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File: 361 KB, 1280x720, Tulips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54962406 No.54962406 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

>> No.54962420

Thanks, just sold 100k btc, now I know this information!

>> No.54962440
File: 526 KB, 500x500, 1662501610079443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54962448

I hate women

>> No.54962461

These same women will make you go on a string of dates before you get anywhere while a black man can just take them away to fuck

>> No.54962479

daily reminder that you will die without experiencing the joy of having a white family
thousand of years of genetic lineage, ended with you.

>> No.54962495

The pain of not getting these white women is less than the enjoyment the white women and black men feel when they're together. So the overall happiness in the world goes up

>> No.54962578

This gorilla fucking those whores for free ?
Also buy bitcoin.

>> No.54962660

Winnie the Pooh increased incentives by 0.03 yuan this week.

>> No.54962687

Please kys
Say no to whores like that. Set standards and call out the BS of women.

>> No.54962688

i fucked +200 women in my life and I'm now 30 years old without wanting to even speak with women anymore

women are disgusting, they think like kids, strong when they are 22 and utterly pathetic at 32

when i see families of my age i have pity for them, i know all the sacrifices this guy has to do to make his pathetic relationship to survive and i know he will die of a cancer before 75 because of how annoying his life is

my main hobbies are: mountain bike, working on my home, going to the gym and shitposting on 4chan

>> No.54962705

Daily reminder that this is the last generation and you must turn to Christ or be thrown away like garbage into the lake of fire.

>> No.54962766
File: 199 KB, 944x603, 1684050870338641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope nigger.

>> No.54962810

kinda same but didn't fuck that many women, quality ass over quantity

>> No.54962819

Based 2018 tulip mania poster

>> No.54962822

>quality ass

dude i know chuds like you only fuck 6/10's (at best)

>> No.54962833

Daily reminder that thousands of years of worshipping a Jew and it's Jewish religion led to this

>> No.54962834
File: 193 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_2706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, so much this

>> No.54962855
File: 160 KB, 898x847, 1683946179990871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily reminder that you will die without experiencing the joy of having a white family
I have 5 children

>you must turn to Christ or be thrown away like garbage into the lake of fire
Fuck your jewish desert wizard you fucking cuck

>> No.54962947

Which pornographic source is this video from?

>> No.54962954
File: 52 KB, 561x560, b73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right friend, ultimately that's all that matters!

>> No.54962958

matter of fact, minimum 7/10 but all women, how many trannies or animals in your 200 fucks ? you perverted wagie.

>> No.54962978

so with you high quality women you ended up with the same thought as me :-)

women are trash and losing time trying to get them is so tiresome

>> No.54962999

quality ass don't think better than ugly ass and often its the opposite but you know that already

>> No.54963007

this life so fucking annoying once you swallow the blackpill
the only reason to live is to get rich so you can get very comfy
hope i will go for the high score before dying because there are too much son of bitches breathing the same air as me

>> No.54963019

YOu'll finna know it!

>> No.54963021

BBC mania is forever tho

>> No.54963029

yep, white supremacy is just evolution by another name.

>> No.54963036

lol, everytime

>> No.54963050

feel free to post any statistics that show anything to the contrary ;)
funny how instead of any data there's merely silence

>> No.54963065

I'm married and everything this anon says is true. I love my kids and hate my life

>> No.54963079

whats your definition of rich ? I'm very comfy, no need to work but still living in a retarded world and will never be happy as the blue pilled NPCs