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File: 454 KB, 2503x1260, 1544167602334810113_FW3622XUEAAU_G3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55040342 No.55040342 [Reply] [Original]

Ka- Coinmetro thread!

>> No.55040404
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>> No.55040612
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2B replied, she's working as a Special Needs Assistant not sure if translation correct but it's essentially helping disabled people through their school time. I always get profoundly depressed thinking about people in such circumstances, but I'm not going to tell her that because I don't want people to know that I'm a bitch. A buddy of mine works with people that have dementia and I think I'd kill myself if I had to deal with that in my life.
One time I watched a video of a guy who was helping his mother with dementia and I felt like I was bawling throughout the entire duration of that video, It made me think If I could ever do the same for my parents, and I was terrified that the answer was no, I felt so bad.

>> No.55040618
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The best thing that could happen to CEXs is the seizure of private keys showing that most people are too stupid to be their own bank. Not your keys not your problem.

>> No.55040662
File: 75 KB, 676x1024, a443c20045d803a70d6c4da3351cdfd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is attracted to helpless people and will want sex to cope with the stress of her hard job. Pump and dump her. When I realised I would want to be dead if I was in the position of disabled people I think it is cruel to let them live.

>> No.55040695

Sex Mikan
The whole reason I want to be rich

>> No.55040721

People don't want to die contrary to what you may think, granted I don't have any experience with people in those situations so what I do I know, In any way I think it's cruel to decide for them.
I don't understand what pump and dumping $HER has to do with her job though.

>> No.55040816
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Why is it okay to kill sick cats? People who would die if left on their own are being kept alive by others who could instead be using the energy they spend on miserable people to raise children. Instead of keeping them alive artificially why not give them a humane death?

>> No.55040859
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I am too retarded to answer your question properly therefore I am letting you know instead of making you waste time with my half-baked opinion.

>> No.55042748

She wrote the biggest wall of text ever when I asked some questions.

>> No.55042820

I almost sold my Kadena today

>> No.55042931
File: 714 KB, 960x1378, 1656733673125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stopped you?

>> No.55043155

Looked bottomed out

>> No.55043398

Emotionally damaged healthcare workers are easy. But you are too weak to pump and dump her so just keep replying and try shift the conversation towards exchanging contact information and meeting up.

>> No.55043507

I am not weak If I don't want to drive a motorcycle, once I start to care less about dying or care more about riding one I will do it, nowhere in this scenario was I weak.

>> No.55043530

replace motorcycle with taking drugs or something less cool

>> No.55043904

Hate it when my sister jumps me like that.

>> No.55043953
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I just hope the 2025 run makes this pain worth it

>> No.55044536
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change my mind on not wanting to meet up with a girl if I'm not completely convinced that I like the person, I can tell very easily if I do.
I think the only reason to do it regardless is for le experience meme but doesn't sound convincing to me.

>> No.55044554
File: 2.71 MB, 400x225, just an excuse to post this .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can practicings making out.

>> No.55044559

>maybe her friends are cute

>> No.55044813

>wow I haven't been on a date in soooo long... when was your last date
>where do you usually go on dates

>> No.55044994
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..forget I said anything, I will not question you ever again.

>> No.55045018

Text us a detailed description of the sex you had with her

>> No.55045167
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I like to imagine me not having replied to her huge wall of text made her think she scared me off.
I am absolutely not going to have sex with anyone. That I feel strongly about. Even if I ended up liking her, I was not kidding when I said that the last thing I care about it fucking something.

>> No.55045228
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Future of DAOs

>> No.55045280
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, this is real love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am absolutely not going to have sex with anyone.
>Even if I ended up liking her, I was not kidding when I said that the last thing I care about it fucking something.
This thread told me that's just friendship. I demand you have sexual relations with this woman.

I've seen bad proposals before, this one actually went through? Can they rug all deposited funds? Was the arrest just a farce? Is it really a honeypot? I'm just asking questions.

>> No.55045325

>that's just friendship
I'll do anything except intercourse and that's that. I will not let the have-sex-posters win, simple as.
>Was the arrest just a farce? Is it really a honeypot?
arent you getting sleepy?

>> No.55045536
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>me not having replied to her huge wall of text

>> No.55045539
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>arent you getting sleepy?
Why would I?

>> No.55045584
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I'm very busy you see.

>> No.55046988

I told her to save it for when we're going out.

>> No.55047014
File: 158 KB, 651x1125, safe for work visualization of your date that you are 100% going to go on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she will take it as "save it for our date so we have lots to talk about" or "i dont want to listen to this shit until after we're having sex"?

>> No.55048517

I just trippe texted a girl, AMA

>> No.55048707
File: 39 KB, 1357x220, 2023-05-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In love's vast realm, she sought her way,
Exploring passions, colours in array.
With women's touch, her heart would soar,
In tender moments, she'd deeply explore.

Amidst the beauty of love's diverse tide,
A twist of fate would gently collide.
A man emerged, captivating and strong,
And in his arms, a new path was drawn.

