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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 350x350, xvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5503308 No.5503308 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't all in Verge right now you're literally retarded.

>> No.5503346

Good luck with your bags OP

>> No.5503516

Good luck staying poor faggot

>> No.5504029

now its tanking. 30min later

>> No.5504059

Kek all in on a shitcoin

>> No.5504262

Verge will replace Monero

>> No.5504290

Enjoy your bags shithead

>> No.5504302



Watching XVG try to climb it's way out of that shithole it dug for itself is like watching a drunk hobo try to stand back up. We all know he's not gonna do it but, despite how much he's killing himself with all the head trauma from falling down repeatedly, he's just gonna keep on trying

>> No.5504313

more! more!

>> No.5504344

This is so sad. Please take better care of your money.

>> No.5504398

Honestly don't know what to believe anymore with this coin. At first the fud seemed legit. And that @6BillionPeople tweeted fud and it tanked. But then it turns out someone (probably him) created a verge wallet just before he tweeted and tanked, and it now that new wallet holds 14% of all verge.

>> No.5504449

>Verge will replace Monero
7 grams of lead will replace part of your brain when this shit goes back to 1 sat

>> No.5504552

When so many on biz shit all over a coin with potential like this I take it as a sign to buy in.

You idiots were wrong about many things in the past.

>> No.5504575
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1481208772578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. brainlets

>> No.5504597

Pretty much every single coin gets shat on by biz.

>> No.5504630


the only thing verge is replacing is all the money you seem to hate you stupid fuckin pajeet. Pick up more XVG bags and stay poor. Stay street shitting

>> No.5504634

/biz is pissed that the Verge community is better at being autistic than they are.

Don't forget that these idiots who FUD on Verge also shilled Mooncoin and Kids Coin

>> No.5504641

more like stay the fuck away if you see more than 3 threads shilling at the same time
literally copy pasting the same shit in each thread

>> No.5504650
File: 582 KB, 1280x720, washingmyhijab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a pol frog and calling others brainlets

>> No.5504714

>You idiots were wrong about many things in the past.
this shit was shilled hard just like this back in june
and it was shit on
and then brainlets who bought it at the peak of pajeet pump had to sit with their bags for 6 fucking months missing all the moons and all btc value
and were only saved from going to 1 sat by bigger pnd

>> No.5504723
File: 18 KB, 248x189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are still buying this P&D coin after it pumped AND dumped
my sides, I already made 10k off this piece of trash, you all are just late to the party and sitting around with wishful thinking

I suggest you check out the github commits and the updates on the wraith protocol if you're holding, but you might be looking a while since it doesn't exist. They have consistently been behind on every milestone set in their "whitepaper," if you can even call it that, but the majority of you all don't realize that because you're just buying the hype. Best part is you won't even be able to sell the news because the news is never coming. Vergies might be on a new level of retarded.

>> No.5504746

>Hide /pol/tard threads
>Ignore /pol/tard posts
>Do not reply to /pol/tard posters

>> No.5504938

Why are vergens afraid of talking about the tech? Is it because the devs can't do anything but make a basic Qt-based wallet? Is it because TOR is not unique because it's compatible with every cryptocurrency? Is it because all of the privacy features are in the wallet and can be trivially implemented in any coin? Is it because the dev steals code from dead projects because they can't do it themselves and try to rebrand it as their own? Is it because they don't want us to know it was originally a NovaCoin fork that tried to use PoS but failed? Is it because there are less than 800 commits over the course of 3 years between the dogedsource and verge repos?

>> No.5505005

i trust in our lord McAfee, he shills this shit hard constantly.

>> No.5505158
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans using logic in the course of financial decision making

If tech was the reason a coin got big, Digibyte would be the number one coin in the world right now, purely because of speed. It's as fast as a credit card and when push comes to shove, for every day life, that's what matters most.

However, Digibyte has fallen back to top 50 instead of pushing top 30 right after the McAfee shill.

Please, oh wise anon enlighten us on why Bitcoin is so big, because the "tech" is equally shit on Bitcoin as well.