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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54977623 No.54977623 [Reply] [Original]

ethfags in disbelief. normies are waking up to the fact that ethereum's days are numbered. so are all the million of pajeet layers 2. one new chain will rise and beat the blockchain trilemma

>> No.54977636

no layer 1 has solved the blockchain trilemma. Sorry, your shitcoin hasn't.

>> No.54977652

"normies" don't even know what L1 is
Most people on crypto don't and no one cares either
Fuck off nerd

>> No.54977669

and its called ICP (R1b)

>> No.54977690

FPBP /thread

>> No.54977719


>> No.54977757

This guy is a closet homo, annoying man child who has made a living off smooth talking smoothe brains. Seems like perfect guy for bizlets to worship

>> No.54978025


Massa Labs has. TGE not out, planned for this sept. Ongoing public testnet for the past 2years. Anyone can run a node. Almost 7k nodes. Up to 10k tx/s.
Its dex, Dusa, will be 100% hosted on chain autonomous SC events & all, many projects in the works, real deal.
Nice tech

>> No.54978034


>> No.54978072

Cardano will win and /biz/ will rope

>> No.54978082

I take it you have no idea that this has been in development for 9 years and they have almost nothing to show for it and keep scrapping things and redoing things because they keep running into issues due to the fact that their scam doesn't work and they knowingly develop with expected problems ahead and then claim it was unexpected and redo shit over and over and over. People were so sick and tired of bagholding nothing that they launched a fake PoS chain just so they could claim they have a mainnet despite the fact that it's not even using it's own tech to scale. They got tired of the very real "no mainnet" fud that they launched a fake mainnet to trick newfags into thinking they had anything.
The main dev is a game developer with zero experience who thinks he can do the impossible if he just bruteforces his way through it and hits the same walls everyone else before him has, except he pretends they're not there so people will buy more of his bags.
2017 scam rebrand

>> No.54978095

>normies still think layer 1s are the key to adoption when every institution is just creating their own layer 1
i swear to god if the next bull run is dominated by vc scam layer 1s again i'm going to lose my fucking mind

>> No.54978110

You know it will be. Make sure to pick a post-2021 scamchain if you want 100x.

>> No.54978154

Some of you are alright, check out Saito.

>> No.54978168

like what? all i know is aptos

>> No.54978200

This, Becker is the most insufferable fag in all of twitter and that's saying something

>> No.54978202

I wish I knew.

>> No.54978218

For as fervent as its supporters are, seemed like sundae swap, the other dapps, the attempt to have an nft market, all kind of flopped.

>> No.54978392


>> No.54978423

Aptos is so 2022. It's all about Sui now.

>> No.54978428

Anybody who's trying to sell you a 'solution' to the blockchain trilemma is selling you snake oil. I think ETH is garbage for other reasons, but using L2 for scaling isn't it. You should want maximum decentralization (which would result in a low-ish tps) because if you aren't going for that why the hell are you using a blockchain in the first place?

>> No.54978521
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Based knower

>> No.54978564

Does a multi-chain world solve it?

>> No.54978605

>it's been 10 years
ethereum is everywhere, utilised by millions everyday
wtf is he talking about?

>> No.54978626

The solution is CCIP, unfortunately it doesn't have a token.

>> No.54978648

It can't scale. One shitcoin pumps and gas goes over $100. How can it be usable for anything serious?

>> No.54978678

how does CCIP solve the tps issue? Linking slow L1s together does nothing to scale them.

>> No.54978695

the jeets over @ polygon are killing it whilst every other l1 fades into obscurity

this is a 2021-style argument...

>> No.54979079

it's as close as it can get. Vitalik is a retard, but the future is multi-chain unless someone comes up with a better tool. I don't see what the issue is either. Tons of financial tools in the world are "multi chian" if you think about it. Look at cash. Tons of methods to transport it around but tons of fags freaking out about CBDCs while wanting "one token to rule them all"

>> No.54979136


>> No.54979160

fuck off twitter fag

>> No.54979180
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>will rise
It's already here.

