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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 124 KB, 750x1000, walker-white-breaking-bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54937045 No.54937045 [Reply] [Original]

I got fired from my burger flipping job because I wasn't "learning fast enough". Which is completely untrue. I just didn't want to do things the way my manager told me.
He wanted me to flip burgers AND take orders, but the job listing and description only says I would be cooking. I mentioned this to him and he said I need to be mor flexible
Bitch. I am flexible. Im just not touching your patties right after I use take a customer's dirty change.
So then we had a talk, and basically he told me to man up and that he didn't want to have to speak to me again. I told him he was literally speaking to me now as a joke but he didn't seem to find it funny

And now he fires me because I'm "learning too slowly". Im in Canada. How do I get my job back?

>> No.54937077

In Canada you can sue him for lots of money for wrongful termination. You did everything the job description says and so never deserved to get fired

>> No.54937101

Okay but I don't have the money to sue him. I just want the job back it was pretty chill.

>> No.54937107

>And now he fires me because I'm "learning too slowly"
He's liable, he's the one that hired the retard, you're not allowed to fire a retard for being retarded. You might as well spin this angle.

>> No.54937120

>I just want the job back it was pretty chill.
Sorry bro, you pissed off your manager. He's the one who was gonna give you your job back. All anyone else can do for you is get wrongful termination money.

>> No.54937133

Talk to one of those better call saul style attorneys. If one of them thinks your case is strong enough they might try it for "free" and just take like half of whatever you make on the suit

>> No.54937195

This. Post pic of you shidding and farding everywhere

>> No.54937313

Im not retarded. Im pretty smart I just like to do easy jobs to fit in

>> No.54937323

>I'm smart
>gets fired from mcdonalds

>> No.54937349

It wasn't mcdonalds it was a&w

>> No.54937358
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And, people wonder, why dumb people think smart people are dumb. If you get fire for being to stupid to work a stupid job, are you that smart?

>> No.54937398

not doing work because you werent hired to do it has nothing to do with how smart you are man are you retarded

>> No.54937453

OP sounds like your manager terminated you for bring retarded. You have a legitimate discrimination lawsuit. Sue for lost wages and emotional damages. $100k min for emotional damages

>> No.54937476
File: 18 KB, 584x329, wasn'tbrains_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is too retarded to unserstand this!

>> No.54937486


>> No.54937489

>bro I'm intelligent they need to put what I'm supposed to do every minute of the day
>I tossed the patties on the floor because job duties didn't say they needed to be on bun
>I threw the burgers in the bag because job duties didn't say to wrap them
Etc etc
Thread seems incredibly jewish. It's like looking up local laws for "putting trashcan on the curb" and having to read like 20 paragraphs

>> No.54937511

Calm down retard.

>> No.54937512

no fuckin idiot you're stretching the definition
Its like if i worked as a teacher and got told to be a janitor
two DIFFERENT jobs
same here
cash register and cook

>> No.54937525

you guys are all dickheads

>> No.54937530
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What matters is are you retarded, or can you get money for possibly being retarded? What matters to you?

>> No.54937533

Squidward ran the cash register and cooked sometimes too. Does a cartoon reference register with your retard brain?

>> No.54937547

cartoons are completely different how can you compare fictional work to real life. You actually think im stupid bro I cant believe this.

>> No.54937549
File: 73 KB, 640x484, lastvalley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is 4chan! Why worry about what strangers think of you?

>> No.54937555

No sweaty. I know you're retarded

>> No.54937573

Thanks Allah at least I have a degree

>> No.54937590

Why are you flipping burgers anon? Anything else you can do?

>> No.54937602

Guys, stop antagonising OP.
Retard strength is really scary, you don't know what OP can do to you.

>> No.54937605

Its just fun. Its satisfying seeing a well cooked burger made

Yeah no. You cant know anything about me from just this text alone

>> No.54937635

And it is still satisfying after cooking a 1000 of those burgers?
Good for you OP, I wish I had your enthusiasm

>> No.54937644

I'm not afraid of beating up a retard, ehats he gonna do? Get fired?

>> No.54937699
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>> No.54937712

I bet you think youre so funny man! nobody is laughing

>> No.54937729

>this thread
Holy shit OP, thank you so much. Good for you for standing your ground but you are retarded

>> No.54937844
File: 2.70 MB, 498x354, Fats MAD Trying To Get Fit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54937883

so is this man autistic or trolling? I dont come here often enough to recognize things like this.

>> No.54937923

It's either bait or probably undiagnosed aspergers

>> No.54937933
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undiagnosed aspergers
Not even trying to be a jerk or some burger pun here either
t. Aspergers

>> No.54937958

The first step is to aquire a gun (something small and concealed, like a .22 or .380)
Next you need to use that gun to shoot Justin Turdough in the dick.
And finally, I don't care what you do only that a fucking leaf shoots the PM in the dick.

