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54877309 No.54877309 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on expatriating? It seems like a great way to save money if you can get a remote job. I'm thinking of going to a Mexican beach where I'll live like a king for the equivalent of minimum wage in America.

>> No.54877353


>> No.54877362

those are old men

>> No.54877368

>best looks have the worst body
every time

>> No.54877376

Ummmm 2>1>3>4 I guess?

I like 3's face but her body is lacking. 2 looks like she probably has a good face but it's hard to tell with the face she is making in that moment.

>> No.54877392

4 is clearly the worst, you're mental.

Looks like an aging Italian woman in the face and her tits are so abnormally far apart.

>> No.54877394
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Let's all just move to Antarctica

>> No.54877404

depends which country you are leaving if you are american you still have to pay income tax on foreign income will you learn spanish and live in the inconspicuous parts of the country or will you just settle for living in the busy parts of the country that speak english but mark everything up for tourists?

>> No.54877409

I guess it's my fault for googling "Mexican beach" to find a thread-image.

>> No.54877417

2, 3, 1, 4

>> No.54877419

They can't tax you from abroad silly that's just a meme

>> No.54877432

It's not a meme, they can and will. Read about FATCA.

>> No.54877439

It's too expensive to send irs agents there

>> No.54877441

1 has a stupid face and no hips
2 looks old and saggy
3 looks flat and pale but has the best face which isn't saying much
4 has the best hips I guess but still manages to have an awful looking shape, looks old and had that tits-too-far-apart thing going on, face is also weird.

just no.

>> No.54877505

No, they can. And if you're going to violate the law, literally just renounce your citizenship.

>> No.54877506

they dont have to send agents there you just get arrested when you try to return so you better really love mexico

>> No.54877518

1's face isn't too bad. 4 may have gotten some small implants which is why they are far apart. she's probably the wildest in bed but a paper bag is required

3 is most likely a man

>> No.54877539
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In Brazil, minimum wage is roughly equivalent to 3600 dollars.
Yes, that is 300 USD per month.
No, you can't live off of that in any of the few truly nice parts of the country, but it wouldn't take that much more.
If you have more than a few thousand bucks saved, and a smidge of common sense, you can live like a king in the third world.

>> No.54877541

No way look at the knockers on 2nd from the right.
3, 2, 1, 4
Wrong choice. 2nd from the right looks like her pussy is as wet as the ocean.
Calm down slim, she might have a nice Italian nigger ass on her. It's hard to say from the front.

>> No.54877544

>going to a Mexican beach where I'll live like a king for the equivalent of minimum wage in America
Except tons of Americans did that, more than a decade ago, and now the cost of living is as high there. Knew people that had to move back because of it. To say nothing of the drug wars.

>> No.54877575

I live in Brazil (countryside) and I earn around 120k USD. Yes, I live like a king: I have a cleaning maid, a cook, a big ass house (mine, already paid off). I eat steak every single day (filé mignon / picanha / bife ancho) or fish (salmon / tilápia) and all I do is remote working, exercises and video games.

>> No.54877598

>i'm on top 0.001% income in the country
Yeah, you and everyone else in /biz/.

>> No.54877629

not a single man in that picture is a day under 30

>> No.54877640

holy shit something about saggy titties that is waking up something in me.

>> No.54877641

It's true. I'm a maid that works for Master Anon.

>> No.54877649

Just a couple o' b'yitches havin' a good old girly splash round at the beach....

>> No.54877653

That's what I'm saying. I'd suck the powder out those hoes while I nut balls deep in that slut.

>> No.54877657

3 4 1 2

>> No.54877661

Yeah but then you just get robbed and murdered by jealous shitskin gangbangers

>> No.54877683

1 2 4 3
Those are men, of course

>> No.54877685

Explain yourself anon

>> No.54877808

I make 8400 usd a month would I be a king?
obviously I would not be willing to learn portuguese.
I also don’t like being surrounded by poor people

>> No.54877834

More than enough

>> No.54878702

Or they could just extradite you

>> No.54879186

Dont care about the others

>> No.54879385


They already lined up for my dick, 1, 2, 3, 4

>> No.54879475

Lol nobody extradites for tax fraud. It might be tough to renew your passport though, so you better get permanent residence asap.