>> No.54979242
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I think we all know what that means

>> No.54979288

The new meta will be blockchain killers aka DAGs

>> No.54979332

Woke up bearish GM niggers
<3 sassal

>> No.54979381
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Look no further, the solution is here... $BITCOIN. A revolution in blockchain and artificial intelligence

>> No.54979426
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>> No.54979473

Is this the invest answers Solana scammer

>> No.54979972

YOU can join his patreon for proprietary buy and sell signals!!

>> No.54980034

Zenon is the only feeless one that can scale. People will soon understand this.

>> No.54980144

I still have 10k of those. chink project but neat they're experimenting. they don't have answers to some major questions. still holding 250 icp too, I think that has more potential.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhKe4NSURrc best explanation of saitio I've found with good critiques too

>> No.54980165


Source: DYOR

>> No.54980289

You mean like when he told all of his subscribers to load up on Solana at $200 in order to retire early lolol

>> No.54980398

>Tons of financial tools in the world are "multi chain" if you think about it. Look at cash. Tons of methods to transport it around but tons of fags freaking out about CBDCs while wanting "one token to rule them all"
well said. I think Bitcoin's long-standing dominance has tricked people into thinking there is a winner-take-all system irrevocably baked into cryptocurrency. an actual understanding of the underlying technology shows this couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.54980428

With a post like this you're basically asking pajeets to reply with
>but <insert bag> has!

>> No.54980450

>kind of
they completely flopped

>> No.54980451

The solution is pepe chain ticker PC

>> No.54980489
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>> No.54980522

Exactly. Listen retards, I'm going to lay this out for you all so that maybe one day you can be somewhat not retarded. Everyone hates that Ethereum is expensive and slow. No one denies this. What you are missing is that IF we are going to do this, if we are going to take back the financial system and set humanity free, then we have to get this right. The first time. And that means THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS is creating a layer 1 network that is as decentralised as is technologically and economically possible. Nothing else matters. Everything else can be figured out later. But this, this has to be perfect. It has to be so decentralised that the governments will NEVER be able to stop it. It has to be 100% human proof.

When there is a better alternative to Ethereum in this regard, I will be the first to switch. I don't give a shit about Ethereum. I don't even care about making money anymore. I am doing to this because decentralised financial and information networks are humanity's last stand. This fight is what you were born for. And you're wasting your chance to be a hero so you can trade shitcoins on Binance Chain. Fucking NPCs.

>> No.54980718

>throwing away your hard earned bucks to mev trannies and vc parasites who got in insider only seed rounds
>the future of finance is a musical chair beautiful dance between the scammers who rip you off by creating new tokens to hype and the scammers who rip you off as you use the evm
>by the way goyim (you) are our exit liquidity and all ERC tokens do -99.999% after insiders shill to (you) so they can cash out
>you will only ever get one pump and that's the pump you already missed out on
I'm going to have to pass on funding drag queen story time hour with kids by investing in ETH tokens

>> No.54980760

Its crazy how ETH security costs are so expensive when all erc type tokens do -99.999% and ETH itself is ostensibly only used for creating these scams and moving them around
Oh and you need to let Vitalik control the circulating supply like the central bankers do. Lately things have been bearish so he had to burn tokens not needed
whyever were they created in the first place LOL?

>> No.54980816

Oh yeah so you have to pay for an expensive transaction twice because you need to ape in after you already missed the insider's pump which is really funny because you will never get in early because you are not meant to make anything
Notice how controlled it all is anon?
Even more controlled than a casino. Scientific gambling. Trust the science!
So you ape in lose money then ape out back to ETH now with fewer ETH than you started with because on top of the exit liquidity tax you had to pay the mev tax during your trade and the mev tax is a double tax on usage but the only usecase for ETH is aping into tokens that are not needed
they use hype to trick you gullible morons into losing money just so a handfull of anon accounts that turn out to be the ETH Foundation can profit off of you. Then the same tranny pedos print additional ETH to dump on you while the cultist shills claim uLtrA sOunD mOneY

>> No.54980850

Appchain thesis seem better to me and something Ethereum would've done before this whole L2 nonsense if it could

This space haven't waken up to the fact ETH limitations is shaping this space future, And that's a really, really terrible thing.

