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File: 53 KB, 1200x639, eth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54859628 No.54859628 [Reply] [Original]

>Migrate to V2 because of "muh electrical consumption"
>Gas prices are still astronomically high

kek, what a fucking joke

>> No.54859648

at least it costs nothing to produce new ethereum now, that means the value will go up, r-right?

>> No.54859668

Staking has nothing to do with gas prices you retard. Gas goes up because usage is high and scalability is low.

>> No.54859676

>it costs nothing to produce new ethereum
it costs 32 ether

>> No.54859689

>1000 gambling addicts make a single transaction to buy pump and dump meme coin
>efiriums literally unusable

>> No.54859711

Please take an hour to learn something that doesn't come straight from Justin Drake's mouth you little faggot

>> No.54859753

you know with how much thought goes into these incentive structures you'd think there would be some sort of bounty for catching bad actors

>> No.54859940

We all knew

>> No.54860016

what happens to a ponzi scheme when there are so much staking that the value is unpayable?

>> No.54860037

This is an inversed shill
Op wants you not to buy ofac compliant fiat 2.0

>> No.54860074

cost implies you lose something you massive faggot

>> No.54860210
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>>it costs nothing to produce new ethereum
>it costs 32 ether

>> No.54860254

proof of work was wasted on something as centralized as ethereum
at least with proof of woke it can pretend to be esg compatible

>> No.54860681

Opportunity cost of the staked 32 ETH + (small) work of running and maintaining a validator node. This maxi argument goes all the way back to more work = more value, which is false. Burning electricity does not create value for Bitcoin.

>> No.54860748

The best incentive is no incentive. Eth is trash

>> No.54860788

unless the bad actors are the same one making incentive structures (or rather, the ones paying the thinkers' salaries)
to be clear, what i'm saying is; ETH Foundation and ConsenSYS are the ones profiting off of every problem in the ETH ecosystem

>> No.54860823

How does the EF and ConsenSys profit off of Ethereum's problems?

>> No.54860866

Eth slow rolling for their own benefit, it's becoming quite clear. Sentiment is going to turn on then fast I'd they don't snap out of it

>> No.54860942

Burning eth clearly doesn't create value for ethereum either lol

>> No.54860993

fucking shitshow

>> No.54861019

5000 dollars swaps are very real soon LMAOOOOOOOOO, its bullish for L1 ngl (fantom)

>> No.54861028

The value of commodities is almost entirely dependent on the cost to produce them. Fortunately Ethereum is not a commodity, it is a retarded internet fad.

>> No.54861057

yes we know but you must see that the lack of scalibilty is a problem if a few mevfaggots can clog up the network by launching a few memecoins
eth next run will be good in terms of profit and utilization, but as a chain longterm (5+ years) it sucks ass and either must upgrade or die

>> No.54861123

Upgrade to what to what ends? Self-custodying stocks is not possible or even desirable. DAOs of redditors holding governance tokens that give them the ability to vote on the monetary policy of the governance token is so retarded its hard to comprehend how people say it out loud and buy. You've got memecoins which is just some kind of stock-market simulator gambling game. You've got receipts to links of pictures you can trade on Opensea, unless Opensea delists the collection. And then you've got a couple of governance tokens that provide architecture to this entire retarded circus.

How is this not a complete scam?

>> No.54861207

And all of this takes place on a network that 70% of the validators belong to Kraken and Coinbase, that will inevitably trend toward 100%. You've also got "stable" coins that are held in a series of insolvent crypto banks which Ethereans call "the killer app".

>> No.54861247

>The value of commodities is almost entirely dependent on the cost to produce them.
Uh oh RETARD ALERT! Someone let their retarded piss baby on the internet before teaching them basic supply and demand!

>> No.54861248

You've got "DeFi" which is just pooling meme tokens and redditor governance tokens with fake insolvent dollar tokens to collect fees off people trading these things around. Even if you think LPs are cool, these could easily exist on robinhood with tesla/usd or whatever the fuck if there is market demand and regulatory ability. Doing stocks on an inefficient spreadsheet is not something real

>> No.54861271

>70% of the validators belong to Kraken and Coinbase
Coinbase + Kraken is 12.8%. At least get your easily verifiable facts straight. And most of those ETH are customers' funds.

>> No.54861276

>customers fund
No they aren't lmao. The customers are lenders to coinbase

>> No.54861280

bitcoin maxis are so pathetic they literally just make shit up now to try to convince you to buy their coin, wow

>> No.54861300

Honest to fucking God the average IQ on this site is abysmal, basically exactly what you'd expect from your average person buying scratch tickets at a gas station or chain smoking at a slot machine, except as millennials and zoomers.

>> No.54861302

70% ofac compliant. What makes you think that those compliant validators wont fork non woke funds away for liking wrong tweets. That's on top with protocols able to blacklist wallets. Eth is a plant. Btc is money

>> No.54861303

True, it only redistributes the tx fee to all ETH holders through deflation/reduced supply. Only value creation is allowing more efficient tx fee mechanism with EIP-1559 (if 1559 were without burn miners/validators could game the tx fees)

>> No.54861361

it's always the "maxis" the söyboys cry about when their coin is stuck in the terminal alt/btc downtrend.
in reality they never pumped your coin in the first place, the ones that have moved on have moved onto newer alts. most were never even in bitcoin.

