering column assembly.

>> No.55080252

2021 was 2 year ago. KYS

>> No.55080264
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2 more weeks, right ?

>> No.55080277
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>how am i supposed to get a car
you re not supposed to get one.

>> No.55080295
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>> No.55080314

same. i don t remember last time i fill gas

>> No.55080325
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isn t there fater way to KYS ?

>> No.55080335
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you know you can wash a car

>> No.55080359
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this. but it s fun to see them getting in so much debt for it

>> No.55080376

I got my car a year ago and I am too nervous to take it to a big car wash in case Mexicans try to talk to me. How can I find a white owned car wash where I don't need to speak Spanish?
I have never washed it.

>> No.55080389
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Th... They are just moving their money into their investment portfolios, r-..right?

>> No.55080396



now show the basic version you retard.

>> No.55080404


> New cars end up with the same maintenance issues and they end up being even more expensive to fix.

Right, a new car is as likely to have a starter fail as a car with 150k on it. Definitely.

You brought up a good point too - safety improvements are a thing.

>> No.55080431

Fren, there should be plenty of automated car washes around where you do not have to talk to anyone, or even get out of the car. Simply drive up, roll down window in front of the little kiosk thing, select wash type, insert cash or card, then roll up your window (very important!) and drive into car wash, and stop when wash tells you to stop. Then let it wash car, and drive out after.

>> No.55080439

This is why god invented pimps. These ladies would have MORE money if they had an unemployed but domineering black man at home managing it for them.

>> No.55080440

I didn't know there were unmanned ones, anon. This is fantastic news. I'm going to be on the lookout for one close by and wash my car as soon as I can, I feel bad seeing it get crusty from driving so much.

>> No.55080448
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New from the dealership.

>> No.55080455
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Same with my 2009 Corolla with 147k miles. I regret putting about 75k on it doing deliveries during the pandemic but I'm hoping to get it to at least 200k and the way I drive now that could take another decade. I just pray that used prices come back to normal by then. Only niggers, retards and really well off people get new.

pic mine

>> No.55080467

I spent 24k on a new base impreza in 21 because I wanted a manual. With 16k miles on it in good condition the cars private market value is 22k.
Depreciation isn't keeping pace with inflation.

>> No.55080486

Find one, in stock, at a dealer.

>> No.55080500
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i don t want to see them either. i use this to quickly clean it up https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06WWHFRR8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

>> No.55080505

Toyota makes the ugliest cars ever since 2016. How could anyone buy this piece of shit? It's like a Power Wheels for adults.

>> No.55080510
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yes like any average women. Definitively not spending it on garbage

>> No.55080517

Based Nissan versa Chad.

>> No.55080534
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Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund
i bought in 2020. better investment than car

>> No.55080542

Same here. Si coupe. Just got the windows tinted and led lights since they supposedly last a lot longer. Just rolled 100k.

>> No.55080557

Just get a bucket and sponge you retard.

>> No.55080563

>Be me
>230k salary
>Wife makes just as much
>Old car broke down so I'm going to buy a new car cash
>Go to the dealership
>Tell them the car I want and get it at MSRP because I'm not financing
>No credit check
>Trade in my old car towards the new one
>Man beside me is trying to get financing on a new truck
>He's upside down on his existing truck
>Has shit credit
>Probably doesn't make more than 30k a year
>mfw he's trying to get the salesman to give him a new truck at $700 a month
>Salesman tells him there's no way he could make that deal when the dudes credit is so shit and he has negative trade in value
I honestly can't understand why people drag themselves into debt for fucking cars. Especially retards with pickup trucks. 90% of these niggers work office jobs and are too fat for any kind of manual labor.
Just get a cheap sedan and stop falling for the expensive car meme.

>> No.55080571


>I literally post proof that OP is a retard.

>> No.55080573

Summer is soon so unironicly yes, faggot.

>> No.55080586

Will this work? I live in an apartment and I'd look like a total weirdo doing that out in a parking lot with the unwashed scum.

