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54964849 No.54964849 [Reply] [Original]

Have around 290 ETH, I've been using binance but the apr is only 3.8%. even Coinbase apr is like 5.2%, but they cuck there customers by sending information to IRS.
Which is the best place for staking that gives max apr , and also don't send info to IRS?
I want it to be a one click solution amd not run nodes at home

>> No.54964934

>290 ETH
Maybe you'd have it best by just buying up a variety of staked ETH tokens like stETH and others? If you're wanting to stake on an exchange, there's always the chance that they start complying with US demands to send information to the IRS anyways

>> No.54964968

rETH or stETH probably.

>> No.54964984

Lol what a larp.

But in case you're not. You can liquid staking with rocket pool or lido like the other anons said

>> No.54964994

self stake retard

>> No.54965031

Buy some Rocket Pool token (ticker: RPL) and start staking with Rocket Pool using your own hardware or Allnodes. It's the best financial decision I made in 2022. My TVL has grown from 225 ETH to almost 400 ETH. I make $5000 a month in ETH and RPL rewards each month at current prices.
Ask me anything.

>> No.54965090 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 896x1344, weakestAVAXholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIGGER! Bridge to Avalanche using the custodianless Bridge and swap on Trader Joe into AVAX.
Then run your own Validator for 8% APY (+ delegation rewards + Subnet rewards).

>> No.54965369


>> No.54965388

Allnodes looks pretty cool. How the fuck can you get almost 10% on ETH with it though?

>> No.54965426

You can't. Current staking reward on ETH alone is 6.38% and will slowly come down as more people/institutions run validators. RPL rewards are currently up to 8.5%.

>> No.54965474
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I've been thinking about doing this. Do you self host? How do you make sure power outages and internet outages don't fuck you? If on the cloud, how do you make sure some incel working at AWS doesn't just steal your shit?

>> No.54965541

I was using Allnodes but I'm currently in the process of shifting to my own hardware. Allnodes was great, nothing wrong with them, but I want to have full control. Power/internet outages will happen because I have shitty Xfinity but even a day or two of downtime will be negligible. AWS is an option that should be safe but they're expensive like $200 per month. If you don't wanna host on your own hardware, Allnodes makes much more sense.

>> No.54965551

wanna know that too, can you potentially lose money if you have outages?

>> No.54965570

Daily ETH staking rewards for me is like $67. A few hours downtime and missing attestations isn't gonna break me.

>> No.54965590
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How is AWS safe? Some AWS faglord could easily root into my server and steal my coins then go to Thailand and fuck ladyboys (Hiro)

What is wrong with Allnodes? They claim you can keep your ETH on your own wallet which is really cool to me. I want to self host a node, but I live in Florida so if a hurricane comes, the node could be down for weeks potentially.

>> No.54965644

what I wanted to ask is - how much downtime is still tolerable when it comes to staking? do you run a validatior for your eth only or also for other people on rocket pool?

>> No.54965698

Then Allnodes is the better option for you. I'm only switching away from them because I want full control and don't want to pay them $7.50 per month for each Rocket Pool minipool (I have almost 20).
Don't think of downtime as a penalty. It's more like opportunity loss because you're not getting the income from attesting. When you run an 8-ETH minipool through Rocket Pool, you get paired with 24 ETH from rETH stakers and earn a 14% commission on all their ETH's attestation rewards.

>> No.54965722
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Unless the entire network is shitting the bed all at once, there's very little penalty for being offline. You lose money linearly at a rate similar to what you would have made, so instead of making $50 you'd lose $50 or so while offline. The system doesn't slash your bond for a power outage

>> No.54965770

If I ain't throwing my crypto on CEX for staking, then it's going straight to my Ledger for live staking. Or, even better, I'm hitting up Sylo's liquidity mining for that sweet 40% APR, or Metamask staking. Just a smart ass diversifying to get on all the good APRs out there.

>> No.54965828

thanks, that's what I wanted to know
I wasn't sure if the system penalizes missed attestations as staking supposedly should come with some risk; I guess you risk actually losing your stake only if you act maliciously towards the network

>> No.54965918

Do the rewards compound in all nodes ?
I am planning to buy 10 more ETH and make it 300 for staking . How much do you think I can make per month with 300 ETH in all nodes?

>> No.54965935

See >>54965031 I recommend RPL

>> No.54965940

Is it better to have a bunch of 8eth mini pools or 16 eth minipools?

>> No.54966052

8 ETH minipools are more profitable because you're earning extra commission on 24 ETH instead of 16 ETH.
Search rocket pool tool on google. It's a calculator to give you an idea of what your earnings could be.

