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54974484 No.54974484 [Reply] [Original]

I’m close to graduating uni in accounting, can I just apply for wfh jobs? My overall GPA is shit (3.4 acc gpa) but I am technical and can easily do the job. I am black so AA could help. Any insiders here?
>financial statements
>general ledgers
>excel vlookup
>cash flow analysis
>tax, including corporate tax
>bombed auditing so fuck auditing C-
I still have access to the textbooks and notes I took, how can I snake my way to get remote job?

>> No.54974499

This is not wordpress.
Just buy more TOAD you toad

>> No.54974500

hybrid sure, but fully remote will be hard. real life accounting is nothing like school.

t. WFH senior accountant at a big jewish megacorp

>> No.54974504

No, fuck niggers, but fuck wypipo as well.

>> No.54974544

Accountant here with a masters.

What do you want to do? Accounting is a big field.

If you want to do public work, you really should have had an internship by now. Well that's at least how it was in my day (I graduated in 2015). But I know the field is desperate for talent now, so maybe you don't need an internship before graduation anymore. Usually the big 4 occasionally goes to campuses to recruit, so check in with your accounting profs to see if they know of any such events coming up.

If you want to start in industry like me, expect to start at the bottom as a staff accountant. Pay is going to be shit and the work will be repetitive (accruals, maybe maintaining fixed asset and PPD schedules), but after 2-3 years, you'll be competitive for better senior level jobs.

I started out making $35k a year. I'm a senior accountant now making $80k a year working at home 4 out of 5 days a week.

>> No.54974552

you are not a nigger

>> No.54974593
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OP here, I’m on a phone so ID might be different. Is it more difficult?
Come on fren, help a nigga out.
Nice. I want to join government accounting. My overall gpa is crap so it looks like I’ll start out as an ap/ar clerk boy.
I am (phone so ID might be different)
I will not fall for Adam coins

>> No.54974606

wtf gross why is your skin the wrong colour?

>> No.54974643
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I inverter the pic so the wall is actually brown.

>> No.54974674


>> No.54974699

Also if you live in a state where you can sit for the CPA exam with 120 hours, you probably should pass the four sections before working full-time.

It's hard to bust your ass doing accounting for a 40 hour work week then study for the CPA exam at night and on the weekends. Some people do it, but their lives are a living hell during that time.

>> No.54974730

i believe you are black, but if you dont behave like a nigger you arent a nigger in my eyes

>> No.54974733

>Is it more difficult?
somewhat. but it's more about recent graduates being inexperienced with office work in general, being inexperienced with real world accounting, not knowing when or how to ask questions, requiring hand holding for simple tasks (due to being inexperienced), etc.

i'm not saying it's totally impossible to find remote work as a recent graduate, but it's definitely easier when you have a few years of experience. by then you will have a proven track record of learning and doing things in the real world.

>> No.54974744

is black peoples' poop white?

>> No.54974764

sucks that you're not a black AND a woman, as that would make your life so much easier. Right now you're almost at the bottom of the privilege pyramid, just above white men.
But I believe in you, OP.

>> No.54974788

>black AND a woman
Life on easy mode, even with a sub 60 IQ.

>> No.54974790

Take hrt and transition then you'll have turbo affirmative action

>> No.54975197

Not OP but I wish you a long and fruitful life

>> No.54975219

If you're really a nigger then just list that on your job application and they'll hire you right away to meet diversity and inclusion requirements.

>> No.54975418

Lotta blacks have something called "pride" that stands in the way of their success. It's tragic

>> No.54975501

niggers are niggers because they act like niglets. educated men with dark brown and black skin are just that. Men. Stop whining like a bitch and use chatgpt to thrust out 50 apps/day though linkedin premium inmail. highlight the fact that you're first gen college student and really wanna join their org.

Do this for a month. Target more men than women, women are bitches. also immediately ask for phone number to actually talk, never communicate more than 2 sentences on text or email. voice calls do wonders. You'll have a job within 30 days.

>> No.54975544

Yeah, change your name to something like Lashawn or Darvel and they’ll have to hire you.

>> No.54975694

You people are so fucking gay with this shit just shut the fuck up already.
Fucking kill yourself you Jeff Foxworthy fucking mongoloid ape brained retard

>> No.54975706

how gay do you have to be to write shit like this? are you a legit faggot?

