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54996263 No.54996263 [Reply] [Original]

who are the most delusional baggies? I’ll have to go with:

>Link cucks
>XRP schizos
>AVAX roaches
>HBAR hobos
>XMR incels

>> No.54996283

Linkies are unbearably annoying, but the stupidity of avaxnigs is something.

>> No.54996302

mETHeads without a doubt

>> No.54996318

You forgot silver schizos

>> No.54997004
File: 148 KB, 916x670, silver 100 year chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek silver schizos are in the top 3

Imagine holding a bunch of rocks for a century and not making any profit.

>> No.54997016

Number one most delusional are GME baggies, by their omission I assume you're one.

>> No.54997028

Found the xmr incel

>> No.54997032

What about us SHIB bros?

>> No.54997072

To be fair Shibainu is a classic pajeet shitcoin but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually pumps again (it will obviously underperform the previous bullrun). But normies love cheap coins....so yeah it certainly has a higher chance of making a new ATH compared to Cripple or even Link

>> No.54997160

wtf happened in the 70s?

>> No.54997188
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It was probably the recession/stagflation of that decade that pumped silver.

Imagine the baggies who bought at the top

>> No.54997204
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three years and an adoption rate of 4 people a year

>> No.54997242

in order
>dog with bath

>> No.54998407


>> No.54998691

>who are the most delusional baggies?
Bitcoiners who think that there is no chance of Bitcoin ever being dethroned

>> No.54998732

yea, I'd agree it's definitely eth baggies as most deluded.
as for xrp + gme + bbby
they are not really deluded, as none of them actually expect to profit.
and xmr is just straight up glowies these days.

>> No.54998772

Lunc. Sometimes you can’t help but sympathize with those trannies

>> No.54998792
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Idk can't judge, I held at least 2 of those, I'm more focused now on NFTs and more specifically Rebase

>> No.54998808

What’s wrong with avax? I made good money on that a few years ago

>> No.54998814

BSV bozos

>> No.54998844

You can't judge but we can, you're all retarded faggots

>> No.54998875

>being this new
fucking learn why your world is shit

>> No.54998917

0 xmr
mETHeads are just delusional
they're ALL like the smug bitcunts who think thought they had legacy over a barrel and they would come hat in hand begging instead of declaring war
NO-ONE is gonig to pay the fees because the MAJORITY of the planet is poor
this means you will never capture the poors value, nor can you capture legacy value because the whole shitshow is laughable to legacy
so who is left to buy mETH?

>> No.54998967

NFTs are infinitely worse than shitcoins you idiot

>> No.54998970

Kek, there isn't, you just don't know how to cope

>> No.54998992

Does it have nice stuff at least? If you're gonna be a retard you should at the bare minimum have nice jpgs

>> No.54999068

avax roaches and hbar hobos

>> No.55000904
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ICP baggies too

>> No.55001359

i remember when i was 12 kek

>> No.55001449
File: 36 KB, 680x633, 1680735104494283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that OP didn't mention ICP makes it very suspicious. ICP jeets are so embarrassed now that they are trying to camouflage themselves poorly here.

>> No.55001940

icpees peesschuds

>> No.55001944

Nice try Rajeesh. Getting paid to spread FUD must be nice

>> No.55001978


Is what nazi incel biz will say but reality is a lot more complex, nuanced and multifaceted. No one thing lead to silver being devalued. Expert economists have many theories but nobody can know for sure

>> No.55002057

Reality is FUD!
t. every bagholder ever

>> No.55002508
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>> No.55003824

Xrp needs to hit only $5 to dethrone Bitcoin. After beating the SEC, $5 will be nothing.

>> No.55003877

these have been proliferating too much lately to be honest

>> No.55003990

>”””precious””” metals

Forget a century. If you bought gold 500 years ago you would still be a baggie today.

>> No.55004378

How do yah all play the degen game with memes? It's a gamble. Sorry man give me LINK and XRP and keep you memes. Better to stick with real bags. CYMI got a national call now so wait for the boom.

>> No.55004906

that chart is tragically comical. most shitcoins pump n dump. that just dumped.

>> No.55005182
File: 1.28 MB, 896x1344, 1679595988761928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree with everything you're sayin, but I gotta disagree on AVAX nigger. I'm too obsessed with anime babes to label it as straight-up roaches.

>> No.55005204

Nice post. +0.04 AVAX has been deposited into your account, Siva.

>> No.55005222

tldr: silver is pointless because why waste all that effort when you can just use a printer

>> No.55006600

I cant stand the monero cult, there are better privacy protocols in the space Mina,Dash and Railgun are just few of them but the monero incels keep seething about their dinosaur tech.

>> No.55006621

They are everywhere. Privacy is based but monero aint shit, I'll settle for the modern protocols with ZKPs.

>> No.55006628


>> No.55007439

Wise thing I would say. I have settled with projects based on crypto payments which is moving towards adoption and soon when xMoney is live the gap between traditional payments and crypto payments will be filled.

>> No.55007515
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This is month is bullish for me because of that. A paradigm shift in the payments sector. Finally a proper PayPal killer is here.

>> No.55007520

Some of these are right but in the end best money is made on volume. Shiny shiny next big thing.

>> No.55007571

ICP Train dodgers

>> No.55008161

You know Chad. Reaping benefits of this meme season, CHUNKS is pumping crazy , lucky I got in early.

>> No.55008461

Altcoinistdao alpha pick, rose is better at privacy compared with monero.

>> No.55009975

XMR incels are the craziest.
LINK are the most retarded, I've sold all mine for ORE.

>> No.55009986


It's literally dead.