>> No.54879567

How can they be so pretty yet so ugly at the same time?

>> No.54879579
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>No way look at the knockers on 2nd from the right.

Second from the right, you say?

>> No.54879590
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>> No.54879630

Money and Mexico? The cartel will be behind you unless you go to a protected area. Peru, Ecuador and Chile have the safest coasts but they are relaxing cause muh criminams have rights

>> No.54879693

Get to SEA, get a nice loyal asian waifu and live like a king my friend.
In my home country I was just some average looking software dev. In here I'm an exotic chad who is making bank and flexing on anyone. I barely have expenses other than the frivolous bs my girl buys

>> No.54880363

This meme won’t ever get old

>> No.54880381

This always sounds like a “good” idea, but if you don’t lay low and have a way to protect yourself you’re an easy target. Best if you know Spanish, someone in the area and it’s comparatively safe.
However i believe there are lots of good forces and people at play here in the US and everything is going to be okay for patriots. Real men fight for their home and stick it out. Not run away

>> No.54880388


>> No.54880768

>Real men fight for their home and stick it out. Not run away
The entire country was founded by people gtfo'ing from Europe.

>> No.54880778


>> No.54880908

Probably Ukrainian women while the men are slaughtered.

>> No.54880926

Christ. Can you imagine deep dicking number 3 reverse cow girl while filming it from the front. I'm gonna cum

>> No.54880936


>> No.54881134

>while filming it from the front
you need to do something about your coombrain fren
your brain is all coomed up with porn

>> No.54881241

I made a great porn with the same angle with my ex gf who had a killer skinny body. Was the best home made porn around. I coomed to it pretty much daily besides the times she came over fuck.
Something about skinny pale white girls with nice abdomens

>> No.54881403

wrong, 2431

>> No.54881419


>> No.54881498

>The entire country was founded by people gtfo'ing from Europe.
I don't think they went to N.America to chill on the beaches though.

>> No.54881535
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I enjoy yandex similar images search

>> No.54881563

Yandex is so much better. Except it keeps finding results in Russian even when the language is set to english

You can search with an imagine of pretty much anything and it'll bring up porn.

>> No.54881583

2, 1, 3, 4
this guy gets it

>> No.54881621

Ummm bros, I think I might be gay... I don't like any of them

>> No.54881628
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Drops her from an 8 to a 5, unfortunately

>> No.54881694

Based and yandex-pilled. It's where I found the picture. It's also convenient that it links to google at the bottom in case you're looking for some normie website that google always shows first.

>> No.54881867

they will kill you if you try

>> No.54883608

>Latin America
most sensual women
most submissive and biggest white guy fetish
>Russia/Eastern Europe
most beautiful women
Consider traveling around, anon. See what you like.

>> No.54883656
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learning spanish is a lot harder than most people think.
I've been taking private lessons for 3 years and I'm only intermediate. Every time I have a conversation with a native speaker, I feel like some retarded preschooler.
I'm planning to start spending some time in PR to try to get to fluent, but it'll probably take at least a year of speaking spanish full time.

When you're learning a new language, it's like fumbling around in the dark.
As you learn more it becomes like driving in a super dense fog where you have to go super slow.

>> No.54883674

I can smell number 3
She smells like fresh clean skin but with a strong pheromonal undertone. I'm in love with her, bros

>> No.54884587

>I'm in love with her, bros

>> No.54884865

I'm planning to do all three. Spending all of my late 20's savings tons of money from living in cheap areas, learning languages, and catching up on all the cooming I missed out on seems like the best use of my time.

>> No.54884934

do what they do with to us and just find english speakers to converse with and click up with. fun fact spanish is macaco babble. let them learn the superior language.

>> No.54884958


>> No.54884968

>left to right: plastic, natty, flatty, plastic
Also most remote jobs don't work like that, unless you are irreplaceable which you aren't and will never be.

