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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54852087 No.54852087 [Reply] [Original]

Hey y’all, new to getting my life together financially.

I have about 10,000 in debt

And I got in touch with this agency (pic related)

And they said that signing up with their program
I quit paying my bills.
And put money in a shared bank account with them, so I can have collateral to settle the debt with the creditors.
I plan on putting a lot of extra cash per month into this account to speed up the process
But I’m scared of nuking my credit score permanently.
getting a summons to court (even though they provide free lawyers to show up there)

Is this a based move?

Will I get my debt payed off and have a fresh start?

Or am I getting into a predicament here where I look like a degenerate asshole.

>> No.54852100

>>>/t/witter fOlKS
really still using the astroturfed glow titter word yAhAll

>> No.54852117
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>> No.54852133

Are they charging you a fee? If so don't use them. If there's no fee then that means the creditors grant them money to run the business and in that case they actually can kinda help you but don't think you're not going to be paying most back. But they will help you save huge on interest and fees.

t. Used to work for major bank and helped with these grant programs

>> No.54852208

No they take a fee

Something like 2k added ontop of the projected settlement of 50 percent original debt.

To me I don’t mind paying that fee, for the 0 percent interest opprotunity of actually settling the debts instead of paying a fluxuating amount that has interest added every month. And actually getting on a plan that can work
They have me at a 200 a month plan, to get the funds to settle

Instead of paying 350 a month and half of it going to interest.

it takes somewhere between 4 months- 8 month not paying the creditors to get the creditors to settle with me.

Wich is scary because I’ve always payed my bills on time

The reason why I’m in this mess is cause of hard times this last year, and random events fucking up my cash flow.
But I always payed my credit card minimums

So going cold turkey is scary here

>> No.54852365
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>> No.54853068

They're charging you for something you can do yourself. You don't need a 3rd party to get a settlement. If that 10k is credit card, you'd probably pay a settlement amount of 5.5k if you did it yourself.

>> No.54853651

Debtmax any and all credit cards you can get, then pay none of it back. It's as shrimple as that. Don't be a bitch.

>> No.54853689

this anon knows the real hack. listen to this

>> No.54853742

You should engage the services of Samuel Hyde. He’s the best.

>> No.54853759

Just pay it off. 10k is three months of work for almost everyone in america. Eat ramen for a few months, unsubscribe from your streaming services, pay your debts and grow the fuck up. Use it as a lesson

>> No.54853830
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get back in the oven

>> No.54853984

>130k in medical debt due to an accident while i was uninsured
what do i do lmao im a poorfag i make like 50k apparently not poor enough to get medical debt written off tho.
debt just saps the will to live doesn't it, it's my first time having more than 3 digit debt in my life. it's an overwhelmingly shitty feeling.

>> No.54854459

Anon it’s a scam, look at the fine print; they get a portion of the debt (usually 25% of the FINAL DEBT) you accumulate so they’re incentivized to run up your debt as high as possible and fuck you over. They hire a lawyer who isn’t even looking out for your best interest. You’re better off just not paying then find a lawyer yourself to negotiate. They have no incentive to negotiate the lowest rate in fact they want to wan bam thank you ma’am your debt as high as possible so they can max their gains. It’s scummy Jewish tactics preying on goyim.

>> No.54854492

You can still file for bankruptcy over medical debt and you should to avoid paying that bs back. The meta now would be to rack up as much debt as possible including credit cards and personal loans then file bankruptcy after exhausting all your assets ie. Sell car have nothing that can be repossessed. This is ideal if you have no assets.

>> No.54854532

>Sell car have nothing that can be repossessed.
I don't live in a city. Losing my car would essentially mean putting a bullet in my head, it's a life essential where I am.

>> No.54854565

Transfer title to a family member you trust and don’t do bankruptcy for at least six months after the transfer so it won’t be included in proceedings. Also with 50k a year you could sell it and lease during the bankruptcy timeframe

>> No.54854683

You're not doing this over 10k credit card debt are you? Don't be retarded. You can do this yourself

>> No.54854714

They can't repo your car, credit card and medical debts are unsecured loans meaning you did not put any collateral behind them. You don't have to pay.

>> No.54854799

Just because it’s unsecured doesn’t mean a creditor couldn’t make a claim against you. That just means there isn’t any assets the creditor has first dibs to in the case of bankruptcy. If you have any wealth they can and will seek restitution. The court can 100% put a lien on your car or home over credit card and medical debt. Don’t test the credit jew frens just play the game right.

>> No.54854845

it feels good to live in the land of the fart and the shart.

>> No.54855743

Own house and car through a trust (who the fuck owns a house anyway?), this is how rich people shelter assets during divorces.

>> No.54855857

I will look into that, sounds interesting.

>> No.54858069

What if I pay tax on my crypto, that means I have to sell my crypto in a bankruptcy case?