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55028219 No.55028219 [Reply] [Original]

How did you mess up the last crypto bull run?

>> No.55028355

For me it was RLC . But I gotta give credit to matic for helping me reclaim some of it

>> No.55028364

I was in a few tokens that went to over a bil but I would ragequit by like 100mil mc cuz I was on the team and got to see all the dumb shit and scams that goes on behind the scenes

Id usually make 50k to 100k per coin but couldve made over 10mil total if I just ignored the drama behind the scenes

Happened to me at least 5 times

Wont name the coins but all top memecoins

>> No.55028368

holding chainlink

>> No.55028381

I fell for scams and rugpulls instead of sticking to projects I actually believed in.

>> No.55028404

This is going to sound like cope. But I knew I was going to hold all the way to the bottom and made peace with that fact well before then bullrun started.

My portfolio top was 180k from 40k. I welcomed the bear market before it even began. Good. Now that I know the feeling I’ve been stacking relentlessly for the next run. I’m going to make it. Simple as that.

>> No.55028498

I bought Luna.
At the top.
And I held until the very bottom.

>> No.55028516

My portfolio was 100% chainlink. Now it's like 60% chainlink and 40% $100 in every single crypto out there.

>> No.55028530

it was my first bullrun, i just held all the way to the bottom as my portfolio bled thousands of dollars

>I bought Luna.
>At the top.
with how much $?

>> No.55028538

Didn't sell when i hit 300k on memecoin, now i'm getting rekt trying to recreate that miracle again.

>> No.55028539

I entered in summer 2020 with 2k and got out april 2021 with 140k
I basically played it very safe and piled up my gains in USDC. The most I gambled on a shitcoin was 2k or something

>> No.55028558

went all in on a project that missed the bullrun.

>> No.55028704

I was given a winning lottery ticket and I didn't cash it in. During the DEFI summer of 2020, I went low 5 figures into a DEFI coin that pumped hard. If I would have sold close to the top I could have made out with more than 800 ETH, but I of course held it until it tanked hard.

That being said even with that fuckup I still had 1.5 mil at the top of the bullrun with BTC, ETH, and a few alts, and I didn't sell. Continued to hold down until we hit the bottom in 2022. Now my portfolio has recovered a little and I have around 350K.

I'm a midwit and I don't make that much money from my job, so I don't think I'll ever have close to that 800 ETH number again (I realize I just got lucky), and I think about it almost every day about how fucking retarded I am. Still, I should be grateful I still have 6 figures in crypto. I pray that there is another bullrun and I'll have the strength to sell when the time is right.

>> No.55028779
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It's very difficult to sell when the Greed is flushing through your every fiber.

>> No.55028785

I expected rational choice from state actors heavily invested in hyperinflated fiat currency with a derivative hot granade under their asses and the need to defuse it
I was wrong

>> No.55028797

I boughted the top lmao
I made more money with PartyKartsToken than in a year and a half of holding Bitcoin and other "blue chips", but I got lucky this didn't rug like the other 3 shitcoin that launched with it (two which already deleted their tg)

>> No.55030154
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i listened to picrel
>muh lengthening cycles.
i was deterministic about price, i thought 100k btc and eth 10k were conservative estimates for the bull market so i didnt sell.
i also had a total portfolio value to start selling, 300k, so when it went to 220k i still didnt sell.

so i messed up by not selling.

>> No.55030176

Went all in LTC. No new ath. Stuck until 2025. Will kms of no new ATH by 2026

>> No.55030185

I wasn't greedy enough when the market was redacted. It's really that simple. I fumbled at least $2m in 2021. On the bright side, my conservative nature paid off bigly during the bear market, I'm like 10% below ATH right now. I also tried to go super left curve recently and made like $50k on Pepe, HPOS10, and a couple other shitters (which I dumped on exit liquidity)

>> No.55030632

i joined crypto when btc was around 50k. i watched bitboy crypto and other scammers on youtube everyday after work. i waited for 100k to sell and here i am. thanks for playing and suck my dick fat american retard bitboy crypto and plan b nigger

>> No.55030716

which one

>> No.55030735

but its not their fault. its my. sorry bitboy crypto and plan b

>> No.55030751

literally me, anon.

