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File: 200 KB, 2000x1545, BC98ACE0-6D64-4D5C-B906-14A5D8CC3C7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54974163 No.54974163 [Reply] [Original]

What are the make it and suicide stacks for Parsiq? Or should I not buy it at all?

>> No.54974169

3 > 1,2,4,5

>> No.54974181

Sexoooooooooo 3 haircomb

>> No.54974190

Wrong, it’s 2>3>6>1>4>5

>> No.54974205

4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
the graph instead

>> No.54974229

They’re all underage and you make me sick

>> No.54974237
File: 97 KB, 700x684, 20220223-tbe-01_issue_fvr712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 5

>> No.54974381

They’re college students

>> No.54974426

fuck off fag

>> No.54974945

6 isn’t even the hottest Latina there

>> No.54975057

Faggot one and four are cutest.

>> No.54975074
File: 29 KB, 645x773, D18B2935-E186-4CBB-B033-7B29E16EDAFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1, 2, 4 and maybe 5

>> No.54975248

Those are men

>> No.54975278
File: 311 KB, 1170x1450, 532356DC-F9A8-4068-84A6-D896F0174099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, they have wide hips, narrow shoulders, and small hands. This is what a man looks like

>> No.54975295

Zoomer tier responses. I am 40, let me educate you. They are all at best 6/10 (really 4-5) so what you do is not try to find the prettiest one, you try to find the most unique experience. The Amazonian #5 will prove you with a (likely for you incels once in a lifetime) experience that is unique that you are unlikely to find elsewhere. The rest are just hanging average chicks you can do that all day every day if you’re a Chad.

The order is literally: 5 or go home.

>> No.54975360

The squat little bean #3 is cute.

>> No.54975384

None are attractive. Wtf is wrong with the female species?

>> No.54975404

They're all fucking hideous. I would stay far away from these Mongols

>> No.54975423

you are either a beta or brown. I'm just as old, and yes, they are 6s at best, but that's precisely why there's no worry that the "prettiest" one is going to get uppity. any and all of these will understand and treat you as their best option available, so no need to choose the fugly goblina making short brown kids that have the "unique experience" of being a lonely mutt with several face-tatted cousins just to put a little spice on your rice.

>> No.54975424

What the fuck is this retarded shit, fuck off you creepy bald fag. You get zero pussy.

>> No.54975970

You’re all underrating 2, she has the best bone structure and will give you the chaddest sons

>> No.54976093


>> No.54976182

How many ORE do I need to get girls like this?

>> No.54976192

Last cycle alts are NGMI.

>> No.54976202

i lost 500$ on parsiq its worth maybe fifty bucks now but eth fees would be over fifty kek

>> No.54976247

I would MAYBE bang the third one from the left but she kinda looks like a dude so idk. The fact that none of them have tits doesn't help. Honestly the most attractive one is probably the tallest one with the curly hair but she'd need to put on some make up, fix her hair, and wear something slutty for me to get a boner. dammit she kinda looks like a dude too.

>> No.54976340


>> No.54976341

2 > 1 > 5, the rest are subhuman

>> No.54976418

>bone structure and will give you the chaddest sons
yeah that's cause she looks like a fucking man. looks like Bradley Cooper

>> No.54976884
File: 144 KB, 720x900, 361024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54976929


>> No.54976989

3rd from the left for sure.

>> No.54977027

the tallest girl in this photo is only 5'5"

>> No.54977378

And that’s a GOOD thing

>> No.54977735

Bradley Cooper is handsome though

>> No.54977778

make it 0
suicide <0

>> No.54977794 [DELETED] 

I got robbed. It doesn't even exist.

>> No.54977857

no parsiq ser

>> No.54977901

fuck impregnate fuck fuck marry fuck

>> No.54978266

>Marrying the Jewish one who will berate and scrutinize you until you die of a stress induced heart attack at 48

>> No.54978304

Sex and marriage
All of them

>tfw no hot Jewish slavemaster wife

>> No.54978677


>> No.54978696

Number 5 is a man you raging homosexual

>> No.54978872

relax everyone we found the beaner..

>> No.54978877


>> No.54978927
File: 418 KB, 1076x1174, unique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unique experience

>> No.54979032


>> No.54979172
File: 7 KB, 235x176, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my experience, 5 seems like the least crazy one. I'm done with crazies

>> No.54979485

that's not a jew, that's the southern belle phenotype. it's like the difference between a milk snake and a coral snake.

>> No.54979610

2 has the chronic masturbator bags below the eyes, insane smile, and hormonal turbocharged acne. You show her confidently what's what, she'll be be a fisting queen in no time.
3, the short swarthy one, is the best in the sack and most capable of taking care of her appearance.
4 and 6 are insecure uglies who will someday make some beta happy unless some dark triad chad turns them into whores.
1 is an obvious anal freak, but not human toilet material like 2.
5 will want to take selfies on mountains and promote yoga articles. Also good in the sack but will expect to be treated like she's a 9 or a 10.

>> No.54979639
File: 317 KB, 1152x2048, 1664769852928658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i m the GIRL in pic. how did you find out ?

>> No.54979662

Based Taftaj poster

>> No.54979857

can't read 1.

2 has surprisingly normal eyes if you look past the bags. but you're 100% right about the bill clinton physiognomy. one or more parents has alpha-minus traits. she probably has an older sister and that sister is probably less attractive. might be a lesbian.

pay close attention to 4's eyes. she looks an an insecure beta female but she has a deranged side that will come out with age. looks cute and approachable but will spiritually or physically destroy you.

6 may not be playing with a full deck of cards but she'll lead a normal life.

5 is from an old regional lineage. she may be a 6-7 but she expects to be treated like a ten because of pride from that.

>> No.54979920

not taftaj, browner and younger

>> No.54980012

Yes, everybody is a male
go tell your mother and see what happens

>> No.54980238

100% true for 4. i date a girl with similar eyes. not good for long run

>> No.54980815

Hyper based

>> No.54981438


>> No.54981578

they still look underage even if they aren't. they look like they're just barely 18, which is too young for most of you here

>> No.54981587

go back

>> No.54981591


>> No.54981614

>1 pallet is 100mm
>8 pallets 1 billion

>> No.54981849


>> No.54982277

2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 5

>> No.54983159
File: 153 KB, 453x457, 1655648941522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say save to buy bigger things, I did the same with PLEB when I was quitting my job to get a bonus

>> No.54984820

Nothing to roll for tard

>> No.54984872

would not bang even one of them desu. ehh maybe 1 or 3 but i wouldn't pursue them

>> No.54985474

3 looks like a man lmfao

2 is clearly the best one there and they all suck

>> No.54985582
File: 506 KB, 966x745, Screenshot 2023-05-11 184411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not 1 of them is worth it. sorry

>> No.54985595
File: 84 KB, 750x989, 1644437667380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why hello there

>> No.54985760
File: 2 KB, 125x117, 1671543894914033s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I not buy it at all?
How much Bitcoin do I need to pay through CryptMi gateway to get all these pussies at once? Sick of fivesome.

>> No.54985979

Makes me miss swim team in high school. Despite being surrounded by girls like this at practice, the boy's swim locker room was some of the most homoerotic shit I've ever witnessed

>> No.54987834