>> No.55080587

>Oh no I have to wait a month to make a purchase I probably don't need anyway!? How will I consoom!?

>> No.55080601


lost to this

>> No.55080607

> Buying brand new is a suckers game; second its off the lot wham, it's value gets the ax, so you've lost the second its gone.
this isnt true for econoboxes. people are getting 20-30k miles out of them and selling for the price they purchased new. how long this keeps up i dont know.

>> No.55080608

Owning and repairing any "newer" car nowadays is a fucking nightmare. Most don't last past their warranty period without something (or multiple) catastrophic failures costing thousands in repairs. One little sensor or relay could go bad and trigger the entire car to shut down into limp mode at any time. You can't take your vehicles to the neighborhood shop and have them fix it cheaper than the dealer anymore. You need expensive space age tablets to read any of the codes on hundreds of computer modules. Most brands now use an abundance of molded plastic in place of aluminum/steel parts for cost cutting but degrade and fail 10x faster than metal parts. All car parts in general were hit hard by supply chain issues and price inflation after Covid, not to mention all the safety and surveillance crap that's becoming more and more standardized on newer models increasing the base MSRP and increasing the cost to repair when something goes bad.

>> No.55080621

I immediately love anyone who shits on tesla. Can not agree more, anon. They are so ugly that I have to turn my head so I don't see them, usually resulting in a near accident.
I hate them and I hate the onions fags that drive them.

>> No.55080629

>75k doing deliveries
and how much net profit did you come out with?

>> No.55080662

Are plug in hybrids actually cheaper? I feel like specialized maintenance would wreck their long term drivability. But, no gas for daily commutes is like 45$ a week?

>> No.55080673
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you are so dumb it hurt. keep dreaming....

>> No.55080682
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they care about (you) as much as biz care about (you)

>> No.55080689
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tesla driver are the worst

>> No.55080692
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WFH so make it 45$ every 3 months

>> No.55080698

Wtf is negative trade in value

>> No.55080711
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Just buy something like pic related you absolute bugman. You don’t need a fucking 30k dollar car. Pic related will last until 300k miles at LEAST.
>1 owner
>no accidents
That’s ALL you need. And to not get an absolute shit box.

>> No.55080722

Thats MSRP listed not sale price.
If you want to buy a car here's how you do it:
1. Find all dealers within 200 mile radius. Be willing to make that drive back if needed.
2. Web Chat/email all of them. Ask them for the SPEC SHEETS for the model you are interested in with whatever essential options or trim you are looking for, that they have on hand or expect to have on hand within the month.
3. They will email you back with what they have available, and will have the true pricing on them.
4. By now you have been funneled to a salesman and that salesman wants to make a sale. Chances are the cars will have dealer-added options (aka useless crap like helium air in tires and scratch guards for $2000). Tell them you are willing to buy immediately if they remove.
5. If they refuse, walk away. And actually do it. Just say no thanks and stop responding. While some may not have been bluffing since they can likely find someone willing to pay it, you will likely hit a salesman who is desperate. They will keep contacting you even after you said no thanks and will work with you on price
6. Once you secured a good price online, they will want you to come to the dealership to do the paperwork.
7. Since you got a good deal on the car, be prepared for intense sales pressure on warranty packages. Tell them no. The warranty can actually be a good deal but here is a secret, after you buy the car you can call up ANY dealer and buy it, and they will love to be the ones to sell you it. The $4000 warranty when you are signing paperwork, might cost $1000 if bought separately later. Maintenence plans, tires, etc are all ripoffs so never buy those.

>> No.55080752
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>negative trade in value
a 30+ women

>> No.55080772
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buy on Costco and let Costco team do all this work

>> No.55080836
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>fewer cars being sold
>they get more expensive
Someone explain how this makes any sende

>> No.55080847

Is that a lithium fire? I've been saying for ages that I refuse to believe they don't randomly burst into flames and I figured it would be a pretty violent fire at that.
This is the final form of all teslas

>> No.55080848

(((Chip shortage))) meant they couldn't meet demand

>> No.55080877

>Buy a car for $25k
>Trade it in 2 years later because you're a consumer retard
>Car value is $15k
>You still owe $23k on the car note
>Trading in the car gives you $8k in debt with no car
Yes, people are actually stupid enough to do this.