>> No.54884984


> He still thinks america is about "freedom" and they will just learn you earn money without taking a cut

Kek. We are the world government after all

>> No.54884991

>now living in germany
>been to mexico, iceland, france, austria, spain, czech republic, UK, slovakia, poland.
I wish I can say more for the americas and caribbean, because there are very cheap countries there, though don't forget some asia such as vietnam. What I can say for europe it doesn't really get cheap until you go east and even then you're only saving on everyday essentials. For example in poland you'll spend less on groceries but get raped on furniture. Fuels also everywhere in euroland
At least in the EU there's not really much for border controls so you can just gallivant around as you please.
It's fucking awesome boyo, don't let people fearmonger you into being a homebody just do it honestly. Just don't give up your usa citizenship ever.
>but taxes
They're worth it my dude, especially for that usa passport, which is like a hall pass for the earth. Trust me
You're gonna see if you do this that although you're a for'na everywhere you're never far from home. America is truly the king of the world. Undermen need not reply
This only really works when you already have money or some rich nation job. Local wages are commensurate with the cost of living

>> No.54885022

One of the many good reasons foreigners hate Americans is because America bullied the rest of the world into an international banking fink law. There is no longer any banking secrecy even in Switzerland. Foreign banks must report your banking activity to the US government specifically so the US government can track your income and tax you. The US is one of only two countries in the world that taxes its citizen's earnings overseas. The other is Eritrea, one of the worst shitholes in the shithole continent of Africa. But guess who is exempt from the banking disclosure law? The USA. Hahahahaha! I hate my country.

>> No.54885247

watch popular movies and read popular books from the last couple decades. do a run over what kids usually see in schools for whatever area you're aiming at.
you need to pick up the memes to get things, not just the grammar

>> No.54885271
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>> No.54885285

So right now leaving the U.S. is the correct move to make if you can work remote. It's one of those things where enough people aren't doing it to cause the U.S. to go on high alert and make it even more of a pain in the ass/downright impossible, but with 100% certainty they will which is why getting out now is the move to make. By default they will still come after you for taxes (one of the few countries on Earth that does this by the way), but you can work around that if you hire the right accountant. The U.S. is a very carefully calibrated system designed to extract the maximum labor from every individual within it. It is a misery machine and you technically aren't supposed to be able to get away. If you can, that's a bug not a feature and eventually they'll patch it. Remote work has broke the system temporarily though and so now is the time to exploit it before they fix it. See, part of the system's trick is to always have the door theoretically open for you to leave.

Every time you go to leave however it will try to coax you back in deeper. It uses "one more turn" type architecture to fatigue you and prevent you from escaping even though you're always technically free to leave. You just have to keep pushing through and go though, because things will only get worse in the U.S. which will create more demand to leave which the U.S. actually can't afford because of the way the U.S. is structured to operate. There are plenty of places on Earth where you can get reasonably affordable property, they're being developed rapidly, and overall they offer a much better quality of life in practice than the U.S. which prides itself on theoretical QOL and then gaslights you if you complain. Just take your ball and go. Start with Puerto Rico and then compare other locations to that. Puerto Rico is sort of the current consensus place to be because of the ability to achieve 0 capital gains. A lot of people are going there which creates an incentive to go there.

>> No.54885334

I think you misunderstand.
Going to an unknown undeveloped land was much harder than sticking it out in Europe at the time.
The world now has established nations with governments on every landmass. There is nowhere to “run” to anymore. This land has a vast array of natural resources and capital and you won’t find better on this planet. If you give it up now and don’t protect it, the scum that are doing this will just find you there and you’ll have no resources to fight back

>> No.54885343


>> No.54885359

Sounds like I need a Spanish, Japanese, and Russian woman mix

>> No.54885906

go live in south sudan, i heard its pretty cheap down there

>> No.54886101

>earn around 120k USD
Nigga said he earns around 120k USD

>> No.54886377

1 > 3 > 2 > 4

>> No.54887481

I'm seriously considering moving to SEA in the next couple years, but I'll want to do some exploring first to determine what best suits me. Learning to speak Thai in the meantime.

>> No.54887528

This post is a repeated post, nigga.

