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54855034 No.54855034 [Reply] [Original]

how high will they go

>> No.54855053

15k gold
600 silver

>> No.54855060

1oz gold = 1 oz gold

>> No.54855069

1oz Gold = 1btc
1oz Silver = 1xmr

>> No.54855086

In hyperinflation scenario where Fed is taking us potentially:

Gold 3mil
Silver 300k

If economy crashes with 8+ bubbles bursting and paper metals failing their 3 stops (more likely for their faggy cbdc)

Gold 80k
Silver: 1.5k

Overall it will be worth more holding onto it during any crash, along with lead and brass

>> No.54855153
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This rally will fail like the others

>> No.54855165

when hyperinflation happens those numbers are very short lived moments. there's no set gold/silver valuation where hyperinflation simply "stops" unless a new currency replaces the old and then we're no longer talking in terms of US dollars
it will be far more useful to discuss what goods and services an ounce will get you

>> No.54855268

Certainly, I agree.

As we have seen through history:
Four gold coins in Weimar Germany could purchase you a large sized house

In Venezuela right now a single gold coin can purchase you a 2 bedroom house.

However for certain conditions to be met be aware many people will try to get their hands on solid metal. When society breaks down from the governments of the world failing their experiment to stay in power, they will inadvertently destroy society as a whole. This means two things:

1. We will be extremely endangered
2. We will be filthy rich

Six ounces of silver will buy you ten ounces of land. This is why bankers are hoarding silver even more than gold. They will try to buy as much land and securities as possible AFTER shtf.

A single gold ounce will net you your own villa in the middle of Texas for instance with more land than you could ever need to be self sufficient.

Commodities aside you would need to deal with others in metal whose valuation meets your own.

If you took to Indonesia you could retire with a gold ounce. Or 30 silver ounces.

In the US it will be 40 silver and 1.5 oz of gold.

A gun will be worth half an ounce of silver. A blowjob from your favorite bootycall will be just 1/50th of an ounce if even. Even shavings will do.

>> No.54855276
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correct take

>> No.54855299

crypto isn’t real. the death of the dollar will take all the other fake money with it. you might be able to find a nice property on the metaverse for it. you should get some knee pads.

>> No.54855305

Ten acres of land*

>> No.54855362

Gold will flip btc

>> No.54855419

Reminder that Venezuelans preferred BTC to metal when their currency collapsed just a few years ago. Your theory directly contradicts the reality on the ground. Yes gold and silver have inherent value unlike most crypto, but metal is also easier to fake, harder to conceal, harder to trade, and easier to steal

>> No.54855439

This is something they won't or can't understand. What use is BTC? You can go to the movies with it? Wow that's cool. You can pay to get into a club with it? Nice! Oh so you're telling me some gas stations accept BTC? How useful.

Can you immediately pull it into your checking account? No? How about a 401k? Can you legally transact for a property? Nope.

It's fluff, it's completely hype based just like the tech industry. Bloated, tidally locked to the stock market and fiat currency which in itself is an illusion. Fiat will lose confidence and BTC will be a thing of the past that either helped you make it at one point or completely destroyed you even if you had only 30% of your total assets allocated towards it.

RIP crypto nerds, you will forever seethe.

>> No.54855447

Silver to zero?

>> No.54855482

Right now, a single ounce of gold can purchase you a home in Venezuela. A single ounce of BTC? Ha. Haha. I'm not sure what you're argument is here but that was funny. I talk to venezuelans frequently. Not once do they talk about crypto. But plenty mention silver and gold. One ounce of silver as of this month 2023 pays for six months of food for a family of 5. BTC? Nothing, zilch. Truly amazing. Human feces is more useful in the form of compost than BTC is for supposed practical use. Try going there yourself and try paying for anything with BTC. Ten years later and still worthless. Just hype and fluff.

>> No.54855487

>Venezuelans preferred BTC to metal when their currency collapsed just a few years ago
I sure remember seeing the articles on how they were using gold flakes to pay for food and haircuts. Where are the ones about bitcoin?

>> No.54855494

1 gold ounce is $3k AUD, you mean to tell me that I can retire in Indonesia with $3k AUD???

>> No.54855500
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>Can you immediately pull it into your checking account? No? How about a 401k?
You already have, self custody means YOU are the bank/401k

>Can you legally transact for a property?
Not with a (((bank))) but otherwise, yes you could if it's a p2p sale

>> No.54855520

So again hype, baseless hype. It holds no merit in reality.
I feel bad that your reading comprehension doesn't allow you to understand my post. Or you're just a shill/troll/jew

>> No.54855585

delusional lmao

>> No.54855604

2100 gold
28 silver

>> No.54855622
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>delusional lmao

>> No.54855644
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Cope and seethe. You can't instantly send metal across borders and you better hope a government thug doesn't wave his metal detector in your direction

>> No.54855678
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I'm a government employee gs10 to be exact but I'll remember that if my buddies and I ever point metal detectors at each other on our way to another country. I'm sure of which we could buy our way out of the country with BTC.

>> No.54855720

Thanks. I didn't know they also went balls deep in crypto, but I guess it makes sense if your currency is failing to hop into literally anything else.

>> No.54855771

Bitcoin is digital property on a global permissionless liquidity network, it doesn't actually compete with gold necessarily.

>> No.54855793

I mean I guess it sort of does but bitcoin does remain impermanent and so I think gold still exists as a hedge in hyperbitcoinization. There are also metaphysical benefits to owning physical gold which are difficult to quantify with a price.