>> No.55080885
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yes and yes....it will be fun when more common

>> No.55080891

+ give 5k to each burger rushing to buy a new car thus demand +++

>> No.55080902
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not stupid...it s just that they DESERVE a new car

>> No.55080915

2016 Lexus IS350F sport with 36k miles, bought it with 15k miles and owe around 17k, drive 5 miles a month maybe.

>> No.55080929


Toyota is limiting supply of affordable cars like the Corolla to the US and instead shipping them elsewhere. All we get if shitty overpriced TRD spec'ed vehicles that MSRP at $45k+..


>> No.55080939

This will never fucking happen, and even if it did, literally just blow into a balloon and keep it in your back seat. What are they going to do, make balloons illegal too? Lol

>> No.55080938
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>> No.55080944
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burger are rich....they extract the fair value of our burgers...nothing wrong....some phones are only sold in non USA too

>> No.55080945

They deserve a lobotomy.

>> No.55080948

idk but I know I still came out ahead. It was originally just a side gig but when the pandemic hit and everybody was tipping well and the store added hazard pay I went full time. Average was was at least $30/hr to sit on my ass and listen to baseball. Anything less than $25/hr was an unusually bad day. The car held up well, too.

>> No.55080964

sorry faggot

>> No.55081011
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>> No.55081373

Kek sorry you ain't me

>> No.55081579

>You are cattle. Do LSD and release yourself.
ahahaha. imagine being a drug addict and talking about other people being cattle and how drugs "release" you.

>> No.55081633
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You know, I bet building your own car would be a way cheaper than buying one new.

>> No.55081634
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My dream car.
Hopefully I can get it cheap in a few years. Aiming for mid 30k

>> No.55081645

certifiable fucking cretin

>> No.55081649

Can I have 5k?

>> No.55081650

I want a Chinese EV for $10k. I don't care if it kills me. I will not pay more for a vehicle.

>> No.55081653

This will be how Chinese cars get a foothold in the west. Legacy automakers across the board have been raising prices significantly totally abandoning the lower end. Well everyone except for Nissan.

>> No.55081683

Yeah, I am not a soccer mom or a guy going through a midlife crisis so I don't need a big SUV or truck. I need a low end car to take me from point A to point B. China understands that.

>> No.55081714

And ford. Their new maverick is only like 22k brand new. Looks kinda goofy, but that’s a cheap as you’ll ever get for a truck.

>> No.55081823
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this anons right, who the fuck needs this power steering and AC bullshit anyways? i bet you suckers are paying for air bags too LMAO!

>> No.55081833

>Everybody actually lives the same life patterns as I do, therefore I am smarter for not making the foolish purchases they do. I totally know their routines and interests and they do not need a vehicle that I don't need.
top consumer

>> No.55081875

>460k household income
Fuck me anon, I'd be bragging too.

>> No.55082486

Interest rates going up monthly means all those brand new cars bought on finance just got expensive to repay. Just need a push for it all to come falling down and people defaulting on their financed cars, an influx of all these cars on the used car market will cause the prices to drop due to high supply.

>> No.55082488

lmao i remember when i thought LSD would free my mind.
now im a tranny and my other friend who did LSD is a terrorist, don't touch LSD.

>> No.55082962

Chip shortages caused the auto industry to focus production on higher cost cars. It will take a few years before cheaper cars get made then circulate into the used market.

>> No.55083125

I drive a 2007 civic but the used car market is gonna be something else in a couple years. people cannot afford the price of new cars but still fucking buy them LMAO. if interest rates stay high no way are normies gonna be able to pay off their german cars. im looking forward to buying a cheap, high spec audi in a few years.
either the economy has a huge bullrun and we are all rich enough to buy nice cars again, or normies up to their neck have to sell their finance wheeled-handbags to shitbox drivers like me, at a third of MSRP. ill make sure to tailgait the busses these morons will have to ride, LOL.