>> No.54980919

irrelavent in the fact that most people don't care and the only thing you should follow are market and social trends to make money instead of worrying about how successful it can be

>> No.54981048

Retard. You still don't understand. ERC 20 coins don't need to be legitimate and useful. Just like websites don't need to be legitimate and useful. The shitty-ness of any given website is irrelevant. The underlying information technology - the internet - is the only thing that matters.

You will never understand. I hope you make lots of money with whatever alt L1 you invest in. But until that chain becomes more decentralised than Ethereum, don't waste my fucking time.

>> No.54981076

Elaborate. What is the appchain thesis?

>> No.54981085

truebit is a scaling solution for ETH. Once properly implemented, ETH will go to $10k and Truebit will be around $100 per token

>> No.54981105

>a closed system is the internet
>more decentralised than alt accounts of the Ethereum Foundation members pretending to be (((anon devs)))
>don't waste my fucking time.
i hope this is bait

>> No.54981237
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>> No.54982172

OP here this thread holds a few correct answers to the solution of the ethereum problem. im glad there are still a few smart bizbros that will make it.

>> No.54982229

Aleph Zero (azero)

>> No.54982259

BSC works.This is actually because they see LTC replacing BTC soon.

>> No.54982355
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Such an alternative already exists, and its metrics for claiming as much are as obvious (and important) as one could possibly expect. Yet it's not frequently talked about on /biz/, and also happens to be very cheap at the moment. So, do with this information as you please.

>> No.54982361
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>Massa Labs
wtf is this jeet trash

>> No.54982366

>just to get sued in the future
The solution is BSV. You kike scammer. Hey tell me why the kaspa shills operate exactly like the radix shills, jew.

>> No.54982412

there's a trilemma
decentralization, security, scalability
pick two

eths way around this was to pick decentralization and security and put scalability on a layer 2

of course with proof of stake its not as decentralized as it was thanks to these massive staking pools and nodes hosted on amazon etc. but eth devs actually have a plan for that on the roadmap, whether that works out or how long it takes i can't say.

but eth is around 55% complete.

any chain that chooses scalability over decentralization and security will seem superior at first glance. but you cant put the decentralization and security on a layer 2 so prioritizing scalability on layer one is limiting. works great for solana because its not even trying to be an "eth killer" its designed to exist alongside eth as the faster less secure and less decentralized option.

so really there's a place for multiple layers 1s, and at least 2 dominant layer 1s. whether that will be eth and solana or two other chains long term who knows. but eth is in the lead for the big chain still

>> No.54982446

stop spoonfeeding
the elites are in

>> No.54982566

Kadena babena?

>> No.54982588
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>thanks for the money, nerds

>> No.54982595

Incorrect. Avax has solved it as everyone knows. Its time to accept it and move on. Prove me wrong.

>> No.54982626


Millions? Maybe thousands and 90% of them are swapping erc20/721 tokens. The only “value” is gambling on ponzis.

>> No.54982633


Hurr durr my whole blockchain can be turned off in someone’s AWS account

>> No.54982637
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It actually did though?

>> No.54982747

No, that's just your shallow perspective.

>> No.54982791

arguing about old layer 1 networks launched 2021 or earlier that aren't bitcoin or ethereum is pointless because they've all failed.
maybe new layer 1s will capture marketshare, but they'll have to operate vastly differently to all the hundreds of failed chains that tried the same thing.

long term nobody actually uses cryptocurrencies for anything but decentralized wealth (bitcoin) and decentralied markets (ethereum).
everything else is just one giant shitcoin market that's designed to fizzle out every 2-3 years and then come back with a new batch of suckers.
nobody actually cares about any of it long-term, and that's why none of it has ever managed to dent bitcoin or even ethereum.

>> No.54982826


>> No.54982868


>> No.54982918


Trilemma has been solved years ago, it's all about getting the developers in. No code approach with bubble dot io etc.. It's mind boggling how under the radar Nexus flies..

>> No.54982977

Shh they wont realize until its too late

>> No.54982979

Ethereum ever being truly decentralized is over since it's now PoS. Now a handful of validators run the network on AWS servers. The chain is so bloated that a pleb can't even run a node, so infura runs most of the nodes. Erc20 stablecoins can freeze anyone's assets for whatever reason. MEV scams users out of millions and Vitalik won't address this. Countless attack vectors for the US gov to make Ethereum bow down.

