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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54893112 No.54893112 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become rich? Has anyone here actually made it? It's always "I've made millions believe me or not idgaf, the secret is just don't be retarded", but we're ALL retarded if we're here, so you had to start somewhere. Someone explain to a complete retard because I feel lost as fuck and every youtuber on the subject feels like a scammer trying to sell me some bullshit. What is REAL???

>> No.54893122

with a bit of grit and elbow grease

>> No.54893131

Capitalism doesn't work unless most of you remain poorfags. Thank you for helping the system run!

>> No.54893136

get lucky with a few 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x in shitcoins then put into a mid/large cap and wait

>> No.54893141

If being rich requires merit then it definitely won't land in the laps of clueless faggots like you OP.

>> No.54893159
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>asking for financial advice n a mongolian horse riding forums

>> No.54893171

Which mid to large cap is the question. There's "shitcoins" like STA/BNB which went from 3 cents to 3 dollars in 1 year and I didn't even notice it until it appeared on Dextools in trending.

>> No.54894081

Yeah, this is what I mean. Is it literally just bet on as many new shitcoins as you can afford to and then pray to ALLAH that one of them takes off, then rinse and repeat? It feels like this is actually what it is, and all anons that have made it and aren't larping actually just lucked out but want to make it seem like it was their 9000 iq. I wish it weren't so, but alas it's what makes the post sense.

>> No.54895870
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Always do the opposite of what /biz/ tells you.

>> No.54895948

get a job and invest

>> No.54896123

>How do I become rich?
well obviously buy $pepe brc-20 (ordinalswallet dot com)

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeaszy

>> No.54896215

I'm not rich (yet) but I'll hit 7-fig nw next year just by working, and the 25 cycle will only help

>> No.54896245

buy pepe and wojak now
hold until sept 2024

>> No.54896330

>all anons that have made it and aren't larping actually just lucked out but want to make it seem like it was their 9000 iq
this is the case for essentially everyone who got rich in the crypto space. they're great at rationalizing it to themselves afterwards, just like the people who picked the winning lottery numbers may truly believe they picked that number for a reason.
only difference is there were just a lot of winning tickets if you got into crypto at the right time

>> No.54896417

I retired at 32 with 10m
How? Got stock options at small ff500 company and helped make it top ff500 company. Sheer skills doing things that the few others that had the skill were willing to do.
Education? Hah! I outperformed those with degrees quite a bit, my field of formal study wasn't even related. Just obsessive self learning that outstripped the paper waving posers. Had a blast doing it too.
What you can do:
1) take formal course in time management.
2) step out of line. If you are toeing the line and following the crowd. You cannot rise above. Outperform so they have to recognize.
3)be the best in the world at something valuable

>> No.54896442

define rich

>> No.54896530

sup fag, questions:
>10M at 32, what's it been like since?
>have you actually retired or still do consulting/investing/etc
>do you think that there is a magic number after which money is just dickmeasuring? What is that number

>> No.54896555

Stack up solid low caps like MINA, RIDE, IMX, and WOO

>> No.54896559

The slow and easy way? DCA into BTC and the S&P500
The quick and risky way? All in on the right shit coin

"How do I become rich?" is too much of a broad question. We need to know your risk level, income, age, etc

>> No.54896602

20 years of easy living so far. I invested broadly to maintain, technically officer at my brothers company, but don't do anything.
Got my pilots licence, went on safari, traveled the world. On beach in hawaii now.
In 2001, 10mill was good for me, but today you'd double that. More is for workaholics, which most at that level are.

>> No.54896624



>> No.54896690

thanks anon, on my way there. Have a company that should break 1M in sales this year. 20-30M is where I will start to ask questions on if this is something I want to continue to take forward as I'm not very materialistic but the stuff you're doing sounds nice.

Any other advice on pitfalls to avoid? Company is growing but I want to kms most days if I'm being real. Feels like I don't have the minerals to give up another 5 years for just money and that i'm missing a lot of life

>> No.54896761
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find out by yourself

>> No.54896881

you are one POOR FAGGOT

>> No.54896904

get a rich person to give you decent amounts of money.
Been trying for years so good luck.
Or maybe stumble upon a drug deal gone bad where everyone died.

>> No.54897154

First, you aren't missing as much as you think. Mainly you are missing getting jaded. Wanting things is better than having things and not wanting them.

