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54952690 No.54952690 [Reply] [Original]

stinkshitter shills BTFO

>> No.54952707

Hey pajeet, keep the fud to the fucking link threads you street shitter.

>> No.54952713
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 19655203698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54952724

you are obsessed with me o3o WTF

>> No.54952737
File: 454 KB, 1000x479, 1683958212793631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54952808
File: 1.93 MB, 1044x984, average linktard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goodmorning please don't listen to demoralization fudders, Link will go to 1000 rupees very soon sirs

>> No.54952965

no self respecting white man would be caught dead holding link

>> No.54952981

Im mexican and roundtripped from 0.20

>> No.54953110

Whoever it was that kept dumping Bitcoin on all Link news; you won.

>> No.54953138

Which is why I, a link holder, identify as a woman

>> No.54953412

Kek linkcels have libcuck-tier memes now

>> No.54953680

Nah, left panel really does sound like FUD tranny screeching to me. And right panel is exactly how I feel before I hide fud threads.
>buys 100 more link tokens

>> No.54954090

Leftist memes don't make sense cause they're trying to push a political message instead of presenting a simple truth. The meme presents a simple truth and perfectly captures how you fudders come across.

>> No.54955009
File: 72 KB, 1013x403, 129356425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah we're actually pretty comfy.

>> No.54955033

I’m not comfy, I have been in hell for 2 years. Watched make it levels of wealth melt away into not even enough for a house. If this shit doesn’t pump soon I’ll probably die just from the anxiety.

>> No.54955047

altcoins that drop out of the top 10 never recover their spot, everyone who isn't a complete newfag knows this.

You're just a coping baggie

>> No.54955059

If Link is more or less a sure thing (or enough of a sure thing that you won't be selling either way), then why are you waiting for it? Let it sit in cold storage and work on improving yourself and your life. Forget about Link until something actually happens.

>> No.54955211

Thanks. You've convinced me to sell my 22k stack of Chainlink tokens (ticker: LINK).

>> No.54955226

>I've been in hell 2 years
>No i didn't DCA and sell parts of my stack
>Yes I am a massive greedy retard
Skill issue.

>> No.54955280

Wasn’t greed, people misunderstand why those of us with millions didn’t sell the top. It’s because at the time we were simply comfortable with holding LINK and felt the value was always due to reach those numbers. Keep in mind we held and accumulated for 4 years prior just believing through every pump up and dump down. Only in hindsight do you realize what you gave away, and you needed to get the 7 figures and lose it to get that. It doesn’t make it any less painful.

>> No.54955298

>It wasn't greed
>We were just comfortable not selling anything at ATH
That's called greed.

You don't have to sell your entire stack at ATH. But sell parts of it on the way up and down, and maybe you wouldn't be crying about it now.

>> No.54955519

I moved on a long time ago. Its privacy season, get in the program.

>> No.54956036

I bought RAIL instead. Am I a wise white man?

>> No.54956042

No anon, greed implies a desire for more. Nobody felt that way. We weren’t waiting for number go up more. That wasn’t what happened.

>> No.54956420
File: 244 KB, 2313x1302, FvT3RmXXoAIRdRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot PEEPO op

>> No.54958187
File: 1.96 MB, 2034x1002, paypig cult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54958210

There is no second best (at being the worst)