>> No.55030818

>barber talking about buying crypto
>friends mom wants to get into crypto
>/biz/ traffic goes through the roof
I failed to recognize these as top signals

>> No.55030839

i messed up this bullrun:( already missed the life-changing gains. small peas from here on out. fuck my life.

>> No.55031067

I bought countless new projects popping up every day out of emotions and everywhere looked red. With the help of tokenmetrics, I'm able to explore and evaluate various memecoins based on their data-driven analysis, and possibly invest based on their ratings.

>> No.55031276

You sound like a gay

>> No.55031287

By being poor

>> No.55031332

I didnt take advantage of lowcaps, I could have bought my dream house. Hopefully I can do better with my privacy and defi when the CBDCs resistance starts.

>> No.55031729

was a dumb ass and panic sold half my bags during the mid 21 bear period for a substantial loss, luckily didn't give up and managed to make it back during the multichain shitcoinery period later that year

>> No.55031993

Tell me about it. I fell for a lot of scams at the top but I am taking the right step now slurping privacy and defi tokens.

>> No.55032103

I messed up the last two bull runs. In June 2017 I had 25 btc, all in shitcoins that I didn't sell because I thought they were going to continue going up. Then I panic sold everything in July when they crashed and didn't buy back in until November 2017, at which point I could only afford 7 btc. Then I held everything through that crash all the way until March 2020, when I panic sold everything in the covid crash. I bought back in like a day later but I could only afford 4 btc at that point. I've been holding ever since and at my peak in November 2021 I had over $300k, but I didn't sell because again I thought it would keep going up. Now I have just over 2 btc and $58k left, because I'm also a neet and my crypto is my only source of income. I'm going to keep holding in the hope that we get another bull run, but if there's another big crash I'm probably going to panic sell everything and get out of crypto for good at that point.

>> No.55032119

there were a few things.
I sold a 6m stack of hex for 12k usd which had i magically held and sold the top would have been 3m.

the rest...(greed)
I didn't sell the top of...

RSR (missed 120k gain)
Link (missed 500k gain)
ETH(missed 750k gain)
BTC(missed a 1.2M gain)

I *did* sell alot of link at 20 and bought btc which was 12k at that point.
I also sold 1 pair of unisocks at the peak for 200k and paid off my house.

thats it.
I still have nice bags of eth, btc, doge, and a wide array of shitcoins rn.

>> No.55032199
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sorry anon, we are our own worst enemy

>> No.55032352

Had more large caps but sold off all except SOL which became a nightmare, that's why I now add alts like SYLO and FIRO to my bag.

>> No.55032582

Bought the top in April, sold in June because I thought it's over, bought again in October, held until April

>> No.55032592


>> No.55032590

By not selling my bags at the top.

>> No.55032676

Only sold 1.1m worth of shib instead of 2.2m.
Had euphoria and then bought the top of a few projects. But meh.

>> No.55032856


same. $1500 became 1.2M on SPI in 2021 and being too stupid to take profit until it had bled over 70% still haunts me

then I did it again with POLC

that was the brief era where fair launches were still a thing, before VCs rigged it all in their favor

now 95% of the fair launches you see are for absolute rugs, b/c anyone who thinks they can go for that VC money has no reason not to do it

>> No.55032930


nah you're still at an excellent time to be positioning yourself for the next run, assuming of course that the bitcoin halving cycles still play out as they have since its inception

watch bob loukas' latest vid on the tube for some hopium

>> No.55033432

I Fell for some rugpull projects, not making the same mistake again, got ORE and CHUNKS and am raring to go.