I wish I could stay and answer more questions but I gotta go to my gf's mom's house for dinner.

>> No.54966061
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Yeah lol good fucking idea that makes about as much sense as saying if you don’t reply to this message your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.54966072

Oh yeah bros we are all just sitting on half a mil worth of eth here. Personally I'm up to 450, hoping to scoop another casual 50 next week. No big deal.

Fucking faggots.

>> No.54966137
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Idk why this is so hard to believe, I had 320 eth last cycle.

You realize we're all oldfags, right? Go to reddit if you want to cope. Pic rel was my portfolio in 2021

>> No.54966173

Same issue here. 200 ETH on Binance currently, but looking for better options.

>> No.54966183

Are you getting around the same 3.8% apr? Do you know if the rewards compound?

>> No.54966338

Coinmetro is a better APR and are completely off the radar of the IRS.

>> No.54966672

How much collateral do
you have on your pools?

>> No.54966705

wagmi bruh

>> No.54967095

Putting your ether anywhete where yoi dont hold the private keys...
Yea, im thinking retarded.

>> No.54968550

My collateral is currently 156% but it technically caps out at 150%. You can have as low as 10%.

>> No.54968570

Kys in portal

>> No.54969444

I'm gonna do everyone in this thread a favor.

Leveraged liquid staking.

I recommend rETH aave v3. You can do it one click on defisaver. https://app.defisaver.com/recipes/book?recipe=leverage-reth-eth-using-aave-v3

You can get higher APR on stETH but fuck that. Also, emode enables on rETH soon so the APRs will be similar.

>> No.54969736

Damn! You guys never learn. You must be cursed with your love for CEXes.

>> No.54969882

>You must be cursed with your love for CEXes

And you must be cursed with your poverty mentality, there's no reason to have a negative impression of coinmetro considering it is quite transparent.

>> No.54970044

can't things like reth/steth blacklist your account or freeze your funds like many/most other tokens have provisions for?

>> No.54970057

>there's no reason to have a negative impression of coinmetro considering it is quite transparent.

Hello from


>> No.54970109
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>parking 290 ETH into a dying exchange run by clueless slavshits and mexicans

Captcha: MHNGGR

>> No.54970151


LARP. Everyone on this board is a liar in some capacity.

>> No.54970227
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Gotta love how nubiz doesn't believe that some people have been around for a while.

I parked mine in steth and my own rocketpool node. At the very least get it off exchanges, not your keys not your crypto.

>> No.54970255

these are the types of people still holding link, or xrp, and spending the rest of their time looking for "gems" in the shitcoin market.

300 eth might be worth a ittle today but only a few years ago it was dust.

>> No.54970289

Are you a retard because we all know even DeFi protocols get fucked, but how would you know?

>> No.54970434

So to run 2 16eth pools I need 48 eth worth of RPL? And where do RPL staking rewards come from? Inflation?

>> No.54970493

all good, but isn't stETH also among "not your keys" options?

>> No.54970611

Steth is like any other erc20 shitcoin, you're in full control and can swap out of it at any time (the liquidity is quite deep and about to get better with lido withdrawals), the only difference is you get airdropped more tokens once a day.

>> No.54970665
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>I want it to be a one click solution amd not run nodes at home
then you're not staking, you'll get automatically fucked be the IRS and you miss out on a large chunk of the rewards, including the MEV rewards. don't be a cuck. run a node.

>> No.54970716

That's where yield aggregators like SpoolFi come in it allows you diversify your assets across several yield farming protocols.

>> No.54970833

Are the mev rewards that much?

>> No.54971010

any idea about current apm on 8eth minipool?

>> No.54971069

Too late for eth, do I hail Mary into icp old fag?

Do you plan on holding eth for eternity? genuine question

>> No.54971094

I mean with RPL rewards included ofc

>> No.54971123
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Anon, this is ETH in my hot wallet only...You need to do better.

>> No.54971477
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they provide around 1% currently but once there is some Defi craze the MEV explodes and it can easily become larger than the issuance reward. there have been blocks with several ETH as reward only due to MEV.
no idea about rocket pool.

>> No.54971567

Send it to me I'll give you 6% apy ;)

>> No.54971761

48 ETH worth of RPL is needed if you want to be 150% collateralized. But remember you can be as low as 10% or 3.2 ETH worth. And the rewards come from like 5% RPL inflation per year.

>> No.54971825

Commission is higher because you're getting it on 24 ETH instead of 16 ETH. If I remember correctly, the rewards are 25% higher.