>> No.55048708

Holy shit anon made €11,570.00 with pepe

>> No.55049589
File: 68 KB, 1030x675, FwuwN0WXgAAmxwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dash is down. Nobody cares, the future isn't in investing in interesting tech, just hyped up ghostchains. It's over.

>> No.55049735
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If they had their coins in cold storage or their wallets they could not get out, suddenly not your keys not your problem makes sense.

>> No.55052190

the 2026 bull run is just around the corner

>> No.55052847

It's true that you trannies have dicks that are as long and thick and your forearms. You must be good at sex

>> No.55052985
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I need to stop myself from saying weird things like based and retard.
Furthermore how do I deal with distance? I'm fine with infinite distance but when it's for date that sounds less like a good idea if it's really far away, what should the cutoff be and why am I not just going for something
More of a problem is the fact that I'm for some reason not sexually interested in them so I don't feel any reason to post things that I usually post to anons here, like
>wanna make out??

>> No.55053122

I gotta feed my daughter I gotta feed my daughter I gothaaha feed may duahghter sjia sjq GOTHa Fede me dot her I gotttta feed my dsughtr i gotra feede mi fuahyrrr i otga fe m dushgyrr

>> No.55053146

You are sexually interested. Just be honest with her and tell her that you want her to suck your fat tranny cock

>> No.55053260

I am not, truthfully. Maybe in person I'd feel different but just over text I don't quiet care the way I feel like I should.

>> No.55053285
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>not sexually interested in them
Put your words to the test. Send them a picture of your cock and see do you feel nothing.

>> No.55053432
File: 594 KB, 954x598, https:--decrypt.co-140913-hotbit-shutters-crypto-exchange-urges-users-withdraw-funds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would feel something, but not sexual interest, maybe it's just the mood swings but I don't feel any interest at all currently.

>> No.55053776
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No one noticed filename

>> No.55053820

>Firstly, the deterioration of the operating conditions. After the Hotbit management team was forced to suspend operations for several weeks due to the investigation in August 2022 (https://hotbit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8074249353495)), the industry has experienced a series of crises, including the collapse of FTX, bank crises causing USDC off-peg incidents, resulting in continuous outflows of funds from CEX users, including Hotbit, and deteriorating cash flow.
>Secondly, the change in the crypto industry trend. The successive collapse of large centralized institutions has led the industry to gradually in two ways: either embrace the regulation or become more decentralized. The Hotbit team believes that centralized exchanges (CEX) are becoming increasingly cumbersome, with highly complex and interconnected businesses that are difficult to comply with, whether for compliance or decentralization, and are unlikely to meet long-term trends.
>Since its beginning, Hotbit has been characterized by providing a rich variety of assets and value-added methods. Hotbit was the first exchange to list numerous emerging assets, including SHIB, KSM, GRIN and so on, and was the first to offer staking services starting from ATOM, as well as the first to conduct Defi mining business using Compound. However, due to the industry's uncertainty, various opportunities also contain many risks. Hotbit has also suffered numerous problems, such as repeated cyber attacks and the exploitation of project defects by malicious users, resulting in significant losses. Therefore, the Hotbit team believes that the operation model of supporting a diverse range of assets is unsustainable from a risk management standpoint.

>> No.55053932

Hotbit suck. Who cares? I

>> No.55053961

Thanks for caring.

Sounds like you have a story to tell!

>> No.55053980

Based on 2/2 posts being about BTC I think they just watch porn.

>> No.55054088

There is no second best.

>> No.55054131
File: 260 KB, 1337x1337, nnnnnnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's certainly one way to say I will never be a woman.

>> No.55054337


Didn't Kevin say something like HODL is the best strategy for most holders?

>> No.55054371
File: 131 KB, 681x908, I-cant-eat-the-pizza-Im-stuffed-Kevin-edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Pizza Day dinner date with Coinmetrodaddy...

>> No.55054511

I'm not sure what we're talking about anymore.

>> No.55054534
File: 100 KB, 850x1057, __oyama_mahiro_oyama_mihari_and_hozuki_momiji_onii_chan_wa_oshimai_drawn_by_murairamuraiari__sample-f9780b884937931100ce24cede40ab4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wants to hold you tight and whisper everything is okay in your ear.

>> No.55054608
File: 432 KB, 558x546, Screenshot 2022-11-10 at 01.47.37 - Onii-chan is done for! Chapter 15 - 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see. I suspected a confusion perhaps started with BigTrannyCock. >>55054131 is meant to be humorous as a tranny is an altcoin, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what HODL could be. I'm not convinced that was it, but I will pretend that was it because it sounds iiyo.

>> No.55054689
File: 61 KB, 480x498, apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to explain.

>> No.55054693

No it's also based on all the trannies I found on social media. They were always good at sex with women. And very popular with women in general. I think trannies and gigachads are similarly successful in straight sex and reproduction, must be horseshoe theory

>> No.55054709

Well, that is true. I've had lots of sex with plenty of women and they all seemed to be interested in more than just sex.

