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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54830636 No.54830636 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54830860
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>> No.54830870
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>> No.54830982



>> No.54831153

>that pic
Literally me

>> No.54831872

that's me

>> No.54832948

Missing from the picture:
>If I do X I'll only have Y hours left until I need to sleep, so I wont do it

>> No.54833074

Only things a neet thinks about

>Why am I an incel
>I can't be bothered to play videogames anymore
>That guys rich and has a family and house...that's not fair..
>Let me just say he doesn't sleep enough ! Ha im winning now!


>> No.54833101 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54833113

NEET only knows gooning and ordering goyslop delivery.

>> No.54833126
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Wagie wagie entertain me

>> No.54833327
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>> No.54833674

>having total agency and control over your own personal freedom and precious time is bad because..it just is ok!
I master and perfect my hobbies and interests and I've never felt more productive, you repeat menial tasks all day in the hopes that another man will give you table scraps. Truly a slave mentality

>> No.54834129

Legendary. /biz btfo

>> No.54834196

NEETs love to larp as philosophers who spend their time on worldly pursuits, but you're still on the same shitty time-wasting board as I am.

>> No.54834287
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>slave mentality
>be a neet who is slave to the slaves who provide them their whole existence.
>pretends to be free
kek this is rich

>> No.54834324

so why do you feel above the NEET? he's as free as you are.

>> No.54834385

I only browse /biz/ a few times a month for the lulz, I've already made it
I bought BTC at 200$, I'm a slave to nobody
Now go flip my burger wagie

>> No.54834419

Even if 99.9% of NEETs do just that, its still better than being a wageslave. The ONLY reason to wage is if you have no other income options.
t. office wagie

>> No.54834452

A wageslave wastes his time by default, a NEET wastes his time by choice, he can also choose not to, while a wageslave doesn't have that freedom

>> No.54834501

It's hard to believe there are unironic anti-neet wagies on here. As a wagie every neet is an inspiration, and are frankly our social betters. All of your seething is cope. Also men unironically using the term incel is absolute kek.
>impregnate fat whore wife
>have to move boxes around 12 hours a day to pay for her nigger fucking habit
>lash out at max-comfy neets online because you were a dumb coomer
Have some self respect wagies

>> No.54834503

anyone microdose? my job doesn't test us because i'm an office wagie. i notice it makes time fly by and soothes the pain. i don't mind waging when I do it. it's like someone presses the fast forward button. never gonna raw dog a wage day again, it's suicide fuel.

>> No.54834534

I've been attempting to use alcohol and marijuana for years to cope with the nightmare hell reality of wagie serfdom, but have never tried hallucinogens. I've considered going on Xanax and ssris and shit and totally droning out, but I'm definitely interested in this.

Any wagie copers have any experience with microdosing or any other drugs you've found help?

>> No.54834535
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I have no hate for wagies, only sympathy.

>> No.54834558
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>Be wagenigger
>Hate working Monday to Friday from 9 to 5
>Still though, go out during happy hours with coworkers, socialize, make friends and get laid every now and then since I'm not a fucking autist
>will eventually find that one girl.that I get along with and hasn't had that many partners and make a family
>will die having fulfilled life's one and only purpose: to reproduce
Now for /biz/tards:
>Be an autistic dysgenic fuck
>Get rich off crypto coins thanks to a successful ponzi scheme campaign and fuck off from the outside world forever despite not deserving that wealth
>Just do surrogate activities all day every day like playing video games since you're an asocial autist with huge deficiencies
>Become more over weight since you practically have an infinite supply of tendies and mountain dew
>Will die an unfuckable incel without any descendants to inherit your millions, essentially making you even more worthless through pointless wealth hogging without any of the trickle down economics provided through stock trading or business building
>Seethe at trannies all day because they won't even touch you despite them being ugly ass homosexuals in drag who should be forcefully euthanized

>> No.54834580

>wagie too exhausted to play video games projecting
>that guy is raising three kids, two of which aren't his, his wife is fucking niggers and being an insufferable bitch and the bastards are screaming
>the wagie fears the neet weighted blanky

>> No.54834592

This is next level projection. I almost feel bad for you, truly.