>> No.54972412

does collateral size matter in any way when it comes to rewards?

>> No.54972462

Thanks for reply.
>And the rewards come from like 5% RPL inflation per year.
So is it 5% yearly inflation fixed? And it is distributed among all pools, proportional to your collateral and if more people start running pools it drops? Can people looking to stake in pools see my % collateral and choose another pool? Whats downside of having 10% collateral other than lower RPL staking %apy

>> No.54973814


>> No.54974681
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I need help eth heads.
I only have 7 eth i was waiting for it dip a bit more before buying. Somewhere around 1.5k USD.

Or is eth price still good to buy now?

>> No.54974698

I don't hold link or xrp sir!

>> No.54974832

>using a cex to stake

>> No.54976287


>> No.54976375

Optimism vault on POOL is giving out about 3%.

>> No.54976806
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One advise anon, privacy is key.

>> No.54976907

Its indeed a curse, I wonder if anyone learnt anything during CEXs breakdown. My assets are safely stored in my Railway privacy wallet for extra security.

>> No.54976927

>290 eth
>Can't self stake
Are you sure you don't mean 0.290?

>> No.54976962

i only have about 4 eth unlike OP if he isn't larping and am not staking; how long are you locked into rocketpool? should i stake half my stack? its actually on goybase and has been for years but i don't want to stake on there

>> No.54976995

will look into this since you hit trips

>> No.54979063

Get your crypto into your own wallet then swap into one of the liquid staking coins like Reth or Steth then you don't have to do shit but hold.

>> No.54979531


>> No.54979656

>8 ETH minipools are more profitable because you're earning extra commission on 24 ETH instead of 16 ETH.
But you also have to hold more RPL. How does it work out in the end?

>> No.54980181

The more collateral you, the more RPL you receive. It's in your best interest to be as close to 150% as you can afford. The potential downside is higher exposure to RPL and the price falls or the protocol blows up but that's highly unlikely. RPL is arguably much more bullish than ETH long-term.
10% collateral is OK if that's what you're comfortable with. Potential downside is falling below 10% if the price of RPL drops. Because then you wouldn't be accruing rewards. And FYI there is no choosing of pools. Everyone staking on Rocket Pool is technically one pool.
You're right. If you're holding more RPL, you get more RPL rewards as well. Then you get you're regular 8 ETH validator rewards. And finally, 14% commission from the 24 ETH bonded to your 8 ETH.

>> No.54980556

>leaving future 500k in metamask


>> No.54980612

I had 220 ETH and 4.5 BTC sitting on Bittrex for over 2 years. I finally wised up after the FTX debacle.

>> No.54981675

there's no good reason to stake eth with your own nodes
its like setting up masternodes for dash, decentralization theater,

plus you only miss out on a small % of an already small % of returns, and have to waste time setting up computers and software, and then you're not even liquid at the end of it

>> No.54981913

>you're not even liquid at the end of it
how are you not? Ethereum withdrawals were enabled and liquid derivatives themselves have decent liquidity https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/rocket-pool-eth

>> No.54981934

It's metamask with ledger, it's fineeeeeeeee

>> No.54982144

youre only liquid if you use an LSD and not a centralized exchange one.
everything else is too risky for me especially at large node counts (100+) because you multiply the risk and diversification away from risk means even more work relative to using multiple tokens

>> No.54982415

How? Still holding mine in the sylo wallet cos I haven't seen a good platform to trust my token on.

>> No.54982427

You must be a big clown

>> No.54982473

>ledger updates your device with a backdoor
nothing personnel

>> No.54982577

You don't, Eth is dogshit.

>> No.54982695

>Or is eth price still good to buy now
Get the fuck in while you still can, it's likely eth won't be this low again based on the analysis of a seasoned YouTuber (i don't wanna mention names), plus some insights on tokenmetrics and nomics
>don't be a laggard

>> No.54982710

Kek, ledger being comped was the last thing I expected in this bear cycle

>> No.54982731

last thing? everyone knew for years ledger was incompetent.
they leaked everyone's names and addresses 3 years ago, anyone that bought a ledger after that point was setting themselves up for pain.

it's also one of the only closed source hardware wallets, and can't even be updated without connecting the wallet itself directly to ledger servers through the cable.

they went from the only physically safe hw device to the least safe hw device in less than 4 years.
nobody with a brain buys ledger devices anymore.

>> No.54983033


>> No.54983117

Lost a large portion of my net worth to ftx and Luna
Flipped profits with a few blue chips, ALTT launch will melt faces

>> No.54983632

I lost 280 ETH on Celsius

I will never recover

Make it for me, bros