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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54917282 No.54917282 [Reply] [Original]

so ive been working at Taco Bell for around 7 years and havent gotten a promotion yet, sort of playing it by ear. ive been thinking of getting my ged but the prep courses are too expensive for me atm, ive saved up around 600 bucks and put it into a savings account. basically Im willing to risk my entire savings on a coin at this point, I dont care anymore, things aren't going anywhere. what do?

>> No.54917304

I was a loser 29 year old neet and got a $24 per hour job by just lying on my resume. Why do you faggots always sell yourself so short

>> No.54917312

My real, honest advice to you is if this is a real situation you should probably just kill yourself.
It is a better bet to roll the dice on reincarnation and/or nothingness void than to persist in working at Taco Bell.

>> No.54917347

what is reincarnation

>> No.54917385

Why do you need prep courses for? Not only is that shit easy as fuck, but you can find all the info you need online for free

>> No.54917401
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If you're not motivated by money and you are content with your life, then you're doing fine. If money is of interest you, and what it can bring, then you are selling yourself short and I'm sure you could make more money. By virtue of being an able bodied man, you should be able to go into construction grunt work and make like $25 - 35 an hour.

My advice is to acquire skills and/or take a risk and jump into something new. Be confident that you can make a positive contribution and earn a good wage. Good luck.

>> No.54917405

im at least self aware to know what a retard I am

>> No.54917413

im a bit heavy set and have diabetes, physical labor is nothing for me

>> No.54917745

you aren't a retard, you're just uneducated. you can get GED prep for free online. do that.

>> No.54917795

Based but seriously folks I've been working for three years now and I've barely got 15k saved up. Totally get why this board is obsessed with memecoins and hitting it big because the alternative is pretty grim.

>> No.54917884

Why don't you just lie and say you have a diploma or even an associates degree? There are no jobs that are hiring high school graduates or people with associates degrees that the degree matters or that they'll ever ask to verify it.

>> No.54917899

This board is financially boring

>> No.54917911

Like brother, if you don't have a fucked driving record full of DUIs and shit go apply to Swift and get a CDL. They'll pay for it, you work for them for a year for around 60k, and then you can immediately go make 80-100k elsewhere. Or fucking ay almost anything would be better. Go work in a call center

>> No.54917945

>Im willing to risk my entire savings
>7 years of work
>600 bucks
Oh no no no ahahahahahaha
These are the type of people that browse this shithole lmao. You should find the lowest cap PEPE tier pump and dump and drop it all.
And get an adult to sell for you because if you get lucky you'll sell at $5000 considering you never saw that much money in your life.

>> No.54917967

>ive been working at taco bell for 7 years
doubt it

>> No.54918283

>ive saved up around 600 bucks and put it into a savings account

how do you save less than $100 a year. No wonder you haven't been promoted. You're obviously not business minded or greedy enough

>> No.54918403

This is a pasta

>> No.54918446

I know this guy, he has worked at taco bell as a janitor for 17 yrs. But he keeps getting caught fucking the grills on cars. Theres even a video circulating of him fucking a car. His name is Rocky and he always has a hard on showing through his work pants.

>> No.54918631

It's still warm. Very tasty.

>> No.54918680

wow, thanks for your post. i feel so much better about my life now.