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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 512x512, defec2701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54983260 No.54983260 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys crypto
>sends the 1st economy of the world into recession
>destroys the US dollar as a store of value
>destroys Europe economy
>runs away from Afghanistan leaving billions in weapons to actual terrorists
>provokes a war in Ukraine and loses it
>wastes hundreds of billions of $ in the process
>reverts globalization in the clumsiest way possible, fails
>soon to cause a civil war within the US, will lose it too
how can a man achieve so much within a single (stolen) mandate?
We can't stop farting and failing, lib sisters

>> No.54983291
File: 225 KB, 586x562, taliban george floyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you talk about our Taliban bros like that. Biden and Israel are the real terrorists. He blew up the nord stream pipeline.

>> No.54983323

Biden is the best president for the rest of the world and the worst president for America. Soon the rest of us shall be free of US jewery in global economics all thanks to his dementia-riddled, pedo brain. I'd pray every night that americans vote for him for another term but your jewed out voting system will make sure of that.

>> No.54983350

Don't worry Kamala will fix everything

>> No.54983518

If you still think the president actually has anything to do with anything then you’re a fucking retard

>> No.54983529

>6 am EST
yep, it's time for mentally ill pol schizos to invade biz again

>> No.54983534
File: 181 KB, 595x842, IMG_0750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet we worship a druggie nig who held a gun to a pregnant woman’s stomach. FUCK America

>> No.54983543

>war in Ukraine was an American thing
How to spot a Rustard.

>> No.54983559

he definitely encouraged it.

>> No.54983566
File: 152 KB, 1580x828, 40k eoy 150k 2025_v6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>destroys crypto

>> No.54983607

his administration and the SEC/other federal agencies are actively trying to destroy crypto in the US

>> No.54983610

>all 1pbtid
is this a bot thread, for bots?

>> No.54983635


>> No.54983656

>Painting a mural of Floyd on the other side of the planet where nobody knows who he is or cares at all because people have real problems there and not first world problems
Do Americans really?

>> No.54984010
File: 687 KB, 1284x838, 8B0CA728-BBEB-40F8-A1B5-58CBD289F733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same tired ass Russian political spam that was up a couple of days ago. This isn’t /pol/, this isn’t a place for you to seethe at American politics and try to earn your daily ration of beets. We love our country, and I’m sorry you were born in a third world shithole with an idiot for a President that is destroying your economy and military.

Still - not our problem. Take this shit elsewhere.

>> No.54984042

The US is a global black supremacist empire.
It is of vital geopolitical importance that Afghanis canonize Saint Groid and that children in remote Laotian villages learn about chopping their dicks off.

>> No.54984350
File: 191 KB, 800x371, 096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I disagree with is Russian disinfo
>My plastic free dildo is stuck in my arse

>> No.54984547

I can't wait for this old retard to get pushed out of office in another year. I can't believe people elected him because orange man didn't care about the flu enough so instead we ushered in a totalitarian onions state that destroyed the economy. It's truly fucking mind boggling the events that have taken place over the last 3 years when you realize how fucking retarded it was to freak out over the coof.

>> No.54984556

and the worst of it all is that now we are in a stagflationary environment and this is probably gonna be the case until fucking 2025. I don't see any way this ends well

>> No.54984708

It boggles my mind sometimes, it's one of those terrible historical events with no catharsis - at least not for a long time. We may not live to that point.

>> No.54984757
File: 178 KB, 1080x1080, 1683994689870326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone could have ever seen this coming! Except for the devs of $BITCOIN. It was made specifically for political and economic turmoil like this.