>> No.55083564

Immigrants don't even have cars and if they do they share 1 with like 5-6 other people so this is a pretty retarded theory.

>> No.55083579

>$400 a month
flyovers think this is a lot of money

>> No.55083603
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Come home white man

>> No.55083640

Lolllll and the fire blanket is right there wtf

>> No.55083666

im a $100k/year poorfag and i hated having a $220/month x 54 month car loan. if your car loan is more than 3-5% of your monthly gross income, you are a dumb nigger.

>> No.55083709

‘05 highlander chad here

>> No.55083914

Soon wagetards might only afford cars if the crowdsource via crypto. Effectively becoming fractional owners. That's why I'm already following up with RWA projects like Mnicorp. That's the trail of gold.

>> No.55084935

Car loans are fixed rate.

>> No.55085363


>> No.55085383
File: 77 KB, 1024x826, 1684961719675408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>housing is insane
>Cars are insane
I can't stand this new normal, I'm feeling genuinely suicidal.

>> No.55085443

Yes - we have rampant inflation in the west. Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.55085447

>buying a non-Tesla
Do Americans really?

>> No.55085465

2019 VW Golf for me.

>> No.55085481

>Buy 10yrs old car for under 1k
>When it busts buy a new one

>> No.55085488

Rich people drive shit boxes.

>> No.55085528

'The Great Reset' already happened, buddy.

>> No.55085536

I kneel.

>> No.55085556

The amount to clear the loan is more than what the car is worth

>> No.55085564

This reminds me of a great joke:

A guy comes home and bursts in the door and says, "Great news, Honey! I just came back from the bank! We finally have enough money to buy what we have been saving for since 2000!"
Delighted, his wife squealed, "A brand new Cadillac?!?!??"
The guys says, "No. a 2000 Cadillac."

>> No.55085579

No but it's not because of a chip shortage

>> No.55085600



>> No.55085698
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Im a fan of long wheelbase a7 and the vw phaeton. This one has has 38k miles but is salvaged so its only for ivans, but i would bite if the market adjusted to where this was at the asking price but no accidents.

>> No.55085737

people buying new cars don't want that

>> No.55085766

Ever considered that the drive to and from the office in their oversized pickup truck is one of the only moments these fat fucks enjoy in which they are not reminded of having a tiny little penis?

Might just be worth it for these dicklets going further into debt for.

Truth be told I wouldn't know, I'm packing the BWC.

>> No.55085802

No I've never considered that. As a fellow big dicked monster I would feel masculine even in a fucking mini cooper.
Having a small dick must be the most expensive deformities a man could have.

>Have a small dick
>Need to cope with expensive clothes
>Expensive car
>Expensive dinners and drinks
>Women still won't fuck you more than once
Suicide is cheaper plus you'll get a free ride to the cemetery out of it.

>> No.55085828

It's the new normal. Biden and the carmakers don't want everyday people to drive cars, unless they are EV cars. Even then those are for the rich or upper middleclass.

Bottom line, they want the average Joe riding the bus or train. Cars will soon be for the ruling class or rich only.

>> No.55086267

if people stopped paying high prices then prices would go down. market psychology is nigger cattle psychology, and we both know that normalnigger faggot retards love massive amounts of debt.

>2023 mazda cx-5 2.5S, 0 miles, $29k
>2022 mazda cx-5 2.5S, 20k miles certified pre-owned, $28k

>> No.55086408

2014 mazda 3 for me driving it til 300k

>> No.55086440

based. for me, it's a 2017 mazda 3. my only regret is not getting the hatchback.

>> No.55086529

>I totally know their routines and interests and they do not need a vehicle that I don't need.
This but unironically.

>> No.55086556

>that obese mutt retard who confuses his truck/SUV with a personality
IT'S A JEEP THING *drives to the end of his 50 foot driveway to check the mail* YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND

>> No.55086580

>if people stopped paying high prices then prices would go down
Not if the supply is reduced due to "supply chain shortages".