>> No.54861362

>ETH will fork and destroy everything because... THEY JUST WILL OKAY!?


>> No.54861384

>get called out on blatantly false information
>"Oh wow why are you crying just let me keep spreading lies jeez"

>> No.54861426

forking eth is basically impossible at this point.

it'll be usdc/usdt that decide the winner, the rest will turn into ethereum classic with a bunch of dead contracts, dexes, no mev clients, etc.

the lie is that "maxis" that impact alt markets even exist. they don't, they never have. if your alt is small enough to be affected by a few people on twitter you better get out because it's already over.

>> No.54861427

The hubris of shitcoiners really is incredible, they talk as if bitcoin has trended down against their "tech" for decades, instead of the reality of bitcoin mogging every single alt forever

>> No.54861464

Reminder that Ethereum is literally competing for market share with Robinhood and Cash App not as money

>> No.54861479
File: 136 KB, 1376x824, 2023-05-05T17:27:26+02:00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% ofac compliant
28%, again so easy to disprove. you maxipads really need to do your homework. also, ofac compliance is a meme, nobody ever rejected blocks with TC transactions in them, they just didn't build them on their own.

>> No.54861490
File: 71 KB, 720x611, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-3b7Y4GJUlT3TnmGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54861508

Is this guy serious or is he just trolling at this point?

>> No.54861512

Show me a chart that isn't down atrocious in sats

>> No.54861520

it's all they can do to cope with the fact BTC dominance trends down continuously because they aren't building anything useful.

>> No.54861544

>10,000 altcoins
>50% btc dominance

>20,000 altcoins
>45% btc dominance

>100,000 altcoins
>30% btc dominance

Do you understand what a retarded metric this is? Please show me your altcoin that hasn't been utterly mogged.

>> No.54861575

So they realized that being too obvious is going to alienate people and drive them back to non controllable btc. Desperation? Yes. Is it making eth anything less of a glow nigger corpo plant to get control back over transaction of value. No.

>> No.54861578

Why are you so obsessed with price action? LINK is the same price in sats as it was in 2019. ETH is the same price in sats as it was in 2017. Both of these have made monumental strides toward mass adoption while bitcoin has done nothing but offer the same slow network with high fees.

>> No.54861594

This nigger is unironically citing eth and link as coins that haven't been fucking raped in sats are you serious?

>> No.54861604

you're literally just cherrypicking the absolute top in sats and saying "look it went down haha" instead of zooming out

>> No.54861616

If you zoom out every altcoin is down at least 50% from its ico high half a decade ago and terminally trending to zero

>> No.54861632

All shitcoiners can possibly do to cope is cherry pick particular highs and lows they might have escaped with a gain in (none of them ever did)

>> No.54861641
File: 35 KB, 1261x294, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More false information from the BTC community.

>> No.54861668

>eth isn't supposed to be a payment something something with cheap fees something you're supposed to something because value something something something

>> No.54861705

Link is one of the funnier shitcoins. Memecoin holders expect to get rugged but the "blue chip" memecoin holders slowly bleed actual net worth.

>> No.54861719

Something something oracles something something five people at Chainlink Corp backstop the entire thing something something paypig token

>> No.54861723

I made money and so did the majority of the board without holding BTC and I can tell this makes you extremely upset.

>> No.54861727

what is rocketp00l(eth staking t§ken) 4 X @mple, there are 500 others, m@xi!

>> No.54861740

>the majority of the board made money
Lol. Lmao even

>> No.54861747

the majority of the board who stuck around since then*

obviously the place is flooded with newfags such as yourself

>> No.54861751

sorry this nigger board thought its a spam so I must trick a little!

>> No.54861791


>*literally no one

>> No.54862106
File: 167 KB, 1595x1270, 164432469797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Migrate to shitcoins because they make far more money anyway
>go full ape into PEEPO because papa and pepe already pumped
Mmm i like jokes

>> No.54862274

If you actually look at the ETH/BTC chart, you see that ETH is trending UP versus BTC over time. ETH isn't a shitcoin as much as you would like to believe. Fact is I probably have more BTC than you, and I'm not nearly as stupid.

>> No.54862932

>lower high after lower high means trending up
ethfags will say anything to sell you some gay memecoin

>> No.54863353

it did what all alts do, trend up during the first bull market it got, then failed to ever make a new high after the first bear market it got

nothing unique, nothing special, just larger volume. ethereum's sole benefit is it runs the altcoin casino, but if you're poor you're not going to get rich in eth just like you won't get rich in btc. you're too late.

>Fact is I probably have more BTC than you
kek, poorfags like you would actually seethe if you knew.

>> No.54863953
File: 243 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230505_114816_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically zoom out.
>muh down from ATH
>muh long term trend doesn't matter
It's up over 500% vs. BTC. Niggers.

>> No.54864174

yes, zoom out and you see the echo bubble lower-high trend all alts settle into.
there's money to be made, just a lot less than if you focused on newer alts.

>> No.54865167

and to think that so many fell for this charade

>> No.54865695

Your sample size is 2 bubbles, which isn't sufficient to establish a pattern. Bubbles are just outliers. Besides, I could argue that ETH/BTC has consistently higher lows with just as much validity. Meanwhile the all time average is increasing. But yes I also have newer alt bags too to increase my folio EV.

>> No.54866108
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>> No.54866347

KEK how is this board this retarded