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55031011 No.55031011 [Reply] [Original]

Lonely Vending Machine Edition


>Stock Market Vocabulary

>Risk Management

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Options (do not trade these just because you read all these links)

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator




>> No.55031012 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, the biosphere and all life will extinguished

>> No.55031023

anyone else using the stock market as hopium for leaving 9-5 jobs haha

>> No.55031031

the 15min chart is the best chart. Literally impossible to lose money on it.

>> No.55031062

not hopium for me, haven't worked a job since 2016 although that wasn't because of good stock trading but rather enabling it

>> No.55031069

Intraday is best done on Renko.

>> No.55031087
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>> No.55031107

I swing trade on the 4h and use 1h for entry

>> No.55031121


>> No.55031128

Sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.55031161

nah daytrading is for addicted gamblers

>> No.55031177
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>> No.55031187

hes a human bot posting this every other thread but wouldn't surprise me if some people unironically believe this

>> No.55031214

Yea I fell for the bait a few times depending how zesty im feeling. It's not even worth the argument. Need to conserve resources for my next play Monday. Must preserve my gains at all costs

>> No.55031255

It took a good ten years but retired very early and living the comfy life now.

>> No.55031261

I sold on Friday who knows what shit happens over the weekend

>> No.55031291
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I have long bags of diversified managed ETFs that I'm selling calls on to exit and take my profit. Then I day trade with a tiny fraction of my portfolio value for sandwich and grocery money. Had a decent week day trading, and I sold a bunch of calls on Wednesday and Thursday. Will sell more if we keep rallying next week l, if not I'll just probably sit and not do too much other than my usual light day trading

>> No.55031309
File: 157 KB, 311x769, Test 5-18-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sipping my coffee listening to the rain as it hits the roof on this relaxing saturday. Doing nothing but reading a bit. What happens when a smart hot school girl who's in science class sets her sights on the teacher for uh sex experimentation? Well first she drugs his tea so he can't move. (but for some reason his cock still works fine) Secondly the drug also gives him a "super cock". So she has her way with him for a long time draining him dry.

>> No.55031325
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We're gonna retrace next week until a debt deal is agreed, aren't we?

>> No.55031327
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Anything can happen at any time. I never get this reasoning.

>> No.55031347

Wtf I'm going to end the month with $500 extra

>> No.55031367

I remember reading that book in sixth grade

>> No.55031371

redpill me on renko

>> No.55031380

I still believe its a bear market rally and not a new bull market so I'd rather take my gains before another bank fails other the weekend, war escalates, debt ceiling talk escalates or something else breaks.
they can let the market drop as fast as they pushed it with just those 7 megacap names sitting at 52w high

>> No.55031408

So let me get this straight, you niggers are niggin’ but I can’t be naggin’?

>> No.55031427

yeah it's their new hysteria

>> No.55031442

use your noggin

>> No.55031466

Nah. We dump after the deal is reached.

>> No.55031473

ok weekend niggers, you are the blood and soil of SMG
is VZ a buy yet? how fucking low can it go
gonna be silly if its at 10% divident

>> No.55031477

But on a financial subject I ran the numbers after I retire and start getting my monthly pension check I'll have over 300 left over each month for "whatever" That's with expenses jacked even more obscenely than they are now and with me punting some back to cover "shat happens" events to. My pension, if I'm reading things right, will be going up again next year to so I'll have more of a surplus. Won't have to touch my 401k or brokerage accounts at all.

>> No.55031486
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>until a debt deal is agreed

>> No.55031617
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Whats the difference between me and a normie? Why arent i good enough to get a 5/10 gf? what labor did i skip out on to not be able to aford a house with a yard and a new car? Why is my inferiority so seemingly self evident that it needs not be mentioned yet so equally damning that im unworthy of redeeming myself in societies eyes? "just work harder stay out of our way be a better cog in a machine that sees you as expendable" is the advice i get

>> No.55031700

You can't even use apostrophes and mistake singular possessive with plural, you're a dumb cunt, that's why you're not good enough lmao.

>> No.55031736
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They are fucked like every other giant company on the stock market. In the case of cell phone companies it was very sus how they spent 2 decades in a QE world coming up with their "plans" where the more people you have on your plan the cheaper it gets while the costs to keep building a higher speed network blew up. Add in hitting a brick wall when interest rates go up and stay up and their own ponzi schemes are imploding on themselves. My guess is they all merge into some state owned megacorp where its only one cell provider and its run so inefficiently people start using their phones less and less. The big switch to dividend investors is more a hail mary where these companies grab whatever money they can before going bust. 2020s is going to make sears post dotcom bubble collapse look like kiddie town. I wouldn't be surprised to see zombie companies like disney or GE become sub 10B marketcap companies end of decade. Big tech companies will have one more run up and decay very fast after the next bubble pop because AI cant save their structural inefficiencies increasing now. The real question is what a post amazon economy looks like.

>> No.55031747

Based truth sayer.