>> No.55086587

not even to buy a car right now but this is extremely based advice, i never bought new nor from a dealer only private party. thanks anon

>> No.55086593
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I could save a grand!

>> No.55086605

Been driving a 2000 4runner since 2016. 215k miles on it. Driving this thing into the ground. Fuck normies

>> No.55086611

kek i remember the salesnigger and finance manager manlet staring at me when I flatly said "no" to their scam extended warranty, rim warranty, paint warranty, etc.

>> No.55086620

someone has to pay for new emission standards goy (protip: it's definitely not going to be the lawmakers themselves)

>> No.55086643

>Not sure why. I got on a waiting list back in December and they had one for me in January.
You probably weren't picky about your options.

>> No.55086834

Accept Christ as Lord for freedom anon

>> No.55086990

How do you transport lumber from the HD or lowes?
How do you go off road?
How do you haul trailers or your boat?
How do you transport bulky items like furniture?

>> No.55087124

I remember buying my first corolla for $2k and gas was slightly above $1. I got like 30-40 MPG also. sucks for all you who are growing up right now.

>> No.55087167


My first car was a 1998 Ford Thunderbird for like 2,000 dollars. Gas was around 1.19

You can have a homogenous society with low costs, good pay and stable low crime cities

Or you can have a 3rd world shit hole but you've got a variety of skin colors to look at. You can't have both. There is no significant brown/black minority country that's doing well in 2023 and there never will be

>> No.55087242

>How do you transport lumber from the HD or lowes?
rent a truck from home depot for the 3 times a year you buy lumber from home depot.
>How do you go off road?
you never do this.
>How do you haul trailers or your boat?
a trailer for what? what boat? i don't have a boat.
>How do you transport bulky items like furniture?
rent a truck from home depot for the 1 time every 5 years that i transport furniture.

>> No.55087293

This is what happens when you get old, you get aroused by a cuckmobile that looks like a kitchen appliance on wheels

>> No.55087317

i dont understand cars as an asset class, if you buy a new one, it gets depreciated instantly, if you buy an used one, you dont know exactly what you are buying

>> No.55087338


It used to be $12,000 in 2018.


Which mean it'll be $26,000 in 2028.

>> No.55087385

Holy shit new cars are so fucking ugly bros

>> No.55087441

thats what i have, hatchback. i think the grand touring model its kind of confusing the different ones. only issue is i have a few one-piece fishing rods near 7' gotta take the hanging shelf thing down in the trunk for it to fit.

>> No.55087507

Hasn't been an issue for like a year now.

>> No.55087553

Im looking for a cx30 cpo 2022 but after looking fir a few months it might be smarter to just buy 2023 new, theyre marking down msrp on mazdas

>> No.55087576

Might as well just lease a new one at that point. Its the same shit minus the debt, even though you basically still own nothing at the end of the day

>> No.55087589

>Corolla XLE
anyone purchasing a corolla should be getting the LE trim with the keyless entry. It's $24k, i checked yesterday on the website.

>> No.55087590

If you're picky about the options on a fucking Corolla then you're actually fucking retarded. The whole point of that model is that it's a basic no frills car.
Why do poor retards constantly fall for the car meme? Especially in 2023 when the standard model car comes with things that were high end luxury a decade ago?
I've got Android auto on a touch screen, lane assist, variable cruise control (basically drives itself on road trips), and great gas mileage. What else do you need? Shiny chrome trim that's 3 cents whole sale and they mark up 5k? You can't be this oblivious to kikery.

>> No.55087600
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My son just bought a $16k Chevy Spark.

>> No.55087614

Read the post again. None of these people work manual labor jobs and they certainly don't own a fucking boat. They want a truck that's honestly useless for manual labor with the extended cab making hauling anything but troon-light impossible.

>> No.55087662

That's why you buy a new one for as little money as possible and you maintain it for at least a decade if not more. Buying cars for vanity is peak nigger

>> No.55087709

Consoomers have zero concept of interest and debt. Big number on monthly bad unless it's connected to status then you want the biggest number.

