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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54911638 No.54911638 [Reply] [Original]

You are using Linkedin, right? I-it's the only way to n-network...

>> No.54911667

the guy who would go on to found linkedin was my boss and he fucked me in the ass when I was 15 years old and an intern at his company.

>> No.54911690

lol you probably enjoyed it fag

>> No.54911703

Did this incident have any lasting effect on you?

>> No.54911706

>I-it's the only way to n-network...
The quality of linkedin fell sharply, finding a job its impossible because the search function only shows remote clickbait "positions" for fake jobs.
Also people interacting there act more as if LinkedIn was facebook instead of a professional network.
Currently the network barely offers anything better than a Resume Based corporate facebook.
Soon there will be short videos and tiktok dances.

>> No.54911724

Clearly not, seeing as he's not OP.

>> No.54911748

>>54911690 no, I didn't.
>>54911703 I can't eat In-N-Out anymore and I have a hard time holding a job.

>> No.54911772

idk I'm a carpenter

>> No.54911781

Basically this. I unironically deleted my linkedin. Low tier recruiters trying to bait me into shitty positions, all my associates just post some glorified self promoting bullshit every week.

Everything is so fake and gay. Reeks of corporate small talk

>> No.54911941

Same happened to me in the last months.

First it was a recruiter looking for a diversity hire to build an entire project from scratch including backend, processing, pipeline and frontend, only 4K USD max, and the recruiter even told me that I needed to have a github account otherwise they would not interview me and that I should upload propietary corporate code in github... Like what the fuck... you are the one contacting me, and now you are demanding illegal shit using coaching language?

Then it was a local company, I asked to advance with the interview process I require a career plan and wages in USD, never got contacted again.

Then it was an American company that asked for a very specific profile ( the tipical 16K salary in the US ), and a third-party recruited contacted me for that position oblivious of what the company was looking for, I investigated the company and it had its administrative staff in America meanwhile It had its software development team centered in India, Fuck off I am not cleaning filthy pajeet poop.

I fucking hate it, never received a single quality job offer from linkedin everything is spam, the only way to get something good is making a contact list.

>> No.54911966

I have a linkedin, I don't ever post anything on there but it's good to have one. I sent a message to someone that I haven't spoken to in 10 years as they are a recruiter at a company I just applied to, pretty much the only time Linkedin has been useful since I joined 11 years ago.

>> No.54912240
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>> No.54912747

I refuse to join more social media sites, especially something that’s basically Facebook but with more boomers where dumb careerists can post dumb shit.


I have a great job making good pay but I refuse to get sucked into “muh career” horseshit. The other day some 65 year old dude at an alumni function kept saying he couldn’t believe I didn’t have LinkedIn.

>> No.54914744

Good riddance, die you piece of shit

>> No.54914771


>> No.54915017

>what is your LinkedIn url?
>this field is mandatory

>> No.54915059

I regret ever making a LinkedIn account. Massive fucking waste of time. Any company that requires a linkedin account probably isn't worth your time and you should be happy they're filtering themselves.
Every person that I've heard to claim to have made '100 job applications' with no interview were just shotgunning resumes at random people on LinkedIn.

>> No.54915064

How are you applying to jobs?

>> No.54915078

You're a fucking retard

>> No.54915124

You apply to them, without the social media bullshit

>> No.54915131

i despise linkdin but I got my last two jobs there. and the startup I joined was bought out
it's kiked but it's how things are done

>> No.54916505

that's an hr roastie, would smell her ass if you know what I mean

>> No.54916519

nah, I still have to recover the money my father stole from me with Poolparty, I've been here for a few days now and the feeling of defeat is starting to feel like when I lose a game of csgo lmao

>> No.54916800

Don't feel bad, he fucks as all in the ass with his stupid social

>> No.54916993
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>> No.54917014

i went from getting 10-20 recruiter roastie inmails a month to maybe 5 a month. the recession is here.

>> No.54917016

LinkedIn is still useful for job searching, and for the many keks from all of the virtue signalling corporate drone idiots

>> No.54917100

never had an LinkedIn account
dunno how I managed to survive