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54944495 No.54944495 [Reply] [Original]

LINK staking chads, we just keep winning.

>> No.54944874

>the project will make multiple percentage points of its native token supply available
What did they mean by this?

>> No.54944897

Percentage of total token supply gets allocated to Chainlink service providers including stakers

>> No.54944902

Do the Chainlink team have to approve build projects or can I create a copy paste shitcoin with a ridiculous name and donate a portion of the supply?

>> No.54944904
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Between 9 and 11 percent.

>> No.54944907
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>LINK staking chads, we just keep winning.

>> No.54944944

This is the firet time they don't specify the actual percentage.

I'm guessing they're approving otherwise we will have much more projects/scams joining.


Yup, pretty comfy getting 4.75% APY in LINK plus 32 different BUILD tokens.

>> No.54944951
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>> No.54944993

We haven't gotten a single airdrop yet, most likely those tokens will be made available to stakers in 3-5 years when Chainlink fulfilled their side of the deal of helping these pajeet teams fix their dogshit code

>> No.54945151
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chainlink had a trillion integrations in the past 6 years and none of them amounted to nothing, now we have trillions of BUILD projects joining and none of them will amount to anything

>> No.54945762

Maybe "making it" was the red days you had along the way?

>> No.54945783

How to get build tokens? Its been 6 months

>> No.54946012

i find it hilarious when fudcucks try to shit up link discussion threads now
if you go into any fudcuck thread its just some poor retard samefagging and hoping 1-2 of his colleagues come in to back him up and outside of that there's basically no real engagement whatsoever
we're just not gonna sell, only buy more
sorry nigger

>> No.54946128

Nobody cares, brownman

>> No.54946161

>w-we don't care thats why w-we have to spam biz with fud nonstop every day
just not gonna sell
only buy more
sorry nigger

>> No.54946230

>look at me being gay and hysterical about a bad investment
You sure showed me. Post belly button

>> No.54946312

>fudcuck starts seething more
just not gonna sell
only buy more
youll be stuck here fudding for 10+ hours after ive headed out and its just not gonna change
sorry nigger

>> No.54946362

>just keep winning
>link has stayed range bound entire year, only major to not move during 2023 rally
> is likely retarded

>> No.54946364

>bad investment
Kek there it is. I bought 1000 linkies this morning. How does that make you feel, you cumbrained faggot?

>> No.54946377
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>> No.54946395
File: 59 KB, 1170x1330, B1DE8962-DC47-4197-8825-B7CE005E5A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuck sisters how do we refute this?

>> No.54946398

Based, linkies could have sold when staking was announced and they could of have had 10 years worth of APR if they bought back now. LMAO

>> No.54946417

Thanks for keeping link a biz board anon. All your effort has probably funneled enough newfags into checking out link discussion threads and buying sub $10 link that their stacks are probably larger than anything you would have accumulated at $50 before selling at a loss. Extremely based.

>> No.54946848

Typical esl fudder

>> No.54946863
File: 1.93 MB, 1044x984, average linktard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you're ESL fudder, please buy Link $1000 very soon sirs

>> No.54946870

When do latefags get to stack?

>> No.54947493
File: 8 KB, 247x204, terdfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a sleepy dick jeet go get your ass fix as TM will help you identify market trends early and alert you to exit when conditions turn around.