The attitude of dreading work, well that's the killer. One reason I succeeded was I looked forward to work, norms cannot compete with. If you compensate by spending or partying, well you handicap yourself.

Another thing, do not trust investment advisors completely, diversify, crashes are regular.
One other thing guys: learn complexity theory. This is the math of growth, it will let you better understand why some things are vastly more impactfull than others. Understanding why interest is a firecracker handed to you by the bankers.

>> No.54897182

Buy BTC, nothing else.

>> No.54897186

We jsut had the biggest bull run ever seen a few years ago, if you didn't get rich then, you missed the boat and will probably never make it.

>> No.54897197

You invest now in pepe brc20 that's the easiest way to rich land

>> No.54897307
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> Look at MCAP
>Do your research
>Use Defis on your folio
>Do the opposite that jeets tell you
you welcome.

>> No.54897322

Here's the secret: you start here, dyor, then it's painfully obvious how to profit from a rally. Figure it out and learn your lessons now. There may not be many more rallies after this one. Don't be rearded means learn the absolute fundamentals of crypto and decide for yourself if a coin is worth investing or, or it's a shit pump you can possibly pull a 2-3x out ifm that's it. It's literally that simple, so...don't be retarded.

>> No.54897743
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However, I will always do what AVAX C-chan tells me to do.

>> No.54897950

Okay anon, I believe you, but what exactly is it that you did? What were these non academic skills you put to work? Did you literally work for this f500 company? Doing what? How'd you even land the job?

This is what I mean "the secret is dyor" okay I know you're right, but HOW? What tools do you personally use to dyor? What is it that I should be looking out for? What are these obvious tells that will reveal whether something is a scam I can get 2-3x from vs something legit? I've watched a ton of YouTube videos on crypto, but the basics don't help me understand these signs you all tell me to look out for. Basically, how, specifically, do you un-retard yourself?

>> No.54898502
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Get into the PLEB wagon anon
This train pass once in a lifetime, you're still early to become a true whale with the PLEB community
Will you take the ride?

>> No.54899647

They were academic skills, just didn't get them from academia. Systems.

>> No.54899704

How I got the job is a crazy story. An older friend was going to an job fair, and I tagged along not intending to interview, just waiting for him. Recruiter said interview anyway since I was there.
They asked easy questions that I had answers instantly.
Next day I had a plane ticket, my friend didnt.
After I was hired I told my boss I felt a little guilty about that and I was just getting lucky questions I knew, but he said it wasn't luck, it was preperation.

>> No.54899788

>Has anyone here actually made it?
yes, and you're not going to like the answer.

it's all about luck, but luck is mostly timing.
if you're talking cryptocurrencies, startups, real estate, the hard truth is that compared to today it was easy to become wealthy from 2008 to 2018. global financial collapse set the stage, but, critically, it was only 2008, the population of first world countries was lower, the iphone had only been out for a year, "web 2.0" was coming into its own, startup culture was new, venture capitalists were desperate to invest, nobody had read the bitcoin whitepaper.

wealth creation has significant inflection points throughout history, but always has a logarithmic trend. if you miss out on these critical times of growth you'll be missing out on 90% of all the growth that happens period.

>> No.54899836
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I have over a million USD (but only a few % in crypto right now).

Made from my own online business I'm 25. Problem is, you have to be kind of lucky, not stupid & save it all.

Its a shame making 1 million isn't enough to be comfortable, im from Bongland just as bad here as USA.

This board did not have as many pajeets pre 2020 that's for sure, its kind of shit recently.

>> No.54900516

Or you could just stake anon, still a based way to earn passive income and I do it for Mex and Ride on the Xexchange.

>> No.54901098

give me a quick shill? if I put 1k into each right now what will I be looking at in 1 years time?

>> No.54901414

Why not move to some comfy third would country?

If I had a million USD I'd be in a Roman Villa in Algeria or Tunis, with two cute wives and a shitload of guns. You could be living like a king in Bulgaria right now, or have a beautiful Haussmannian penthouse in Buenos Aires and just spend every night dancing tango and snorting cocaine off a 10/10s ass cheeks.

Only reason I'm in the USA is to make enough money to get out. And even that I think is a waste. There's no growth here, nothing going on, no young people, just a bunch of boomers extracting wealth at every juncture in the economy while bitching about how lazy and poor the young are.

>> No.54902989

This is the best advice on biz.
Ignore alla the indians shilling obscure shitcoins. Pepe brc20 is the gem