>> No.54888360

*immigrating, westies sure like their special words

>> No.54888911

I've been thinking about this as well. Don't have remote work lined up but I have enough investments that I could live off $1k/month.
Planning on flying to a few SEA locations some time this year, my top 2 initial picks were Chiang Mai in Thailand and Da Nang in Vietnam.
Then I read about "burning season" in Chiang Mai, where air pollution turns to dogshit for a few months, and humidity/heat is a nightmare during the summer months and now I'm second guessing. Not really a fan of how scamming isn't disapproved of in Vietnamese culture as well.
I think the easiest would be 2 or 3 different locations I can rotate between but not having a stable place long term would suck.

Japan also seems cool, but getting a visa or staying long term seems too difficult.

Part of me doesn't want to commit either since it basically flushes my chances of having a white wife+children that look like me down to 0. Might be better to just keep working/saving and trying to marry into a green card in the US, or look into eastern europe, but cost of living there is 2x, which if I had that much saved I could just stay where I am.

>> No.54889605

1. Pretty face but weirdly proportionate body
2. Face is ugly but body is objectively the best.
3. Objectively on par with 1 looks wise but body is way too skinny
4. She’s got curves and fake tits, she has obvious plastic surgery which is a bummer but she’s actually the best option.
>Don’t reply to me.

>> No.54889611

those bitches are mid

>> No.54889685

Newspaper link with more pics. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2167338/CWs-bikini-babes-The-Catalina-frolic-swimsuits-South-Beach.html?ico=amp-comments-addcomment

>> No.54889851
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I'm an American living in Chiang Mai, I really like it here. It's basically everything I imagined Japan would be, but a fraction of the price. The smoky season sucks, but I'm already kind of a recluse so I just stay inside during smoky season and have several air purifiers. N95s will filter any PM2.5 when outside. The PM only gets really bad for a couple weeks during April, it's mostly bearable from january-march. Heat anywhere in SEA is going to be extreme during summer. There's plenty of indoor spaces with AC for just this reason though.

Lmk if you have any questions about thailand and I'll check back every now and then.

>> No.54890381
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capcha KKKTH

>> No.54891591

Who do you hang out with? When I spent a couple of weeks in Chiang Mai a few years ago, besides boxing buddies, I met up with some divorced boomers for a jog and dinner a few times. I liked those guys.

>> No.54891986

Hey thanks for responding.
Do you have a permanent visa? Or do you hop the border every few months? Any trouble with that? How long have you lived there?
Do you speak Thai? Do many people speak english? Or would it be difficult to navigate if you only spoke english?
How bad is the connection to the US? Probably completely unplayable for games and 300 ping right?
How much would you say you spend each month? Under $1k? Do you rent?

>> No.54892327

(cont) thought of some more questions/
If you're living there long term, how difficult is it to upgrade phone/computer equipment? Is it more expensive than the US or cheaper? Is there any difficulty with it being by default in Thai or any difficulty getting that sort of stuff delivered?
Do you order food/groceries or just walk around and grab whatever is nearby?
How difficult is it to get clothes that fit big americans? Or is it cheaper/easier to just order international stuff online?
Is there any particular week or month that has any events going on that are fun?

>> No.54892381

How fast will my money run out if I try to move permanently?
I only have about 10k in savings but I earn enough that I can supplement that for some time without going completely broke

I want to try to keep my expenses down to $350 a month

>> No.54892534
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>Do you have a permanent visa?
I'm on the elite visa. There are several different options for staying in Thailand long term and gaining a permanent residency though.
>Do you speak Thai?
Nope, but my gf does. Chiang Mai is full of expats who can't speak a single word of Thai. You'll run into far more Thais who can speak English here then most other parts of thailand. Most services provide both Thai and English (similar to English and Spanish in the US). I have a friend who owns a company here who can't speak a single word of Thai for reference.
>How bad is the connection
Meh, I don't play competitive games so the ping doesn't bother me. When I play WoW I typically get 200-300ms on US servers.
>How much do you spend each month?
Idk I don't really track it but no more then 2 or 3k a month.
>Do you rent?
Yep, rent a house here
>How difficult is it to upgrade phones/computers?
Phones are relatively the same price. There can be a tighter selection when it comes to computer hardware here and it can be much more expensive. I brought my desktop over from the US.
>Any difficulties with it being default in Thai?
That's only really an issue with keyboards and it's very easy to find mechanical keyboards with English letters on them here.
>Do you order food or groceries?
I get all my food at rimping, and for most meals I use foodpanda for delivery since it's in English unlike grab. I get delivery food a lot, usually no more then 100-150 baht for a single meal.
>How difficult is it to find clothes that fit?
Not that hard, the size scale is just different. So an American large would be an XL here, a medium would be a large, etc.
>Is there a particular week or month when there are events?
That's the thing about thailand, there's some kind of event basically every weekend it feels like. Lots of night markets every single week throughout town too.