>> No.54938086
File: 1.66 MB, 4000x2159, Big Tuna MOGGING the Fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgerbro come back please. What's your favorite fast food burger? I like big mac

>> No.54938541


>> No.54938575

lol sounds like you work for a jeet try begging they love that

>> No.54938597

No hes got brown skin but asian eyes . Isnt it kind of weird to bug in public too?

>> No.54938637

so everyone ITT thinks OP should have handled the food and money at the same time?

I had similar problems at a tech support position OP, I made the mistake of actually trying to help people when they called in instead of getting them off the phone as quickly as possible.

>> No.54938697


>> No.54938765

the problem isn't OP's autism, it's that the manager didn't like him asking questions about his dirty restaurant practices.

>> No.54938814

try again

>> No.54938843

don't need to. enjoy your aids burgers, dirty normie.

>> No.54939261

Bump. Where'd my fren go

>> No.54939281

Look man you don't respect me i don't respect you. now stop asking about me here

>> No.54939360

Actually no you know what go fuck yourself

>> No.54939633

I think you have plenty of other opportunities, lots of places have special work programs for people like you. I think it's good that people with disabilities are given the chance to contribute to society while also attaining real world skills. Go get 'em, tiger!

>> No.54939798

I was actually thinking of going into computer science since I'm pretty good at that stuff . Really man I'm not retarded just maybe a little anti social but I'd make a good programmer I know

>> No.54940497

You sound like a hair-spllitting snob, I'd fire you too. Go be an actual line cook somewhere instead

>> No.54941379

look for another job easier and with less idiots, you can also lock yourself at home and start holding some memecoin like VINU, you have varied options if you are young

>> No.54941399

>I got fired from my burger flipping job
I don't think you will ever make it OP.

>> No.54941411

>I just want the job back
Ok you're a retard too. You want to go back to the place where you pissed off your manager he's going to make your life living hell and fire you again retard.

>> No.54941414
File: 137 KB, 382x349, Right Frog Angled Slightly To Show Judgement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fired anon

>> No.54941449

It's in your best financial interests to accept you are rerarded

>> No.54941459

Checked and retard identifier pilled

>> No.54941462

you got fired from McDonald's

>> No.54941463

I actually lost it

>> No.54941533
File: 111 KB, 851x803, Dr Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have done better. I should have had a thought bubble and the burger floating above his head
Oh well. Next time

>> No.54941565

It matched this thread perfectly

>> No.54941601

>spells it "sweaty"
>YOU think HE is retarded

>> No.54941609

>Really man I'm not retarded
You got fired from McDonald's lol

>> No.54941635

I got fired because I kept fucking up due to zero training. They weren't even big mistakes and the boss just said "don't come back tomorrow". I couldn't even get unemployment because I apparently "made too much". The US is a fucking clown show.

>> No.54941671

>I kept fucking up
I thought retarded people got benefits in the US

>> No.54941681


>> No.54941737

Just say you have a disability (autism).

>> No.54941757

If flipping burgers struck you as a a chill job, then you probably were not fast enough indeed
At least should've pretended.
Boomers are fucking faggots, they care so much about the charade
Especially do everything super fast even if you do nothing meaningful

>> No.54941758

Wasn't there an episode of Jimmy Neutron about this?

>> No.54941774
File: 59 KB, 991x902, 1509225670928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54941795

You're based OP, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Fuck these bastards trying to get you to work two jobs.

>> No.54941828

I worked at a pizza place once. They provided zero training, but refused to pay tips for the first forty hours of work, because it was "training hours." Then they booked me on the busiest day of the month while not making tips, and on the day before I was supposed to start working for tips, they fired me.

>> No.54941865
File: 4 KB, 300x168, baldwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I was in the pizza business one time, tough gig..."

I bet you didn't even shake your boss' hand firmly and look him in the eye.

>> No.54942124

Better call Saul

>> No.54942211

That sounds like the sort of thing where it’s ‘illegal’ as in the law says its bad but people know they can get away with it just because of how hard it would be to prove in court.

>it was pretty chill
It doesn’t sound very chill.

>> No.54942227

Yeah. The only real recourse you have here is arson. Or going to the managers house and killing his dog.

>> No.54942321

You seriously want to return to a fast food job that you got fired from. Not only are you retarded, you shoot insanely low and therefore have no business being on this board

>> No.54942330

Turn 360• and walk the fuck back

>> No.54942332
File: 22 KB, 456x502, IMG_2527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54942362

Dude, you mean 180
Fucking retards on this board I swear

>> No.54942379

Write a letter

>> No.54942383

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.54942393

I would

>> No.54942403

Being retarded is a blessing dude calm down. I'M AUTISTIC SO I'M IN THEXSAME POSITION.

>> No.54944221

Just because this guy doesn't have the social intelligence to keep a job as a wagie doesn't mean he would be bad at math or programming. Plenty of autists can't keep a conversation but write magnificent code. Don't let these retards aggregate you, go self-study some Python chief

>> No.54944981

Op whats your music taste,i really need to know, also can you record yourself saying "Burger King foot lettuce" and upload it to yt or vocaroo

>> No.54945116

>go self-study some Python chief

>> No.54945199

Really guy?