Bitcoin is the only one worth buying, the rest is just a scam.

>> No.54983000

it never was decentralized, altcoins in general aren't even close to being resistant from decisions made by the developers.
at least under proof of woke it's a partial hedge against proof of work/gpu issues.

>> No.54983011
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why are ethereum threads always filled with coping baggies who have no clue how ethereum works.

>> No.54983128

>works great for solana because its not even trying to be an "eth killer" its designed to exist alongside eth as the faster less secure and less decentralized option.
There's no such thing as an eth killer. All the eth killers have been munched by eth itself. Just focused on the coming altseason now, choosing bluechips the smart way with Altcoinistdao

>> No.54983313

You just perfectly described what Hedera Hashgraph is and why it's the future.
The consensus algorithm is mathematically perfect, so tech wise theres nothing better.
Decentralization in governance is also a big question, Hedera tackles this problem easily. Huge companies are putting their names on this network, so if shit goes down, so do their reputations.

Do some research, any research on hedera.

>> No.54983321

>one new chain will rise and beat the blockchain trilemma
Already done.
Not even going to help you with this one.

>> No.54983409

>And you're wasting your chance to be a hero so you can trade shitcoins on Binance Chain. Fucking NPCs.
what is with the constant binance hate? find me an institution that backs its assets one to one? ill wait

>> No.54983428

in which case the end game was already decided in 2009. the only long term self-secured chain being bitcoin, arbitrary use cases existing as layers to chat unbeatably decentralized chain.

everything else is just a never ending stream of "current thing" blockchains pumping and dumping with the odd one lost through the cracks to hang around a few years before it's inevitable demise.

>> No.54983455

>blockchain trilemma
Isn't interesting this was created by the creator of ETH?

A bit suspect don't you think?

>> No.54983690

almost all memes and narratives created in the early eth days have failed because what eth was trying to be has no resemblance to the only market it was able to find.

>> No.54983840

Avax is public sale / VC heavy too. The only L1 that I know of that has legit fixed the trilemma is Telos

>> No.54984441

>no you don't understand, my curry chain has solved this!

and you were right

>> No.54984516

if big money wants eth , it is eth ... if big money wants defi on eth , it is on eth ... big money decides imo

>> No.54984518

crypto isn’t real. after the collapse, you won’t be able to buy anything with it except maybe a plot of digital land on the metaverse.

>> No.54984884

can you unironically elaborate
I'm a dev getting into web3 recently

>> No.54985547

>Massa Labs
I looked it up and it's not a bad shitcoin.
but it's a nakamoto consensus so it won't scale.
can't see where to buy the coin?
raised only $6 million, it's french.
pretty much, this coin never had a chance.
Hedera is the optimum version of DAG crypto.

>> No.54985688

>No layer 2 has solved trilemma,
>No layer 2 will solve trilemma. Not selling ETH cus all my staked bag one Uniswap and AllianceDEX are on Ethereum network, so does DeFi TVL built on ETH.
Why are you still sick?

>> No.54986193

>security, scalability, decentralization
Layer 1 networks evolving into Layer 0 solutions with sidechains that roll-up to the native layer is the solution. The economic problem a lot of these projects have, is they have massive VC backing and/or Private & Public sales, instead of just deploying and toughing it out. There's really only one project that checks all the boxes here, but I fucking hate /biz/ and they don't deserve to know what it is. I saw it mentioned previously in this thread, so there. Go find the diamond in the rough.

>> No.54986257

>high quality memes from icp jeets

>> No.54986329

>ethereum is dying in two weeks!

>> No.54986373

Eth has been a shitcoin ever since they switched to POS.
A literal infinite supply centralized Ponzi scheme like Chainlink and XRP.

Bitcoin is the only crypto. The world has zero need for premixed shitcoin scams.