>> No.55033451

You might wanna DYOR cryptos that connect web2 IDs with web3

>> No.55033459

I held and didn't sell. Fml

>> No.55033489

I have some privacy tokens, also some cryptos that have decentralized identities and rights.

>> No.55033490

Held to the top.
Then held to the bottom.
Simple as.

$2,500,000 top
$418,000 today

Not a day goes by I don’t scream into the void in anger at myself. I literally scream.

>> No.55033516

>All these retards seething they didnt sell the exact top


>> No.55033562

There was plenty of time to do it, anon. Or at least close. My portfolio was between $1.5MM and $2MM for a long time. Yea I can’t be mad for not selling the very top, from $2-2.5MM I had maybe a week max of time but I should have cashed out $1.5MM no problem, not held to $400k like a fucking retard.

The worst part about these threads is realizing how many people are like you and can’t wait to get out the second their portfolio comes close to the high again (if it ever does). Makes it seem much more unlikely to happen since everyone wants to sell.

>> No.55033584

I mean I only have like 5k in crypto but already know that its impossible to time the top

i figure if I get close to 1million i would just cash out

>> No.55033618

i messed up two bullruns ago by chasing shitcoin pumps. had 10 bitcorns I bought in at $3k. Now I am a nocoiner with no money and looking forward to death since I will be homeless soon.

>> No.55033637

Failing to accumulate massive NXRA.
I hope I don't mess up this time.

>> No.55034295


>> No.55034348

If we do have another bullrun it’ll get heavily front ran by people likemus

>> No.55034373

Buying anything other than BTC.

>does NOTHING for 99% of the run because of Binance shorting it
>has one big pump in a single weekend
>crashes immediately because Bitcoin crashes

>> No.55034393

panic sold $32K worth of doge at 21c during a scamwick down to 18c on binance, if i held for a week or two couldve doubled or tripled that during elon's SNL shit. lost about 5K then bought VET after gongo shilled it, held too long then lost most of it over the summer. my initial was about 2K

>> No.55034405

Didn't sell my CRO when I was up x4

>> No.55034505

Made a killing during the pupper run but failed to sell and just held everything as it dumped. And shortly after I lost access to my wallet due to losing my seed phrase somehow and than having my pc crash. So my main wallet and everything I had went bye after the pupper era dump and I havent managed to recover or get back to where I was in my secondary (now main) wallet. Im stacking as best I can with my limited funds in advance to this next run.

>> No.55034738

Mine was SXP but I got lucky on MATIC. In this upcoming bull run, I'm counting on my TRIAS, AZERO, and QANX bags for a huge pump as DiDs and Privacy are now becoming the real deal.

>> No.55034926

I've got RDNT, SPOOL, and, ID. I'm fucking riding the bull. HEHEHE

>> No.55036274

I rode CRO, RLC and LUNA to the top and watched them turn to dust in my bag. Still have panic attacks whenever I remember how rich I would have been now if only I took profits when I should have. Learnt my lesson in the worst way but I'm much wiser now.

>> No.55036304

i held from

>> No.55036535

>I'm much wiser now.
So what do you do? Wait for 2x only before TP or what?

>> No.55036675

Halving is next year in alril and last time it was 2020 may and didn’t reach close its ath until half way through 2021

So really next bullrun is most probably going to be q2 2025 not 2024

>> No.55036694

It depends; in this recent meme rally, I rode up to 5x for PEPE and PPIZZA before TP; now most of my assets are sitting in my bag as stables which are earning yields on SpoolFi. Passive income at its best if you know your way around.

>> No.55036766
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I had 430k, hold that down to 60k and sold at the absolute bottom when ETH was $900
Now I have 25k and soon to become homeless, I got me and my family in quite a sticky wicket

>> No.55036966

Is it worth it? Kids are making 50xs overnight; I don't wanna be the old man that's counting his teeth with his tongue while missing out on the good stuff.