>> No.54834610

Not only are wagies seething poors, but they're also buck-broken feminists. Lol. Lmao even. 10 minute break is over wagie put the cigarette down and get back to work

>> No.54834633

>Xanax and ssris and shit
just go shrooms bro. I notice if I microdose, it wears off by the time I go home. which is good, I want to be a human being at home. if you use that shit, it'll probably last the whole day. they're really ez to grow

>> No.54834646

I don't care because since I'm not a piece of shit defective human being I
1. Get enjoyment out of being useful aka not being a lazy kike all day
2. Have friends I joke around with and cut girls I can flirt with and fuck without having to pay them
3. Have had women that wanted my children (still playing the field) so my brain is literally on made it mode 24/7 since the only purpose of all life except for brain damaged unfuckable autists is basically guaranteed for me at this point
Ps enjoy knowing you'll never fall in love since your out of school

>> No.54834668

I'm married with two kids retard and will be a forced wagie until i suck start a gun or hopefully die of cancer, I'm just not some dishonest cuck like you lol

>> No.54834704

Wagie pro tip: wake up at like 4 am if you're on day shift and pretend you're a neet for a few hours in the morning. the sleepy vibes with coffee as the sun comes up gives you a taste of what every moment is like for the chad neet

>> No.54834711

The "lazy kikes" are actually the ones you slave for, not the harmless crypto autists

>> No.54834734

>makes shit up
Every married man I know wouldn't trade their family for anything in the world kek, go pitch this larp with other biztards and wine moma you loser

>> No.54834773

>soon to be divorced wagie

>> No.54834834


>> No.54834865

1. Get enjoyment out of making my boss money in exchange for all my waking hours
2. Mas'sa let's us tell jokes to each other and there are girls I can simp for
3. Bro just think about all the women I could be a paypig for what else is there to even do in life besides work and give women money

>> No.54834871

>I bought BTC at 200$

>> No.54834884

Even welfare neetcels are superior to middling box moving wagies

>> No.54834915

>HAHA my cage is better than yours!

>> No.54834922

Don't give yourself a heart attack wagie, shekelstein needs you in extra early tommorow

>> No.54834925
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>leeches are good because…they just are ok!?!

>> No.54834941

>contributing to globohomo is le good

>> No.54834944
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You're all just arguing about imaginary caricatures that you've created in your mind. In my personal opinion nothing said in this thread is an accurate representation of reality.

>> No.54834957

t. will never have a woman be physically sexually attracted to him

>> No.54834989

Didn't this guy vote dem or member of antifa or something?

>> No.54835010

Every time i interact with another wagie who is proud of his wagiedom and seethes about chad neets they always start reeeing about feminism. I think these people are just actually buck broken feminists who have been hypnotized by pussy into being paypigs. These are the kinds of people that actually blow their brains out when their wives inevitably run off with some random

>> No.54835017

I dont wany the bottom of the plate in my food STUPID WAGIE

>> No.54835018

>wageslaving for roasties
One of the more pathetic reasons to wage

>> No.54835023

biz autista have mental breakdowns when they're reminded of the fact that they're defective human beings devoid of romance

>> No.54835061

>neeting just to spend more time playing video games
and yeah since my dopamine isnt nuked since I don't suffer from imageboard brain I can also play video games since I'm capable of enjoying them unlike neets

>> No.54835064

Did you know that every woman on Earth is actually one of the same five versions, copy and pasted billions of times?

>> No.54835085

A commensurate professional.
Well done, chang.

>> No.54835097

Why the fuck is anyone gay?