>> No.55054725

You have stories to tell

>> No.55054789

Just a couple days ago I dated six women and had sex with all six of them. It was nice, I had a bit of a dry spell before that.

>> No.55054802

You're so bratty troon desperately need a correction for lying.

>> No.55054856

I can vouch for her

>> No.55054862

I'm not lying. One of the girls had a friend who was a really really cute japanese fox that I wanted to date so badly, but she only spoke Japanese unfortunately. I feel like I want to learn Japanese more than ever so I can date a cute girl like her, but I think I'll just give up halfway in when it gets "too hard" so I'm not motivated.
Please don't say Justin Sun Chain, you'll hit my filters.

>> No.55054914

Your liquidity pool needs a transaction

>> No.55054945
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>> No.55055391
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That is a lot of sex. Is wearing a skirt sufficient or do I need to take estrogen and have cosmetic surgery to have this much sex? I don't want to be a girl but having that much sex would be nice so I am prepared to make sacrifices.

>> No.55055525

If I may be so bold and request the topic be changed from tranny cocks, sex and cross dressing to the Coinmetro token for a little while, that'd be swell.

How do my fellow XCM whales handle the awful staking program?
I don't want to miss out on my 4% but opening a new plan every day is a pain and the amount of redemptions when cashing out are killing me.

>> No.55055593

>How do my fellow XCM whales handle the awful staking program?
10 different plans of equal amounts so I can cancel only one of them if I needed the money. Or at least that was the plan back when I could sell.
Anyway, back to cocks.

>> No.55055605

Mine is super big, do women like that or is it just a meme?

>> No.55055646

Back to cocks.
It should be enough to owner a computer with internet modem communication capabilities or a CD-ROM drive. You don't have to be a girl to do it.

Just a meme, it's about how you use it.

>> No.55055649


>> No.55055716

>price floor
This is why coinmetro will always be a no-name exchange that has one daily thread about it, max.

>> No.55055859

1 am, the perfect time to get recommended bizarro stuff on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwCV1opXBv8
If only all the isekai anime would do something like this

>> No.55055893
File: 243 KB, 548x498, what are we going to do on the bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creepy video.
Genderswap loli yuri I am reading now.

>> No.55055920
File: 121 KB, 1015x271, 13b4299b-ac09-442a-beb7-368e20b42507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55055936

It's 5PM you stupid fucking scandinavian faggot.

>> No.55055940

No it's not you fucking retard

>> No.55055948

Yes it literally is.
I'm going to fuck you until you love me faggot.

>> No.55055956
File: 50 KB, 333x217, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55055959

It's 2AM, aho, and I went to bed 3PM yesterday after staying up 24 hours so I wouldn't skip the dentist.

>> No.55055965

Also I'm not a faggot, sorry.
I don't mind having faggot friends, but I will not lose to the manwhore cock. I will die a false virgin at the ripe age of 30 so that I can be reborn in glorious nippon. I think I'm technically a virgin so it should work.

>> No.55055980
File: 67 KB, 255x384, Yes it is yes it is yes it is yes itisityeyeysyeyssirisgskahsduhshsisjd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 5PM.
Kadena is 77cents.
Francesco is a scammer.
MW is a dumb nigger.
Heil Hitler 1488

>> No.55055993

Stop doing drugs, it's not good for you.

>> No.55055999
File: 214 KB, 634x458, brave_desqBRIBaY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking, it's not good for you.

>> No.55056001

Actually, why would it even matter if it was 5PM? What kind of statement is that?

Alcohol is a drug.

>> No.55056004

I like to be specific. (I don't)
>why would it even matter if it was 5PM?
It's 2 AM you fuckin dumbass

>> No.55056009

I just realized he called you a scandinavian faggot.
This guy is completely confused.

>> No.55056014
File: 99 KB, 437x279, I am cum pletely sobe her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad.
it is aktshuallyl in fakt 1 A fter M eridian

>> No.55056018

>Guy takes benzos at 5PM
>Blacks out
>Yells at person it's 5PM at 1AM
Many such cases. Stop redosing.

>> No.55056281
File: 1.49 MB, 1508x1508, It's dangerous to go alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continue doing drugs.
>Stop redosing.
Don't listen to her. She just wishes she was as cool as you.

>> No.55056317
File: 110 KB, 850x895, __sugiura_ayano_and_ikeda_chitose_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_mesushio__sample-5aff9f596f889f83a7202bead9ef323e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves. Then again most men like big boobs and I fetishise flat chests so obviously exceptions exist.. Post cock so we can provide a more accurate answer and give you advise on how to send dick pics.

>> No.55056419

>Post cock so we can provide a more accurate answer and give you advise on how to send dick pics.
I agree, this would be the only way to get a good non-meme answer.

>> No.55056783

He must be shy.