>> No.55036980


>> No.55036994

I bought rose and got a 10x but didn't sell. Literally every other coin went up 100x in the same timeframe. How the fuck did I pick a losing horse out of a thousand winning horses. God damn.

>> No.55037093

As kids are making those profits, some others are losing generational wealth from such risky plays. You just have to pick a side, either you take too much risks with the chance of making huge profits/losses or take a reasonable risk that gives assured profits that are decent and noteworthy over time.

>> No.55037178

Sold NKN too early (before bull),
Sold LINK too early (before bull),
Sold FTM too early (before bull),
Made it with justyours and then rugged by the same. Now, even I reach the top, I am outpriced in real estate, lambos and pretty much everything else + there is not much to get 100x or 1000x out of in the market anymore it feels like. L1s and L2s are great for airdrops and VCs but for us, they will fukken dump on us.

>> No.55038561

>"if i sold at the top, i would have been a millionaire!"
>ends post with "rn"

Eventually you're going to realize that you're not remotely as intelligent as you think you are.

>> No.55038744

lost 7 figs longing the collapse of LUNA in a matter of minutes.
i navigated everything perfectly until i decided to not set stop loss and smoke a cigarette outside.

>> No.55038767

brutal way to go out fuck. What was your initial reaction? How long did it take for you to mentally accept that? Did you recover

>> No.55038787

I held BAT and sold DOGE too soon.

>> No.55038804

What should I be amassing? Currently have BTC, ETH, XRP and AVAX

>> No.55038829
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All in all, what tips would y'all give yourselves and others now to avoid repeating the same fate in the upcoming bullrun?

>> No.55038849

i took a long walk in the dark
sat on a bench and chain smoked
thought about how all it takes is one dumb move to lose everything you've worked for
it took a while. i still think of it every day, but i did it once and i can do it again.

>> No.55038867

I bought something called 'XSN' that was supposed to let me make something called a 'Masternigger'

>> No.55038901

No advice can ever help a newfag. If we tell you to sell the top, you'll either get greedy during the euphoria phase and hodl all the way or you'll paperhand and sell while everyone is still bearish before the moon. If we tell you to accumulate, you'll say that's for hodlfags and swing your stacks until you lose it all and get priced out. You have to experience this market yourself to succeed.

>> No.55038916
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Buying XMR and PNK at the top instead of just holding and waiting for the inevitable crash to buy in. I could have had like 3M PNK and twice as much XMR instead of what I have now. I also could have sold some BTC and bought back in later but I was waiting for 250k, bit foolish on my part. This next time I'm going to sell small increments at each big number and if we don't pump as high as I expect I'll be able to DCA back in on the way down.

It's not that bad since I still made enough to retire, but a bit embarrassing if anyone knew my portfolio history.

>> No.55039035

sold way too early. Made like 30% on doge. My small investment of a few hundred dollars would’ve been worth like… $40k at ATH. Same story with Kadena (bought at $0.50.). Kaspa I did ok on but could’ve made 5-6x more. All told I missed out on like $80k in profits and I never really invested much to begin with. My lesson: take profits (I got fucked on Nexa) but if your thesis is correct and is playing out, be patient. I did sell the top of GME at least though, and that felt good.

>> No.55039109
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>I did all my research and focused on fundamentals
>my friend just bought funni monke pictures and other dumb shit on Opensea
>at the peak, I had a 17x (and didn't sell)
>I dumped more fiat into crypto all the way into 2022 (I'm now in the red)
>friend bought a house with his monke picture
>apecoin airdrop gave him a free $200k overnight
>friend is currently NEETing the shit out of life while I'm stuck waging for increasingly more worthless USD

If the next bullrun doesn't free me from this hell, I'm never touching crypto again

>> No.55039144

I've went from 20k to like 4k during last bullrun so not a newfag. I know you can't time the top unless you get super lucky.