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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 382 KB, 555x414, Dark Brandon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54879508 No.54879508 [Reply] [Original]


White collar bros get in here!
We just keep winning!

>> No.54879514

Imagine paying debts or taxes in this fucking clown world

>> No.54879524
File: 35 KB, 408x612, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine working in the trades. You should have gotten a bachelors in computer science or information technology like the rest of us. You dumb blue collar faggots lost with Trump and you lose with Biden.

Thanks for your tax money losers. Keep working hard and paying taxes it's ending up in our hands no matter what.

If you were not retarded you would have gone to college and learned how to get money from the government, stupid.

>> No.54879566

>If you were not retarded you would have gone to college and learned how to get money from the government, stupid.
what lol were not black anon

>> No.54879683

Student debt is at 1.75 trillion. Forgiving 55 billion amounts to 3% of debt written off all while wages are getting wrecked with inflation.

>> No.54879686

>needing a loan to attend college
Lmao couldn’t be me. I went to university for free.

>> No.54879721

People complaining about muh 55 billion are retarded, another president gave away trillions to companies while telling normal people to get fucked.

>> No.54879788

Why would they do this before even deciding what to do about the debt ceiling?

>> No.54879864

The next election cycle is coming and he needs votes. He's never going to get them from people who know and care about what the debt ceiling is, so he's going after his base: retards.

>> No.54880122


This nigga thinks I'm paying taxes, you cannot be serious!

>> No.54880129

Wood like to see the final distribution of the 55 billion.

>> No.54880135

“May” another bait and switch

>> No.54880172
File: 453 KB, 1100x1100, 1682416253884628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get in on this

Yeah but it's great if you don't have much debt.

>> No.54880442

Should I enroll and take out a Stafford loan right now? Do those have to go to tuition or can they go to "living expenses"?

>> No.54880527
File: 146 KB, 850x972, 1671141588410889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No link OP is a faggot.
This is forgiveness for the following:
1.Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. PSLF can wipe out a borrower’s federal student loan debt in as little as 10 years for those who devote their careers to nonprofit or government work.
2.Student Loan Forgiveness For Borrowers Defrauded By Their School
3.Student Loan Forgiveness For Disabled Borrowers
4.Additional Student Loan Forgiveness Could Be Coming... vote for me, come'on man!

>> No.54880541

Hey guys,

Just wanted to say thanks for paying my loans.

That allowed me to fuck around as a Neet and ape the bull run instead of paying it back and you subsidized it for me.

Appreciate it.

>> No.54880584

Old news, this isn't the same thing the supreme court is waiting to rule on
Get fucked baristas

>> No.54880606
File: 54 KB, 592x658, ELhKWaIVUAEOeOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because the entire point is for the federal government to start covering loan defaults. the default was at $86 billion in 2021. they're literally just paying themselves money to cover loss so they can loan out more

>> No.54880635

>4.Additional Student Loan Forgiveness Could Be Coming... vote for me, come'on man!

Just in time for the 2024 election, then just like last midterms, the day after they're over some judge'll be like, "Whoops, turns out we can't do that. Thanks for your vote, suckers. Nothin' personnel, kid. But we'll be sure to try again next midterms." And so the cycle goes, same with this reparations horseshit in Commiefornia.

>> No.54880640

Oh and thanks for paying extra on my mortgage too so I could fuck up my credit and you pay for the extra fee. Isn't Biden's America fucking awesome?

>> No.54880725

oy vey! don't ruin your good goy score to save 1.35% you stupid goy!

>> No.54880816

Buy btc. Frontrun the bank run
Captcha; N04TM

>> No.54880844

So the option are
>(A) government does nothing and gets away with interfering with citizens financials- cringe

>(B) government pays student loans thus causing tuition (and student accommodation) to go up in price again as now they'll expect they're asking price to be paid in full - mega cringe

>(C) The government undoes it's previous law where student could declared bankruptcy on their loans meaning banks will actually have to thier jobs and vet people before giving them money and tuition will go down as a consequence so potential students could just take jobs instead to earn a reasonable amount of money in a few short years to pay for college outright- based

>> No.54880847

At this point they are just paying off cult/party members
>work for us and get free loans
>already overpaid with massive vacation
>guaranteed votes
If you work for government you should lose the privilege of voting.