>> No.54986470

>blabla it has to be SO decentralized that no government is able to stop it, this is all that matters, 100% human proof guyse!
>Proudly switches from PoW to PoS

>> No.54986527

ICP and AVAX have both accomplished a lot in terms of this. ICP can do more but AVAX is a solid L1 smart contract platform. The only people who say nothing has solved the trilemma actually mean "nothing has solved the trilemma that is currently pumping and on normie radars".

>> No.54986568

FTM solves all the problems and it still hasn't pumped.

>> No.54986579


he does not know about KAS.

Oh anon...

>> No.54986643
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System is live and they have proved that they can scale as needed by upgrading mainnet from 10 to 20 chains without major issues

There is a limited possible space of economic activity that can occur on Ethereum, so any transaction worth less than a car is going to be priced out eventually. Hence any business model that requires smaller transactions is doomed to fail and will be forced to migrate to some centralised EVM chain

>> No.54986738
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or skip layer 0 and have chains talking directly to eachother, while sharing the hashpower

>> No.54987093

gm sirs

>> No.54987127

Not feasible. Not practical. Sloppy.

>> No.54987410

good post, retards continue to think that TPS is the most important metric

>> No.54987473
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Avalanche solves the blockchain trillema

>> No.54987784

I don't fucking care. for now, I can trade my ETH privately and etherscan got nothing on me.

>> No.54987811


>> No.54987851

$20 gas fees for operators on Shrapnel is not solving the issue. That's the biggest red flag with Avalanche. Its too expensive to scale. Avalanche will fail.

>> No.54987857

all transactions do not need to be on a L1. L1s can be used as a settlement layer - people are perfectly fine to use a mastercard or visa network with one node today, making the jump to a network of only a 100 nodes but with dispute resolution and finality on a L1 is enough

>> No.54987882

every app has its own chain and only posts back to the L1 in case of dispute resolution/moving funds back on mainnet

>> No.54987893

Except that one blockchain running on 1100 full nodes with a time to finality of less than one second even at 1M+ transactions per day. Oh and it has unlimited customisability for running any type of VM.

>> No.54987945
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What's wrong with eth? What separates it from say Bitcoin?

All of these private currencies are fickle but doing worlds better than any dollar backed by a government. Bitcoin is worth 24 grand to the dollar and eth something like a grand. That's quite a gap, but none the less, it seems governments need these shady rug pulls more than the rug pulls need them. Why? Cause they're out there busting their balls to make the crypto valuable. What is America or any other country doing?

>> No.54987947
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but hbar

>> No.54987962

hashgraphs are inherently way more centralized than any other tech you fucking brainlet jesus christ at least the other pajeets can make a claim but you're a fucking idiot

>> No.54987993

Does the blockchain trilemma even need to be solved?

>> No.54988162

This is the movement by L1's to evolve into L0's. The right direction for the industry. Ethereum and all L2's and EVMs will be dead in 10 years. And it won't be any of the Top 25 projects today either, because they all suffer from front-running and variable gas fees. Those will also perish.

>> No.54988171


>> No.54988296

Oh yeah? Says who?

>> No.54988430

The premise of this thread is bullshit. L2 is the best way to scale. Eth is an unfixable pile of outdated crap that doesn't support native L2s like lightning.

>> No.54988500

>>ethereum is dying in two weeks!
You will die poor before Ethereum for wishing my entire life savings on Ethereum through Allianceblock DEX death.

>> No.54988624
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And that chain is Avalanche. Name me another chain that has achieved scalability, is truly decentralized and is totally secure? There you have the answer. End of thread.

>> No.54988691

Yes, because everyone is going to pay $20 each time they use the network. Avalanche is front-run trash. No avoiding that. Its built into the logic of the network.

>> No.54988736

"Alex Becker" who ithe fuck is that? T that post reads like a normie and has the most normie low IQ name I've ever heard. I'd do the opposite of anything he says.

>> No.54988898
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>> No.54988962
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>Yes, because everyone is going to pay $20 each time they use the network

>> No.54989187

ofcourse it does. how would you transact anything with gas fees reaching record highs with a userbase of a few million people? also beacon chain going down twice in a span of weeks is definitely a bad image

>> No.54990168

I'd rather just keep slurping ORE

>> No.54990970

Nigger retard