>> No.54892589

No way of living on that much money. Get a better paying job and keep saving.
Just come here and visit for a couple weeks. It's a fun city.

>> No.54893093

Awesome thanks for answering all my questions, it's really insightful.
>Idk I don't really track it but no more then 2 or 3k a month.
Do you think it's livable on 1k/month?
Quick search on airbnb I see monthly rentals going between $250-500/month for condos or rooms, which with food/internet/electricity I imagine it's possible to keep under 1k if you keep an eye on it.
Although with the elite visa, that works out to 24k over 5 years, or $400/month, which I think would push it out of my budget, or make it pretty tight.
>Yep, rent a house here
Do you have any thoughts on finding cheap/good places to rent?
>I brought my desktop over from the US
That seems crazy with how I've seen airlines toss around luggage. I can't imagine shipping it is much better either.
How did you go about that? I have a pretty fat desktop and I thought I'd have to switch to a laptop.

Also, do you have any concerns with currency value increasing/decreasing? Could that price you out if Baht increases in value relative to the USD?
>Just come here and visit for a couple weeks. It's a fun city.
I only have enough vacation for 2-3 weeks, is there enough to do in Chiang Mai to spend a few weeks there?
One idea I had was to rent a luxury hotel for a few days to relax and do touristy stuff, then rent a more reasonable place for another few days and to see what living there would feel like, then move on to a few different cities and repeat.
Did you check out much of SEA before settling on Chiang Mai?

>> No.54893130

where in SEA is most comfy? (for a westerner) not too keen on unsafe/bad infra

>> No.54893285

>1k/mo budget
Totally doable. The average Thai salary is less then that. You could get a modest condo for around 5-8k baht per month. If you don't get delivery like a degenerate every day like me you can easily eat for 50 baht or less per meal. If I were in your situation, I would either get an education visa or find an easy job that would provide a work visa. Benefit of a work visa is you can apply for a PR after 3 years if you want.
>Any thoughts on finding housing?
I just used the typical sites like ddproperty, hipflat, Thailand property when I was searching. Facebook marketplace could be another option. Just get in contact with a couple realtors, tell them your budget and what your looking for, and they will help you out. Perfect homes Chiang Mai is another option. Be wary of any landlords that try to raise the rent when they find out you're a foreigner. If they do that, find a new place as they will try and nickel and dime you the whole time.
>How did you bring your computer?
I have a mini itx case that can fit in a checked suitcase. I just boxed it and padded the hell out of it to absorb any impact. It made it through unharmed. I brought a monitor in my second checked bag the same way, no damage.
>Could currency valuations price you out?
No, not really since I'm a multi millionaire in USD and crypto. It was nice when the Thai baht exchange rate was sitting at 38 for awhile though, I bought a bunch of stuff for my house at a huge discount.
>Is there enough to do for 2-3 weeks?
Depends what you mean, you'll run out of tourist spots in a couple weeks but if you want to scope out the city and see what it's like living here, there's plenty to do here. I'd recommend visiting the rest of Thailand just because it's a beautiful country though. Bangkok, Khao yai, hua hin, Koh Samui, koh lipe, etc. Just have fun bro.

>> No.54893294

>Did you check out the rest of SEA?
No, it didn't really appeal to me. And also the rest of SEA is a bit too underdeveloped for me. I like Chiang Mai because it has all the modern things I'd expect in a city without being obnoxiously crowded like Bangkok. Thais are also far more welcoming to foreigners then the rest of SEA.

>> No.54893506

immigration is bad

>> No.54893559

Don't do it before you secure another citizenship. Not belonging to any country can cause a lot of problems.