>> No.54881170

Approved by who, exactly? This shit ain’t happening.

>> No.54881199

How inflationary. Welp there’s goes the slightest chance of any rate cuts.

>> No.54881228


>> No.54881251
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x1024, 1682628417564991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I took out a big loan to get a degree in a hyper hot career field
>wfh elite who just sits at home watching porn all day and sometimes i send an email
>now I don't even have to pay the loan back
Heh nothing personelle

>> No.54881299

It legit sounds like they ruined your life based on t his brief summary.

>> No.54881448

>no work and all play doesnt make the pain go away

>> No.54881462

Court will roll it back

>> No.54881485

Why do students get their debts forgiven? Why does globohomo like them more then somebody for example to took debt out to start a business? What about the responsible students that paid their student debt off? There is so many unfair factors that are not in consideration. For a country with such a globohomo government that virtue signals the importance of equality why do they not practice what they preach?

>> No.54881515

They are allowing this gravy train to last as long as it has and considering student debt forgiveness because soon ai/smartcontracts will take your job away. Enjoy it while it lasts. At th end of the day you’ll be a labour nigger like the rest of us, except be a soft sensitive soicuck who won’t be able to handle it and will most likely a hero like the coward pussy you are

>> No.54881550

You astroturfing jews need to get back to the oven

>> No.54881826

C.S.D. kek officefag

>> No.54881923

They are trying to combat the enrollment cliff. Universities are seeing declining enrollment and are cutting expenses and research funding (not administrators though). The Dems need to control the university to stay politically relevant. The only departments growing are well within stem like compsci and don’t go to the indoctrination classes.

Expect to see an increase in leftist gen eds too.

>> No.54881954

The easy leftist BAs is how they took over the army and federal government. They made many jobs require a degree with a good GPA so the easiest way to get the GPA was to funnel through a leftest course. A 4.0 in psychology or history has the rigor of like a 3.0 in chemistry.

If you want to be an officer or work for the government you just take the L and do a BA.

>> No.54881964

can you guys stop perpetuating this forced reddit tier fed op meme. Biden memes are so fucking cringe because the man lacks any sort of nuanced style or humor like Trump. If he runs again in 2024 everyone will remember how fucking cringe the dude is anytime he can't read his speech off a note card

>> No.54882034

Has anyone actually literally received a cent from any of these proclamations?
Once again being intelligent and fiscally responsible gets you nothing in this society and trash planet.
Funny how none of this applies to private loans, banks told their puppet no.

>> No.54882059

Remember 5billion for a border wall, increased personell and equipment? All to stop sex trafficking and labor trafficking and child trafficking and drug trafficking and weapons trafficking and to shut down cart funding? Yeah it was too much.
Goes to show demonrats are the actual perpetrators and profiteers from it and want it to happen.
I don’t like republican politicians and don’t watch fox so your arguements don’t work on me

>> No.54882091

So what’s the catch? $55B forgiven for all students standing on one leg between 1:00pm and 5:00am on April 69, 2008 while singing the national anthem?

>> No.54882320

If you can’t explain relativity, lower your tone when speaking to me.

>> No.54882426

Just in time for the next election cycle. Holy shit you kids are just as bad as niggers in Africa with your gibs for votes.

>> No.54882437

>1.Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. PSLF can wipe out a borrower’s federal student loan debt in as little as 10 years for those who devote their careers to nonprofit or government work.
I like how they say government work like you can just walk into the Department of Justice and get a cushy government job for free, instead you have to lick asshole just to be an IRS tax wagie.

>> No.54882472

minority detected

>> No.54882543

>work for us
That's the funniest thing, since it takes them a year to process any resume they're sent it's a non-starter anyway.

>> No.54882559

He...He...Dark Brandon aint he?

>> No.54882567

Based Biden.
I'm riding with Biden now.

>> No.54882910

They're going to say student loan forgiveness is approved but they can't actually forgive until debt ceiling is increased even though until the Supreme Court makes a ruling they can't actually do anything.