>> No.54835104
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>> No.54835274

>neeting just to spend more time playing video games
Literally nothing wrong with this
I'm sorry you are FORCED to waste your time instead of CHOOSING to waste your time. I hope you will eventually come to know and personally experience the absolute freedom of NEETing

>> No.54837145


>> No.54837380

the difference is NEETs come here in their downtime, when a wagie comes here it is the peak of their day because they have no energy for anything else

>> No.54837443
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i was just thinking, what the fuck dude
all the plates dipped in food, no presentation and it's fuckin cold by the time we'll finish giving each person his correct plate
what the fuck, the donkey that opened the door and the other dipshit that told the customer to move away, couldn't they help carry a couple of plates

what the fuck dude? Not to mention the main character, fuckin wojak there ruining his back for reason unknown to man

>> No.54837578

pathetic wagie, i could get shredded as hell 6 pack and abs easily, id rather drink, listen to music and read though. Let me just put that on my to do list this year because i have all the free time in the world

>> No.54837647

get back to that job you hate wagie, you'll never have as much money as us rich neets, you fuck roastie co workers, i fuck 10/10 models. You will never have a yacht, lambo or a multi million dollar house, you hate your life so much but nice cope i guess you can talk to cute girls at whatever hellhole you work at. Me? I'm going to take the yacht out today and fuck some girls you dream about.
t. bought 100m doge in 2015 and sold for 50 cents each

>> No.54837682

to be fair, if you're an "autistic dysgenic fuck", then becoming a crypto millionaire is probably the best outcome you can hope for.

>> No.54838322

Let the wagie feel important for a few minutes, it's all he's got

>> No.54839032
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guys, how do I make 10$ per day online? any advice?

>> No.54839873

What can you do to provide value for someone where they would be willing to pay you 10$ probably nothing

>> No.54839912

For that performance, I might consider including a 5% tip for my party of 20.

>> No.54839952
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>tfw waging while dumping my entire paycheck that doesnt go towards bills into investments
I need out bros i cant take it anymore

>> No.54839984


You could probably average that much on credit card/bank account/brokerage churning.

>> No.54840046

This is cope. Women will absolutely be attracted to a NEET loser as long as he has a pretty enough face. I NEETed throughout my early 20s and never had a problem getting pussy. No amount of money will make you sexually attractive to a woman. Money is an abstract concept which can't override something primal and innate like sexual attraction based on physical appearance.

>> No.54840077
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I broke this shitty life last year when I learned to code, Now I can finally retire in a few months hopefully, I will create a quantum-resistant NFT and let yall buy and work for me

>> No.54840094
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>> No.54840116

it's fun to pretend to be the wise guy when you're only 20yo baby KEK
they spend their time playing games and asking their parents to pay their rent, while we spend all day working, trying to want something better using things like crypto, or even if we get scammed we use things like PLEB to try to recover, the difference is at least we try something instead of complaining

>> No.54840150

One slip and he suffers debilitating back pain for years. Is the meagre pay and 45 dollar tip really worth it?

>> No.54840152
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>just get a jo-ACK!

>> No.54840161

My gods, that was impressive!.
Wondering that all the food was
still hot/warm?

>> No.54840169
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>> No.54840196
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good work wagie, here's your tip

>> No.54840463
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QAN will be the best chain for that

>> No.54840689

a hairy tight puckered butthole is hotter.

>> No.54840714

brutal gyno on this guy

>> No.54840968
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Any autists make it in the wagie world? Every time I've tried actually working I get debilitating panic attacks, and since there's so little on my resume it's nearly impossible to get anything but bottom-of-the-barrel retail jobs. I just quit the only job I could actually get in six months of job searching because I literally just stood on bare concrete in a hot room sorting clothes all day, it was one of the most miserable experiences of my entire life.

>> No.54841395

been there.

>> No.54841415

>guy could have carried the stand or helped carry the food
>walks behind him with a camera instead

>> No.54841418

on a woman yeah you disgusting faggy freak

>> No.54841459

she's not even really that hot man, calm down.

>> No.54841508

this karen got roasted to the point of no return btw.
Linkedin is a hugbox. Fuckin place sucks.
>t. HR Chad

>> No.54841582

Get a CDL and drive a truck, wages are a massive step up from non-skilled jobs, you are left alone, and you get to chill and drive around listening to racist podcasts. When you're done driving you get in your neetshack in the back and play video games. This is the autistic and impoverished wagie end game.

>> No.54841639

Also, just lie and fill in gaps in your resume by stretching the other jobs out and shit, no one cares or checks anyway.

>> No.54841688
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let s complaint on the internal chat guys https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/03/google-employees-complain-about-ceo-sundar-pichais-pay-raise.html