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55035154 No.55035154 [Reply] [Original]

>25 years and never understood what love is
What happens when i reach the 30s?

>> No.55035164

you're a wizard harry

>> No.55035170

i have, it's pointless at the end. everyone is capable of being shitty women = men. those are men. this is it. just acquire the jewish shekle, like they want you to.

>> No.55035175

You'll eventually understand along with every other human being passed the age of 30 that passion is a meme and dedication is everything

>> No.55035179

I'm turning 30 in November, I'll let you know

>> No.55035191

love is patient and kind

>> No.55035193

love is a chemical reaction in the brain anon

>> No.55035196

do i get wizard powers?

>> No.55035212

Imagine having the affection of a woman towards oneself as one of your highest priorities in life...

Anon, never ever lose even a single thought over a woman again!

>> No.55035259

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55035325

Same. Feels bad but not as bad as when I was early 20s. Start getting numb to the pain

>> No.55035337

Had my first gf at 29

>> No.55035345

my highest priority is money, but still building a family was a nice secondary objective, i didn't really completed the game

>> No.55035346

only if you learn from /x/

>> No.55035355
File: 90 KB, 585x323, cropped-cadelllast_24600221320536_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regardless of whether you meet the woman of your dreams or not, know this: "love" is based on the first few millimetres of flesh on your face and how they happened to be arranged

if it looks terrible, you're not as lovable, if it looks great, you can be a literal sex offender and they will still love you

now although this is incel black pill bullshit cope, it is undeniably true and whether you can pull hope out of this depends on if you can imagine a future where people can finally decide how they want to look for themselves

maybe AI will lead to the conquering of aging, followed by the customisation of our bodies, in which case true love will have been invented, because only then will people see each other for who they really are, rather than what they have had decided for them through no fault of their own

>> No.55035384

But I already look good, I just can’t talk to women
How is AI going to help with that
You mean to say it’s going to be even harder when everyone else is attractive?

>> No.55035389

>"love" is based on the first few millimetres of flesh on your face and how they happened to be arranged
It's a very superficial way to look at love, like i love my computer for how it looks and for being capable to do a lot of stuff (at least this was true when i was younger).

I don't understand love because i never met a woman that i like, it's hard when you only have idealistic anime characters to rely on. At the same time nobody ever loved me except my parents, i'm not such a great tool after all for this society.

>> No.55035390

thats lust

>> No.55035392

Anon look at all the people around you have claim to be in love or been love. The majority of relationships come to an end, the majority of marriages end in divorce and often time the people stay in a marriage/relationships aren't happy. You should definitely still try to get into a good relationship but dont prioritize it over everything else in life

>> No.55035399

*like i love my computer for how it looks and NOT for being capable to do a lot of stuff

>> No.55035414

probably pain and suffering, maybe even magic powers
anyway here's a song you can empathize with

>> No.55035415

the dinamic aspect of it makes everything even more horrible, you will throw away a person like a used toy once your standards for live changes

>> No.55035424

*for love changes

>> No.55035439

people by and large listen to what theyre told
98% of people score the same on IQ tests
a few people at any given point in time can understand complex things
and they can help other people to see life from a new angle

>> No.55035463

you can look at a stream of water from many sides, but the stream keeps flowing in only one direction

>> No.55035485

it can be moved or changed
and its still the most important substance in the world

>> No.55035500
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I'm 26 and have never even been on a date
starting to believe sex isn't even real

>> No.55035562

Stop wiseposting and speak like regular people

>> No.55035589
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you're right, i just got crazy because my stream keeps flowing back to its original path

>> No.55035599

Are you telling me, on 4chan, to speak like a regular person?

>> No.55035602

oh, sadly, sex is real, this year so far I've caught normalniggers 5 times having sex at the beach, park, parked cars and forest

>> No.55035617

happy birthday anon

>> No.55035623

for a real answer, at the risk of sounding like a edgelord, love is derivative of lust
If you have a low sex drive fix your lifestyle (sleep/exercise/diet in that order of importance), and if you still don't feel anything maybe try roids or TRT (but research the risks first)

>> No.55035629

You will be 5 years older.

>> No.55035631


>> No.55035984

Love is worthless and a Scam, its how Woman trick Men to exploit them.

>> No.55036079

Love? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.55036110 [DELETED] 


Im a virgin and almost 29. Don't sweat it OP, it's not a big deal.

>> No.55036183

There are no Wizard powers. As a Wraith, I would know.

>> No.55036228
File: 291 KB, 1080x1536, 1684585800532514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat 1 gram of magic power shrooms, and go for a drive at night while listening to Moonlight Sonata. You will understand God's love there.

>> No.55036250

im 26 years old

>> No.55036266

desu i am the same but i am numb to it and am just grateful that i have a loving and supportive mother

>> No.55037022

Love isn't something you feel. It's something you do. What you feel is lust and that shit passes.

>> No.55037028

>What happens when i reach the 30s?
The same but your back hearts and you start worrying about dying

>> No.55037029

No, that's lust. Stop displaying you're ignorance.

>> No.55037046

Wet salty sand coins hmm milky

>> No.55037073

>it is undeniably true
Goddamn. You're not just insufferable, you're insufferably retarded.
You choose to believe this self pity B's because it keeps you from fixing your shit. Stop being a raging faggot and visit /sig/. The absolute last thing a woman actually cares about is a man's looks. All looks do is make it easy to open the door. Develope a personality you doorknob.

>> No.55037189

Lust is a chemical reaction in my pants

>> No.55037407

Self love anon, find it and everything else will unravel in front of you