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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54945928 No.54945928 [Reply] [Original]

>blocks are being missed
>last finalized epoch was 44 minutes ago

>> No.54947254
File: 48 KB, 828x853, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this crap? kek

>> No.54947260
File: 95 KB, 788x1138, 4209310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the future chain is dying

>> No.54947466

Explain it to me like I'm a fetal alcohol syndrome baby

>> No.54947479

Is this etherium related. Is OG shitcoin finally dying?

>> No.54947511

It just means some fools are getting slashed

>> No.54947734
File: 32 KB, 527x572, photo_2022-02-03_14-32-12_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54947769

Ethereum is pulling a solana, and shitting the bed.
Now ethfags will swoop in to “ackchooally” my post.

>> No.54949537

does this effect the binance beacon chain at all? Its down too. You cant pull any account info up at all, go to an explorer (make sure its a binance beacon one) and try to search for an account and you get a 404

>> No.54949609

How much does Vitalik pay you?

>> No.54949657
File: 43 KB, 646x682, AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche and its Subnets worked flawless during this time and every transaction is finalized sub second, Avalanche is also decentralized.
just accept it that AVAX is superior and ETH is broken.
Bridge to AVAX while you still can frens.

>> No.54949679

? the fuck does this even make sense? Go pull up any account on the mintscan binance beacon explorer. I am seeing someone in twitter saying the eth beacon chain is an attack, maybe the binance beacon chain has similar vulnerabilities? All I know is the binance beacon chain is down and im seeing people saying the eth beacon is down too, im wondering if they are related. Dont be such a ridiculous sperg

>> No.54949712
File: 8 KB, 250x205, 1680920498571413s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don t eat bacon anyway...is my VISA payment impacted ? you know the past of finance ?

>> No.54950151

That’s a true representation of the average ETH fanboy boomer.

>> No.54950420

maybe the big brain play is to stop giving a shit about blatant scams...?

>> No.54950531

every ghost chain loves to brag about their tps and their uptime but the reason why their networks are never strained is because no one fucking uses it