>> No.54975718

>Help an actual nigger out
>I’m close to graduating uni in accounting
Some White guy with 229 more points on his SAT isnt going to be an accountant and will probably kill himself after being addicted to drugs thanks to you. Im sure you'll laugh and say good, and thats why I laugh when Roofs happen.

>> No.54978052

I need some advice;
I'm able to get an accounting job in the military but I don't know if I'll get certified for CPA and all that.

Would you recommend I go to school after to upgrade to accounting or stick with the uncertified accounting?

>> No.54978080

do you have a college degree in accounting?

If yes, do a masters in accounting. Its only one year and you will have full hours to be ready for CPA exam.

If no, use your GI bill at some state school to get a bachelors in accounting

>> No.54978085

I feel bad for black people, given how like 1/3 to half of them behave like scum. I have to assume they all would jump me as a consequence, anything else would be reckless on my part.

>> No.54978109
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>> No.54978132

Hate to tell you this bud but WFH is gradually on it's way out and AI is taking over sooner than you think (EVERY wfh job will be impacted).

Imbrace the suck like the rest of us here. You'll own nothing and be happy.

>> No.54978135

so with Accounting it's CPA or bust?

>> No.54978142

don't refer to yourself that way just to appeal to some 4channel incels. have some self respect

>> No.54978144

listen to >>54978080
shut up retard

>> No.54978165

i don't have my CPA. having the educational credits to sit for the CPA helps, because you can lie about "wanting to take" the exam, if it comes up at interviews. also it sounds like you're doing accounting in the military without a degree. that's good experience but you'll need a degree in the civilian world. do the GI Bill or whatever while you're in the military.

>> No.54978178

>GPA is shit
Uh maybe work harder instead of being a melanin enriched stereotype? You think the rest of us get things handed to us? If you do you’re a massive retard.

>> No.54978195

I’m a tax senior working fully remote. You’re more likely to find a fully remote job in tax. I started out at PwC which is the only big 4 that is fully remote as of this time. I’m now working for a mid-tier firm which is also fully remote. The hardest thing is finding your first gig - competition is fierce. I would have joined the national association for black accountants if I were black - firms purposely recruit blacks from there just to meet their diversity quota.

>> No.54978214

i heard that pwc lied and is in fact requiring hybrid, even for remote hires. kek. public accounting is the gayest job I've ever had.

>> No.54978265

its not CPA or bust per se, You can still get experience at all firms. CPA just means people will cream themselves over hiring you. In the civilian world you'll need a degree.

If you get the undergrad degree do the extra year to get a masters. this will make you easily promoted and you'll be better prepared to take the CPA exam.

If you got some unrelated college degree to accounting, they have programs where in two years you can get a masters of accounting despite studying something else

>> No.54978278

did you start as an intern at PwC? i hear its easy to get hired once you secure a big4 internship.

>> No.54978378
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>an actual nigger
If you have your shit basically together and can pass a drug test you're cruising dude. Supply of dark folks who you can keep on a payroll without too many bad things happening is way lower than demand right now. The corporate zeitgeist is physically incapable of ignoring whatever merits you may have right now.

You'll be alright. Frustrated sometimes when it feels like you aren't sure if your merits or your diversity-quota status are what's carrying you, maybe. But you'll be alright.

>> No.54980308
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Nigger, since you're a nigger, you can easily get a job by taking advantage of affirmative action.
My advice is to apply to companies in the whitest states such as Idaho, Wyoming, or Maine because all of these companies will have a quota, and chances are there aren't enough niggers around to fill their affirmative action quota.
Bonus points if you say you're a faggot.
There you go nigger, that's my high IQ white man advice.
I don't want to hear you say that the white man haven't done anything for you.

>> No.54980343
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>4channel incels

>> No.54980624

Accountant here. You need to find an internship somewhere. You will most likely work for wherever you intern and then staff accountant for at least a couple years. Once you build some experience you can do more.

>> No.54981739
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Fellow negro management type here. I'd exploit the black route and look into minority supplier development councils. Fuck getting a job on your merits. Most cities have them, and the job fairs are where whitey is looking to score DEI points. Exploit inefficiencies. They can be quite good with companies actually looking to hire blacks/latinos. But mostly black. Seriously, companies pay a ton of cash to be a part of these councils, and they still fly under the radar.

*also, tell whitey whatever she wants to hear, and make sure your focus is on the problem you can solve for THEM, not you. Do your fucking homework, learn about the companies.

**anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my black ass. See pic.