>> No.55087740

The hatchbacks are really good looking. I got a '16 sedan, she's been great to our family.

>> No.55087868
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>the year is 2030
>on re-education probation after I frowned at my fulfilling career
>BIPOC crosses suddenly infront of my car trying to get insurance money because reparations ran out
>swerve to avoid and exclaim "STUPID FUCKIN N-"
>car battery safely and effectively explodes suddenly
>family that you were forcibly seperated from in City18 sector 8 has to pay 10k in CBDC for ecological reparations

>> No.55088212

Nothing to do with usury. The car resold used is just less than the remainder of the principle.

>> No.55088276

You just know.

>> No.55088370

doesnt matter if its right there if the retards working there dont know what to do if there is a fire
they stood there and watched a grease fire and then added water
they did exactly what you are not supposed to do

>> No.55088418

waiting for my 20 year old volvo to break down but it just refuses to die. 550k km and still rolling

>> No.55089189
File: 149 KB, 1280x782, 2009-toyota-corolla-photo-183102-s-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same car (09 Corolla) with 131k miles and I'm getting sick of it. The weak engine and slushbox 4-speed are killing me when I drive on the interstates. I've been looking into getting something new since the used market is absolutely fucked and I don't have any outstanding debt.

>> No.55089219

There's plenty of people buying embarrassing second hand cars that surely would prefer something without damage / rust

>> No.55089339

I think he's saying the beggers can't be choosers. You're buying somebody's sloppy seconds. They bought the car new wanting all of the features. You're buying it used so naturally the bottom tier is what people would buy new +some mileage.

>> No.55089377

bought a saturn ion '06 with the suicide doors, 132 000km, 1k leaf buck from a old man basicly a steal.
no way im buying used over 10k. i remember my dad buying late 80's car for 500 in the early 2000's. i miss those days its unreal

>> No.55089574

Same. And mine is just over 100,000 miles, so I hope to have it for another decade.

That's when other car manufacturers will lobby congress to ban the Chinese cars for being "unsafe", "a threat to national security of children" or some other bullshit to keep them out of the market.

>> No.55089607

>$31k for a used Corolla
You can get a low mileage Lexus ES that some old person barely drove for half of that.

>> No.55089609

go back to r*ddit or tikt*k you retarded faggot

>> No.55090185

shut the fuck up retard, you christfags are literally worse than hippies.

>> No.55091651

>generator, starter, A/C compressor, calipers, exhaust (in the rust belt), battery clamps, random O2/MAF/MAP sensors, random relays, ignition coil, injectors, etc will all go, especially if you drive your car even remotely hard.
and if you're driving any japanese shitbox made from 1980-2000 you can easily find parts and mechanics who can repair them for reasonable prices.
however if you get into body or glass damage, that's another story. you'll be hunting down part-out listings and junkyards for weeks and end up just trashing the car.

>> No.55091706

There’s nothing reddit about saving money by not having to drive all the time. I live in a place where almost everything I need is within walking distance and I love it.
The less you drive:
>the less you have to spend on gas, parking, and vehicle maintenance
>less risk of getting pulled over
>less risk of getting in a wreck
>get extra exercise by walking

>> No.55091710

You will eat the bugs, live in the pod, and take the bus

>> No.55091807

yeah no shit.
did you know it's now illegal to sell a car without a backup camera? it's the main reason every car has a fuckhuge ugly touchscreen

>> No.55093223

>You just know.
The relationship won't last? Yeah the dog could do better.

>> No.55093935

If you can't afford that, go for something below 2020 production year, and you can also pay with CryptMi card to get cashback on your purchase.
Expensive things isn't for everyone

>> No.55094039

Anon just needs to look in the right place and not waste money on that Toyota

>> No.55094104

It's not supposed to be that expensive, I mean it's a used car ffs, I'd rather go for a new one and pay with the card for the cashback

>> No.55094440

So car manufacturers will never be able to sell cars ever again?

>> No.55094538

Haha that is a great joke bro!