>> No.54855802

is graph showing there were 9 trillion transactions with crypto...? Or that much in Bolivar value? Which I guess makes more sense since their currency is shit rn otherwise 9T transaction doesn't even make sense

>> No.54855853

$28 slv, $2100 gld

>> No.54856376

Fake news

>> No.54856398

kek why on earth would I care what venezuelans think

>> No.54856449

Because they just lived through the hyperinflation you've been anticipating for the last 2 weeks and the emergent economic order that came into place preferred BTC to metal. Also wherever you live I'm sure there are plenty of thirdie goober retards in that country as well

>> No.54856489
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Respectively, digits confirm

>> No.54856569

$2400 / $32 by EOY 2023.

>> No.54857120

It will be higher

>> No.54857775

Short squeeze

>> No.54857820
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These digits will prove it!

>> No.54857836
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Third time lucky

>> No.54857862

Alright 4th times the charm. Maybe I'll even get quads!

>> No.54857864


>> No.54857869
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Gold and silver to zero EOY

>> No.54858152

>In Venezuela right now a single gold coin can purchase you a 2 bedroom house.
I could buy a beach house in Venezuela with a few ounces of gold?

>> No.54858164

Why don't we all move there and start an ethno community?

>> No.54858271


(check em)

>> No.54858274

100 trillion dollars by 2030

>> No.54858378


>> No.54858417

Why would anything go up? People are going to sell on this big movement and cash out, a recession is coming.Peoplee are going to be taking profits left and right and gold will ALWAYS be at $2000. Never higher. Mark my words. Fucking faggots.

>> No.54858435

>Yellow ID
How big is your stack?

>> No.54858443
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>> No.54858504

>People are going to sell on this big movement and cash out

Those are what we call fucking retards

>> No.54858551

Not a lot, it is a bulltrap. Gold is oversold and will be worthless by end of this year since we have now commercial asteroid mining.

>> No.54858553

> crypto is not real
What is not real about tracking debts on a ledger?

>> No.54858702

Take profits in what? A dying currency digitally printed to oblivion everybody is ditching around the globe?
People are stacking mainly to get out of printed toilet paper, you have zero fucking clue of what you are talking about.
If ppl stack, it's to then exchange it for real goods and service. Personally i stack because it will be my only chance at buying a house.

>> No.54859069

If silver goes to 600 gold is going to 20 or 50k

>> No.54859075


>> No.54859091

I've been to South America unlike you faggot and you can't tell me gold and silver don't have value. Fuck you and your "reminder".

You're assuming you'd have a smart phone in a hyper inflation situation you dumb worthless fuck.

>> No.54859106

So not only are crypto faggots dumb, which we all knew, but now we know they are privileged and sheltered enough to think that not only fo third worlderd have computers and smart phones. But that they themselves will have computers and smart phones during hyper inflation.

Everybody laugh.

>> No.54859135

lmao commercial asteroid mining nigger are you high?

>> No.54859206

>Six ounces of silver will buy you ten [acres] of land
>A gun will be worth half an ounce of silver
So 12 guns could buy me 10 acres of land? Your numbers are inconsistent.

>> No.54859285

Lol you are such a fucking faggot.

>> No.54859317

Where do /biz/lets get the idea that we are mining gold from asteroids today or even in the next 50 years from?

>> No.54859357

>recession is coming
We're already at a recession what's coming is a depression

>> No.54860764

No u, you stupid goy

>> No.54860958

You can but remember it would draw attention to the community. People get robbed in Venezuela if they even find out you have any amount of gold or silver. The US has the benefit of being able to arm yourself and others. When the markets crash and gold + silver rise then it would be smart to make a community here. If Argentina wasn't so fucked up already thanks to the usd tanking it would have been a good choice too. Indonesia, maybe the Philippines and Alaska are primary settle points. But again in the asiatic countries you may be robbed however you can hire goons regularly and often quickly.

>> No.54860979

>how high will they go
Depends how hard you throw them

>> No.54861634


>> No.54861906


>> No.54861936
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its already dumping my boy. dont tell me you are still hodling this shitcoin?

>> No.54862018

Thank god, I was so worried that I wasn't going to have enough time to stack

>> No.54862066

>up more that 25% in under 8 weeks
>3% dip and the shills act like it’s crashing
>gains 1.5% back by lunch time
Lol. I wish it would crater to sub-$20 so I could stack more

>> No.54862150

How much longer until they can no longer manipulate it?

>> No.54862444

You mean how low will they go?
I'm expecting $0.30 silver, $42 gold.

>> No.54862562

Zerohedge doomertards have been saying this shit for forever now - you people are delusional

>> No.54862609

Lol you think GSR will hold above 30:1
Fucking brainlet

>> No.54862688

Shill somewhere else dumbass faggot. Nobody believes your shit. It will only ever go up from here

>> No.54862743

gold is not digital and therefore will never be real money ever again in the history of mankind, unlike btc which is in the process of growing to become money

>> No.54863043

1 oz = 1 oz
The real question is how low will the dollar go?

>> No.54863307

People aren't going to accept your shiny rocks for goods and services.

>> No.54863710

The desperate FUD is reaching critical mass, we are clearly over the target. Over 1/3rd of every PMG thread is just Jews screeching into the void.

Keep stacking boys

>> No.54863773
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>there are people out there who actually believe this shit

>> No.54866473


>> No.54866630

$6666 eoy

>> No.54867291

Gold and silver are money. Period.

Kikes will seethe and scream as fiat dies a righteous death (happening right now)

>> No.54867453

Where to buy gold online? ideally some share/token likethin. I Don't wanna do pawn shop bullshit

>> No.54867460

The best is sdbullion and jmbullion in the US but for Canada or Europe I'm not too sure.

>> No.54867482

1 ether = 1 oz of gold = 10,000 american dollars

>> No.54867593

I know, right? I mean, that's all trade is. Bitcoin cuts out the bullshit middleman kek.