>> No.54893588

Not implants = saggy. Goddamn zoomers are weird.

>> No.54893909

>If I were in your situation, I would either get an education visa or find an easy job that would provide a work visa. Benefit of a work visa is you can apply for a PR after 3 years if you want.
I'm up to 300k saved/invested with half that in crypto, and I make about 70k/year so I think I'd be better off just saving for a bit more before trying to do a permanent move and trying to work through getting other visas, as long as the market doesn't explode then I should have enough to do it comfortably in a year or two. Or if we get another crypto bull market I'd be set.
Then again, I was planning on trying to do gamedev in my "retirement", so I'd only have to achieve a modicum of success over 5 years for it to pay off. I wouldn't want to rely on that being financially successful though.
>typical sites like ddproperty, hipflat, Thailand property
Thanks for the recommendations, I haven't heard of them.
>I have a mini itx case
Oh that makes things a bit easier, maybe I'll switch to a small pc and do the same. Or maybe I'd be better off selling my pc here and building a new one after I get there, and just bringing my SSDs.
>No, not really since I'm a multi millionaire in USD and crypto
Congrats, I hope to get there some day.
>Bangkok, Khao yai, hua hin, Koh Samui, koh lipe
Like you I'm pretty reclusive although I have little interest in a big crowded city like bangkok, but those other places look nice and look like they have beautiful beaches. A bit of a shame they're all a 10-20 hours away from Chiang Mai.
Is there a reason you landed on Chiang Mai over those ones? Is it the cost of living? More english speaking expats? Less touristy?

>> No.54894006

Been living in europe for 3 months, dating a beautiful ukranian girl rn, there's nothing like living abroad, im from america, america fucking sucks compared to EU. Its cheaper here, i can drink good wine and smoke and be with cuties all day long. You have to be insane to not want to live part of your life in another country.

>> No.54894088

Footfags get the rope

>> No.54894139

>if you are american you still have to pay income tax on foreign income
No you don't. Please learn what renouncing citizenship means

>> No.54894216

Isn't the rule that you only pay taxes once your income goes above like 70k per year or something like that. So if you earn less than that you don't get taxed I think

>> No.54894243


>> No.54894276

3 and 1 in threesome
rest can clean the house

>> No.54894341

I’m as big of a foot fag as anyone, and even I won’t let some mid tier hooves stop me from railing an 8

>> No.54894468

Expatriating is ideally for people who can make a passive income and live off it. This is honestly the first time I am hearing about the foreign earned income tax and it's hilarious. Just don't pay it.
As long as you don't need to return to the states what could the IRS possible do about it?

>> No.54895295

it's only for a certain type of income
money you earned from doing things outside the US while being a tax resident of some other country
doesn't apply to capital gains

>> No.54897166


>> No.54897405

>I'm on the elite visa. There are several different options for staying in Thailand long term and gaining a permanent residency though.

Can you go into a little detail about the different long-term visa options and the path to permanent residency?

Also, are there any legal avenues to avoiding or at least reducing double taxation other than spending less than six months in Thailand annually?

>> No.54897645

>you need to pick up the memes to get things
not just that, but slang and idioms. I said "shoot" and one asked me if its only meaning was the way I used it. I had to explain it most commonly means firing a gun, but can also mean "shit," as in oops, and go ahead. Idioms like "I'm stumped" are impossible to figure out. But yeah, then you also get memes and movies references, etc.

>> No.54897703

You can't even renounce U.S. citizenship without having another one.

>> No.54897717

2, 1, 4, 3

>> No.54897954

if you want max convenience in SEA, that's Singapore

>> No.54897989

you can, it's just really undesirable

>> No.54898055

Isn't Singapore expensive, even by western standards? I could understand moving there if you're very wealthy even by coastal American standards, but for those with <2-3M NW, it seems like there are more economical options.

>> No.54898122

1,4, the middle ones are too pale

>> No.54898166

So the tumor finally burst amd6the cancer is spreading... What a shitty time to live on this Earth.

>> No.54898204

>and had that tits-too-far-apart thing going on
shes mid stride so gravity pulling them apart

>> No.54898235

feet on 1 is auto-dq, get some taste